package test.wait_example;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
import wtbox.util.TimeTool;
import wtbox.util.WaitTool;
* These tests show how to handle AJAX elements wait in Selenium 2 (WebDriver).
* The best practice is to set implicitWait at the beginning of a test,
* and use WebDriverWait for AJAX and specific elements.
* But you cannot use implicitWait and WebDriverWait at the same time
* because you have to set implicitWait to 0 before calling WebDriverWait,
* and reset afterwards.
* However, our WaitTool solve the complexity of implicitWait and WebDriverWait,
* and provides easy methods to use.
* Generally relying on implicitlyWait slows things down
* so use WaitTool�s explicit wait methods as much as possible.
* This class shows how to use WaitTool, and how to handle AJAX elements wait.
* @author Chon Chung
public class AJAX_wait {
private static WebDriver driver;
/** Initialized class properties before executing this test class. */
public static void beforeClass(){
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
* Set the testing properties before each test.
public void setup() {
//Set implicitlyWait, so WebDriver will wait for an element if they are not immediately available
WaitTool.setImplicitWait(driver, WaitTool.DEFAULT_WAIT_4_PAGE);
* Testing AJAX XMLHttpRequest wait.
* I use WaitTool.waitForJavaScriptCondition() for waiting AJAX XMLHttpRequest received.
* Upon completion of AJAX XMLHttpRequest, XMLHttpRequest readState and status are changed.
* So, we can use them as the checking condition of an AJAX call.
public void testW3schools_AJAX(){
//Get the original text
String originalText = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div#myDiv")).getText();
//click the AJAX call button. it call "loadXMLDoc()" JavaScript function to load AJAX elements.
//Wait for AJAX XMLHttpRequest received condition
//Note: In the called "loadXMLDoc()" function, there is "xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200" javaScript condition.
// Upon completion of AJAX XMLHttpRequest, XMLHttpRequest readState and status are changed.
// So, we can use them as the checking condition of an AJAX call.
// For more info:
boolean isReady = WaitTool.waitForJavaScriptCondition(driver,
"return (xmlhttp.readyState >= 2 && xmlhttp.status == 200)", 5);
if (isReady){
//Get the changed text after AJAX call
String afterAJAX_Call_Text = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div#myDiv")).getText();
System.out.println("Before Text: " + originalText);
//assert not equal
assertFalse("AJAX Call Changed the text", originalText.equalsIgnoreCase(afterAJAX_Call_Text));
System.out.println("After AJAX call - Text: " + afterAJAX_Call_Text);
}else{"Verify Failed: AJAX XMLHttpRequest is not ready");
* Testing AJAX Elements wait.
* I use WaitTool.waitForElement() for waiting AJAX elements.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Note: the original test from:
* [Video tutorial: functional testing with Selenium IDE]
public void testBielu_com_AJAX()
//Click the ("Image Statistics") button to load an AJAX page
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[title=\"Image Statistics\"] > img")).click();
//Wait for an AJAX Element ("Summed Images Impressions by Region")
WebElement summed_img = WaitTool.waitForElement(driver, By.xpath("//div[@id='statistics']/img[3]"), 5);
//Wait for an AJAX Element ("Directories Visits")
WebElement directory_img = WaitTool.waitForElement(driver, By.xpath("//div[@id='statistics']/img[5]"),5 );
if(summed_img != null && directory_img != null){
// compare with expected values with the actual values
assertEquals("Image width" , 400, summed_img.getSize().width);
assertEquals("Image height" , 250, summed_img.getSize().height);
System.out.println("Summed image size: " + summed_img.getSize());
assertEquals("Image width" , 800, directory_img.getSize().width);
assertEquals("Image height" , 250, directory_img.getSize().height);
System.out.println("directory image size: " + directory_img.getSize());
}else{"Verify Failed: fail for waiting AJAX elements");
* TO DO: show jquery AJAX testing demo here.
public void testJquery4u_AJAX(){
* Testing WaitTool class. Does WaitTool really work?
* This test verify 3 things:
* 1. Test if the WaitTool method only wait for the given wait time.
* and implicitlyWait setting does not effect on WaitTool's wait time.
* 2. Test performance: how long does it takes calling driver-implicitlyWait 100 times.
* 3. Verify reset implicitlyWait() does actually work:
public void testWaitTool_class(){
System.out.println("test WaitTool_class-----------------------------------------");
//test if the WaitTool method only wait for the given amount wait time.
// and implicitlyWait setting does not effect on WaitTool's wait time.
System.out.println("Test WaitTool.waitForElement: 3 seconds wait time =========");
System.out.println(" time before WaitTool.waitForElement: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
//wait for 3 seconds:
WaitTool.waitForElement(driver, By.cssSelector("div#really_long_id_should_not_in_a_page__blar_blar_blar"), 3);
System.out.println(" time after WaitTool.waitForElement: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
//test performance: how long does it takes calling driver-implicitlyWait 100 times.
System.out.println("Test performance: calling driver-implicitlyWait 100 times=========");
System.out.println(" time before calling: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
//resetImplicitWait call driver-implicitlyWait() 2 times(nullify and set).
WaitTool.resetImplicitWait(driver, i);
System.out.println(" time after calling: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
//Test reset implicitWait
WaitTool.resetImplicitWait(driver, 2);
System.out.println("Test resetImplicitWait (given wait time = 2 seconds) =========");
System.out.println(" time before: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
//check how long implicitlyWait() do actually wait
}catch (Exception e){}
System.out.println(" time after: " + TimeTool.getCurrentTime());
System.out.println("test WaitTool_class-----------------------------------------");
public static void tearDown(){
* References:
* 1. Javascript with WebDriver (Selenium 2):