Package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader

Source Code of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.BootstrapReaderV2Main$Cli

* Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapConfig;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapConfigBase;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.common.BootstrapReadOnlyConfig;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.BootstrapDBReader;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.BootstrapReaderEventHandler;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.filter.BootstrapReaderFilter;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.filter.PayloadFieldEqFilter;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.filter.PayloadFieldGtFilter;
import com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.filter.PayloadFieldLtFilter;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.BaseCli;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.InvalidConfigException;
import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.FileSystemVersionedSchemaSetProvider;
import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.ResourceVersionedSchemaSetProvider;
import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchemaSet;
import com.linkedin.databus2.schemas.VersionedSchemaSetProvider;

* A helper utility to read  the contents of the bootstrap database
public class BootstrapReaderV2Main
  public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BootstrapReaderV2Main.class);

  public static class Cli extends BaseCli
    private static final int QUERY_BATCH_SIZE = 50;
    public static final String BST_DBNAME_OPT_NAME = "db";
    public static final char BST_DBNAME_OPT_CHAR = 'D';
    public static final String MYSQL_HOST_OPT_NAME = "mysql_host";
    public static final char MYSQL_HOST_OPT_CHAR = 'H';
    public static final String BST_USER_OPT_NAME = "user";
    public static final char BST_USER_OPT_CHAR = 'u';
    public static final String BST_PASSWORD_OPT_NAME = "password";
    public static final char BST_PASSWORD_OPT_CHAR = 'p';
    public static final String WITH_SNAPSHOT_OPT_NAME = "with-snapshot-table";
    public static final char WITH_SNAPSHOT_OPT_CHAR = 'S';
    public static final String WITH_LOG_OPT_NAME = "with-log-tables";
    public static final char WITH_LOG_OPT_CHAR = 'L';
    public static final String SCNS_OPT_NAME = "scns";
    public static final String KEYS_OPT_NAME = "keys";
    public static final String SRCID_OPT_NAME = "srcid";
    public static final String SRCNAME_OPT_NAME = "srcname";
    public static final String SCHEMAS_PATH_OPT_NAME = "schemas_registry";
    public static final String PAYLOAD_COND_OPT_NAME = "payload_matches";

    private static final Pattern PAYLOAD_COND_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(<=|<|>|>=|==|!=|~)(.+)");

    private final BootstrapConfig _bstCfg;
    private short _srcId = (short)-1;
    private final MetaDataFiltersBuilder _metaBuilder =
        new MetaDataFiltersBuilder();
    private final List<String> _tableNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    private final List<BootstrapReaderFilter> _eventFilters =
        new ArrayList<BootstrapReaderFilter>();
    private VersionedSchemaSetProvider _schemaSetProvider =
        new ResourceVersionedSchemaSetProvider(this.getClass().getClassLoader());

    public Cli(Logger log) throws IOException
      super(constructCliHelp(), log);
      _bstCfg = new BootstrapConfig();

    private static BaseCli.CliHelp constructCliHelp()
      return new BaseCli.CliHelpBuilder()
           .addLine("A simple tool to inspect the contents for MySQL bootstrap database")
           .addLine("* Find records in tab_201 with key 12345")
           .add("java ")
           .addLine("-H --with-snaptshot-table --keys 12345,12345 --srcid 201")
           .addLine("* Find records in tab_201 with key from \"abc\" to \"abd\" and scn <= 1000 " +
                    "(key range works as expected only for true string keys)")
           .add("java ")
           .addLine("-H --with-snaptshot-table --keys abc,abd --scn ,1000 --srcid 201")
           .addLine("* Find records in tab_201, log_201_100, ..., log_201_200 with key > 123  which " +
                    "are not deleted (works for number keys but requires a full table scan)")
           .add("java ")
           .addLine("-H --with-snaptshot-table --with-log-tables 100,200  " +
                    "--srcid 201 --payload_matches key>123 --payload_matches isDeleted==N")

    protected void constructCommandLineOptions()
                       .withDescription("bootstrap database name; default is " +
                       .withDescription("bootstrap MySQL host; default is " +
                       .withDescription("bootstrap user name; default is " +
                       .withDescription("bootstrap user password; default is " +
                       .withDescription("scan snapshot table")
                       .withDescription("scan log tables. If min_log_id is not specified, the" +
                                        " first available log will be used. if max_log_id is not" +
                                        " specified, the last available log table will be used.")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("scn range to return")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("key range to return")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("logical source id to scan; exactly one of --srcid and " +
                                        "--srcname should be specified")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("logical source name to scan; exactly one of --srcid and " +
                                        "--srcname should be specified")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("path to the schemas registry with the Avro schemas to use for decoding")
          OptionBuilder.withDescription("payload predicate: <OP> can be <=,<,>,>=,==,!=,~")

    public boolean processCommandLineArgs(String[] cliArgs)
      if (!super.processCommandLineArgs(cliArgs))
        return false;

      if (!processBootstrapOptions())
        return false;
      if (!processTables())
        return false;
      if (!processMetadataFilters())
        return false;
      if (!processEventFilters())
        return false;
      if (!processSchemasPath())
        return false;

      return true;

    private boolean processTables()
      if (_cmd.hasOption(SRCID_OPT_NAME))
          _srcId = Short.parseShort(_cmd.getOptionValue(SRCID_OPT_NAME));
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          printError("invalid logical source id: " + _cmd.getOptionValue(SRCID_OPT_NAME), false);
          return false;
      if (_cmd.hasOption(SRCNAME_OPT_NAME))
        //TODO add support for mapping a logical source name to an id
        printError("option not supported yet: " + SRCNAME_OPT_NAME, false);
        return false;
      if (_srcId <= 0)
        printError("no logical source specified", true);
        return false;
      if (_cmd.hasOption(WITH_SNAPSHOT_OPT_CHAR))
        _tableNames.add("tab_" + _srcId);
      if (_cmd.hasOption(WITH_LOG_OPT_CHAR))
        int minLogId = -1;
        int maxLogId = -1;

        String logOpt = _cmd.getOptionValue(WITH_LOG_OPT_CHAR);
        if (null != logOpt)
          int commaPos = logOpt.indexOf(',');
            if (-1 == commaPos)
              minLogId = Integer.parseInt(logOpt);
              maxLogId = minLogId;
              if (commaPos > 0)
                minLogId = Integer.parseInt(logOpt.substring(0, commaPos));
              if (commaPos < logOpt.length() - 1)
                maxLogId = Integer.parseInt(logOpt.substring(commaPos + 1));
          catch (NumberFormatException e)
            printError("invalid log table number(s): " + logOpt, true);
            return false;

        if (0 > minLogId || 0 > maxLogId)
          //TODO add the ability to figure out the oldest and/or newest log table
          printError("log table number wildcards are not supported yet", false);
          return false;

        for (int lid = minLogId; lid <= maxLogId; ++lid)
          _tableNames.add("log_" + _srcId + "_" + lid);

      if (0 == _tableNames.size())
        printError("At least one of --" + WITH_SNAPSHOT_OPT_NAME + " or --" + WITH_LOG_OPT_NAME +
                   " is required.", true);
        return false;

      return true;

    private boolean processEventFilters()
      if (_cmd.hasOption(PAYLOAD_COND_OPT_NAME))
        for (String cond: _cmd.getOptionValues(PAYLOAD_COND_OPT_NAME))
          if (!processEventFilter(cond))
            return false;
      return true;

    private boolean processEventFilter(String cond)
      Matcher m  = PAYLOAD_COND_REGEX.matcher(cond);
      if (! m.matches())
        printError("invalid payload predicate: " + cond, true);
        return false;
      //try to guess the type of the constant
      //TODO make this smarter -- inspect the schema
      String constStr =;
      Object constArg = constStr;
      Long constLong = null;
      Double constDouble = null;
        constLong = Long.parseLong(constStr);
        constArg = constLong;
      catch (NumberFormatException e)
        //try next type
      if (null == constLong)
          constDouble = Double.parseDouble(constStr);
          constArg = constDouble;
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          //use string
      String oper =;
      if ("<".equals(oper))
        BootstrapReaderFilter f = new PayloadFieldLtFilter(, constArg);
      else if (">".equals(oper))
        BootstrapReaderFilter f = new PayloadFieldGtFilter(, constArg);
      else if ("==".equals(oper))
        BootstrapReaderFilter f = new PayloadFieldEqFilter(, constArg);
        printError("unsupported relationship: " + oper, false);
        return false;
      //TODO add column name validation
      return true;

    private boolean processMetadataFilters()
      if (_cmd.hasOption(KEYS_OPT_NAME))
        String keysOpt = _cmd.getOptionValue(KEYS_OPT_NAME);
        String[] optParts = keysOpt.split(",");
        if (optParts.length > 2)
          printError("invalid key range specifier:" + keysOpt, true);
          return false;
        if (optParts[0].length() > 0)
        if (2 == optParts.length && optParts[1].length() > 0)

      if (_cmd.hasOption(SCNS_OPT_NAME))
        String scnsOpt = _cmd.getOptionValue(SCNS_OPT_NAME);
        String[] optParts = scnsOpt.split(",");
        if (optParts.length > 2)
          printError("invalid SCN range specifier:" + scnsOpt, true);
          return false;
          if (optParts[0].length() > 0)
          if (2 == optParts.length && optParts[1].length() > 0)
        catch (NumberFormatException e)
          printError("invalid SCN range specifier:" + scnsOpt, true);
          return false;

      return true;

    private boolean processBootstrapOptions()
       if (_cmd.hasOption(BST_DBNAME_OPT_CHAR))
       if (_cmd.hasOption(MYSQL_HOST_OPT_CHAR))
       if (_cmd.hasOption(BST_USER_OPT_CHAR))
       if (_cmd.hasOption(BST_PASSWORD_OPT_CHAR))
         String pwd = _cmd.getOptionValue(BST_PASSWORD_OPT_CHAR);
         if (null == pwd)
           Console console = System.console();
           if (null == console)
             printError("no password specified", true);
             return false;
           char[] pwdChars = console.readPassword("Enter bootstrap MySQL password:");
           if (null == pwdChars)
             printError("no password specified", true);
             return false;
           pwd = new String(pwdChars);
       return true;

    public boolean processSchemasPath()
      if (_cmd.hasOption(SCHEMAS_PATH_OPT_NAME))
        _schemaSetProvider =
            new FileSystemVersionedSchemaSetProvider(
                new File(_cmd.getOptionValue(SCHEMAS_PATH_OPT_NAME)));
      return true;

    public BootstrapReadOnlyConfig getBstCfg() throws InvalidConfigException

    public MetaDataFilters getMetadataFilters()

    public List<String> getTableNames()
      return Collections.unmodifiableList(_tableNames);

    public List<BootstrapReaderFilter> getEventFilters()
      return _eventFilters;

    public VersionedSchemaSet getSchemaSet()
      return _schemaSetProvider.loadSchemas();

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Cli cli = new Cli(null);
    if (!cli.processCommandLineArgs(args))

    BootstrapReaderEventHandler eventHandler = new BootstrapDBReader.DumpEventHandler();

    for (String table: cli.getTableNames())
    {"scanning table " + table);
      BootstrapTableReaderV2 reader = new
          BootstrapTableReaderV2(table, cli.getMetadataFilters(), cli.getSchemaSet(), eventHandler,
                                  cli.getEventFilters(), cli.getBstCfg(), null);


Related Classes of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.utils.bst_reader.BootstrapReaderV2Main$Cli

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