JWildfire - an image and animation processor written in Java
Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Andreas Maschke
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jwildfire.transform;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.jwildfire.base.Property;
import org.jwildfire.base.PropertyCategory;
import org.jwildfire.base.PropertyMax;
import org.jwildfire.base.PropertyMin;
import org.jwildfire.image.Pixel;
import org.jwildfire.image.SimpleImage;
import org.jwildfire.image.WFImage;
import org.jwildfire.swing.Buffer;
import org.jwildfire.swing.NonHDRImageBufferComboBoxEditor;
import com.l2fprod.common.beans.editor.ComboBoxPropertyEditor;
public class ComposeTransformer extends Mesh2DTransformer {
public enum HAlignment {
public enum VAlignment {
public enum Genlock {
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.PRIMARY, description = "Image to put in foreground (background image is received from the input channel)", editorClass = NonHDRImageBufferComboBoxEditor.class)
private Buffer foreground;
private SimpleImage foregroundImage; // Alternative way to specify the foreground image directly
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.SECONDARY, description = "Left offset of the foreground image")
private int left = 0;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.SECONDARY, description = "Top offset of the foreground image")
private int top = 0;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.PRIMARY, description = "Transparency of foreground image")
private int transparency = 0;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.PRIMARY, description = "Horizontal alignment of the foreground image", editorClass = HAlignmentEditor.class)
private HAlignment hAlign = HAlignment.CENTRE;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.PRIMARY, description = "Vertical alignment of the foreground image", editorClass = VAlignmentEditor.class)
private VAlignment vAlign = VAlignment.CENTRE;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.SECONDARY, description = "Genlock mode", editorClass = GenlockEditor.class)
private Genlock genlock = Genlock.NONE;
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.SECONDARY, description = "Genlock color A")
protected Color colorA = new Color(0, 0, 0);
@Property(category = PropertyCategory.SECONDARY, description = "Genlock color B")
protected Color colorB = new Color(0, 0, 0);
protected void performPixelTransformation(WFImage pImg) {
SimpleImage bImg = (SimpleImage) pImg;
SimpleImage fImg = (foregroundImage != null) ? foregroundImage : foreground.getImage();
if (fImg == bImg)
fImg = fImg.clone();
Pixel hPixel = new Pixel();
Pixel bPixel = new Pixel();
// calculate left and top edge
int left, top;
if (hAlign == HAlignment.CENTRE) {
left = (bImg.getImageWidth() - fImg.getImageWidth()) / 2;
else if (hAlign == HAlignment.LEFT) {
left = 0;
else if (hAlign == HAlignment.RIGHT) {
left = bImg.getImageWidth() - fImg.getImageWidth();
else {
left = this.left;
if (vAlign == VAlignment.CENTRE) {
top = (bImg.getImageHeight() - fImg.getImageHeight()) / 2;
else if (vAlign == VAlignment.TOP) {
top = 0;
else if (vAlign == VAlignment.BOTTOM) {
top = bImg.getImageHeight() - fImg.getImageHeight();
else {
top = this.top;
// calculate affected region
int hsize = 0, vsize = 0;
int bgleft = 0, bgtop = 0;
int sleft = 0, stop = 0;
int swidth = fImg.getImageWidth();
int sheight = fImg.getImageHeight();
int bgwidth = bImg.getImageWidth();
int bgheight = bImg.getImageHeight();
/* case 1 */
if ((left >= 0) && (top >= 0)) {
if ((left >= bgwidth) || (top >= bgheight))
hsize = bgwidth - left;
if (hsize > swidth)
hsize = swidth;
vsize = bgheight - top;
if (vsize > sheight)
vsize = sheight;
bgtop = top;
bgleft = left;
sleft = 0;
stop = 0;
/* case 2 */
else if ((left < 0) && (top >= 0)) {
if ((left <= (0 - swidth)) || (top >= bgheight))
hsize = swidth + left;
if (hsize > bgwidth)
hsize = bgwidth;
vsize = bgheight - top;
if (vsize > sheight)
vsize = sheight;
bgtop = top;
bgleft = 0;
sleft = 0 - left;
stop = 0;
/* case 3 */
else if ((left >= 0) && (top < 0)) {
if ((left >= bgwidth) || (top <= (0 - sheight)))
hsize = bgwidth - left;
if (hsize > swidth)
hsize = swidth;
vsize = sheight + top;
if (vsize > bgheight)
vsize = bgheight;
bgtop = 0;
bgleft = left;
stop = 0 - top;
sleft = 0;
/* case 4 */
else if ((left < 0) && (top < 0)) {
if ((left <= (0 - swidth)) || (top <= (0 - sheight)))
hsize = swidth + left;
if (hsize > bgwidth)
hsize = bgwidth;
vsize = sheight + top;
if (vsize > bgheight)
vsize = bgheight;
bgtop = 0;
bgleft = 0;
stop = 0 - top;
sleft = 0 - left;
// Genlock colors
int credA = this.colorA.getRed();
int cgreenA = this.colorA.getGreen();
int cblueA = this.colorA.getBlue();
int credB = this.colorB.getRed();
int cgreenB = this.colorB.getGreen();
int cblueB = this.colorB.getBlue();
int tc;
if (credA > credB) {
tc = credA;
credA = credB;
credB = tc;
if (cgreenA > cgreenB) {
tc = cgreenA;
cgreenA = cgreenB;
cgreenB = tc;
if (cblueA > cblueB) {
tc = cblueA;
cblueA = cblueB;
cblueB = tc;
int mix = 100 - this.transparency;
if (mix == 100) {
if (this.genlock == Genlock.NONE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, hPixel.r, hPixel.g, hPixel.b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.COLOR) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if ((hPixel.r != credA) || (hPixel.g != cgreenA) || (hPixel.b != cblueA)) {
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, hPixel.r, hPixel.g, hPixel.b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.IN_RANGE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if (((hPixel.r < credA) || (hPixel.r > credB))
&& ((hPixel.g < cgreenA) || (hPixel.g > cgreenB))
&& ((hPixel.b < cblueA) || (hPixel.b > cblueB))) {
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, hPixel.r, hPixel.g, hPixel.b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.OUT_RANGE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if (((hPixel.r >= credA) && (hPixel.r <= credB))
&& ((hPixel.g >= cgreenA) && (hPixel.g <= cgreenB))
&& ((hPixel.b >= cblueA) && (hPixel.b <= cblueB))) {
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, hPixel.r, hPixel.g, hPixel.b);
else {
int m1 = 100 - mix;
int m2 = mix;
if (this.genlock == Genlock.NONE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
bPixel.setARGBValue(bImg.getARGBValue(bgleft + j, bgtop + i));
int r = ((int) ((int) bPixel.r * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.r) * m2) / (int) 100;
int g = ((int) ((int) bPixel.g * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.g) * m2) / (int) 100;
int b = ((int) ((int) bPixel.b * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.b) * m2) / (int) 100;
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, r, g, b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.COLOR) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if ((hPixel.r != credA) || (hPixel.g != cgreenA) || (hPixel.b != cblueA)) {
bPixel.setARGBValue(bImg.getARGBValue(bgleft + j, bgtop + i));
int r = ((int) ((int) bPixel.r * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.r) * m2) / (int) 100;
int g = ((int) ((int) bPixel.g * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.g) * m2) / (int) 100;
int b = ((int) ((int) bPixel.b * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.b) * m2) / (int) 100;
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, r, g, b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.IN_RANGE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if (((hPixel.r < credA) || (hPixel.r > credB))
&& ((hPixel.g < cgreenA) || (hPixel.g > cgreenB))
&& ((hPixel.b < cblueA) || (hPixel.b > cblueB))) {
bPixel.setARGBValue(bImg.getARGBValue(bgleft + j, bgtop + i));
int r = ((int) ((int) bPixel.r * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.r) * m2) / (int) 100;
int g = ((int) ((int) bPixel.g * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.g) * m2) / (int) 100;
int b = ((int) ((int) bPixel.b * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.b) * m2) / (int) 100;
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, r, g, b);
else if (this.genlock == Genlock.OUT_RANGE) {
for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < hsize; j++) {
hPixel.setARGBValue(fImg.getARGBValue(sleft + j, stop + i));
if (((hPixel.r >= credA) && (hPixel.r <= credB))
&& ((hPixel.g >= cgreenA) && (hPixel.g <= cgreenB))
&& ((hPixel.b >= cblueA) && (hPixel.b <= cblueB))) {
bPixel.setARGBValue(bImg.getARGBValue(bgleft + j, bgtop + i));
int r = ((int) ((int) bPixel.r * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.r) * m2) / (int) 100;
int g = ((int) ((int) bPixel.g * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.g) * m2) / (int) 100;
int b = ((int) ((int) bPixel.b * m1) + (int) ((int) hPixel.b) * m2) / (int) 100;
bImg.setRGB(bgleft + j, bgtop + i, r, g, b);
public void initDefaultParams(WFImage pImg) {
left = 0;
top = 0;
transparency = 0;
hAlign = HAlignment.CENTRE;
vAlign = VAlignment.CENTRE;
genlock = Genlock.NONE;
colorA = new Color(0, 0, 0);
colorB = new Color(0, 0, 0);
public static class HAlignmentEditor extends ComboBoxPropertyEditor {
public HAlignmentEditor() {
setAvailableValues(new HAlignment[] { HAlignment.OFF, HAlignment.CENTRE, HAlignment.LEFT,
HAlignment.RIGHT });
public static class VAlignmentEditor extends ComboBoxPropertyEditor {
public VAlignmentEditor() {
setAvailableValues(new VAlignment[] { VAlignment.OFF, VAlignment.CENTRE, VAlignment.TOP,
VAlignment.BOTTOM });
public static class GenlockEditor extends ComboBoxPropertyEditor {
public GenlockEditor() {
setAvailableValues(new Genlock[] { Genlock.NONE, Genlock.COLOR, Genlock.IN_RANGE,
Genlock.OUT_RANGE });
public Buffer getForeground() {
return foreground;
public void setForeground(Buffer foreground) {
this.foreground = foreground;
public int getLeft() {
return left;
public void setLeft(int left) {
this.left = left;
public int getTop() {
return top;
public void setTop(int top) {
this.top = top;
public int getTransparency() {
return transparency;
public void setTransparency(int transparency) {
this.transparency = transparency;
public HAlignment getHAlign() {
return hAlign;
public void setHAlign(HAlignment hAlign) {
this.hAlign = hAlign;
public VAlignment getVAlign() {
return vAlign;
public void setVAlign(VAlignment vAlign) {
this.vAlign = vAlign;
public Genlock getGenlock() {
return genlock;
public void setGenlock(Genlock genlock) {
this.genlock = genlock;
public Color getColorA() {
return colorA;
public void setColorA(Color colorA) {
this.colorA = colorA;
public Color getColorB() {
return colorB;
public void setColorB(Color colorB) {
this.colorB = colorB;
public void setForegroundImage(SimpleImage pForegroundImage) {
foregroundImage = pForegroundImage;