JWildfire - an image and animation processor written in Java
Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Andreas Maschke
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jwildfire.envelope;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import org.jwildfire.base.Prefs;
import org.jwildfire.base.Tools;
public class EnvelopePanel extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Color BG_COLOR = new Color(0, 0, 0);
private static final Color GRID_COLOR = new Color(55, 59, 65);
private static final Color LABEL_COLOR = new Color(174, 179, 186);
private static final Color ENVELOPE_COLOR = new Color(217, 219, 223);
// private static final String LBL_FONT_NAME = "Arial";
// private static final int LBL_FONT_SIZE = 10;
private static final String LBL_FONT_NAME = "SansSerif";
private static final int LBL_FONT_SIZE = 10;
private Envelope envelope;
private final Prefs prefs;
private boolean drawGrid = true;
private boolean drawTicks = true;
public EnvelopePanel() {
prefs = Prefs.getPrefs();
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
if (prefs.isTinaEditorControlsWithAntialiasing()) {
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
EnvelopeView envelopeView = new EnvelopeView(this);
g.fillRect(0, 0, envelopeView.getWidth(), envelopeView.getHeight());
if (envelope != null) {
if (drawGrid) {
drawGrid(g, envelopeView);
drawLines(g, envelopeView);
if (envelope != null && !envelope.isLocked()) {
drawPoints(g, envelopeView);
private void drawGrid(Graphics g, EnvelopeView pEnvelopeView) {
int xnum = 20, ynum = 12;
int fl = 0;
/* lines */
int lineMax = 1000;
double dx = envelope.getViewXMax() - envelope.getViewXMin();
double step = Tools.FTOI(dx / (double) xnum);
if (step < 1.0)
step = 1.0;
int div = Tools.FTOI((double) (envelope.getViewXMin() / step));
double x = (double) div * step;
int lineCount = 0;
do {
double fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXTrans();
int dxl = Tools.FTOI(fx);
if ((dxl >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft()) && (dxl <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())) {
g.drawLine(dxl, pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop(), dxl, pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom());
x += step;
while (x < envelope.getViewXMax() && ++lineCount < lineMax);
double dy = envelope.getViewYMax() - envelope.getViewYMin();
double step = Tools.FTOI(dy / (double) ynum);
if (step < 1.0) {
step = dy / (double) ynum;
if (step >= 0.5) {
step = 0.5;
fl = 1;
else {
step = 0.25;
fl = 2;
int div = Tools.FTOI((double) (envelope.getViewYMin() / step));
double y = (double) div * step;
int lineCount = 0;
do {
double fy = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYScale() * y - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYTrans();
int dyl = Tools.FTOI(fy);
if ((dyl >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop()) && (dyl <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom())) {
g.drawLine(pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft(), dyl, pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight(), dyl);
y += step;
while (y < envelope.getViewYMax() && ++lineCount < lineMax);
/* tick-labels */
if (drawTicks) {
Font font = new Font(LBL_FONT_NAME, Font.PLAIN, LBL_FONT_SIZE);
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
int yFontOffset = fm.getMaxAscent();
FontRenderContext frc = fm.getFontRenderContext();
double dx = envelope.getViewXMax() - envelope.getViewXMin();
double step = Tools.FTOI(dx / (double) xnum);
if (step < 1.0)
step = 1.0;
int div = Tools.FTOI((double) (envelope.getViewXMin() / step));
double x = (double) div * step;
int cnt = 0;
int tickCount = 0;
do {
double fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXTrans();
int dxl = Tools.FTOI(fx);
if (cnt % 2 == 0) {
String hs = String.valueOf(Tools.FTOI(x));
Rectangle2D rect = font.getStringBounds(hs, frc);
int tw = (int) (rect.getWidth() + 0.5);
int leftEdge = dxl - tw / 2;
if ((leftEdge >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft())
&& ((leftEdge + tw) <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight()))
int topEdge = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom() - yFontOffset;
g.drawString(hs, leftEdge, topEdge);
x += step;
while (x < envelope.getViewXMax() && ++tickCount < lineMax);
double dx = envelope.getViewYMax() - envelope.getViewYMin();
double step = Tools.FTOI(dx / (double) ynum);
if (step < 1.0) {
step = dx / (double) ynum;
if (step >= 0.5) {
step = 0.5;
fl = 1;
else {
step = 0.25;
fl = 2;
int div = Tools.FTOI((double) (envelope.getViewYMin() / step));
double x = (double) div * step;
int cnt = 0;
int tickCount = 0;
do {
double fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYTrans();
int dxl = Tools.FTOI(fx);
if (cnt % 2 == 0) {
String hs;
if (fl == 0)
hs = String.valueOf(Tools.FTOI(x));
hs = String.valueOf(x);
int topEdge = dxl - (yFontOffset / 2) - 1;
if (topEdge >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop()) {
int leftEdge = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft() + 3;
g.drawString(hs, leftEdge, topEdge);
x += step;
while (x < envelope.getViewYMax() && ++tickCount < lineMax);
private void drawLines(Graphics g, EnvelopeView pEnvelopeView) {
if (envelope.size() < 2)
int subdiv = Interpolation.calcSubDivPRV(envelope.getX(), envelope.size());
Interpolation interpolationX, interpolationY;
if (envelope.size() > 2) {
switch (envelope.getInterpolation()) {
case SPLINE:
interpolationX = new SplineInterpolation();
interpolationY = new SplineInterpolation();
case BEZIER:
interpolationX = new BezierInterpolation();
interpolationY = new BezierInterpolation();
interpolationX = new LinearInterpolation();
interpolationY = new LinearInterpolation();
else {
interpolationX = new LinearInterpolation();
interpolationY = new LinearInterpolation();
if (interpolationX.getDnum() != interpolationY.getDnum())
throw new IllegalStateException();
double[] sx = interpolationX.getDest();
double[] sy = interpolationY.getDest();
int sCount = interpolationY.getDnum();
double x = sx[0];
double y = sy[0];
double fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXTrans();
double fy = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYScale() * y - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYTrans();
int dxl = Tools.FTOI(fx);
int dyl = Tools.FTOI(fy);
for (int i = 1; i < sCount; i++) {
x = (double) sx[i];
y = (double) sy[i];
fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXTrans();
fy = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYScale() * y - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYTrans();
int dx = Tools.FTOI(fx);
int dy = Tools.FTOI(fy);
if ((dx >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft()) && (dx <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())
&& (dxl >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft()) && (dxl <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())
&& (dy >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop()) && (dy <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom())
&& (dyl >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop()) && (dyl <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom()))
g.drawLine(dxl, dyl, dx, dy);
//if(i>1) (void)WritePixel(Envelope_RastPort,dxl,dyl);
dxl = dx;
dyl = dy;
private void drawPoints(Graphics g, EnvelopeView pEnvelopeView) {
final int envelopeRadius = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < envelope.size(); i++) {
double x = envelope.getX()[i];
double y = envelope.getY()[i];
double fx = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXScale() * x - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeXTrans();
double fy = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYScale() * y - pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeYTrans();
int dx = Tools.FTOI(fx);
int dy = Tools.FTOI(fy);
if ((dx >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft()) && (dx <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())
&& (dy >= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop()) && (dy <= pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom()))
int left = dx - envelopeRadius;
if (left < pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft())
left = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft();
int right = dx + envelopeRadius;
if (right > pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())
right = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight();
int top = dy - envelopeRadius;
if (top < pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop())
top = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop();
int bottom = dy + envelopeRadius;
if (bottom > pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom())
bottom = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom();
g.fillRect(left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
if (i == envelope.getSelectedIdx()) {
left = dx - envelopeRadius - 2;
if (left < pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft())
left = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeLeft();
right = dx + envelopeRadius + 2;
if (right > pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight())
right = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeRight();
top = dy - envelopeRadius - 2;
if (top < pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop())
top = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeTop();
bottom = dy + envelopeRadius + 2;
if (bottom > pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom())
bottom = pEnvelopeView.getEnvelopeBottom();
g.drawRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
public void setEnvelope(Envelope pEnvelope) {
envelope = pEnvelope;
protected Envelope getEnvelope() {
return envelope;
public void setDrawGrid(boolean pDrawGrid) {
drawGrid = pDrawGrid;
public void setDrawTicks(boolean pDrawTicks) {
drawTicks = pDrawTicks;