JWildfire - an image and animation processor written in Java
Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Andreas Maschke
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jwildfire.create.tina.render;
import org.jwildfire.base.Tools;
import org.jwildfire.base.mathlib.MathLib;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.ShadingInfo;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.XYZPoint;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.palette.RenderColor;
// TODO really a quick hack, copied the ugly shading stuff from the Mesh3DRenderer
public class Pseudo3DShader {
// internal stuff
private double reff, refx, refy, refz;
private double nfx, nfy, nfz;
private int r, g, b, pb, pr, pg;
private final ShadingInfo shadingInfo;
// derived from shadingInfo
private final int MAXLIGHTS = 4;
private double lightX[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private double lightY[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private double lightZ[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private double lightRed[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private double lightGreen[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private double lightBlue[] = new double[MAXLIGHTS];
private int lightCount;
private double ambient;
private double diffuse;
private double phong;
private double phongSize;
protected final int PASIZE = 4096;
protected double dPhong = 0.0;
protected double phongArray[] = new double[PASIZE + 4];
public Pseudo3DShader(ShadingInfo pShadingInfo) {
shadingInfo = pShadingInfo;
public void init() {
ambient = shadingInfo.getAmbient();
diffuse = shadingInfo.getDiffuse();
phong = shadingInfo.getPhong();
phongSize = shadingInfo.getPhongSize();
lightCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < shadingInfo.getLightRed().length && lightCount < lightRed.length; i++) {
if (shadingInfo.getLightRed()[i] > 0 || shadingInfo.getLightGreen()[i] > 0 || shadingInfo.getLightBlue()[i] > 0) {
lightX[lightCount] = shadingInfo.getLightPosX()[i];
lightY[lightCount] = shadingInfo.getLightPosY()[i];
lightZ[lightCount] = shadingInfo.getLightPosZ()[i];
lightRed[lightCount] = (double) shadingInfo.getLightRed()[i] / 255.0;
lightGreen[lightCount] = (double) shadingInfo.getLightGreen()[i] / 255.0;
lightBlue[lightCount] = (double) shadingInfo.getLightBlue()[i] / 255.0;
initPhongArray(phong, phongSize);
protected void initPhongArray(double pPhong, double pPhongSize) {
dPhong = 1.0 / (double) (PASIZE - 1);
double a = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < (PASIZE + 4); i++) {
phongArray[i] = pPhong * Math.pow(a, pPhongSize);
a += dPhong;
protected double phongInt(double cosa) {
return phongArray[(int) (cosa / dPhong + 0.5)];
public void distributeInitialPoints(XYZPoint[] p) {
p[1].x = p[0].x + 0.001;
p[1].y = p[0].y;
p[1].z = p[0].z;
p[2].x = p[0].x;
p[2].y = p[0].y + 0.001;
p[2].z = p[0].z;
public RenderColor calculateColor(XYZPoint[] pP, RenderColor pColor) {
double vax = pP[1].x - pP[0].x;
double vay = pP[1].y - pP[0].y;
double vaz = pP[1].z - pP[0].z;
double vbx = pP[2].x - pP[0].x;
double vby = pP[2].y - pP[0].y;
double vbz = pP[2].z - pP[0].z;
nfx = vay * vbz - vaz * vby;
nfy = vaz * vbx - vax * vbz;
nfz = vax * vby - vay * vbx;
double rr = Math.sqrt(nfx * nfx + nfy * nfy + nfz * nfz);
if (Math.abs(rr) < MathLib.EPSILON) {
nfx = pP[0].x;
nfy = pP[0].y;
nfz = pP[0].z;
rr = Math.sqrt(nfx * nfx + nfy * nfy + nfz * nfz);
if (Math.abs(rr) < MathLib.EPSILON) {
nfx = nfy = 0.0;
nfz = -1.0;
else {
nfx = 0.0 - nfx / rr;
nfy = 0.0 - nfy / rr;
nfz = 0.0 - nfz / rr;
// double cosa = 0.0 - nfz;
// if (cosa >= 0.0) {
// nfx = 0.0 - nfx;
// nfy = 0.0 - nfy;
// nfz = 0.0 - nfz;
// reflectViewVector();
// cosa = 0.0 - nfz;
// }
this.r = Tools.FTOI(pColor.red);
this.g = Tools.FTOI(pColor.green);
this.b = Tools.FTOI(pColor.blue);
addLight(pP[0].x, pP[0].y, pP[0].z);
RenderColor res = new RenderColor();
res.red = pr;
res.green = pg;
res.blue = pb;
return res;
private static double VIEWZ = -1.0;
protected void reflectViewVector() {
reff = nfz + nfz;
refx = reff * nfx;
refy = reff * nfy;
refz = reff * nfz - VIEWZ;
double rr = Math.sqrt(refx * refx + refy * refy + refz * refz);
if (Math.abs(rr) < MathLib.EPSILON) {
refx = refy = refz = 0;
else {
refx /= rr;
refy /= rr;
refz /= rr;
protected void addLight(double px, double py, double pz) {
double ttfr = 0.0, ttfg = 0.0, ttfb = 0.0;
double rn = (double) r / 255.0;
double gn = (double) g / 255.0;
double bn = (double) b / 255.0;
for (int q = 0; q < lightCount; q++) {
double dint = 0.0;
double pint = 0.0;
double lx = px - lightX[q];
double ly = py - lightY[q];
double lz = pz - lightZ[q];
double rr = Math.sqrt(lx * lx + ly * ly + lz * lz);
if (Math.abs(rr) <= MathLib.EPSILON) {
lx = ly = 0.0;
lz = -1.0;
else {
lx /= rr;
ly /= rr;
lz /= rr;
double cosa = nfx * lx + nfy * ly + nfz * lz;
// if (cosa < 0.0) {
// cosa = 0.0 - cosa;
// nfx = 0.0 - nfx;
// nfy = 0.0 - nfy;
// nfz = 0.0 - nfz;
// reflectViewVector();
// }
dint = diffuse * cosa;
cosa = refx * lx + refy * ly + refz * lz;
if (cosa > 0.0)
pint = phongInt(cosa);
dint = (dint > 1.0 ? 1.0 : dint);
pint = (pint > 1.0 ? 1.0 : pint);
ttfr += ((dint * rn + pint) * lightRed[q]);
ttfg += ((dint * gn + pint) * lightGreen[q]);
ttfb += ((dint * bn + pint) * lightBlue[q]);
ttfr += rn * ambient;
ttfg += gn * ambient;
ttfb += bn * ambient;
//System.out.println(ttfr + " " + ttfg + " " + ttfb);
int tt = (int) (ttfr * 255.0 + 0.5);
if (tt < 0)
tt = 0;
else if (tt > 255)
tt = 255;
pr = tt;
tt = (int) (ttfg * 255.0 + 0.5);
if (tt < 0)
tt = 0;
else if (tt > 255)
tt = 255;
pg = tt;
tt = (int) (ttfb * 255.0 + 0.5);
if (tt < 0)
tt = 0;
else if (tt > 255)
tt = 255;
pb = tt;