* Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle,
* Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.sun.pdfview;
import static java.awt.geom.Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.sun.pdfview.colorspace.PDFColorSpace;
import com.sun.pdfview.colorspace.PatternSpace;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.PDFFont;
import com.sun.pdfview.pattern.PDFShader;
* PDFParser is the class that parses a PDF content stream and
* produces PDFCmds for a PDFPage. You should never ever see it run:
* it gets created by a PDFPage only if needed, and may even run in
* its own thread.
* @author Mike Wessler
public class PDFParser extends BaseWatchable {
/** emit a file of DCT stream data. */
public final static String DEBUG_DCTDECODE_DATA = "debugdctdecode";
// ---- parsing variables
private Stack<Object> stack; // stack of Object
private Stack<ParserState> parserStates; // stack of RenderState
// the current render state
private ParserState state;
private GeneralPath path;
private int clip;
private int loc;
private boolean resend = false;
private Tok tok;
private boolean catchexceptions = true; // Indicates state of BX...EX
/** a weak reference to the page we render into. For the page
* to remain available, some other code must retain a strong reference to it.
private final WeakReference<PDFPage> pageRef;
/** the actual command, for use within a singe iteration. Note that
* this must be released at the end of each iteration to assure the
* page can be collected if not in use
private PDFPage cmds;
// ---- result variables
byte[] stream;
HashMap<String,PDFObject> resources;
public static int debuglevel = 4000;
public static void debug(String msg, int level) {
if (level > debuglevel) {
public static String escape(String msg) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) {
char c = msg.charAt(i);
if (c != '\n' && (c < 32 || c >= 127)) {
c = '?';
return sb.toString();
public static void setDebugLevel(int level) {
debuglevel = level;
* Don't call this constructor directly. Instead, use
* PDFFile.getPage(int pagenum) to get a PDFPage. There should
* never be any reason for a user to create, access, or hold
* on to a PDFParser.
public PDFParser(PDFPage cmds, byte[] stream,
HashMap<String,PDFObject> resources) {
this.pageRef = new WeakReference<PDFPage>(cmds);
this.resources = resources;
if (resources == null) {
this.resources = new HashMap<String,PDFObject>();
this.stream = stream;
// B E G I N R E A D E R S E C T I O N
* a token from a PDF Stream
static class Tok {
/** begin bracket < */
public static final int BRKB = 11;
/** end bracket > */
public static final int BRKE = 10;
/** begin array [ */
public static final int ARYB = 9;
/** end array ] */
public static final int ARYE = 8;
/** String (, readString looks for trailing ) */
public static final int STR = 7;
/** begin brace { */
public static final int BRCB = 5;
/** end brace } */
public static final int BRCE = 4;
/** number */
public static final int NUM = 3;
/** keyword */
public static final int CMD = 2;
/** name (begins with /) */
public static final int NAME = 1;
/** unknown token */
public static final int UNK = 0;
/** end of stream */
public static final int EOF = -1;
/** the string value of a STR, NAME, or CMD token */
public String name;
/** the value of a NUM token */
public double value;
/** the type of the token */
public int type;
/** a printable representation of the token */
public String toString() {
if (this.type == NUM) {
return "NUM: " + this.value;
} else if (this.type == CMD) {
return "CMD: " + this.name;
} else if (this.type == UNK) {
return "UNK";
} else if (this.type == EOF) {
return "EOF";
} else if (this.type == NAME) {
return "NAME: " + this.name;
} else if (this.type == CMD) {
return "CMD: " + this.name;
} else if (this.type == STR) {
return "STR: (" + this.name;
} else if (this.type == ARYB) {
return "ARY [";
} else if (this.type == ARYE) {
return "ARY ]";
} else {
return "some kind of brace (" + this.type + ")";
* put the current token back so that it is returned again by
* nextToken().
private void throwback() {
this.resend = true;
* get the next token.
* TODO: this creates a new token each time. Is this strictly
* necessary?
private Tok nextToken() {
if (this.resend) {
this.resend = false;
return this.tok;
this.tok = new Tok();
// skip whitespace
while (this.loc < this.stream.length && PDFFile.isWhiteSpace(this.stream[this.loc])) {
if (this.loc >= this.stream.length) {
this.tok.type = Tok.EOF;
return this.tok;
int c = this.stream[this.loc++];
// examine the character:
while (c == '%') {
// skip comments
StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer();
while (this.loc < this.stream.length && c != '\n') {
comment.append((char) c);
c = this.stream[this.loc++];
if (this.loc < this.stream.length) {
c = this.stream[this.loc++]; // eat the newline
if (c == '\r') {
c = this.stream[this.loc++]; // eat a following return
debug("Read comment: " + comment.toString(), -1);
if (c == '[') {
this.tok.type = Tok.ARYB;
} else if (c == ']') {
this.tok.type = Tok.ARYE;
} else if (c == '(') {
// read a string
this.tok.type = Tok.STR;
this.tok.name = readString();
} else if (c == '{') {
this.tok.type = Tok.BRCB;
} else if (c == '}') {
this.tok.type = Tok.BRCE;
} else if (c == '<' && this.stream[this.loc++] == '<') {
this.tok.type = Tok.BRKB;
} else if (c == '>' && this.stream[this.loc++] == '>') {
this.tok.type = Tok.BRKE;
} else if (c == '<') {
this.tok.type = Tok.STR;
this.tok.name = readByteArray();
} else if (c == '/') {
this.tok.type = Tok.NAME;
this.tok.name = readName();
} else if (c == '.' || c == '-' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
this.tok.type = Tok.NUM;
this.tok.value = readNum();
} else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '\'' || c == '"') {
this.tok.type = Tok.CMD;
this.tok.name = readName();
} else {
System.out.println("Encountered character: " + c + " (" + (char) c + ")");
this.tok.type = Tok.UNK;
if (-1 > debuglevel) debug("Read token: " + this.tok, -1);
return this.tok;
* read a name (sequence of non-PDF-delimiting characters) from the
* stream.
private String readName() {
int start = this.loc;
while (this.loc < this.stream.length &&
PDFFile.isRegularCharacter(this.stream[this.loc])) {
return new String(this.stream, start, this.loc - start);
* read a floating point number from the stream
private double readNum() {
int c = this.stream[this.loc++];
boolean neg = c == '-';
boolean sawdot = c == '.';
double dotmult = sawdot ? 0.1 : 1;
double value = (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? c - '0' : 0;
while (true) {
c = this.stream[this.loc++];
if (c == '.') {
if (sawdot) {
sawdot = true;
dotmult = 0.1;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
int val = c - '0';
if (sawdot) {
value += val * dotmult;
dotmult *= 0.1;
} else {
value = value * 10 + val;
} else {
if (neg) {
value = -value;
return value;
* <p>read a String from the stream. Strings begin with a '('
* character, which has already been read, and end with a balanced ')'
* character. A '\' character starts an escape sequence of up
* to three octal digits.</p>
* <p>Parenthesis must be enclosed by a balanced set of parenthesis,
* so a string may enclose balanced parenthesis.</p>
* @return the string with escape sequences replaced with their
* values
private String readString() {
int parenLevel = 0;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (this.loc < this.stream.length) {
int c = this.stream[this.loc++];
if (c == ')') {
if (parenLevel-- == 0) {
} else if (c == '(') {
} else if (c == '\\') {
// escape sequences
c = this.stream[this.loc++];
if (c >= '0' && c < '8') {
int count = 0;
int val = 0;
while (c >= '0' && c < '8' && count < 3) {
val = val * 8 + c - '0';
c = this.stream[this.loc++];
c = val;
} else if (c == 'n') {
c = '\n';
} else if (c == 'r') {
c = '\r';
} else if (c == 't') {
c = '\t';
} else if (c == 'b') {
c = '\b';
} else if (c == 'f') {
c = '\f';
sb.append((char) c);
return sb.toString();
* read a byte array from the stream. Byte arrays begin with a '<'
* character, which has already been read, and end with a '>'
* character. Each byte in the array is made up of two hex characters,
* the first being the high-order bit.
* We translate the byte arrays into char arrays by combining two bytes
* into a character, and then translate the character array into a string.
* [JK FIXME this is probably a really bad idea!]
* @return the byte array
private String readByteArray() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
char w = (char) 0;
// read individual bytes and format into a character array
while ((this.loc < this.stream.length) && (this.stream[this.loc] != '>')) {
char c = (char) this.stream[this.loc];
byte b = (byte) 0;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
b = (byte) (c - '0');
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
b = (byte) (10 + (c - 'a'));
} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
b = (byte) (10 + (c - 'A'));
} else {
// calculate where in the current byte this character goes
int offset = 1 - (count % 2);
w |= (0xf & b) << (offset * 4);
// increment to the next char if we've written four bytes
if (offset == 0) {
w = (char) 0;
// ignore trailing '>'
return buf.toString();
// B E G I N P A R S E R S E C T I O N
* Called to prepare for some iterations
public void setup() {
this.stack = new Stack<Object>();
this.parserStates = new Stack<ParserState>();
this.state = new ParserState();
this.path = new GeneralPath();
this.loc = 0;
this.clip = 0;
//initialize the ParserState
this.state.fillCS =
this.state.strokeCS =
this.state.textFormat = new PDFTextFormat();
// HexDump.printData(stream);
// System.out.println(dumpStream());
* parse the stream. commands are added to the PDFPage initialized
* in the constructor as they are encountered.
* <p>
* Page numbers in comments refer to the Adobe PDF specification.<br>
* commands are listed in PDF spec 32000-1:2008 in Table A.1
* @return <ul><li>Watchable.RUNNING when there are commands to be processed
* <li>Watchable.COMPLETED when the page is done and all
* the commands have been processed
* <li>Watchable.STOPPED if the page we are rendering into is
* no longer available
* </ul>
public int iterate() throws Exception {
// make sure the page is still available, and create the reference
// to it for use within this iteration
this.cmds = this.pageRef.get();
if (this.cmds == null) {
System.out.println("Page gone. Stopping");
return Watchable.STOPPED;
Object obj = parseObject();
// if there's nothing left to parse, we're done
if (obj == null) {
return Watchable.COMPLETED;
if (obj instanceof Tok) {
// it's a command. figure out what to do.
// (if not, the token will be "pushed" onto the stack)
String cmd = ((Tok) obj).name;
debug("Command: " + cmd + " (stack size is " + this.stack.size() + ")", 0);
if (cmd.equals("q")) {
// push the parser state
this.parserStates.push((ParserState) this.state.clone());
// push graphics state
} else if (cmd.equals("Q")) {
} else if (cmd.equals("cm")) {
// set transform to array of values
float[] elts = popFloat(6);
AffineTransform xform = new AffineTransform(elts);
} else if (cmd.equals("w")) {
// set stroke width
} else if (cmd.equals("J")) {
// set end cap style
} else if (cmd.equals("j")) {
// set line join style
} else if (cmd.equals("M")) {
// set miter limit
} else if (cmd.equals("d")) {
// set dash style and phase
float phase = popFloat();
float[] dashary = popFloatArray();
this.cmds.addDash(dashary, phase);
} else if (cmd.equals("ri")) {
// TODO: do something with rendering intent (page 197)
} else if (cmd.equals("i")) {
// TODO: do something with flatness tolerance
} else if (cmd.equals("gs")) {
// set graphics state to values in a named dictionary
} else if (cmd.equals("m")) {
// path move to
float y = popFloat();
float x = popFloat();
this.path.moveTo(x, y);
} else if (cmd.equals("l")) {
// path line to
float y = popFloat();
float x = popFloat();
this.path.lineTo(x, y);
} else if (cmd.equals("c")) {
// path curve to
float a[] = popFloat(6);
this.path.curveTo(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
} else if (cmd.equals("v")) {
// path curve; first control point= start
float a[] = popFloat(4);
Point2D cp = this.path.getCurrentPoint();
this.path.curveTo((float) cp.getX(), (float) cp.getY(),
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
} else if (cmd.equals("y")) {
// path curve; last control point= end
float a[] = popFloat(4);
this.path.curveTo(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[2], a[3]);
} else if (cmd.equals("h")) {
// path close
} else if (cmd.equals("re")) {
// path add rectangle
float a[] = popFloat(4);
this.path.moveTo(a[0], a[1]);
this.path.lineTo(a[0] + a[2], a[1]);
this.path.lineTo(a[0] + a[2], a[1] + a[3]);
this.path.lineTo(a[0], a[1] + a[3]);
} else if (cmd.equals("S")) {
// stroke the path
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.STROKE | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("s")) {
// close and stroke the path
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.STROKE | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("f") || cmd.equals("F")) {
// fill the path (close/not close identical)
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.FILL | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("f*")) {
// fill the path using even/odd rule
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.FILL | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("B")) {
// fill and stroke the path
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.BOTH | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("B*")) {
// fill path using even/odd rule and stroke it
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.BOTH | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("b")) {
// close the path, then fill and stroke it
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.BOTH | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("b*")) {
// close path, fill using even/odd rule, then stroke it
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, PDFShapeCmd.BOTH | this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("n")) {
// clip with the path and discard it
if (this.clip != 0) {
this.cmds.addPath(this.path, this.clip);
this.clip = 0;
this.path = new GeneralPath();
} else if (cmd.equals("W")) {
// mark this path for clipping!
this.clip = PDFShapeCmd.CLIP;
} else if (cmd.equals("W*")) {
// mark this path using even/odd rule for clipping
this.clip = PDFShapeCmd.CLIP;
} else if (cmd.equals("sh")) {
// shade a region that is defined by the shader itself.
// shading the current space from a dictionary
// should only be used for limited-dimension shadings
String gdictname = popString();
// set up the pen to do a gradient fill according
// to the dictionary
PDFObject shobj = findResource(gdictname, "Shading");
} else if (cmd.equals("CS")) {
// set the stroke color space
this.state.strokeCS = parseColorSpace(new PDFObject(this.stack.pop()));
} else if (cmd.equals("cs")) {
// set the fill color space
this.state.fillCS = parseColorSpace(new PDFObject(this.stack.pop()));
} else if (cmd.equals("SC")) {
// set the stroke color
int n = this.state.strokeCS.getNumComponents();
} else if (cmd.equals("SCN")) {
if (this.state.strokeCS instanceof PatternSpace) {
this.cmds.addFillPaint(doPattern((PatternSpace) this.state.strokeCS));
} else {
int n = this.state.strokeCS.getNumComponents();
} else if (cmd.equals("sc")) {
// set the fill color
int n = this.state.fillCS.getNumComponents();
} else if (cmd.equals("scn")) {
if (this.state.fillCS instanceof PatternSpace) {
this.cmds.addFillPaint(doPattern((PatternSpace) this.state.fillCS));
} else {
int n = this.state.fillCS.getNumComponents();
} else if (cmd.equals("G")) {
// set the stroke color to a Gray value
this.state.strokeCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("g")) {
// set the fill color to a Gray value
this.state.fillCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("RG")) {
// set the stroke color to an RGB value
this.state.strokeCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("rg")) {
// set the fill color to an RGB value
this.state.fillCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("K")) {
// set the stroke color to a CMYK value
this.state.strokeCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("k")) {
// set the fill color to a CMYK value
this.state.fillCS =
} else if (cmd.equals("Do")) {
// make a do call on the referenced object
PDFObject xobj = findResource(popString(), "XObject");
} else if (cmd.equals("BT")) {
} else if (cmd.equals("ET")) {
// end of text. noop
} else if (cmd.equals("Tc")) {
// set character spacing
} else if (cmd.equals("Tw")) {
// set word spacing
} else if (cmd.equals("Tz")) {
// set horizontal scaling
} else if (cmd.equals("TL")) {
// set leading
} else if (cmd.equals("Tf")) {
// set text font
float sz = popFloat();
String fontref = popString();
this.state.textFormat.setFont(getFontFrom(fontref), sz);
} else if (cmd.equals("Tr")) {
// set text rendering mode
} else if (cmd.equals("Ts")) {
// set text rise
} else if (cmd.equals("Td")) {
// set text matrix location
float y = popFloat();
float x = popFloat();
this.state.textFormat.carriageReturn(x, y);
} else if (cmd.equals("TD")) {
// set leading and matrix: -y TL x y Td
float y = popFloat();
float x = popFloat();
this.state.textFormat.carriageReturn(x, y);
} else if (cmd.equals("Tm")) {
// set text matrix
} else if (cmd.equals("T*")) {
// go to next line
} else if (cmd.equals("Tj")) {
// show text
this.state.textFormat.doText(this.cmds, popString());
} else if (cmd.equals("\'")) {
// next line and show text: T* string Tj
this.state.textFormat.doText(this.cmds, popString());
} else if (cmd.equals("\"")) {
// draw string on new line with char & word spacing:
// aw Tw ac Tc string '
String string = popString();
float ac = popFloat();
float aw = popFloat();
this.state.textFormat.doText(this.cmds, string);
} else if (cmd.equals("TJ")) {
// show kerned string
this.state.textFormat.doText(this.cmds, popArray());
} else if (cmd.equals("BI")) {
// parse inline image
} else if (cmd.equals("BX")) {
this.catchexceptions = true; // ignore errors
} else if (cmd.equals("EX")) {
this.catchexceptions = false; // stop ignoring errors
} else if (cmd.equals("MP")) {
// mark point (role= mark role name)
} else if (cmd.equals("DP")) {
// mark point with dictionary (role, ref)
// result is either inline dict or name in "Properties" rsrc
} else if (cmd.equals("BMC")) {
// begin marked content (role)
} else if (cmd.equals("BDC")) {
// begin marked content with dict (role, ref)
// result is either inline dict or name in "Properties" rsrc
} else if (cmd.equals("EMC")) {
// end marked content
} else if (cmd.equals("d0")) {
// character width in type3 fonts
} else if (cmd.equals("d1")) {
// character width in type3 fonts
} else if (cmd.equals("QBT")) {// 'Q' & 'BT' mushed together!
} else if (cmd.equals("Qq")) {// 'Q' & 'q' mushed together!
// push the parser state
this.parserStates.push((ParserState) this.state.clone());
// push graphics state
} else if (cmd.equals("qBT")) {// 'q' & 'BT' mushed together!
// push the parser state
this.parserStates.push((ParserState) this.state.clone());
// push graphics state
} else if (cmd.equals("q1")) {
debug("**** WARNING: Not handled command: " + cmd + " **************************", 10);
}else if (cmd.equals("q0")) {
debug("**** WARNING: Not handled command: " + cmd + " **************************", 10);
} else {
if (this.catchexceptions) {
debug("**** WARNING: Unknown command: " + cmd + " **************************", 10);
} else {
throw new PDFParseException("Unknown command: " + cmd);
if (this.stack.size() != 0) {
debug("**** WARNING! Stack not zero! (cmd=" + cmd + ", size=" + this.stack.size() + ") *************************", 4);
} else {
// release or reference to the page object, so that it can be
// gc'd if it is no longer in use
this.cmds = null;
return Watchable.RUNNING;
* abstracted command processing for Q command. Used directly and as
* part of processing of mushed QBT command.
private void processQCmd() {
// pop graphics state ('Q')
// pop the parser state
if(this.parserStates.isEmpty() == false)
this.state = this.parserStates.pop();
* abstracted command processing for BT command. Used directly and as
* part of processing of mushed QBT command.
private void processBTCmd() {
// begin text block: reset everything.
* Cleanup when iteration is done
public void cleanup() {
this.stack = null;
this.parserStates = null;
this.state = null;
this.path = null;
this.cmds = null;
boolean errorwritten = false;
public void dumpStreamToError() {
if (this.errorwritten) {
this.errorwritten = true;
try {
File oops = File.createTempFile("PDFError", ".err");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(oops);
} catch (IOException ioe) { /* Do nothing */ }
public String dumpStream() {
return escape(new String(this.stream).replace('\r', '\n'));
* take a byte array and write a temporary file with it's data.
* This is intended to capture data for analysis, like after decoders.
* @param ary
* @param name
public static void emitDataFile (byte [] ary, String name) {
FileOutputStream ostr;
try {
File file = File.createTempFile ("DateFile", name);
ostr = new FileOutputStream (file);
System.out.println ("Write: " + file.getPath ());
ostr.write (ary);
ostr.close ();
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
// H E L P E R S
* get a property from a named dictionary in the resources of this
* content stream.
* @param name the name of the property in the dictionary
* @param inDict the name of the dictionary in the resources
* @return the value of the property in the dictionary
private PDFObject findResource(String name, String inDict)
throws IOException {
if (inDict != null) {
PDFObject in = this.resources.get(inDict);
if (in == null || in.getType() != PDFObject.DICTIONARY) {
throw new PDFParseException("No dictionary called " + inDict + " found in the resources");
return in.getDictRef(name);
} else {
return this.resources.get(name);
* Insert a PDF object into the command stream. The object must
* either be an Image or a Form, which is a set of PDF commands
* in a stream.
* @param obj the object to insert, an Image or a Form.
private void doXObject(PDFObject obj) throws IOException {
String type = obj.getDictRef("Subtype").getStringValue();
if (type == null) {
type = obj.getDictRef ("S").getStringValue ();
if (type.equals("Image")) {
} else if (type.equals("Form")) {
} else {
throw new PDFParseException("Unknown XObject subtype: " + type);
* Parse image data into a Java BufferedImage and add the image
* command to the page.
* @param obj contains the image data, and a dictionary describing
* the width, height and color space of the image.
private void doImage(PDFObject obj) throws IOException {
this.cmds.addImage(PDFImage.createImage(obj, this.resources, false));
* Inject a stream of PDF commands onto the page. Optimized to cache
* a parsed stream of commands, so that each Form object only needs
* to be parsed once.
* @param obj a stream containing the PDF commands, a transformation
* matrix, bounding box, and resources.
private void doForm(PDFObject obj) throws IOException {
// check to see if we've already parsed this sucker
PDFPage formCmds = (PDFPage) obj.getCache();
if (formCmds == null) {
// rats. parse it.
AffineTransform at;
Rectangle2D bbox;
PDFObject matrix = obj.getDictRef("Matrix");
if (matrix == null) {
at = new AffineTransform();
} else {
float elts[] = new float[6];
for (int i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) {
elts[i] = (matrix.getAt(i)).getFloatValue();
at = new AffineTransform(elts);
PDFObject bobj = obj.getDictRef("BBox");
bbox = new Rectangle2D.Float(bobj.getAt(0).getFloatValue(),
formCmds = new PDFPage(bbox, 0);
HashMap<String,PDFObject> r = new HashMap<String,PDFObject>(this.resources);
PDFObject rsrc = obj.getDictRef("Resources");
if (rsrc != null) {
PDFParser form = new PDFParser(formCmds, obj.getStream(), r);
* Set the values into a PatternSpace
private PDFPaint doPattern(PatternSpace patternSpace) throws IOException {
float[] components = null;
String patternName = popString();
PDFObject pattern = findResource(patternName, "Pattern");
if (pattern == null) {
throw new PDFParseException("Unknown pattern : " + patternName);
if (this.stack.size() > 0) {
components = popFloat(this.stack.size());
return patternSpace.getPaint(pattern, components, this.resources);
* Parse the next object out of the PDF stream. This could be a
* Double, a String, a HashMap (dictionary), Object[] array, or
* a Tok containing a PDF command.
private Object parseObject() throws PDFParseException {
Tok t = nextToken();
if (t.type == Tok.NUM) {
return Double.valueOf(this.tok.value);
} else if (t.type == Tok.STR) {
return this.tok.name;
} else if (t.type == Tok.NAME) {
return this.tok.name;
} else if (t.type == Tok.BRKB) {
HashMap<String,PDFObject> hm = new HashMap<String,PDFObject>();
String name = null;
Object obj;
while ((obj = parseObject()) != null) {
if (name == null) {
name = (String) obj;
} else {
hm.put(name, new PDFObject(obj));
name = null;
if (this.tok.type != Tok.BRKE) {
throw new PDFParseException("Inline dict should have ended with '>>'");
return hm;
} else if (t.type == Tok.ARYB) {
// build an array
ArrayList<Object> ary = new ArrayList<Object>();
Object obj;
while ((obj = parseObject()) != null) {
if (this.tok.type != Tok.ARYE) {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected ']'");
return ary.toArray();
} else if (t.type == Tok.CMD) {
return t;
debug("**** WARNING! parseObject unknown token! (t.type=" + t.type + ") *************************", 4);
return null;
* Parse an inline image. An inline image starts with BI (already
* read, contains a dictionary until ID, and then image data until
* EI.
private void parseInlineImage() throws IOException {
// build dictionary until ID, then read image until EI
HashMap<String,PDFObject> hm = new HashMap<String,PDFObject>();
while (true) {
Tok t = nextToken();
if (t.type == Tok.CMD && t.name.equals("ID")) {
// it should be a name;
String name = t.name;
debug("ParseInlineImage, token: " + name, 1000);
if (name.equals("BPC")) {
name = "BitsPerComponent";
} else if (name.equals("CS")) {
name = "ColorSpace";
} else if (name.equals("D")) {
name = "Decode";
} else if (name.equals("DP")) {
name = "DecodeParms";
} else if (name.equals("F")) {
name = "Filter";
} else if (name.equals("H")) {
name = "Height";
} else if (name.equals("IM")) {
name = "ImageMask";
} else if (name.equals("W")) {
name = "Width";
} else if (name.equals("I")) {
name = "Interpolate";
Object vobj = parseObject();
hm.put(name, new PDFObject(vobj));
if (this.stream[this.loc] == '\r') {
if (this.stream[this.loc] == '\n' || this.stream[this.loc] == ' ') {
PDFObject imObj = hm.get("ImageMask");
if (imObj != null && imObj.getBooleanValue()) {
// [PATCHED by michal.busta@gmail.com] - default value according to PDF spec. is [0, 1]
// there is no need to swap array - PDF image should handle this values
Double[] decode = {Double.valueOf(0), Double.valueOf(1)};
PDFObject decodeObj = hm.get("Decode");
if (decodeObj != null) {
decode[0] = Double.valueOf(decodeObj.getAt(0).getDoubleValue());
decode[1] = Double.valueOf(decodeObj.getAt(1).getDoubleValue());
hm.put("Decode", new PDFObject(decode));
PDFObject obj = new PDFObject(null, PDFObject.DICTIONARY, hm);
int dstart = this.loc;
// now skip data until a whitespace followed by EI
while (!PDFFile.isWhiteSpace(this.stream[this.loc]) ||
this.stream[this.loc + 1] != 'E' ||
this.stream[this.loc + 2] != 'I') {
// data runs from dstart to loc
byte[] data = new byte[this.loc - dstart];
System.arraycopy(this.stream, dstart, data, 0, this.loc - dstart);
this.loc += 3;
* build a shader from a dictionary.
private void doShader(PDFObject shaderObj) throws IOException {
PDFShader shader = PDFShader.getShader(shaderObj, this.resources);
Rectangle2D bbox = shader.getBBox();
if (bbox != null) {
this.cmds.addPath(new GeneralPath(bbox), PDFShapeCmd.FILL);
else {
//if no bounding box is set, use the default user space
this.cmds.addPath(new GeneralPath(this.cmds.getBBox()), PDFShapeCmd.FILL);
* get a PDFFont from the resources, given the resource name of the
* font.
* @param fontref the resource key for the font
private PDFFont getFontFrom(String fontref) throws IOException {
PDFObject obj = findResource(fontref, "Font");
return PDFFont.getFont(obj, this.resources);
* add graphics state commands contained within a dictionary.
* @param name the resource name of the graphics state dictionary
private void setGSState(String name) throws IOException {
// obj must be a string that is a key to the "ExtGState" dict
PDFObject gsobj = findResource(name, "ExtGState");
// get LW, LC, LJ, Font, SM, CA, ML, D, RI, FL, BM, ca
// out of the reference, which is a dictionary
PDFObject d;
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("LW")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("LC")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("LJ")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("Font")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("ML")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("D")) != null) {
PDFObject pdash[] = d.getAt(0).getArray();
float dash[] = new float[pdash.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pdash.length; i++) {
dash[i] = pdash[i].getFloatValue();
this.cmds.addDash(dash, d.getAt(1).getFloatValue());
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("CA")) != null) {
if ((d = gsobj.getDictRef("ca")) != null) {
// others: BM=blend mode
* generate a PDFColorSpace description based on a PDFObject. The
* object could be a standard name, or the name of a resource in
* the ColorSpace dictionary, or a color space name with a defining
* dictionary or stream.
private PDFColorSpace parseColorSpace(PDFObject csobj) throws IOException {
if (csobj == null) {
return this.state.fillCS;
return PDFColorSpace.getColorSpace(csobj, this.resources);
* pop a single float value off the stack.
* @return the float value of the top of the stack
* @throws PDFParseException if the value on the top of the stack
* isn't a number
private float popFloat() throws PDFParseException {
if(this.stack.isEmpty() == false) {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (obj instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) obj).floatValue();
} else {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected a number here.");
return 0;
* pop an array of float values off the stack. This is equivalent
* to filling an array from end to front by popping values off the
* stack.
* @param count the number of numbers to pop off the stack
* @return an array of length <tt>count</tt>
* @throws PDFParseException if any of the values popped off the
* stack are not numbers.
private float[] popFloat(int count) throws PDFParseException {
float[] ary = new float[count];
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ary[i] = popFloat();
return ary;
* pop a single integer value off the stack.
* @return the integer value of the top of the stack
* @throws PDFParseException if the top of the stack isn't a number.
private int popInt() throws PDFParseException {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (obj instanceof Double) {
return ((Double) obj).intValue();
} else {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected a number here.");
* pop an array of integer values off the stack. This is equivalent
* to filling an array from end to front by popping values off the
* stack.
* @param count the number of numbers to pop off the stack
* @return an array of length <tt>count</tt>
* @throws PDFParseException if any of the values popped off the
* stack are not numbers.
private float[] popFloatArray() throws PDFParseException {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (!(obj instanceof Object[])) {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected an [array] here.");
Object[] source = (Object[]) obj;
float[] ary = new float[source.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
if (source[i] instanceof Double) {
ary[i] = ((Double) source[i]).floatValue();
} else {
throw new PDFParseException("This array doesn't consist only of floats.");
return ary;
* pop a String off the stack.
* @return the String from the top of the stack
* @throws PDFParseException if the top of the stack is not a NAME
* or STR.
private String popString() throws PDFParseException {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (!(obj instanceof String)) {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected string here: " + obj.toString());
} else {
return (String) obj;
* pop a PDFObject off the stack.
* @return the PDFObject from the top of the stack
* @throws PDFParseException if the top of the stack does not contain
* a PDFObject.
private PDFObject popObject() throws PDFParseException {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (!(obj instanceof PDFObject)) {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected a reference here: " + obj.toString());
return (PDFObject) obj;
* pop an array off the stack
* @return the array of objects that is the top element of the stack
* @throws PDFParseException if the top element of the stack does not
* contain an array.
private Object[] popArray() throws PDFParseException {
Object obj = this.stack.pop();
if (!(obj instanceof Object[])) {
throw new PDFParseException("Expected an [array] here: " + obj.toString());
return (Object[]) obj;
* A class to store state needed whiel rendering. This includes the
* stroke and fill color spaces, as well as the text formatting
* parameters.
class ParserState implements Cloneable {
/** the fill color space */
PDFColorSpace fillCS;
/** the stroke color space */
PDFColorSpace strokeCS;
/** the text paramters */
PDFTextFormat textFormat;
* Clone the render state.
public Object clone() {
ParserState newState = new ParserState();
// no need to clone color spaces, since they are immutable
newState.fillCS = this.fillCS;
newState.strokeCS = this.strokeCS;
// we do need to clone the textFormat
newState.textFormat = (PDFTextFormat) this.textFormat.clone();
return newState;