package com.tinkerpop.frames;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element;
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.ElementHelper;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.annotations.AnnotationHandler;
import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.MethodHandler;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Map;
* The proxy class of a framed element.
* @author Marko A. Rodriguez (
public class FramedElement implements InvocationHandler {
private final Direction direction;
protected final FramedGraph framedGraph;
protected final Element element;
private static Method hashCodeMethod;
private static Method equalsMethod;
private static Method toStringMethod;
private static Method asVertexMethod;
private static Method asEdgeMethod;
static {
try {
hashCodeMethod = Object.class.getMethod("hashCode");
equalsMethod = Object.class.getMethod("equals", new Class[]{Object.class});
toStringMethod = Object.class.getMethod("toString");
asVertexMethod = VertexFrame.class.getMethod("asVertex");
asEdgeMethod = EdgeFrame.class.getMethod("asEdge");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage());
* @deprecated The direction field will be dropped in the next major release
public FramedElement(final FramedGraph framedGraph, final Element element, final Direction direction) {
if (null == framedGraph) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FramedGraph can not be null");
if (null == element) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element can not be null");
this.element = element;
this.framedGraph = framedGraph;
this.direction = direction;
public FramedElement(final FramedGraph framedGraph, final Element element) {
this(framedGraph, element, Direction.OUT);
public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] arguments) {
if (method.equals(hashCodeMethod)) {
return this.element.hashCode();
} else if (method.equals(equalsMethod)) {
return this.proxyEquals(arguments[0]);
} else if (method.equals(toStringMethod)) {
return this.element.toString();
} else if (method.equals(asVertexMethod) || method.equals(asEdgeMethod)) {
return this.element;
final Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, AnnotationHandler<?>> annotationHandlers = this.framedGraph.getConfig().getAnnotationHandlers();
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, MethodHandler<?>> methodHandlers = this.framedGraph.getConfig().getMethodHandlers();
for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) {
MethodHandler methodHandler = methodHandlers.get(annotation.annotationType());
if (methodHandler != null) {
return methodHandler.processElement(proxy, method, arguments, annotation, this.framedGraph, this.element);
for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) {
AnnotationHandler annotationHandler = annotationHandlers.get(annotation.annotationType());
if (annotationHandler != null) {
return annotationHandler.processElement(annotation, method, arguments, this.framedGraph, this.element, this.direction);
if(method.getAnnotations().length == 0) {
throw new UnhandledMethodException("The method " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName() + " has no annotations, therefore frames cannot handle the method.");
throw new UnhandledMethodException("The method " + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + method.getName() + " was not annotated with any annotations that the framed graph is configured for. Please check your frame interface and/or graph configuration.");
private Boolean proxyEquals(final Object other) {
if (other instanceof VertexFrame) {
return this.element.equals(((VertexFrame) other).asVertex());
} if (other instanceof EdgeFrame) {
return this.element.equals(((EdgeFrame) other).asEdge());
} else if (other instanceof Element) {
return ElementHelper.areEqual(this.element, other);
} else {
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Element getElement() {
return this.element;