* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.hbm2hbmxml;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.dom4j.XPath;
import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Any;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.tool.NonReflectiveTestCase;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.Exporter;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.HibernateMappingExporter;
* @author Dmitry Geraskov
public class MapAndAnyTest extends NonReflectiveTestCase {
private Exporter hbmexporter;
* @param name
public MapAndAnyTest(String name) {
super(name, "cfg2hbmoutput");
protected String[] getMappings() {
return new String[] {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
hbmexporter = new HibernateMappingExporter(getCfg(), getOutputDir() );
public void testAllFilesExistence() {
assertFileAndExists(new File(getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(), getBaseForMappings() + "ComplexPropertyValue.hbm.xml") );
assertFileAndExists(new File(getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(), getBaseForMappings() + "IntegerPropertyValue.hbm.xml") );
assertFileAndExists(new File(getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(), getBaseForMappings() + "StringPropertyValue.hbm.xml") );
assertFileAndExists(new File(getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath(), getBaseForMappings() + "PropertySet.hbm.xml") );
public void testReadable() {
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.addFile(new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "ComplexPropertyValue.hbm.xml"));
cfg.addFile(new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "IntegerPropertyValue.hbm.xml"));
cfg.addFile(new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "StringPropertyValue.hbm.xml"));
cfg.addFile(new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "PropertySet.hbm.xml"));
public void testAnyNode() throws DocumentException {
File outputXml = new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "PropertySet.hbm.xml");
SAXReader xmlReader = getSAXReader();
Document document = xmlReader.read(outputXml);
XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//hibernate-mapping/class/any");
List list = xpath.selectNodes(document);
assertEquals("Expected to get one any element", 1, list.size());
Element node = (Element) list.get(0);
assertEquals(node.attribute( "name" ).getText(),"someSpecificProperty");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "id-type" ).getText(),"long");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "meta-type" ).getText(),"string");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "cascade" ).getText(), "all");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "access" ).getText(), "field");
list = node.elements("column");
assertEquals("Expected to get two column elements", 2, list.size());
list = node.elements("meta-value");
assertEquals("Expected to get three meta-value elements", 3, list.size());
node = (Element) list.get(0);
String className = node.attribute( "class" ).getText();
assertNotNull("Expected class attribute in meta-value", className);
if (className.indexOf("IntegerPropertyValue") > 0){
assertEquals(node.attribute( "value" ).getText(),"I");
} else if (className.indexOf("StringPropertyValue") > 0){
assertEquals(node.attribute( "value" ).getText(),"S");
} else {
assertTrue(className.indexOf("ComplexPropertyValue") > 0);
assertEquals(node.attribute( "value" ).getText(),"C");
public void testMetaValueRead() throws Exception{
Configuration config = getCfg();
PersistentClass pc = config.getClassMapping("org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.hbm2hbmxml.Person2");
Property prop = pc.getProperty("data");
assertTrue(prop.getValue() instanceof Any);
Any any = (Any) prop.getValue();
assertTrue("Expected to get one meta-value element", any.getMetaValues() != null);
assertEquals("Expected to get one meta-value element", 1, any.getMetaValues().size());
public void testMapManyToAny() throws DocumentException {
File outputXml = new File(getOutputDir(), getBaseForMappings() + "PropertySet.hbm.xml");
SAXReader xmlReader = getSAXReader();
Document document = xmlReader.read(outputXml);
XPath xpath = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//hibernate-mapping/class/map");
List list = xpath.selectNodes(document);
assertEquals("Expected to get one any element", 1, list.size());
Element node = (Element) list.get(0);
assertEquals(node.attribute( "name" ).getText(),"generalProperties");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "table" ).getText(),"T_GEN_PROPS");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "lazy" ).getText(),"true");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "cascade" ).getText(), "all");
assertEquals(node.attribute( "access" ).getText(), "field");
list = node.elements("key");
assertEquals("Expected to get one key element", 1, list.size());
list = node.elements("map-key");
assertEquals("Expected to get one map-key element", 1, list.size());
node = (Element) list.get(0);
assertEquals(node.attribute( "type" ).getText(),"string");
list = node.elements("column");
assertEquals("Expected to get one column element", 1, list.size());
node = node.getParent();//map
list = node.elements("many-to-any");
assertEquals("Expected to get one many-to-any element", 1, list.size());
node = (Element) list.get(0);
list = node.elements("column");
assertEquals("Expected to get two column elements", 2, list.size());
list = node.elements("meta-value");
assertEquals("Expected to get two meta-value elements", 2, list.size());
node = (Element) list.get(0);
String className = node.attribute( "class" ).getText();
assertNotNull("Expected class attribute in meta-value", className);
if (className.indexOf("IntegerPropertyValue") > 0){
assertEquals(node.attribute( "value" ).getText(),"I");
} else {
assertTrue(className.indexOf("StringPropertyValue") > 0);
assertEquals(node.attribute( "value" ).getText(),"S");
protected String getBaseForMappings() {
return "org/hibernate/tool/hbm2x/hbm2hbmxml/";
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(MapAndAnyTest.class);