* Copyright 2013 The Regents of The University California
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edu.berkeley.sparrow.daemon.scheduler;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.daemon.util.Logging;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.THostPort;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.TSchedulingRequest;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.TTaskLaunchSpec;
import edu.berkeley.sparrow.thrift.TTaskSpec;
* A task placer for jobs whose tasks have no placement constraints.
public class UnconstrainedTaskPlacer implements TaskPlacer {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UnconstrainedTaskPlacer.class);
/** Specifications for tasks that have not yet been launched. */
List<TTaskLaunchSpec> unlaunchedTasks;
* For each node monitor where reservations were enqueued, the number of reservations that were
* enqueued there.
private Map<THostPort, Integer> outstandingReservations;
/** Whether the remaining reservations have been cancelled. */
boolean cancelled;
* Id of the request associated with this task placer.
String requestId;
private double probeRatio;
UnconstrainedTaskPlacer(String requestId, double probeRatio) {
this.requestId = requestId;
this.probeRatio = probeRatio;
unlaunchedTasks = new LinkedList<TTaskLaunchSpec>();
outstandingReservations = new HashMap<THostPort, Integer>();
cancelled = false;
public Map<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest>
TSchedulingRequest schedulingRequest, String requestId,
Collection<InetSocketAddress> nodes, THostPort schedulerAddress) {
LOG.debug(Logging.functionCall(schedulingRequest, requestId, nodes, schedulerAddress));
int numTasks = schedulingRequest.getTasks().size();
int reservationsToLaunch = (int) Math.ceil(probeRatio * numTasks);
LOG.debug("Request " + requestId + ": Creating " + reservationsToLaunch +
" task reservations for " + numTasks + " tasks");
// Get a random subset of nodes by shuffling list.
List<InetSocketAddress> nodeList = Lists.newArrayList(nodes);
if (reservationsToLaunch < nodeList.size())
nodeList = nodeList.subList(0, reservationsToLaunch);
for (TTaskSpec task : schedulingRequest.getTasks()) {
TTaskLaunchSpec taskLaunchSpec = new TTaskLaunchSpec(task.getTaskId(),
HashMap<InetSocketAddress, TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest> requests = Maps.newHashMap();
int numReservationsPerNode = 1;
if (nodeList.size() < reservationsToLaunch) {
numReservationsPerNode = reservationsToLaunch / nodeList.size();
StringBuilder debugString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
int numReservations = numReservationsPerNode;
if (reservationsToLaunch % nodeList.size() > i)
InetSocketAddress node = nodeList.get(i);
debugString.append(node.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + node.getPort());
// TODO: this needs to be a count!
new THostPort(node.getAddress().getHostAddress(), node.getPort()),
TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest request = new TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest(
schedulingRequest.getApp(), schedulingRequest.getUser(), requestId,
schedulerAddress, numReservations);
requests.put(node, request);
LOG.debug("Request " + requestId + ": Launching enqueueReservation on " +
nodeList.size() + " node monitors: " + debugString.toString());
return requests;
public List<TTaskLaunchSpec> assignTask(THostPort nodeMonitorAddress) {
Integer numOutstandingReservations = outstandingReservations.get(nodeMonitorAddress);
if (numOutstandingReservations == null) {
LOG.error("Node monitor " + nodeMonitorAddress +
" not in list of outstanding reservations");
return Lists.newArrayList();
if (numOutstandingReservations == 1) {
} else {
outstandingReservations.put(nodeMonitorAddress, numOutstandingReservations - 1);
if (unlaunchedTasks.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Request " + requestId + ", node monitor " + nodeMonitorAddress.toString() +
": Not assigning a task (no remaining unlaunched tasks).");
return Lists.newArrayList();
} else {
TTaskLaunchSpec launchSpec = unlaunchedTasks.get(0);
LOG.debug("Request " + requestId + ", node monitor " + nodeMonitorAddress.toString() +
": Assigning task");
return Lists.newArrayList(launchSpec);
public boolean allTasksPlaced() {
return unlaunchedTasks.isEmpty();
public Set<THostPort> getOutstandingNodeMonitorsForCancellation() {
if (!cancelled) {
cancelled = true;
return outstandingReservations.keySet();
return new HashSet<THostPort>();