package org.rabinfingerprint.polynomial;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* An immutable polynomial in the finite field GF(2^k)
* Supports standard arithmetic in the field, as well as reducibility tests.
public class Polynomial implements Arithmetic< Polynomial >, Comparable< Polynomial > {
/** number of elements in the finite field GF(2^k) */
public static final BigInteger Q = BigInteger.valueOf(2L);
/** the polynomial "x" */
public static final Polynomial X = Polynomial.createFromLong(2L);
/** the polynomial "1" */
public static final Polynomial ONE = Polynomial.createFromLong(1L);
/** a reverse comparator so that polynomials are printed out correctly */
private static final class ReverseComparator implements Comparator<BigInteger> {
public int compare(BigInteger o1, BigInteger o2) {
return -1 * o1.compareTo(o2);
* Constructs a polynomial using the bits from a long. Note that Java does
* not support unsigned longs.
public static Polynomial createFromLong(long l) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (((l >> i) & 1) == 1)
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
public static Polynomial createFromBytes(byte[] bytes) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
int degree = 0;
for (int i = bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if ((((bytes[i] >> j) & 1) == 1)) {
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Constructs a polynomial using the bits from an array of bytes, limiting
* the degree to the specified size.
* We set the final degree to ensure a monic polynomial of the correct
* degree.
public static Polynomial createFromBytes(byte[] bytes, int degree) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
for (int i = 0; i < degree; i++) {
if (Polynomials.getBit(bytes, i))
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Constructs a random polynomial of degree "degree"
public static Polynomial createRandom(int degree) {
Random random = new Random();
byte[] bytes = new byte[(degree / 8) + 1];
return createFromBytes(bytes, degree);
* Finds a random irreducible polynomial of degree "degree"
public static Polynomial createIrreducible(int degree) {
while (true) {
Polynomial p = createRandom(degree);
if (p.getReducibility() == Reducibility.IRREDUCIBLE)
return p;
* An enumeration representing the reducibility of the polynomial
* A polynomial p(x) in GF(2^k) is called irreducible over GF[2^k] if it is
* non-constant and cannot be represented as the product of two or more
* non-constant polynomials from GF(2^k).
public static enum Reducibility {
* A (sorted) set of the degrees of the terms of the polynomial. The
* sortedness helps quickly compute the degree as well as print out the
* terms in order. The O(nlogn) performance of insertions and deletions
* might actually hurt us, though, so we might consider moving to a HashSet
private final TreeSet<BigInteger> degrees;
* Construct a new, empty polynomial
public Polynomial() {
this.degrees = createDegreesCollection();
* Construct a new polynomial copy of the input argument
public Polynomial(Polynomial p) {
* Construct a new polynomial from a collection of degrees
protected Polynomial(TreeSet<BigInteger> degrees) {
this.degrees = (TreeSet<BigInteger>) degrees.clone();
* Factory for create the degrees collection.
protected static TreeSet<BigInteger> createDegreesCollection() {
return new TreeSet<BigInteger>(new ReverseComparator());
* Factory for create the copy of current degrees collection.
protected TreeSet<BigInteger> createDegreesCollectionCopy() {
return (TreeSet<BigInteger>) this.degrees.clone();
* Returns the degree of the highest term or -1 otherwise.
public BigInteger degree() {
if (degrees.isEmpty())
return BigInteger.ONE.negate();
return degrees.first();
* Tests if the polynomial is empty, i.e. it has no terms
public boolean isEmpty() {
return degrees.isEmpty();
* Computes (this + that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial add(Polynomial that) {
return xor(that);
* Computes (this - that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial subtract(Polynomial that) {
return xor(that);
* Computes (this * that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial multiply(Polynomial that) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
for (BigInteger pa : this.degrees) {
for (BigInteger pb : that.degrees) {
BigInteger sum = pa.add(pb);
// xor the result
if (dgrs.contains(sum))
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Computes (this & that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial and(Polynomial that) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = this.createDegreesCollectionCopy();
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Computes (this | that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial or(Polynomial that) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = this.createDegreesCollectionCopy();
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Computes (this ^ that) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial xor(Polynomial that) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs0 = this.createDegreesCollectionCopy();
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs1 = that.createDegreesCollectionCopy();
return new Polynomial(dgrs1);
* Computes (this mod that) in GF(2^k) using synthetic division
public Polynomial mod(Polynomial that) {
BigInteger da =;
BigInteger db =;
Polynomial register = new Polynomial(this.degrees);
for (BigInteger i = da.subtract(db); i.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0; i = i.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)) {
if (register.hasDegree(i.add(db))) {
Polynomial shifted = that.shiftLeft(i);
register = register.xor(shifted);
return register;
* Computes (this << shift) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial shiftLeft(BigInteger shift) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
for (BigInteger degree : degrees) {
BigInteger shifted = degree.add(shift);
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Computes (this >> shift) in GF(2^k)
public Polynomial shiftRight(BigInteger shift) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
for (BigInteger degree : degrees) {
BigInteger shifted = degree.subtract(shift);
if (shifted.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0)
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Tests if there exists a term with degree k
public boolean hasDegree(BigInteger k) {
return degrees.contains(k);
* Sets the coefficient of the term with degree k to 1
public Polynomial setDegree(BigInteger k) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Sets the coefficient of the term with degree k to 0
public Polynomial clearDegree(BigInteger k) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Toggles the coefficient of the term with degree k
public Polynomial toggleDegree(BigInteger k) {
TreeSet<BigInteger> dgrs = createDegreesCollection();
if (dgrs.contains(k)) {
} else {
return new Polynomial(dgrs);
* Computes (this^e mod m).
* This algorithm requires at most + space.
public Polynomial modPow(BigInteger e, Polynomial m) {
Polynomial result = Polynomial.ONE;
Polynomial b = new Polynomial(this);
while (e.bitCount() != 0) {
if (e.testBit(0)) {
result = result.multiply(b).mod(m);
e = e.shiftRight(1);
b = b.multiply(b).mod(m);
return result;
* Computes the greatest common divisor between polynomials using Euclid's
* algorithm
public Polynomial gcd(Polynomial that) {
Polynomial a = new Polynomial(this);
while (!that.isEmpty()) {
Polynomial t = new Polynomial(that);
that = a.mod(that);
a = t;
return a;
* Construct a BigInteger whose value represents this polynomial. This can
* lose information if the degrees of the terms are larger than
* Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public BigInteger toBigInteger() {
BigInteger b = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (BigInteger degree : degrees) {
b = b.setBit((int) degree.longValue());
return b;
* Technically accurate but slow as hell.
public BigInteger toBigIntegerAccurate() {
BigInteger b = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (BigInteger degree : degrees) {
BigInteger term = BigInteger.ONE;
for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.ONE; i.compareTo(degree) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
term = term.shiftLeft(1);
return b;
* Returns a string of hex characters representing this polynomial
public String toHexString() {
return toBigInteger().toString(16).toUpperCase();
* Returns a string of digits presenting this polynomial
public String toDecimalString() {
return toBigInteger().toString();
* Returns a string of binary digits presenting this polynomial
public String toBinaryString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for (BigInteger deg = degree(); deg.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) >= 0; deg = deg
.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)) {
if (degrees.contains(deg)) {
} else {
return str.toString();
* Returns standard ascii representation of this polynomial in the form:
* e.g.: x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1
public String toPolynomialString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for (BigInteger degree : degrees) {
if (str.length() != 0) {
str.append(" + ");
if (degree.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) {
} else {
str.append("x^" + degree);
return str.toString();
* Default toString override uses the ascii representation
public String toString() {
return toPolynomialString();
* Tests the reducibility of the polynomial
public boolean isReducible() {
return getReducibility() == Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
* Tests the reducibility of the polynomial
public Reducibility getReducibility() {
// test trivial cases
if (this.compareTo(Polynomial.ONE) == 0)
return Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
if (this.compareTo(Polynomial.X) == 0)
return Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
// do full-on reducibility test
return getReducibilityBenOr();
* BenOr Reducibility Test
* Tests and Constructions of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields
* (1997) Shuhong Gao, Daniel Panario
protected Reducibility getReducibilityBenOr() {
final long degree =;
for (int i = 1; i <= (int) (degree / 2); i++) {
Polynomial b = reduceExponent(i);
Polynomial g = this.gcd(b);
if (g.compareTo(Polynomial.ONE) != 0)
return Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
return Reducibility.IRREDUCIBLE;
* Rabin's Reducibility Test
* This requires the distinct prime factors of the degree, so we don't use
* it. But this could be faster for prime degree polynomials
protected Reducibility getReducibilityRabin(int[] factors) {
int degree = (int) degree().longValue();
for (int i = 0; i < factors.length; i++) {
int n_i = factors[i];
Polynomial b = reduceExponent(n_i);
Polynomial g = this.gcd(b);
if (g.compareTo(Polynomial.ONE) != 0)
return Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
Polynomial g = reduceExponent(degree);
if (!g.isEmpty())
return Reducibility.REDUCIBLE;
return Reducibility.IRREDUCIBLE;
* Computes ( x^(2^p) - x ) mod f
* This function is useful for computing the reducibility of the polynomial
private Polynomial reduceExponent(final int p) {
// compute (x^q^p mod f)
BigInteger q_to_p = Q.pow(p);
Polynomial x_to_q_to_p = X.modPow(q_to_p, this);
// subtract (x mod f)
return x_to_q_to_p.xor(X).mod(this);
* Compares this polynomial to the other
public int compareTo(Polynomial o) {
int cmp = degree().compareTo(;
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
// get first degree difference
Polynomial x = this.xor(o);
if (x.isEmpty()) return 0;
return this.hasDegree( ? 1 : -1;