* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Wilfred Springer
* This file is part of Preon.
* Preon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
* Preon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* Preon; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
* combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
* permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
* executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
* to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
* provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
* and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
* module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
* library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
* you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.
package org.codehaus.preon;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.ArticleDocument;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.base.DefaultArticleDocument;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.base.DefaultDocumentBuilder;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.html.HtmlDocumentBuilder;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.xml.StreamingXmlWriter;
import nl.flotsam.pecia.builder.xml.XmlWriter;
import org.codehaus.preon.binding.BindingDecorator;
import org.codehaus.preon.buffer.BitBuffer;
import org.codehaus.preon.buffer.DefaultBitBuffer;
import org.codehaus.preon.channel.BitChannel;
import org.codehaus.preon.channel.OutputStreamBitChannel;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory;
* A utility class, providing some convenience mechanisms for using and documenting {@link Codec Codecs}.
* @author Wilfred Springer
public class Codecs {
private static final Builder DEFAULT_BUILDER = new DefaultBuilder();
* An enumeration of potential documentation types.
* @see Codecs#document(Codec, org.codehaus.preon.Codecs.DocumentType, File)
* @see Codecs#document(Codec, org.codehaus.preon.Codecs.DocumentType, OutputStream)
public enum DocumentType {
Html {
public DefaultDocumentBuilder createDocumentBuilder(XmlWriter writer) {
return new HtmlDocumentBuilder(writer, this.getClass()
.getResource("/default.css")) {
* Returns a {@link DefaultDocumentBuilder} instance for the given type of document.
* @param writer The {@link XmlWriter} to which the document will be written.
* @return A {@link DefaultDocumentBuilder} capable of rendering the desired document format.
public abstract DefaultDocumentBuilder createDocumentBuilder(
XmlWriter writer);
* Documents the codec, writing a document of the given type to the given file.
* @param <T> The type of objects decoded by the {@link Codec}.
* @param codec The actual codec.
* @param type The type of document type of the document generated.
* @param file The file to which all output needs to be written.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If the file cannot be written.
public static <T> void document(Codec<T> codec, DocumentType type, File file)
throws FileNotFoundException {
OutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new FileOutputStream(file);
document(codec, type, out);
} finally {
* Documents the codec, writing a document of the given type to the given {@link OutputStream}.
* @param <T> The type of objects decoded by the {@link Codec}.
* @param codec The actual codec.
* @param type The type of document type of the document generated.
* @param out The {@link OutputStream} receiving the document.
public static <T> void document(Codec<T> codec, DocumentType type,
OutputStream out) {
WstxOutputFactory documentFactory = new WstxOutputFactory();
XmlWriter writer;
try {
writer = new StreamingXmlWriter(documentFactory
DefaultDocumentBuilder builder = type.createDocumentBuilder(writer);
ArticleDocument document = new DefaultArticleDocument(builder,
document(codec, document);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
// In the unlikely event this happens:
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create stream writer.");
* Documents the codec, writing contents to the {@link ArticleDocument} passed in.
* @param <T> The type of objects decoded by the {@link Codec}.
* @param codec The actual codec.
* @param document The document in which the documentation of the Codec needs to be generated.
public static <T> void document(Codec<T> codec, ArticleDocument document) {
CodecDescriptor descriptor = codec.getCodecDescriptor();
if (descriptor.requiresDedicatedSection()) {
} else {
document.para().text("Full description missing.").end();
* Decodes an object from the buffer passed in.
* @param <T> The of object to be decoded.
* @param codec The {@link Codec} that will take care of the actual work.
* @param buffer An array of bytes holding the encoded data.
* @return The decoded object.
* @throws DecodingException If the {@link Codec} fails to decode a value from the buffer passed in.
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, byte... buffer)
throws DecodingException {
return decode(codec, ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer));
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, Builder builder, byte... buffer)
throws DecodingException {
return decode(codec, ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer), builder);
* Decodes an object from the buffer passed in.
* @param <T> The of object to be decoded.
* @param codec The {@link Codec} that will take care of the actual work.
* @param buffer An array of bytes holding the encoded data.
* @return The decoded object.
* @throws DecodingException If the {@link Codec} fails to decode a value from the buffer passed in.
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, ByteBuffer buffer)
throws DecodingException {
return decode(codec, new DefaultBitBuffer(buffer), null, null);
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, ByteBuffer buffer, Builder builder)
throws DecodingException {
return decode(codec, new DefaultBitBuffer(buffer), builder, null);
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, BitBuffer buffer, Builder builder, Resolver resolver)
throws DecodingException {
if (builder == null) {
return codec.decode(buffer, resolver, builder);
* Decodes an object from the buffer passed in.
* @param <T> The of object to be decoded.
* @param codec The {@link Codec} that will take care of the actual work.
* @param file The {@link File} providing the data to be decoded.
* @return The decoded object.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If the {@link File} does not exist.
* @throws IOException If the system fails to read data from the file.
* @throws DecodingException If the {@link Codec} fails to decode a value from the buffer passed in.
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, File file)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, DecodingException {
return decode(codec, null, file);
public static <T> T decode(Codec<T> codec, Builder builder, File file)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, DecodingException {
FileInputStream in = null;
FileChannel channel = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(file);
channel = in.getChannel();
int fileSize = (int) channel.size();
ByteBuffer buffer = channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0,
return decode(codec, buffer, builder);
} finally {
if (channel != null) {
* Encodes the value to the channel passed in, using the given Codec. So why not have this operation on codec
* instead? Well, it <em>is</em> actually there. However, there will be quite a few overloaded versions of this
* operation, and Java would force you to implement these operations on <em>every Codec</em>. That's not a very
* attractive objection. So instead of inheritance, it's all delegation now.
* @param value The object that needs to be encoded.
* @param codec The codec to be used.
* @param channel The target {@link org.codehaus.preon.channel.BitChannel}.
* @param <T> The type of object to be encoded.
* @throws IOException If the {@link org.codehaus.preon.channel.BitChannel} no longer receives the data.
public static <T> void encode(T value, Codec<T> codec, BitChannel channel) throws IOException {
codec.encode(value, channel, new NullResolver());
public static <T> byte[] encode(T value, Codec<T> codec) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
encode(value, codec, out);
return out.toByteArray();
public static <T> void encode(T value, Codec<T> codec, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
encode(value, codec, new OutputStreamBitChannel(out));
* Creates a {@link Codec} for the given type.
* @param <T> The of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @param type The type of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @return A {@link Codec} capable of decoding/encoding instances of the type passed in.
public static <T> Codec<T> create(Class<T> type) {
return new DefaultCodecFactory().create(type);
* Creates a {@link Codec} for the given type, accepting an number of {@link CodecFactory CodecFactories} to be taken
* into account while constructing the {@link Codec}.
* @param <T> The of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @param type The type of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @param factories Additional {@link CodecFactory CodecFactories} to be used while constructing the {@link Codec}.
* @return A {@link Codec} capable of decoding instances of the type passed in.
public static <T> Codec<T> create(Class<T> type, CodecFactory... factories) {
return create(type, factories, new CodecDecorator[0]);
* Creates a {@link Codec} for the given type, accepting an number of {@link CodecDecorator CodecDecorators} to be
* taken into account while constructing the {@link Codec}.
* @param <T> The type of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @param decorators Additional {@link CodecDecorator CodecDecorators} to be used while constructing the {@link
* Codec}.
* @return A {@link Codec} capable of decoding instances of the type passed in, taking the {@link CodecDecorator
* CodecDecorators} into account.
public static <T> Codec<T> create(Class<T> type,
CodecDecorator... decorators) {
return create(type, new CodecFactory[0], decorators);
* Creates a {@link Codec} for the given type, accepting an number of {@link CodecDecorator CodecDecorators} to be
* taken into account while constructing the {@link Codec}.
* @param <T> The type of object constructed using the {@link Codec}.
* @param factories Additional {@link CodecFactory CodecFactories} to be used while constructing the {@link Codec}.
* @param decorators Additional {@link CodecDecorator CodecDecorators} to be used while constructing the {@link
* Codec}.
* @return A {@link Codec} capable of decoding instances of the type passed in, taking the {@link CodecDecorator
* CodecDecorators} into account.
public static <T> Codec<T> create(Class<T> type, CodecFactory[] factories,
CodecDecorator[] decorators) {
return create(type, factories, decorators, new BindingDecorator[0]);
public static <T> Codec<T> create(Class<T> type, CodecFactory[] factories,
CodecDecorator[] decorators, BindingDecorator[] bindingDecorators) {
return new DefaultCodecFactory().create(null, type,
factories, decorators, bindingDecorators);