Package com.tinkerpop.rexster.util

Source Code of com.tinkerpop.rexster.util.ElementHelper

package com.tinkerpop.rexster.util;

import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

* Converts a property value from the query string into a typed value using standard Rexster Data Typing.
* @author Stephen Mallette (
public class ElementHelper {

     * Takes a property value string from the URI and attempts to parse it
     * to its defined data type using Rexster Data Typing.
    public static Object getTypedPropertyValue(final Object propertyValue) {
        return getTypedPropertyValue(propertyValue, true);

     * Takes a property value string from the URI and attempts to parse it
     * to its defined data type.  Also accepts a JSONObject or JSONArray.
     * <p/>
     * The format of the property value must be enclosed with parens with
     * two values within it separated by a comma.  The first value is the data
     * type which may be one of the following:
     * <p/>
     * i or integer
     * f or float
     * l or long
     * d or double
     * s or string
     * b or boolean
     * map
     * list
     * null
     * <p/>
     * In the event that the type is not set or the parens cannot be tracked
     * as open and closed the parser will determine the value to simply be a string.
     * <p/>
     * The value of a list must be defined with enclosing square brackets with values
     * separated by commas.  Values are defined with the same rules involving parens
     * defined above.
     * <p/>
     * The value of a map must be defined with enclosing parens where comma
     * separated segments of new key-value pairs represent the properties of the
     * map itself.
     * <p/>
     * Values may be nested to any depth.
     * @param propertyValue The value from a key-value pair.  At a top level, this will
     *                      come from the URI as a one of the query parameters.
     * @param parseTypes    Set to true to check strings for data type formatting.
     * @return The property value coerced to the appropriate Java data type.
    public static Object getTypedPropertyValue(final Object propertyValue, final boolean parseTypes) {
        Object typedPropertyValue = propertyValue;
        if (typedPropertyValue == null) {
            typedPropertyValue = null;

        // determine if the property is typed, otherwise assume it is a string
        if (propertyValue != null) {
            if (propertyValue instanceof String) {
                String stringPropertyValue = propertyValue.toString();
                if (parseTypes && stringPropertyValue.startsWith("(") && stringPropertyValue.endsWith(")")) {
                    String dataType = getDataTypeSegment(stringPropertyValue);
                    String theValue = getValueSegment(stringPropertyValue);

                    if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_STRING)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = theValue;
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_INTEGER)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = tryParseInteger(theValue);
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = tryParseBoolean(theValue);
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LONG)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = tryParseLong(theValue);
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = tryParseDouble(theValue);
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_FLOAT)) {
                        typedPropertyValue = tryParseFloat(theValue);
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LIST)) {
                        ArrayList<String> items = tryParseList(theValue);
                        ArrayList typedItems = new ArrayList();
                        for (String item : items) {

                        typedPropertyValue = typedItems;
                    } else if (dataType.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_MAP)) {
                        HashMap<String, String> stringProperties = tryParseMap(theValue);
                        HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : stringProperties.entrySet()) {
                            properties.put(entry.getKey(), getTypedPropertyValue(entry.getValue()));

                        typedPropertyValue = properties;
                    } else if (dataType.equals("null")) {
                        typedPropertyValue = null;
            } else if (propertyValue == JSONObject.NULL) {
                typedPropertyValue = null;
            } else if (propertyValue instanceof JSONObject) {
                JSONObject innerJson = (JSONObject) propertyValue;
                HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

                Iterator itty = innerJson.keys();
                while (itty.hasNext()) {
                    String key = (String);
                    properties.put(key, getTypedPropertyValue(innerJson.opt(key), parseTypes));

                typedPropertyValue = properties;
            } else if (propertyValue instanceof JSONArray) {
                JSONArray innerJson = (JSONArray) propertyValue;
                ArrayList typedItems = new ArrayList();

                for (int ix = 0; ix < innerJson.length(); ix++) {
                    typedItems.add(getTypedPropertyValue(innerJson.opt(ix), parseTypes));

                typedPropertyValue = typedItems;

        return typedPropertyValue;

    private static HashMap<String, String> tryParseMap(final String mapValue) {
        // parens on the ends have been validated already...they must be
        // here to have gotten this far.
        String stripped = mapValue.substring(1, mapValue.length() - 1);

        HashMap<String, String> pairs = new HashMap<String, String>();

        ArrayList<Integer> delimiterPlaces = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int parensOpened = 0;

        for (int ix = 0; ix < stripped.length(); ix++) {
            char c = stripped.charAt(ix);
            if (c == ',') {
                if (parensOpened == 0) {
            } else if (c == '(') {
            } else if (c == ')') {

        int lastPlace = 0;
        int equalPlace = 0;
        for (Integer place : delimiterPlaces) {
            final String property = stripped.substring(lastPlace, place);
            equalPlace = property.indexOf("=");
            pairs.put(property.substring(0, equalPlace), property.substring(equalPlace + 1));
            lastPlace = place + 1;

        String property = stripped.substring(lastPlace);
        equalPlace = property.indexOf("=");
        pairs.put(property.substring(0, equalPlace), property.substring(equalPlace + 1));

        return pairs;

    private static ArrayList<String> tryParseList(final String listValue) {

        // square brackets on the ends have been validated already...they must be
        // here to have gotten this far.
        String stripped = listValue.substring(1, listValue.length() - 1);

        ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();

        int place = stripped.indexOf(',');

        if (place > -1) {

            boolean isEndItem = false;
            int parensOpened = 0;
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            for (int ix = 0; ix < stripped.length(); ix++) {
                char c = stripped.charAt(ix);
                if (c == ',') {
                    // a delimiter was found, determine if it is a true
                    // delimiter or if it is part of a value or a separator
                    // with a paren set
                    if (parensOpened == 0) {
                        isEndItem = true;
                } else if (c == '(') {
                } else if (c == ')') {

                if (ix == stripped.length() - 1) {
                    // this is the last character in the default
                    // this is an end item event
                    isEndItem = true;

                    // append the character because it is valid in the value and
                    // not a delimiter that would normally be added.

                if (isEndItem) {
                    sb = new StringBuffer();
                    isEndItem = false;
                } else {
        } else {
            // there is one item in the array or the array is empty

        return items;

    private static String getValueSegment(final String propertyValue) {
        // assumes that the propertyValue has open and closed parens
        String value = "";
        String stripped = propertyValue.substring(1, propertyValue.length() - 1);
        int place = stripped.indexOf(',');

        // assume that the first char could be the comma, which
        // would default to a string data type.
        if (place > -1) {
            if (place + 1 < stripped.length()) {
                // stripped doesn't have the trailing paren so take
                // the value from the first character after the comma to the end
                value = stripped.substring(place + 1);
            } else {
                // there is nothing after the comma
                value = "";
        } else {
            // there was no comma, so the whole thing is the value and it
            // is assumed to be a string
            value = stripped;

        return value;

    private static String getDataTypeSegment(final String propertyValue) {
        // assumes that the propertyValue has open and closed parens
        String dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_STRING;

        // strip the initial parens and read up to the command.
        // no need to check for string as that is the default
        int place = propertyValue.indexOf(',');
        String inner = propertyValue.substring(1, place).trim();
        if (inner.equals("s") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_STRING)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_STRING;
        } else if (inner.equals("b") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_BOOLEAN)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_BOOLEAN;
        } else if (inner.equals("i") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_INTEGER)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_INTEGER;
        } else if (inner.equals("d") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_DOUBLE;
        } else if (inner.equals("f") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_FLOAT)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_FLOAT;
        } else if (inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LIST)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LIST;
        } else if (inner.equals("l") || inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LONG)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_LONG;
        } else if (inner.equals(GraphSONTokens.TYPE_MAP)) {
            dataType = GraphSONTokens.TYPE_MAP;
        } else if (inner.equals("null")) {
            dataType = "null";

        return dataType;

    private static Object tryParseInteger(final String intValue) {
        Object parsedValue;
        try {
            parsedValue = Integer.parseInt(intValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            parsedValue = intValue;

        return parsedValue;

    private static Object tryParseFloat(final String floatValue) {
        Object parsedValue;
        try {
            parsedValue = Float.parseFloat(floatValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            parsedValue = floatValue;

        return parsedValue;

    private static Object tryParseBoolean(final String booleanValue) {
        Object parsedValue;
        try {
            parsedValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(booleanValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            parsedValue = booleanValue;

        return parsedValue;

    private static Object tryParseLong(final String longValue) {
        Object parsedValue;
        try {
            parsedValue = Long.parseLong(longValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            parsedValue = longValue;

        return parsedValue;

    private static Object tryParseDouble(final String doubleValue) {
        Object parsedValue;
        try {
            parsedValue = Double.parseDouble(doubleValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            parsedValue = doubleValue;

        return parsedValue;

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