/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
@author Aron Culotta <a href="mailto:culotta@cs.umass.edu">culotta@cs.umass.edu</a>
Limited Memory BFGS, as described in Byrd, Nocedal, and Schnabel,
"Representations of Quasi-Newton Matrices and Their Use in Limited
Memory Methods"
package cc.mallet.optimize;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import cc.mallet.optimize.BackTrackLineSearch;
import cc.mallet.optimize.LineOptimizer;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable;
import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
public class LimitedMemoryBFGS implements Optimizer
private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger("edu.umass.cs.mallet.base.ml.maximize.LimitedMemoryBFGS");
boolean converged = false;
Optimizable.ByGradientValue optimizable;
final int maxIterations = 1000;
// xxx need a more principled stopping point
//final double tolerance = .0001;
private double tolerance = .0001;
final double gradientTolerance = .001;
final double eps = 1.0e-5;
// The number of corrections used in BFGS update
// ideally 3 <= m <= 7. Larger m means more cpu time, memory.
final int m = 4;
// Line search function
private LineOptimizer.ByGradient lineMaximizer;
public LimitedMemoryBFGS (Optimizable.ByGradientValue function) {
this.optimizable = function;
lineMaximizer = new BackTrackLineSearch (function);
public Optimizable getOptimizable () { return this.optimizable; }
public boolean isConverged () { return converged; }
public void setLineMaximizer (LineOptimizer.ByGradient maxer)
lineMaximizer = maxer;
// State of search
// g = gradient
// s = list of m previous "parameters" values
// y = list of m previous "g" values
// rho = intermediate calculation
double [] g, oldg, direction, parameters, oldParameters;
LinkedList s = new LinkedList();
LinkedList y = new LinkedList();
LinkedList rho = new LinkedList();
double [] alpha;
static double step = 1.0;
int iterations;
private OptimizerEvaluator.ByGradient eval = null;
// CPAL - added this
public void setTolerance(double newtol) {
this.tolerance = newtol;
public void setEvaluator (OptimizerEvaluator.ByGradient eval) { this.eval = eval; }
public int getIteration () {
return iterations;
public boolean optimize ()
return optimize (Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public boolean optimize (int numIterations)
double initialValue = optimizable.getValue();
logger.fine("Entering L-BFGS.optimize(). Initial Value="+initialValue);
if(g==null) { //first time through
logger.fine("First time through L-BFGS");
iterations = 0;
s = new LinkedList();
y = new LinkedList();
rho = new LinkedList();
alpha = new double[m];
for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
alpha[i] = 0.0;
parameters = new double[optimizable.getNumParameters()];
oldParameters = new double[optimizable.getNumParameters()];
g = new double[optimizable.getNumParameters()];
oldg = new double[optimizable.getNumParameters()];
direction = new double[optimizable.getNumParameters()];
optimizable.getParameters (parameters);
System.arraycopy (parameters, 0, oldParameters, 0, parameters.length);
optimizable.getValueGradient (g);
System.arraycopy (g, 0, oldg, 0, g.length);
System.arraycopy (g, 0, direction, 0, g.length);
if (MatrixOps.absNormalize (direction) == 0) {
logger.info("L-BFGS initial gradient is zero; saying converged");
g = null;
converged = true;
return true;
logger.fine ("direction.2norm: " + MatrixOps.twoNorm (direction));
MatrixOps.timesEquals(direction, 1.0 / MatrixOps.twoNorm(direction));
// make initial jump
logger.fine ("before initial jump: \ndirection.2norm: " +
MatrixOps.twoNorm (direction) + " \ngradient.2norm: " +
MatrixOps.twoNorm (g) + "\nparameters.2norm: " +
//TestMaximizable.testValueAndGradientInDirection (maxable, direction);
step = lineMaximizer.optimize(direction, step);
if (step == 0.0) {// could not step in this direction.
// give up and say converged.
g = null; // reset search
step = 1.0;
throw new OptimizationException("Line search could not step in the current direction. " +
"(This is not necessarily cause for alarm. Sometimes this happens close to the maximum," +
" where the function may be very flat.)");
//return false;
optimizable.getParameters (parameters);
logger.fine ("after initial jump: \ndirection.2norm: " +
MatrixOps.twoNorm (direction) + " \ngradient.2norm: "
+ MatrixOps.twoNorm (g));
for(int iterationCount = 0; iterationCount < numIterations;
iterationCount++) {
double value = optimizable.getValue();
logger.fine("L-BFGS iteration="+iterationCount
+", value="+value+" g.twoNorm: "+MatrixOps.twoNorm(g)+
" oldg.twoNorm: "+MatrixOps.twoNorm(oldg));
// get difference between previous 2 gradients and parameters
double sy = 0.0;
double yy = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i < oldParameters.length; i++) {
// -inf - (-inf) = 0; inf - inf = 0
if (Double.isInfinite(parameters[i]) &&
Double.isInfinite(oldParameters[i]) &&
(parameters[i]*oldParameters[i] > 0))
oldParameters[i] = 0.0;
oldParameters[i] = parameters[i] - oldParameters[i];
if (Double.isInfinite(g[i]) &&
Double.isInfinite(oldg[i]) &&
(g[i]*oldg[i] > 0))
oldg[i] = 0.0;
else oldg[i] = g[i] - oldg[i];
sy += oldParameters[i] * oldg[i]; // si * yi
yy += oldg[i]*oldg[i];
direction[i] = g[i];
if ( sy > 0 ) {
throw new InvalidOptimizableException ("sy = "+sy+" > 0" );
double gamma = sy / yy; // scaling factor
if ( gamma>0 )
throw new InvalidOptimizableException ("gamma = "+gamma+" > 0" );
push (rho, 1.0/sy);
push (s, oldParameters);
push (y, oldg);
// calculate new direction
assert (s.size() == y.size()) :
"s.size: " + s.size() + " y.size: " + y.size();
for(int i = s.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
alpha[i] = ((Double)rho.get(i)).doubleValue() *
MatrixOps.dotProduct ( (double[])s.get(i), direction);
MatrixOps.plusEquals (direction, (double[])y.get(i),
-1.0 * alpha[i]);
MatrixOps.timesEquals(direction, gamma);
for(int i = 0; i < y.size(); i++) {
double beta = (((Double)rho.get(i)).doubleValue()) *
MatrixOps.dotProduct((double[])y.get(i), direction);
alpha[i] - beta);
for (int i=0; i < oldg.length; i++) {
oldParameters[i] = parameters[i];
oldg[i] = g[i];
direction[i] *= -1.0;
logger.fine ("before linesearch: direction.gradient.dotprod: "+
MatrixOps.dotProduct(direction,g)+"\ndirection.2norm: " +
MatrixOps.twoNorm (direction) + "\nparameters.2norm: " +
//TestMaximizable.testValueAndGradientInDirection (maxable, direction);
step = lineMaximizer.optimize(direction, step);
if (step == 0.0) { // could not step in this direction.
g = null; // reset search
step = 1.0;
// xxx Temporary test; passed OK
// TestMaximizable.testValueAndGradientInDirection (maxable, direction);
throw new OptimizationException("Line search could not step in the current direction. " +
"(This is not necessarily cause for alarm. Sometimes this happens close to the maximum," +
" where the function may be very flat.)");
// return false;
optimizable.getParameters (parameters);
logger.fine ("after linesearch: direction.2norm: " +
MatrixOps.twoNorm (direction));
double newValue = optimizable.getValue();
// Test for terminations
if(2.0*Math.abs(newValue-value) <= tolerance*
(Math.abs(newValue)+Math.abs(value) + eps)){
logger.info("Exiting L-BFGS on termination #1:\nvalue difference below tolerance (oldValue: " + value + " newValue: " + newValue);
converged = true;
return true;
double gg = MatrixOps.twoNorm(g);
if(gg < gradientTolerance) {
logger.fine("Exiting L-BFGS on termination #2: \ngradient="+gg+" < "+gradientTolerance);
converged = true;
return true;
if(gg == 0.0) {
logger.fine("Exiting L-BFGS on termination #3: \ngradient==0.0");
converged = true;
return true;
logger.fine("Gradient = "+gg);
if (iterations > maxIterations) {
System.err.println("Too many iterations in L-BFGS.java. Continuing with current parameters.");
converged = true;
return true;
//throw new IllegalStateException ("Too many iterations.");
//end of iteration. call evaluator
if (eval != null && !eval.evaluate (optimizable, iterationCount)) {
logger.fine ("Exiting L-BFGS on termination #4: evaluator returned false.");
converged = true;
return false;
return false;
/** Resets the previous gradients and values that are used to
* approximate the Hessian. NOTE - If the {@link Optimizable} object
* is modified externally, this method should be called to avoid
* IllegalStateExceptions. */
public void reset () {
g = null;
* Pushes a new object onto the queue l
* @param l linked list queue of Matrix obj's
* @param toadd matrix to push onto queue
private void push(LinkedList l, double[] toadd) {
assert(l.size() <= m);
if(l.size() == m) {
// remove oldest matrix and add newset to end of list.
// to make this more efficient, actually overwrite
// memory of oldest matrix
// this overwrites the oldest matrix
double[] last = (double[]) l.get(0);
System.arraycopy(toadd, 0, last, 0, toadd.length);
Object ptr = last;
// this readjusts the pointers in the list
for(int i=0; i<l.size()-1; i++)
l.set(i, (double[])l.get(i+1));
l.set(m-1, ptr);
else {
double [] newArray = new double[toadd.length];
System.arraycopy (toadd, 0, newArray, 0, toadd.length);
* Pushes a new object onto the queue l
* @param l linked list queue of Double obj's
* @param toadd double value to push onto queue
private void push(LinkedList l, double toadd) {
assert(l.size() <= m);
if(l.size() == m) { //pop old double and add new
l.addLast(new Double(toadd));
l.addLast(new Double(toadd));