/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
Evaluate segmentation f1 for several different tags (marked in OIB format).
For example, tags might be B-PERSON I-PERSON O B-LOCATION I-LOCATION O...
@author Andrew McCallum <a href="mailto:mccallum@cs.umass.edu">mccallum@cs.umass.edu</a>
package cc.mallet.fst;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.Sequence;
import cc.mallet.types.TokenSequence;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
* Evaluates a transducer model, computes the precision, recall and F1 scores;
* considers segments that span across multiple tokens.
public class MultiSegmentationEvaluator extends TransducerEvaluator
private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(SegmentationEvaluator.class.getName());
// equals() is called on these objects to determine if this token is the start or continuation of a segment.
// A tag not equal to any of these is an "other".
// is not part of the segment).
Object[] segmentStartTags;
Object[] segmentContinueTags;
Object[] segmentStartOrContinueTags;
public MultiSegmentationEvaluator (InstanceList[] instanceLists, String[] instanceListDescriptions,
Object[] segmentStartTags, Object[] segmentContinueTags)
super (instanceLists, instanceListDescriptions);
this.segmentStartTags = segmentStartTags;
this.segmentContinueTags = segmentContinueTags;
assert (segmentStartTags.length == segmentContinueTags.length);
public MultiSegmentationEvaluator (InstanceList instanceList1, String description1,
Object[] segmentStartTags, Object[] segmentContinueTags)
this (new InstanceList[] {instanceList1}, new String[] {description1},
segmentStartTags, segmentContinueTags);
public MultiSegmentationEvaluator (InstanceList instanceList1, String description1,
InstanceList instanceList2, String description2,
Object[] segmentStartTags, Object[] segmentContinueTags)
this (new InstanceList[] {instanceList1, instanceList2}, new String[] {description1, description2},
segmentStartTags, segmentContinueTags);
public MultiSegmentationEvaluator (InstanceList instanceList1, String description1,
InstanceList instanceList2, String description2,
InstanceList instanceList3, String description3,
Object[] segmentStartTags, Object[] segmentContinueTags)
this (new InstanceList[] {instanceList1, instanceList2, instanceList3}, new String[] {description1, description2, description3},
segmentStartTags, segmentContinueTags);
public void evaluateInstanceList (TransducerTrainer tt, InstanceList data, String description)
Transducer model = tt.getTransducer();
int numCorrectTokens, totalTokens;
int[] numTrueSegments, numPredictedSegments, numCorrectSegments;
int allIndex = segmentStartTags.length;
int anyTypeIndex = segmentStartTags.length+1;
numTrueSegments = new int[allIndex+2];
numPredictedSegments = new int[allIndex+2];
numCorrectSegments = new int[allIndex+2];
totalTokens = numCorrectTokens = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < numTrueSegments.length; n++)
numTrueSegments[n] = numPredictedSegments[n] = numCorrectSegments[n] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
Instance instance = data.get(i);
Sequence input = (Sequence) instance.getData();
//String tokens = null;
//if (instance.getSource() != null)
//tokens = (String) instance.getSource().toString();
Sequence trueOutput = (Sequence) instance.getTarget();
assert (input.size() == trueOutput.size());
Sequence predOutput = model.transduce (input);
assert (predOutput.size() == trueOutput.size());
int trueStart, predStart; // -1 for non-start, otherwise index into segmentStartTag
for (int j = 0; j < trueOutput.size(); j++) {
if (trueOutput.get(j).equals(predOutput.get(j)))
trueStart = predStart = -1;
// Count true segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(trueOutput.get(j))) {
trueStart = n;
// Count predicted segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(predOutput.get(j))) {
predStart = n;
//if (trueStart != -1 && trueStart == predStart) {
if (trueStart != -1 && predStart != -1) {
// Truth and Prediction both agree that the same segment tag-type is starting now
int m;
boolean trueContinue = false;
boolean predContinue = false;
for (m = j+1; m < trueOutput.size(); m++) {
trueContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (trueOutput.get(m));
predContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (predOutput.get(m));
if (!trueContinue || !predContinue) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
// They agree about a segment is ending somehow
if(trueStart == predStart) {
// for the case of the end of the sequence
if (m == trueOutput.size()) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
if(trueStart == predStart) {
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat ("0.####");
logger.info (description +" tokenaccuracy="+f.format(((double)numCorrectTokens)/totalTokens));
for (int n = 0; n < numCorrectSegments.length; n++) {
logger.info ((n < allIndex ? segmentStartTags[n].toString() : "OVERALL") +' ');
double precision = numPredictedSegments[n] == 0 ? 1 : ((double)numCorrectSegments[n]) / numPredictedSegments[n];
double recall = numTrueSegments[n] == 0 ? 1 : ((double)numCorrectSegments[n]) / numTrueSegments[n];
double f1 = recall+precision == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (2.0 * recall * precision) / (recall + precision);
logger.info (" "+description+" segments true="+numTrueSegments[n]+" pred="+numPredictedSegments[n]+" correct="+numCorrectSegments[n]+
" misses="+(numTrueSegments[n]-numCorrectSegments[n])+" alarms="+(numPredictedSegments[n]-numCorrectSegments[n]));
logger.info (" "+description+" precision="+f.format(precision)+" recall="+f.format(recall)+" f1="+f.format(f1));
* Returns the number of incorrect segments in <code>predOutput</code>
* @param trueOutput truth
* @param predOutput predicted
* @return number of incorrect segments
public int numIncorrectSegments (Sequence trueOutput, Sequence predOutput) {
int numCorrectTokens, totalTokens;
int[] numTrueSegments, numPredictedSegments, numCorrectSegments;
int allIndex = segmentStartTags.length;
numTrueSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
numPredictedSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
numCorrectSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
totalTokens = numCorrectTokens = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < numTrueSegments.length; n++)
numTrueSegments[n] = numPredictedSegments[n] = numCorrectSegments[n] = 0;
assert (predOutput.size() == trueOutput.size());
// -1 for non-start, otherwise index into segmentStartTag
int trueStart, predStart;
for (int j = 0; j < trueOutput.size(); j++) {
if (trueOutput.get(j).equals(predOutput.get(j)))
trueStart = predStart = -1;
// Count true segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(trueOutput.get(j))) {
trueStart = n;
// Count predicted segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(predOutput.get(j))) {
predStart = n;
if (trueStart != -1 && trueStart == predStart) {
// Truth and Prediction both agree that the same segment tag-type is starting now
int m;
boolean trueContinue = false;
boolean predContinue = false;
for (m = j+1; m < trueOutput.size(); m++) {
trueContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (trueOutput.get(m));
predContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (predOutput.get(m));
if (!trueContinue || !predContinue) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
// They agree about a segment is ending somehow
// for the case of the end of the sequence
if (m == trueOutput.size()) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
int wrong = 0;
for (int n=0; n < numCorrectSegments.length; n++) {
// incorrect segment is either false pos or false neg.
wrong += numTrueSegments[n] - numCorrectSegments[n];
return wrong;
* Tests segmentation using an ArrayList of predicted Sequences instead of a
* {@link Transducer}. If predictedSequence is null, don't include in stats
* (useful for error analysis).
* @param data list of instances to be segmented
* @param predictedSequences predictions
* @param description description of trial
* @param viterbiOutputStream where to print the Viterbi paths
public void batchTest(InstanceList data, List<Sequence> predictedSequences,
String description, PrintStream viterbiOutputStream)
int numCorrectTokens, totalTokens;
int[] numTrueSegments, numPredictedSegments, numCorrectSegments;
int allIndex = segmentStartTags.length;
numTrueSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
numPredictedSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
numCorrectSegments = new int[allIndex+1];
TokenSequence sourceTokenSequence = null;
totalTokens = numCorrectTokens = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < numTrueSegments.length; n++)
numTrueSegments[n] = numPredictedSegments[n] = numCorrectSegments[n] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if (viterbiOutputStream != null)
viterbiOutputStream.println ("Viterbi path for "+description+" instance #"+i);
Instance instance = data.get(i);
Sequence input = (Sequence) instance.getData();
//String tokens = null;
//if (instance.getSource() != null)
//tokens = (String) instance.getSource().toString();
Sequence trueOutput = (Sequence) instance.getTarget();
assert (input.size() == trueOutput.size());
Sequence predOutput = (Sequence) predictedSequences.get (i);
if (predOutput == null) // skip this instance
assert (predOutput.size() == trueOutput.size());
int trueStart, predStart; // -1 for non-start, otherwise index into segmentStartTag
for (int j = 0; j < trueOutput.size(); j++) {
if (trueOutput.get(j).equals(predOutput.get(j)))
trueStart = predStart = -1;
// Count true segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(trueOutput.get(j))) {
trueStart = n;
// Count predicted segment starts
for (int n = 0; n < segmentStartTags.length; n++) {
if (segmentStartTags[n].equals(predOutput.get(j))) {
predStart = n;
if (trueStart != -1 && trueStart == predStart) {
// Truth and Prediction both agree that the same segment tag-type is starting now
int m;
boolean trueContinue = false;
boolean predContinue = false;
for (m = j+1; m < trueOutput.size(); m++) {
trueContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (trueOutput.get(m));
predContinue = segmentContinueTags[predStart].equals (predOutput.get(m));
if (!trueContinue || !predContinue) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
// They agree about a segment is ending somehow
// for the case of the end of the sequence
if (m == trueOutput.size()) {
if (trueContinue == predContinue) {
if (viterbiOutputStream != null) {
FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) input.get(j);
//viterbiOutputStream.println (tokens.charAt(j)+" "+trueOutput.get(j).toString()+
//'/'+predOutput.get(j).toString()+" "+ fv.toString(true));
if (sourceTokenSequence != null)
viterbiOutputStream.print (sourceTokenSequence.get(j).getText()+": ");
viterbiOutputStream.println (trueOutput.get(j).toString()+
'/'+predOutput.get(j).toString()+" "+ fv.toString(true));
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat ("0.####");
logger.info (description +" tokenaccuracy="+f.format(((double)numCorrectTokens)/totalTokens));
for (int n = 0; n < numCorrectSegments.length; n++) {
logger.info ((n < allIndex ? segmentStartTags[n].toString() : "OVERALL") +' ');
double precision = numPredictedSegments[n] == 0 ? 1 : ((double)numCorrectSegments[n]) / numPredictedSegments[n];
double recall = numTrueSegments[n] == 0 ? 1 : ((double)numCorrectSegments[n]) / numTrueSegments[n];
double f1 = recall+precision == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (2.0 * recall * precision) / (recall + precision);
logger.info (" segments true="+numTrueSegments[n]+" pred="+numPredictedSegments[n]+" correct="+numCorrectSegments[n]+
" misses="+(numTrueSegments[n]-numCorrectSegments[n])+" alarms="+(numPredictedSegments[n]-numCorrectSegments[n]));
logger.info (" precision="+f.format(precision)+" recall="+f.format(recall)+" f1="+f.format(f1));