Package net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.pipes

Source Code of net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.pipes.PipePowerTeleport$PowerReturn

* BuildCraft is open-source. It is distributed under the terms of the
* BuildCraft Open Source License. It grants rights to read, modify, compile
* or run the code. It does *NOT* grant the right to redistribute this software
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package net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.pipes;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader;
import net.minecraft.src.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.src.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.src.mod_AdditionalPipes;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.api.IPowerReceptor;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.api.Orientations;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.api.Position;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.api.TileNetworkData;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.core.Utils;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.transport.IPipeTransportPowerHook;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.transport.Pipe;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.transport.PipeTransportPower;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.transport.TileGenericPipe;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.*;
import net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.logic.PipeLogicTeleport;

public class PipePowerTeleport extends PipeTeleport implements IPipeTransportPowerHook {
    public class PowerReturn {
        public TileEntity tile;
        public Orientations ori;

        public PowerReturn(TileEntity te, Orientations o) {
            tile = te;
            ori = o;
    public PipePowerTeleport(int itemID) {
        super(new PipeTransportPower(), new PipeLogicTeleport(NetworkID.GUI_PIPE_TP), itemID);


    public int getBlockTexture() {
        return mod_AdditionalPipes.DEFUALT_POWER_TELEPORT_TEXTURE;

    public double calculateLoss(int distance, double power) {
        return power;

    public void receiveEnergy(Orientations from, double val) {
        List<PipeTeleport> pipeList = getConnectedPipes(false);
        List<PipeTeleport> sendingToList = new LinkedList<PipeTeleport>();

        if (pipeList.size() == 0) {

        for (int a = 0; a < pipeList.size(); a++) {
            if (TeleportNeedsPower(pipeList.get(a)).size() > 0) {

        if (sendingToList.size() == 0) {

        double powerToSend = val / sendingToList.size();

        //System.out.println("SendingToList: " + sendingToList.size() + " - PowerToSend: " + powerToSend);
        for (int a = 0; a < sendingToList.size(); a++) {
            List<PowerReturn> needsPower = TeleportNeedsPower(sendingToList.get(a));

            if (needsPower.size() == 0) {

            double powerToSendAfterLoss = calculateLoss(getDistance(sendingToList.get(a).xCoord, sendingToList.get(a).yCoord, sendingToList.get(a).zCoord), powerToSend);
            //System.out.println("Power After Loss: " + powerToSendAfterLoss);
            double powerToSend2 = powerToSendAfterLoss / needsPower.size();

            //System.out.println("needsPower: " + needsPower.size() + " - PowerToSend2: " + powerToSend2);
            for (int b = 0; b < needsPower.size(); b++) {
                if (needsPower.get(b).tile instanceof TileGenericPipe) {
                    TileGenericPipe nearbyTile = (TileGenericPipe) needsPower.get(b).tile;
                    PipeTransportPower nearbyTransport = (PipeTransportPower) nearbyTile.pipe.transport;
                    nearbyTransport.receiveEnergy(needsPower.get(b).ori, powerToSend);
                else if (needsPower.get(b).tile instanceof IPowerReceptor) {
                    IPowerReceptor pow = (IPowerReceptor) needsPower.get(b);


    public List<PowerReturn> TeleportNeedsPower(PipeTeleport a) {
        LinkedList<Orientations> theList = getRealPossibleMovements(a.getPosition());
        List<PowerReturn> needsPower = new LinkedList<PowerReturn>();

        if (theList.size() > 0) {
            for (int b = 0; b < theList.size(); b++) {
                Orientations newPos = theList.get(b);
                Position destPos = new Position(a.xCoord, a.yCoord, a.zCoord, newPos);
                TileEntity tile = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity((int)destPos.x, (int)destPos.y, (int)destPos.z);

                if (TileNeedsPower(tile)) {
                    needsPower.add(new PowerReturn(tile, newPos.reverse()));


        return needsPower;
    public boolean TileNeedsPower(TileEntity tile) {

        if (tile instanceof TileGenericPipe) {
            PipeTransportPower ttb = (PipeTransportPower) ((TileGenericPipe)tile).pipe.transport;

            for (int i = 0; i < ttb.powerQuery.length; i++)
                if (ttb.powerQuery[i] > 0) {
                    return true;
        else if (tile instanceof IPowerReceptor) {

        return false;
    public LinkedList<Orientations> getRealPossibleMovements(Position pos) {
        LinkedList<Orientations> result = new LinkedList<Orientations>();

        for (int o = 0; o < 6; ++o) {
            if (Orientations.values()[o] != pos.orientation.reverse() && container.pipe.outputOpen(Orientations.values()[o])) {
                Position newPos = new Position(pos);
                newPos.orientation = Orientations.values()[o];

                if (canReceivePower(newPos)) {

        return result;
    public boolean canReceivePower(Position p) {
        TileEntity entity = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity((int) p.x, (int) p.y, (int) p.z);

        if (entity instanceof TileGenericPipe || entity instanceof IPowerReceptor) {
            if (Utils.checkPipesConnections(worldObj, (int) p.x, (int) p.y, (int) p.z, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord)) {
                return true;

        return false;
    public void setPosition (int xCoord, int yCoord, int zCoord) {
        LinkedList <PipePowerTeleport> toRemove = new LinkedList <PipePowerTeleport> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < PowerTeleportPipes.size(); i++) {
            if (PowerTeleportPipes.get(i).xCoord == xCoord &&  PowerTeleportPipes.get(i).yCoord == yCoord && PowerTeleportPipes.get(i).zCoord == zCoord) {
                //System.out.println("Removed OldLoc: " + i);

        super.setPosition(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);

    public int getDistance(int x, int y, int z) {
        return (int) Math.sqrt(((xCoord - x) * (xCoord - x)) + ((yCoord - y) * (yCoord - y)) + ((zCoord - z) * (zCoord - z)));
    public Position getPosition() {
        return new Position (xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);

    public void requestEnergy(Orientations from, int is) {

        if (!logic.canReceive) { //No need to waste CPU

        List<PipeTeleport> pipeList = getConnectedPipes(true);

        if (pipeList.size() == 0) {

        for (int a = 0; a < pipeList.size(); a++) {
            LinkedList<Orientations> theList = getRealPossibleMovements(pipeList.get(a).getPosition());

            if (theList.size() > 0) {
                for (int b = 0; b < theList.size(); b++) {
                    Orientations newPos = theList.get(b);
                    Position destPos = new Position(pipeList.get(a).xCoord, pipeList.get(a).yCoord, pipeList.get(a).zCoord, newPos);

                    //System.out.println(getPosition().toString() + " RequestEnergy: " + from.toString() + " - Val: " + is + " - Dest: " + destPos.toString());

                    TileEntity tile = worldObj.getBlockTileEntity((int)destPos.x, (int)destPos.y, (int)destPos.z);

                    if (tile instanceof TileGenericPipe) {
                        TileGenericPipe nearbyTile = (TileGenericPipe) tile;
                        PipeTransportPower nearbyTransport = (PipeTransportPower) nearbyTile.pipe.transport;
                        nearbyTransport.requestEnergy(newPos.reverse(), is);


Related Classes of net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.additionalpipes.pipes.PipePowerTeleport$PowerReturn

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