package com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serialize;
import static com.esotericsoftware.minlog.Log.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Context;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializationException;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.IntHashMap;
* Serializes objects using direct field assignment, handling object references and cyclic graphs. Each object serialized requires
* 1 byte more than FieldSerializer. Each appearance of an object in the graph after the first is stored as an integer ordinal.
* <p>
* Note that serializing references can be convenient, but can sometimes be redundant information. If this is the case and
* serialized size is a priority, references should not be serialized. Code can sometimes be hand written to reconstruct the
* references after deserialization.
* @see FieldSerializer
* @author Nathan Sweet <>
public class ReferenceFieldSerializer extends FieldSerializer {
public ReferenceFieldSerializer (Kryo kryo, Class type) {
super(kryo, type);
public void writeObjectData (ByteBuffer buffer, Object object) {
Context context = Kryo.getContext();
References references = (References)context.getTemp("references");
if (references == null) {
// Use non-temporary storage to avoid repeated allocation.
references = (References)context.get("references");
if (references == null)
context.put("references", references = new References());
context.putTemp("references", references);
Integer reference = references.objectToReference.get(object);
if (reference != null) {
IntSerializer.put(buffer, reference, true);
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Wrote object reference " + reference + ": " + object);
references.objectToReference.put(object, references.referenceCount);
super.writeObjectData(buffer, object);
public <T> T readObjectData (ByteBuffer buffer, Class<T> type) {
Context context = Kryo.getContext();
References references = (References)context.getTemp("references");
if (references == null) {
// Use non-temporary storage to avoid repeated allocation.
references = (References)context.get("references");
if (references == null)
context.put("references", references = new References());
context.putTemp("references", references);
int reference = IntSerializer.get(buffer, true);
if (reference != 0) {
T object = (T)references.referenceToObject.get(reference);
if (object == null) throw new SerializationException("Invalid object reference: " + reference);
if (TRACE) trace("kryo", "Read object reference " + reference + ": " + object);
return object;
T object = newInstance(kryo, type);
references.referenceToObject.put(references.referenceCount, object);
return super.readObjectData(object, buffer, type);
static class References {
public IdentityHashMap<Object, Integer> objectToReference = new IdentityHashMap();
public IntHashMap referenceToObject = new IntHashMap();
public int referenceCount = 1;
public void reset () {
referenceCount = 1;