import java.util.Arrays;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;
import com.forgeessentials.core.config.IConfigLoader.ConfigLoaderBase;
import com.forgeessentials.util.FunctionHelper;
import com.forgeessentials.util.OutputHandler;
public class ConfigChat extends ConfigLoaderBase {
public static String chatFormat;
public static String largeComment_chatFormat = "";
public static boolean logchat;
public static boolean logcmd;
largeComment_chatFormat += "This String formats the Chat.";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nIf you want both a color and special formatcodes, the color needs to be first before the special code";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nExamples: '%red%username' '%red%bold%username'\nNot OK:'%bold%gold%underline%username' In this example you would get the username in gold and underline but without bold";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nList of possible variables:";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nFor the username: %username The health of the player can be used with %health, %healthcolor will be a variable color depending on health.";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nThe variable, you need for the message:%message ";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nFor the player prefix and sufix use %playerPrefix and %playerSuffix";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nColors:%black,%darkblue,%darkgreen,%darkaqua,%darkred,%purple,%gold,%grey,%darkgrey,%indigo,\n %green,%aqua,%red,%pink,%yellow,%white";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nSpecial formatcodes: %random,%bold,%strike,%underline,%italics";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nTo reset all formatcodes, you can use %reset";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nUse %rank to display a users rank as specified, %zone to specify there current zone";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\nUse %groupPrefix and %groupSuffix to display the group prefixes and suffixes as specified";
largeComment_chatFormat += "\n'%gm' is a variable formatcode. It changes depending on wich gamemode the player is in. Set the value below.";
public void load(Configuration config, boolean isReload)
OutputHandler.felog.finer("Loading chatconfigs");
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat", "Chat Configs");
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.Automessage", "Automated spamm");
String[] msg = config
new String[] { "\"This server uses ForgeEssentials\"", "\"Change these messages in the Chat config\"",
"\"The timing can be changed there too!\"" }, "Each line is 1 message. You can use color coldes. YOU MUST USE DOUBLE QUOTES")
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length; i++)
AutoMessage.msg.add(FunctionHelper.formatColors(FunctionHelper.format(msg[i].substring(1, msg[i].length() - 1))));
AutoMessage.random = config.get("Chat.Automessage", "random", false, "Randomize the order of messages").getBoolean(false);
AutoMessage.waittime = config.get("Chat.Automessage", "inverval", 60, "Time in between each message in minutes").getInt();
AutoMessage.enable = config.get("Chat.Automessage", "enable", false).getBoolean(true);
chatFormat = config.get("Chat", "chatformat", "%playerPrefix%groupPrefix<%username>%groupSuffix%playerSuffix %reset%message", largeComment_chatFormat)
config.addCustomCategoryComment("", "\"%gm\" gets replaced by the values below");
ChatFormatter.gmS = config.get("", "Survival", "[Sur]").getString();
ChatFormatter.gmC = config.get("", "Creative", "[Cre]").getString();
ChatFormatter.gmA = config.get("", "Adventure", "[Adv]").getString();
ChatFormatter.censor = config.get("BannedWords", "censor", true, "censor the words in the censorList").getBoolean(true);
ChatFormatter.bannedWords = Arrays.asList(config.get("BannedWords", "censorList", new String[] { "fuck", "ass", "bitch", "shit" },
"List of words to be censored").getStringList());
ChatFormatter.censorSlap = config.get("BannedWords", "slapDamage", 1, "0 is off, 1 is 1/2 heart, ...").getInt();
ChatFormatter.censorSymbol = config.get("BannedWords", "censorSymbol", "#",
"Character to replace censored words with (Use only one character in this config)").getString();
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.mute", "Settings for muted players");
for (String cmd : config.get("Chat.mute", "mutedCommands", new String[] { "me" }, "All commands in here will be blocked if the player is muted.")
String logCat = "Chat.log";
config.addCustomCategoryComment(logCat, "Logging of all things going through chat.");
logchat = config.get(logCat, "logchat", true, "Log all chat messages").getBoolean(true);
logcmd = config.get(logCat, "logcmd", true, "Log all commands").getBoolean(true);
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.irc", "Configure the built-in IRC bot here.");
ModuleChat.connectToIRC = config.get("Chat.irc", "enable", false, "Enable IRC interoperability?").getBoolean(false);
IRCHelper.port = config.get("Chat.irc", "port", 5555, "The port to connect to the IRC server through.").getInt(); = config.get("Chat.irc", "name", "FEIRCBot", "The nickname used to connect to the IRC server with.").getString();
IRCHelper.server = config.get("Chat.irc", "server", "", "Hostname of the server to connect to").getString(); = config.get("Chat.irc", "channel", "#something", "Channel to connect to").getString();
IRCHelper.suppressEvents = config.get("Chat.irc", "suppressEvents", true, "Suppress all IRC/game notifications. Some channels require this.")
IRCHelper.password = config.get("Chat.irc", "nickservPass", "", "Nickserv password for the bot.").getString();
IRCHelper.serverPass = config.get("Chat.irc", "serverPass", "", "Server password for the bot.").getString();;
public void save(Configuration config)
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat", "Chatconfigs");
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.Automessage", "Automated spam");
Property prop = config.get("Chat", "chatformat", "%groupPrefix%playerPrefix<%username>%playerSuffix%groupSuffix %reset%message",
String[] msg = AutoMessage.msg.toArray(new String[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length; i++)
msg[i] = "\"" + msg[i] + "\"";
config.get("Chat.Automessage", "messages", new String[] {}, "Each line is 1 message. You can use color coldes. YOU MUST USE DOUBLE QUOTES").set(msg);
config.get("Chat.Automessage", "random", false, "Randomize the order of messages").set(AutoMessage.random);
config.get("Chat.Automessage", "inverval", 1, "Time in between each message in minutes").set(AutoMessage.waittime);
config.get("Chat.Automessage", "enable", true).set(AutoMessage.enable);
config.get("BannedWords", "censor", true, "censor the words in the censorList").set(ChatFormatter.censor);
config.get("BannedWords", "censorList", new String[] {}, "List of words to be censored").set(
ChatFormatter.bannedWords.toArray(new String[ChatFormatter.bannedWords.size()]));
config.get("BannedWords", "slapDamage", 1, "0 is off, 1 is 1/2 heart, ...").set(ChatFormatter.censorSlap);
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.groups", "THIS HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE CORE CONFIG");
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Chat.mute", "Settings for muted players");
config.get("Chat.mute", "mutedCommands", new String[] { "me" }, "All commands in here will be blocked if the player is muted.").set(
CommandMuter.mutedCommands.toArray(new String[CommandMuter.mutedCommands.size()]));
String logCat = "Chat.log";
config.addCustomCategoryComment(logCat, "Logging of all things going through chat.");
config.get(logCat, "logchat", true, "Log all chat messages").set(logchat);
config.get(logCat, "logcmd", true, "Log all commands").set(logcmd);
config.get("Chat.irc", "enable", false, "Enable IRC interoperability?").set(ModuleChat.connectToIRC);
config.get("Chat.irc", "port", 5555, "The port to connect to the IRC server through.").set(IRCHelper.port);
config.get("Chat.irc", "name", "FEIRCBot", "The nickname used to connect to the IRC server with.").set(;
config.get("Chat.irc", "server", "", "Hostname of the server to connect to").set(IRCHelper.server);
config.get("Chat.irc", "channel", "#something", "Channel to connect to").set(;
config.get("Chat.irc", "suppressEvents", true, "Suppress all IRC/game notifications. Some channels require this.").set(IRCHelper.suppressEvents);
config.get("Chat.irc", "nickservPass", "", "Nickserv password for the bot.").set(IRCHelper.password);
config.get("Chat.irc", "serverPass", "", "Server password for the bot.").set(IRCHelper.serverPass);;