/* See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* Esri Inc. licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.esri.gpt.control.search;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGroup;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema.MetadataDocument;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema.Schema;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema.SchemaException;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.schema.UiContext;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.ASearchEngine;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.ISearchFilter;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.ISearchSaveRepository;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.RestUrlBuilder;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SavedSearchCriteria;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SavedSearchCriterias;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchConfig;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchCriteria;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchEngineFactory;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchEngineLocal;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchException;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchFilterHarvestSites;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchFilterPagination;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchResult;
import com.esri.gpt.catalog.search.SearchSaveRpstryFactory;
import com.esri.gpt.control.georss.RestQueryServlet;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.context.ApplicationContext;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.context.RequestContext;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.jsf.BaseActionListener;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.jsf.FacesContextBroker;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.jsf.MessageBroker;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.jsf.components.UIPagination;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.request.PageCursor;
import com.esri.gpt.framework.util.Val;
* The Class SearchController. Controller for search operations. To be
* used in JSF scope.
public class SearchController extends BaseActionListener {
//class variables =============================================================
/** The Navigation rule name to results page *. */
static final String NAV_CRITERIA2RESULTS = "catalog.search.results";
/** The Navigation rule name to view details page *. */
static final String NAV_RESULTS2VIEWDETAILS = "viewDetails";
/** The Constant NAV_2SEARCHCRITERIA. */
static final String NAV_2SEARCHCRITERIA = "catalog.search.home";
/** The class logger *. */
private static final Logger LOG =
//instance variables ==========================================================
/** The binding panel for the view details page. */
private HtmlPanelGroup detailsPanelGroup;
/** resource URL */
private String resourceUrl = "";
/** Flag indicating whether or not result records should be expanded by default. */
private final boolean expandResultContent = false;
/** User's saved searches */
private List<SelectItem> savedSearches = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
/** Style to toggle the display of saved searches. */
private String savedSearchesPanelStyle = "display: none";
/** The search criteria. */
private SearchCriteria searchCriteria;
/** The search event. */
private SearchEvents searchEvent;
/** The search result. */
private SearchResult searchResult;
/** Flag indicating whether or not a search was performed. */
private boolean wasSearched = false;
// constructors ================================================================
/** Default constructor. */
public SearchController() {
detailsPanelGroup = new HtmlPanelGroup();
// properties =================================================================
* Gets the bound HtmlPanelGroup for the details page panel.
* <br/>This object is used during the Faces component binding process.
* @return the bound HtmlPanelGroup
public HtmlPanelGroup getDetailsPanelGroup() {
return detailsPanelGroup;
* Sets the bound HtmlPanelGroup for the details page panel.
* <br/>This object is used during the Faces component binding process.
* @param htmlPanelGroup the bound HtmlPanelGroup
public void setDetailsPanelGroup(HtmlPanelGroup htmlPanelGroup) {
detailsPanelGroup = htmlPanelGroup;
* Gets resource URL.
* @return resource URL
public String getResourceUrl() {
return resourceUrl;
* Sets resource URL.
* @param resourceUrl resource URL
public void setResourceUrl(String resourceUrl) {
this.resourceUrl = Val.chkStr(resourceUrl);
* Gets the style attribute for the display results page.
* @return the style
public String getDisplayResultsStyle() {
if (!this.getWasSearched()) {
return "display: none;";
} else {
return "";
* Gets the style attribute for the expand result check-box.
* @return the style (display none or empty)
public String getExpandResultCheckboxStyle() {
if (this.getSearchResult().getRecordSize() == 0) {
return "display: none;";
} else {
return "";
* Gets the style attribute for the content panel of a result record.
* @return the style (display none or block)
public String getExpandResultContentStyle() {
if (getSearchCriteria().getExpandResultContent()) {
return "display: block;";
} else {
return "display: none;";
* Gets the collection of saved searches for this user.
* @return the user's saved searches
public List<SelectItem> getSavedSearches() {
return savedSearches;
* Gets the style attribute for the saved searches panel.
* @return the style
* @deprecated since version 1
public String getSavedSearchesPanelStyle() {
return savedSearchesPanelStyle;
* Sets the style attribute for the saved searches panel.
* @param style the style
* @deprecated since version 1
public void setSavedSearchesPanelStyle(String style) {
this.savedSearchesPanelStyle = Val.chkStr(style);
* Gets the style attribute for the save search control.
* @return the style
public String getSaveSearchStyle() {
SearchConfig cfg = extractRequestContext().getCatalogConfiguration().getSearchConfig();
int nMax = cfg.getMaxSavedSearches();
if (this.savedSearches.size() >= nMax) {
return "display: none;";
} else {
return "";
* Gets the result records as list data model.
* @return the result records as list model (never null)
public ListDataModel getResultRecordsAsListModel() {
ListDataModel model = new ListDataModel();
return model;
* Gets the search criteria.
* @return the search criteria (never null)
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() {
if (this.searchCriteria == null) {
this.setSearchCriteria(new SearchCriteria());
return this.searchCriteria;
* Sets the search criteria.
* @param searchCriteria the new search criteria
public void setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria searchCriteria) {
this.searchCriteria = searchCriteria;
* Gets the search event.
* @return the search event (never null)
public SearchEvents getSearchEvent() {
return (searchEvent == null)? new SearchEvents(): searchEvent;
* Gets the search result.
* @return the search result (never null)
public SearchResult getSearchResult() {
if(searchResult == null) {
this.setSearchResult(new SearchResult());
return this.searchResult;
* Sets the search result.
* @param searchResult the new search result
public void setSearchResult(SearchResult searchResult) {
this.searchResult = searchResult;
* Gets the flag indicating whether or not a search was performed.
* @return true if a search was performed.
public boolean getWasSearched() {
return wasSearched;
* Sets the flag indicating whether or not a search was performed.
* @param wasSearched true if a search was performed
public void setWasSearched(boolean wasSearched) {
this.wasSearched = wasSearched;
// methods =====================================================================
* Loads a user's saved searches.
* @param requestContext the active request context
* @return the saved searches
* @throws SearchException if an exception occurs
private List<SelectItem> loadSavedSearches(RequestContext requestContext)
throws SearchException {
List<SelectItem> list = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
ISearchSaveRepository saveRpstry = SearchSaveRpstryFactory.getSearchSaveRepository();
SavedSearchCriterias savedCriterias = saveRpstry.getSavedList(requestContext.getUser());
for(SavedSearchCriteria savedCriteria: savedCriterias){
SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem();
return list;
* Fired at the start of the view phase for the search page.
public void prepareView() {
//if (!this.getWasSearched()) {
if (false) {
try {
HttpServletRequest request = getContextBroker().extractHttpServletRequest();
} catch (Throwable t) {
getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE,"Exception raised.",t);
} finally {
* Main actionListener method for this class. Called by superClass
* @param event The event information
* @param context Request Context Information
* @throws AbortProcessingException Exception on error
* @throws Exception Exception on error
public void processSubAction(ActionEvent event, RequestContext context)
throws AbortProcessingException, Exception {
try {
processSearchActions(event, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
boolean rethrowExcep = false;
String strMessage = e.getMessage();
if( e instanceof SearchException) {
SearchException searchException = (SearchException) e;
if(searchException.getHasUserMessage()) {
LOG.log(Level.FINER, strMessage, e);
rethrowExcep = false;
rethrowExcep = true;
else {
strMessage = e.getMessage();
rethrowExcep = true;
MessageBroker broker = this.extractMessageBroker();
if(broker != null) {
FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
if(rethrowExcep) {
throw e;
* Does process request parameters.
* It is used to process 'uuid' parameter to fetch metadata details.
* @return empty string
public String processRequestParams() {
try {
// start view preparation phase
RequestContext context = onPrepareViewStarted();
HttpServletRequest request = getContextBroker().extractHttpServletRequest();
Map parameterMap = request.getParameterMap();
Object url = parameterMap.get("catalog");
String catalogUrl = null;
if(url instanceof String[] && ((String[])url).length > 0 ) {
//catalogUrl = url.toString().trim();
catalogUrl = ((String[])url)[0].trim();
if (parameterMap.containsKey("uuid")) {
Object oUuid = parameterMap.get("uuid");
if (oUuid instanceof String[] && ((String[])oUuid).length>0) {
doViewMetadataDetails(context,((String[])oUuid)[0], catalogUrl);
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
return "";
* ActionListener method
* @param event The event information
* @param context Request Context Information
* @throws AbortProcessingException Exception on error
* @throws Exception Exception on error
protected void processSearchActions(ActionEvent event, RequestContext context)
throws AbortProcessingException, Exception {
// Actions will have to set the next navigation
this.setSavedSearchesPanelStyle("display: none;");
String eventType = getEventType(event);
// create search URL builder
HttpServletRequest request = getContextBroker().extractHttpServletRequest();
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Search Event type = {0}", eventType);
if(eventType == null) {
throw new
SearchException("Controller could not determine type of event passed");
} else if(eventType.equals(
SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_GOTOPAGE.name())) {
Integer goToPage = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
goToPage = (Integer)event.getComponent().getAttributes()
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Going to page {0}", goToPage);
this.doSearch(goToPage, false);
} else if(eventType.equals(
SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_MODIFYSEARCHCRITERIA.name())) {
LOG.fine("Performing Modifying of Search");
} else if (eventType.equals(
SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_NEWSEARCHCRITERIA.name())) {
LOG.fine("going to search criteria and resetting");
} /*else if(eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_VIEWMD_DETAILS.name())) {
FacesContextBroker facesBroker = new FacesContextBroker();
Map requestMap = facesBroker.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String uuid = (String) requestMap.get(SearchEvents.Event.PARAM_UUID);
LOG.fine("Viewing Summary of "+ uuid);
}*/else if (eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_EXECUTE_SEARCH.name())) {
LOG.fine("Initiating new search");
// extra params
Map<String,String> extraMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
context.getObjectMap().put(RestQueryServlet.EXTRA_REST_ARGS_MAP, extraMap);
if (extraMap.get(RestQueryServlet.PARAM_KEY_SHOW_RELATIVE_URLS) == null) {
extraMap.put(RestQueryServlet.PARAM_KEY_SHOW_RELATIVE_URLS, "true");
extraMap.put(RestQueryServlet.PARAM_KEY_IS_JSFREQUEST, "true");
if (request.getScheme().toLowerCase().equals("https")
&& extraMap.get(RestQueryServlet.PARAM_KEY_SHOW_THUMBNAIL) == null) {
String agent = request.getHeader("user-agent");
if (agent != null && agent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1) {
extraMap.put(RestQueryServlet.PARAM_KEY_SHOW_THUMBNAIL, "false");
doSearch(1, true);
} else if(eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_REDOSEARCH.name())) {
LOG.fine("Redoing search in session");
doSearch(-1, false);
} else if (eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_MYSEARCHES.name())){
LOG.info("Loading my searches");
savedSearches = loadSavedSearches(context);
} else if (eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_SAVESEARCH.name())) {
LOG.info("Saving Search Criteria");
try {
} finally {
savedSearches = loadSavedSearches(context);
//redoSearch(urlBuilder, event, false);
} else if (eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_LOADSAVEDSEARCH.name())){
LOG.info("Loading Search Criteria");
boolean success = false;
try {
FacesContextBroker facesBroker = new FacesContextBroker();
Map requestMap = facesBroker.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String searchId = (String)
success = true;
SearchCriteria searchCriteria = this.getSearchCriteria();
for(ISearchFilter iSearchFilter
: searchCriteria.getMiscelleniousFilters()) {
if(iSearchFilter instanceof SearchFilterHarvestSites) {
SearchFilterHarvestSites sfHvSites =
(SearchFilterHarvestSites) iSearchFilter;
try {
String url = sfHvSites.getSearchUrl();
if (!url.equals("")) {
url = url.replaceAll("(?i)F=[^&]*", "f=searchpage" );
FacesContext facesContext = facesBroker.getFacesContext();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// Not a url, use the other workflow
} finally {
// either redo current search if unsuccessful, or do new loaded search
// if successful
redoSearch(event, success);
} else if(eventType.equals(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_DELTESAVEDSEARCH.name())){
LOG.info("Deleting Search Criteria");
FacesContextBroker facesBroker = new FacesContextBroker();
Map requestMap = facesBroker.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
try {
String searchId = (String)
ISearchSaveRepository searchSaveRepository =
} finally {
savedSearches = loadSavedSearches(context);
// Re-Execute search since results not in session
//redoSearch(urlBuilder, event, false);
* Gets the event type.
* @param event the event
* @return the event type
protected String getEventType(ActionEvent event) {
UIComponent comp = event.getComponent();
Map attributeMap = comp.getAttributes();
Map requestMap = null;
String eventType = Val.chkStr((String) attributeMap.get(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT.name()));
if (eventType.length() == 0) {
FacesContextBroker facesBroker = new FacesContextBroker();
requestMap = facesBroker.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
Object obj = (requestMap != null) ?
requestMap.get(SearchEvents.Event.EVENT) : null;
if (obj != null) {
eventType = Val.chkStr(obj.toString());
if (eventType.length() == 0) {
Integer goToPage = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
goToPage =
if(goToPage != null) {
eventType = SearchEvents.Event.EVENT_GOTOPAGE.name();
return eventType;
* Do save the search.
* @throws SearchException the search exception
private void doSave() throws SearchException {
LOG.info("Event: Performing Save");
SearchCriteria criteria = this.getSearchCriteria();
// >= SearchConfig.getConfiguredInstance().getMaxSavedSearches()) {
// throw new SearchException("catalog.search.error.maxSavedSearchesReached");
if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Search Criteria Object being saved = \n{0}", criteria.toString());
criteria = new SearchCriteria(criteria.toDom());
SavedSearchCriteria savedSearchCriteria =
new SavedSearchCriteria(this.getSearchCriteria().getSavedSearchName(),
criteria, this.extractRequestContext().getUser());
ISearchSaveRepository saveRpstry =
* Do load the search.
* @throws SearchException the search exception
private void doLoad(String id) throws SearchException {
LOG.info("Event: Performing Load");
if(LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Current Search Criteria Object = \n{0}", this.getSearchCriteria().toString());
ISearchSaveRepository saveRepository = SearchSaveRpstryFactory
SearchCriteria criteria =
if(LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Loaded Criteria Object = \n{0}", criteria.toString());
* Redoes the search by using the pagecursor in the session. Looks
* for parameter SearchEvents.Event.PARAM_UUID
* @param event the event
* @param doPrefetch the Should the prefetch take place
* @throws SearchException the search exception
private void redoSearch(ActionEvent event,
boolean doPrefetch)
throws SearchException {
FacesContextBroker facesBroker = new FacesContextBroker();
Map requestMap = facesBroker.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String dosearch = (String) requestMap.get
if("".equals(Val.chkStr(dosearch)) && event != null
&& event.getComponent() != null) {
UIComponent component = event.getComponent();
dosearch = (String)
if(Val.chkBool(dosearch, false)){
doSearch(-1, false);
* Do search.
* @param page the page number (if page <= 0, last page in session will be used)
* @param doPrefetch the do prefetch
* @throws SearchException the search exception
protected void doSearch(int page, boolean doPrefetch)
throws SearchException {
LOG.fine("Event: Performing Search");
SearchCriteria criteria = this.getSearchCriteria();
if(LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LOG.log(Level.FINER, "Search Criteria Object = \n{0}", criteria.toString());
PageCursor pageCursor = this.getSearchResult().getPageCursor();
//record this for resetting the page cursor
int recordsPerPage = pageCursor.getRecordsPerPage();
try {
// if page < 0, then the page in the session (pageCursor) will be used
if(page > 0){
// Changed below so that pre-fetch does not do hits. Pagination
// will be achieved by getting 1 more result the the records per page
// to see if there will be more results (Peeking)
// Controlling startposition since will be adjusting the
// records per page
if(pageCursor instanceof SearchFilterPagination && page >= 1) {
((page - 1) * pageCursor.getRecordsPerPage()) + 1 );
// if page == pageCursor total than we are on an edge, we should check
// if next page exists.
// if the total number of pages == 0 then we are also on a starting edge
// we should check if next page exists (
/*if(page == pageCursor.getTotalPageCount() || pageCursor.getTotalPageCount()
== 0) {
pageCursor.setRecordsPerPage(recordsPerPage + 1);
ASearchEngine dao = this.getSearchDao();
double time = 0;
// checks if we are at the beginning border (totalPages == 0) or we
// are at a late border (totalPages > 0
int border = 0;
border = 1;
// If search criteria changes while you are in a page more than 1
// then reset to page 1 if no results exists for this search
if(page > 1 && this.getSearchResult().getRecords().size() < 1) {
this.doSearch(urlBuilder, 1, doPrefetch);
// RequestContext context = this.extractRequestContext();
// this.getSearchResult().getRecords().buildResourceLinks(context);
this.getSearchResult().setSearchTimeInSeconds(time += dao.getTimeInSeconds());
// Insert maximum query hits if provided
int maxQueryHits = this.getSearchResult().getMaxQueryHits();
if (getSearchResult().getRecords().size() == 0) {
maxQueryHits = 0;
if(maxQueryHits > pageCursor.getTotalPageCount()) {
//pageCursor.checkCurrentPage(); Resolves Ontime # 39321
// If peek succeeded in getting extra records then adjust the total record
// count accordingly
/*if(maxQueryHits < 0 && page >= pageCursor.getTotalPageCount() || pageCursor.getTotalPageCount()
== 0) {
+ this.getSearchResult().getRecordSize() - border);
// Reduce the size of the results if we did a peek
if(this.getSearchResult().getRecordSize() > recordsPerPage) {
} finally {
// Readjust records per page incase it was affected by peeking
* Do view metadata details.
* @param context the active request context
* @param uuid the uuid
* @param catalogUri the catalog uri (can be null to use default)
* @throws SearchException the search exception
* @throws SchemaException if an exception occurs while evaluating the schema
* @throws SAXException if a SAX exception occurs while styling details page
* @throws ParserConfigurationException if parser cofiguration exception occurs while loading details style page
* @throws IOException if I/O exception occurs which reading details style page
* @throws XPathExpressionException
private void doViewMetadataDetails(RequestContext context, String uuid, String catalogUri)
throws SearchException, SchemaException, XPathExpressionException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
if (detailsPanelGroup != null) {
if (uuid == null || "".equals(uuid)) {
throw new SearchException("UUID given for document requested is either null or empty");
String metadataXml = this.getMetadataText(uuid, catalogUri);
MetadataDocument document = new MetadataDocument();
Schema schema = document.prepareForView(context,metadataXml);
if ((detailsPanelGroup != null) && (schema != null)) {
// check for a configured XSLT to generate the details page,
// otherwise, generate the details page from the defined schema
String htmlFragment = "";
if (schema.getDetailsXslt().length() > 0) {
try {
MessageBroker broker = this.extractMessageBroker();
htmlFragment = Val.chkStr(document.transformDetails(metadataXml,schema.getDetailsXslt(),broker));
} catch (TransformerException e) {
htmlFragment = "";
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE,"Cannot transform metadata details: "+schema.getDetailsXslt(),e);
if ((htmlFragment != null) && (htmlFragment.length() > 0)) {
HtmlOutputText component = new HtmlOutputText();
} else {
UiContext uiContext = new UiContext();
* Gets the metadata text.
* @param uuid the uuid
* @return the metadata text
* @throws SearchException rethrows getMetadataText(uuid, null)
public String getMetadataText(String uuid) throws SearchException {
return getMetadataText(uuid, null);
* Gets the metadata text.
* @param uuid the uuid
* @param catalogUri the catalog uri
* @return the metadata text
* @throws SearchException the search exception
public String getMetadataText(String uuid, String catalogUri)
throws SearchException {
if(uuid == null || "".equals(uuid)) {
throw new SearchException("UUID given for document requested is either null"
+ " or empty");
ASearchEngine dao = this.getSearchDao();
try {
if(catalogUri != null){
dao.setConnectionUri(new URI(catalogUri));
return dao.getMetadataAsText(uuid);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new SearchException
("Invalid Search URL given for catalog "+ catalogUri + " "
+ e.getMessage() , e);
* Gets the search dao.
* @return the search dao
* @throws SearchException the search exception
protected ASearchEngine getSearchDao() throws SearchException {
ASearchEngine dao = SearchEngineFactory.createSearchEngine(
this.getSearchResult(), this.extractRequestContext(),
(new FacesContextBroker()).extractMessageBroker());
return dao;
* Gets the rest search request url atom.
* @return the rest search request url atom
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlAtom() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("atom");
* Gets the rest search request url georss.
* @return the rest search request url georss
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlGeorss() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("georss");
* Gets the rest search request url json.
* @return the rest search request url json
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlJson() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("pjson");
* Gets the rest search request url html.
* @return the rest search request url html
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlHtml() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("html");
* Gets the rest search request url html fragment.
* @return the rest search request url html fragment
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlHtmlFragment() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("htmlfragment");
* Gets the rest search request url html results jsf.
* @return the rest search request url html results jsf
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlHtmlResultsJsf() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("htmlresultsjsf");
* Gets the rest search request url kml.
* @return the rest search request url kml
public String getRestSearchRequestUrlKml() {
return getRestSearchRequestUrl("kml");
* Gets the rest search request url.
* @param format the format
* @return the rest search request url
protected String getRestSearchRequestUrl(String format) {
SearchCriteria criteria = this.getSearchCriteria();
RequestContext context = this.getContextBroker().extractRequestContext();
HttpServletRequest request = this.getContextBroker().extractHttpServletRequest();
MessageBroker messageBroker = this.getContextBroker().extractMessageBroker();
RestUrlBuilder builder = RestUrlBuilder.newBuilder(context,request,messageBroker);
String params = builder.buildParameters(criteria,format,null);
String url = request.getContextPath()+"/rest/find/document";
if ((params != null) && (params.length() > 0)) {
url += "?"+params;
return url;
public boolean getServiceCheckerEnabled() {
return Val.chkBool(getParameter("servicechecker.enabled",""), false);
public String getServiceCheckerCheckUrl() {
return getParameter("servicechecker.checkUrl","http://registry.fgdc.gov/statuschecker/api/v2/results");
public String getServiceCheckerInfoUrl() {
return getParameter("servicechecker.infoUrl","http://registry.fgdc.gov/statuschecker/ServiceDetail.php");
public String getServiceCheckerToken() {
return getParameter("servicechecker.token","1059304b3e56ebbeddc23686f3ff8ef0");
private String getParameter(String parameterName, String defaultParameterValue) {
return Val.chkStr(ApplicationContext.getInstance().getConfiguration().getCatalogConfiguration().getParameters().getValue(parameterName), defaultParameterValue);