* This software is provided under the terms of the Minecraft Forge Public
* License v1.0.
package net.minecraftforge.common;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
* This interface is to be implemented by ItemArmor classes. It will allow to
* modify computation of damage and health loss. Computation will be called
* before the actual armor computation, which can then be cancelled.
* @see ItemArmor
public interface ISpecialArmor
* Retrieves the modifiers to be used when calculating armor damage.
* Armor will higher priority will have damage applied to them before
* lower priority ones. If there are multiple pieces of armor with the
* same priority, damage will be distributed between them based on there
* absorption ratio.
* @param player The entity wearing the armor.
* @param armor The ItemStack of the armor item itself.
* @param source The source of the damage, which can be used to alter armor
* properties based on the type or source of damage.
* @param damage The total damage being applied to the entity
* @param slot The armor slot the item is in.
* @return A ArmorProperties instance holding information about how the armor effects damage.
public ArmorProperties getProperties(EntityLivingBase player, ItemStack armor, DamageSource source, double damage, int slot);
* Get the displayed effective armor.
* @param player The player wearing the armor.
* @param armor The ItemStack of the armor item itself.
* @param slot The armor slot the item is in.
* @return The number of armor points for display, 2 per shield.
public abstract int getArmorDisplay(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack armor, int slot);
* Applies damage to the ItemStack. The mod is responsible for reducing the
* item durability and stack size. If the stack is depleted it will be cleaned
* up automatically.
* @param entity The entity wearing the armor
* @param stack The ItemStack of the armor item itself.
* @param source The source of the damage, which can be used to alter armor
* properties based on the type or source of damage.
* @param damage The amount of damage being applied to the armor
* @param slot The armor slot the item is in.
public abstract void damageArmor(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack stack, DamageSource source, int damage, int slot);
public static class ArmorProperties implements Comparable<ArmorProperties>
public int Priority = 0;
public int AbsorbMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public double AbsorbRatio = 0;
public int Slot = 0;
private static final boolean DEBUG = false; //Only enable this if you wish to be spamed with debugging information.
//Left it in because I figured it'd be useful for modders developing custom armor.
public ArmorProperties(int priority, double ratio, int max)
Priority = priority;
AbsorbRatio = ratio;
AbsorbMax = max;
* Gathers and applies armor reduction to damage being dealt to a entity.
* @param entity The Entity being damage
* @param inventory An array of armor items
* @param source The damage source type
* @param damage The total damage being done
* @return The left over damage that has not been absorbed by the armor
public static float ApplyArmor(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack[] inventory, DamageSource source, double damage)
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Start: " + damage + " " + (damage * 25));
damage *= 25;
ArrayList<ArmorProperties> dmgVals = new ArrayList<ArmorProperties>();
for (int x = 0; x < inventory.length; x++)
ItemStack stack = inventory[x];
if (stack == null)
ArmorProperties prop = null;
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ISpecialArmor)
ISpecialArmor armor = (ISpecialArmor)stack.getItem();
prop = armor.getProperties(entity, stack, source, damage / 25D, x).copy();
else if (stack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmor && !source.isUnblockable())
ItemArmor armor = (ItemArmor)stack.getItem();
prop = new ArmorProperties(0, armor.damageReduceAmount / 25D, armor.getMaxDamage() + 1 - stack.getItemDamage());
if (prop != null)
prop.Slot = x;
if (dmgVals.size() > 0)
ArmorProperties[] props = dmgVals.toArray(new ArmorProperties[dmgVals.size()]);
StandardizeList(props, damage);
int level = props[0].Priority;
double ratio = 0;
for (ArmorProperties prop : props)
if (level != prop.Priority)
damage -= (damage * ratio);
ratio = 0;
level = prop.Priority;
ratio += prop.AbsorbRatio;
double absorb = damage * prop.AbsorbRatio;
if (absorb > 0)
ItemStack stack = inventory[prop.Slot];
int itemDamage = (int)(absorb / 25D < 1 ? 1 : absorb / 25D);
if (stack.getItem() instanceof ISpecialArmor)
((ISpecialArmor)stack.getItem()).damageArmor(entity, stack, source, itemDamage, prop.Slot);
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Item: " + stack.toString() + " Absorbed: " + (absorb / 25D) + " Damaged: " + itemDamage);
stack.damageItem(itemDamage, entity);
if (stack.stackSize <= 0)
/*if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
inventory[prop.Slot] = null;
damage -= (damage * ratio);
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println("Return: " + (int)(damage / 25.0F) + " " + damage);
return (float)(damage / 25.0F);
* Sorts and standardizes the distribution of damage over armor.
* @param armor The armor information
* @param damage The total damage being received
private static void StandardizeList(ArmorProperties[] armor, double damage)
int start = 0;
double total = 0;
int priority = armor[0].Priority;
int pStart = 0;
boolean pChange = false;
boolean pFinished = false;
if (DEBUG)
for (ArmorProperties prop : armor)
for (int x = 0; x < armor.length; x++)
total += armor[x].AbsorbRatio;
if (x == armor.length - 1 || armor[x].Priority != priority)
if (armor[x].Priority != priority)
total -= armor[x].AbsorbRatio;
pChange = true;
if (total > 1)
for (int y = start; y <= x; y++)
double newRatio = armor[y].AbsorbRatio / total;
if (newRatio * damage > armor[y].AbsorbMax)
armor[y].AbsorbRatio = (double)armor[y].AbsorbMax / damage;
total = 0;
for (int z = pStart; z <= y; z++)
total += armor[z].AbsorbRatio;
start = y + 1;
x = y;
armor[y].AbsorbRatio = newRatio;
pFinished = true;
if (pChange && pFinished)
damage -= (damage * total);
total = 0;
start = x + 1;
priority = armor[start].Priority;
pStart = start;
pChange = false;
pFinished = false;
if (damage <= 0)
for (int y = x + 1; y < armor.length; y++)
armor[y].AbsorbRatio = 0;
for (int y = start; y <= x; y++)
total -= armor[y].AbsorbRatio;
if (damage * armor[y].AbsorbRatio > armor[y].AbsorbMax)
armor[y].AbsorbRatio = (double)armor[y].AbsorbMax / damage;
total += armor[y].AbsorbRatio;
damage -= (damage * total);
total = 0;
if (x != armor.length - 1)
start = x + 1;
priority = armor[start].Priority;
pStart = start;
pChange = false;
if (damage <= 0)
for (int y = x + 1; y < armor.length; y++)
armor[y].AbsorbRatio = 0;
if (DEBUG)
for (ArmorProperties prop : armor)
public int compareTo(ArmorProperties o)
if (o.Priority != Priority)
return o.Priority - Priority;
double left = ( AbsorbRatio == 0 ? 0 : AbsorbMax * 100.0D / AbsorbRatio);
double right = (o.AbsorbRatio == 0 ? 0 : o.AbsorbMax * 100.0D / o.AbsorbRatio);
return (int)(left - right);
public String toString()
return String.format("%d, %d, %f, %d", Priority, AbsorbMax, AbsorbRatio, (AbsorbRatio == 0 ? 0 : (int)(AbsorbMax * 100.0D / AbsorbRatio)));
public ArmorProperties copy()
return new ArmorProperties(Priority, AbsorbRatio, AbsorbMax);