package net.fortytwo.linkeddata;
import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration;
import net.fortytwo.ripple.RippleException;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnection;
import org.openrdf.sail.SailException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A collection of caching metadata for aggregated Linked Data.
* A complete set of metadata is maintained in the underlying triple store,
* while a subset of the data is kept in a fast in-memory cache.
* @author Joshua Shinavier (
public class CachingMetadata {
private final InMemoryCache memos;
private final ValueFactory valueFactory;
// A special context memo to indicate an already-known persistence miss.
private final CacheEntry miss;
public CachingMetadata(final int capacity,
final ValueFactory valueFactory) throws RippleException {
memos = new InMemoryCache(capacity);
this.valueFactory = valueFactory;
miss = new CacheEntry();
public CacheEntry getMemo(final String graphUri,
final SailConnection sc) throws RippleException {
CacheEntry memo = memos.get(graphUri);
// If the memo is not cached
if (null == memo) {
// Attempt to retrieve the memo from the persistent store.
try {
memo = retrieveMemo(graphUri, sc);
} catch (SailException e) {
throw new RippleException(e);
if (null == memo) {
// There is no such memo. Cache the "miss" value to avoid future retrieval attempts.
memos.put(graphUri, miss);
} else {
// The memo exists. Cache it.
memos.put(graphUri, memo);
return memo;
// Writes caching metadata to the base Sail.
// Note: for now, this metadata resides in the null context.
public void setMemo(final String graphUri,
final CacheEntry memo,
final SailConnection sc) throws RippleException {
try {
URI s = valueFactory.createURI(graphUri);
Literal memoLit = valueFactory.createLiteral(memo.toString());
sc.removeStatements(s, LinkedDataCache.CACHE_MEMO, null, LinkedDataCache.CACHE_GRAPH);
sc.addStatement(s, LinkedDataCache.CACHE_MEMO, memoLit, LinkedDataCache.CACHE_GRAPH);
memos.put(graphUri, memo);
} catch (SailException e) {
throw new RippleException(e);
// Restores dereferencer state by reading success and failure memos from
// the last session (if present).
private CacheEntry retrieveMemo(final String graphUri,
final SailConnection sc) throws SailException, RippleException {
CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> iter;
iter = sc.getStatements(
try {
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
return null;
} else {
// Note: if there are multiple statements (which there shouldn't be), make an arbitrary choice.
Literal obj = (Literal);
return new CacheEntry(obj.getLabel());
} finally {
// A fast in-memory cache with an LRU replacement policy
private class InMemoryCache extends LinkedHashMap<String, CacheEntry> {
private final int maxCapacity;
// Creates an access-order linked hashmap with the given maximum capacity.
// Default values are used for initial capacity and load factor.
public InMemoryCache(final int maxCapacity) {
super(16, 0.75f, true);
this.maxCapacity = maxCapacity;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
return size() > maxCapacity;