Package name.abuchen.portfolio.snapshot

Source Code of name.abuchen.portfolio.snapshot.SecurityIndex

package name.abuchen.portfolio.snapshot;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import name.abuchen.portfolio.model.Client;
import name.abuchen.portfolio.model.Security;
import name.abuchen.portfolio.model.SecurityPrice;

import org.joda.time.DateMidnight;
import org.joda.time.Days;

/* package */class SecurityIndex extends PerformanceIndex
    /* package */SecurityIndex(Client client, ReportingPeriod reportInterval)
        super(client, reportInterval);

    /* package */void calculate(PerformanceIndex clientIndex, Security security)
        List<SecurityPrice> prices = security.getPrices();
        if (prices.isEmpty())

        DateMidnight firstPricePoint = new DateMidnight(prices.get(0).getTime());
        if (firstPricePoint.isAfter(clientIndex.getReportInterval().getEndDate().getTime()))

        DateMidnight startDate = clientIndex.getFirstDataPoint().toDateMidnight();
        if (firstPricePoint.isAfter(startDate))
            startDate = firstPricePoint;

        DateMidnight endDate = new DateMidnight(clientIndex.getReportInterval().getEndDate());
        DateMidnight lastPricePoint = new DateMidnight(prices.get(prices.size() - 1).getTime());

        if (lastPricePoint.isBefore(endDate))
            endDate = lastPricePoint;

        int size = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate).getDays() + 1;

        dates = new Date[size];
        delta = new double[size];
        accumulated = new double[size];
        transferals = new long[size];
        totals = new long[size];

        final double adjustment = clientIndex.getAccumulatedPercentage()[Days.daysBetween(
                        new DateMidnight(clientIndex.getReportInterval().getStartDate()), startDate).getDays()];

        // first value = reference value
        dates[0] = startDate.toDate();
        delta[0] = 0;
        accumulated[0] = adjustment;
        long valuation = security.getSecurityPrice(startDate.toDate()).getValue();

        // calculate series
        int index = 1;
        DateMidnight date = startDate.plusDays(1);
        while (date.compareTo(endDate) <= 0)
            dates[index] = date.toDate();

            long thisValuation = security.getSecurityPrice(date.toDate()).getValue();
            long thisDelta = thisValuation - valuation;

            delta[index] = (double) thisDelta / (double) valuation;
            accumulated[index] = ((accumulated[index - 1] + 1 - adjustment) * (delta[index] + 1)) - 1 + adjustment;

            date = date.plusDays(1);
            valuation = thisValuation;

    private void initEmpty(PerformanceIndex clientIndex)
        DateMidnight startDate = clientIndex.getFirstDataPoint().toDateMidnight();

        dates = new Date[] { startDate.toDate() };
        delta = new double[] { 0d };
        accumulated = new double[] { 0d };
        transferals = new long[] { 0 };
        totals = new long[] { 0 };

Related Classes of name.abuchen.portfolio.snapshot.SecurityIndex

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