* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>
package docs.pattern;
import akka.actor.*;
import akka.testkit.*;
import akka.testkit.TestEvent.Mute;
import akka.testkit.TestEvent.UnMute;
import org.junit.*;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class SchedulerPatternTest {
public static AkkaJUnitActorSystemResource actorSystemResource =
new AkkaJUnitActorSystemResource("SchedulerPatternTest", AkkaSpec.testConf());
private final ActorSystem system = actorSystemResource.getSystem();
public class ScheduleInConstructor extends UntypedActor {
private final Cancellable tick = getContext().system().scheduler().schedule(
Duration.create(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
Duration.create(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
getSelf(), "tick", getContext().dispatcher(), null);
// this variable and constructor is declared here to not show up in the docs
final ActorRef target;
public ScheduleInConstructor(ActorRef target) {
this.target = target;
public void postStop() {
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
if (message.equals("tick")) {
// do something useful here
target.tell(message, getSelf());
else if (message.equals("restart")) {
throw new ArithmeticException();
else {
public class ScheduleInReceive extends UntypedActor {
// this variable and constructor is declared here to not show up in the docs
final ActorRef target;
public ScheduleInReceive(ActorRef target) {
this.target = target;
public void preStart() {
Duration.create(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
getSelf(), "tick", getContext().dispatcher(), null);
// override postRestart so we don't call preStart and schedule a new message
public void postRestart(Throwable reason) {
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
if (message.equals("tick")) {
// send another periodic tick after the specified delay
Duration.create(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS),
getSelf(), "tick", getContext().dispatcher(), null);
// do something useful here
target.tell(message, getSelf());
else if (message.equals("restart")) {
throw new ArithmeticException();
else {
@Ignore // no way to tag this as timing sensitive
public void scheduleInConstructor() {
new TestSchedule(system) {{
final JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system);
final Props props = Props.create(ScheduleInConstructor.class, probe.getRef());
testSchedule(probe, props, duration("3000 millis"), duration("2000 millis"));
@Ignore // no way to tag this as timing sensitive
public void scheduleInReceive() {
new TestSchedule(system) {{
final JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system);
final Props props = Props.create(ScheduleInReceive.class, probe.getRef());
testSchedule(probe, props, duration("3000 millis"), duration("2500 millis"));
public static class TestSchedule extends JavaTestKit {
private ActorSystem system;
public TestSchedule(ActorSystem system) {
this.system = system;
public void testSchedule(final JavaTestKit probe, Props props,
FiniteDuration startDuration,
FiniteDuration afterRestartDuration) {
Iterable<akka.testkit.EventFilter> filter =
Arrays.asList(new akka.testkit.EventFilter[]{
(akka.testkit.EventFilter) new ErrorFilter(ArithmeticException.class)});
try {
system.eventStream().publish(new Mute(filter));
final ActorRef actor = system.actorOf(props);
new Within(startDuration) {
protected void run() {
actor.tell("restart", getRef());
new Within(afterRestartDuration) {
protected void run() {
finally {
system.eventStream().publish(new UnMute(filter));