package wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.values;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.IL.Def.Definition;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.core.BytecodeContext;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.core.BytecodeContextImpl;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.visitors.BytecodeDefVisitor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class BytecodeClassDef extends BytecodeClass {
private List<Definition> defs;
* creates a new class definition
* @param context
* the context with which to instantiate the class definition
* @param defns
* definitions to be used for the full class instance
* @param name
* the name to be used for this class in the context
public BytecodeClassDef(BytecodeContext context, List<Definition> defns, String name) {
defs = defns;
coreContext.addToContext(name, this);
* createa a class instance of the class that is defined in this value
* and returns it
* @return
* a bytecodeClass representing the full class instance
public BytecodeValue getCompleteClass() {
BytecodeContext context = new BytecodeContextImpl(coreContext);
BytecodeFunction init = (BytecodeFunction) context.getValue("$init"); ArrayList<BytecodeValue>(), context);
for(Definition def : defs) {
context = def.accept(new BytecodeDefVisitor(context));
return new BytecodeClass(context);
public String toString() {
return "a class definition";