package wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.tests;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.IL.Def.Def.Param;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.transformers.ExnFromAST;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.IL.Stmt.Statement;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.transformers.TLFromAST;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.core.BytecodeContext;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.core.BytecodeContextImpl;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.core.Interpreter;
import wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.interpreter.values.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class defines some helper functions for the tests as well as some
* common variables and common setUp/tearDown for them
* every test extends this class
* @author Tal
public class TestUtil {
protected boolean PRINTS_ON = false; // add PRINTS_ON = true at the
// beginning of a test for some
protected String s; // instruction/context prints
protected Interpreter interperter;
protected BytecodeValue empty;
protected BytecodeValue func,clas,clasDef; // empty type declarations
// to be used as values in
// the isInContext method
protected String List = ""; // holds a simple linked list
// implementation
protected String Mod; // holds a simple modulus implementation
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Mod = "def mod(num : Int, over : Int) : Int \n"
+ " num - (over * (num / over)) \n";
List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>();
List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>();
func = new BytecodeFunction(params,statements,new BytecodeContextImpl(), "");
clas = new BytecodeClass(new BytecodeContextImpl());
clasDef = new BytecodeClass(new BytecodeContextImpl());
empty = new BytecodeEmptyVal();
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
System.out.println("\n ================================= \n");
PRINTS_ON = false;
* method copied exactly from wyvern.targets.Common.wyvernIL.IL.tests.TestIL
private List<Statement> getResult(TypedAST input) {
if (!(input instanceof CoreAST))
throw new RuntimeException();
CoreAST cast = (CoreAST) input;
ExnFromAST visitor = new ExnFromAST();
return visitor.getStatments();
* sets up the statements and runs the test, then prints results and
* the simplified context if the PRINTS_ON flag is on
* @param s
* the string representing the high level language
* @return
* the BytecodeValue of the final evaluated value
public BytecodeValue runTest(String s) {
ArrayList<String> strs = new ArrayList<>();
TypedAST pair = wyvern.stdlib.Compiler.compileSources("in1", strs);
List<Statement> statements = getResult(pair);
interperter = new Interpreter(statements);
for (Statement statement : statements) {
System.out.println(statement.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : "
+ statement.toString());
BytecodeValue res = interperter.execute();
// currently printing only the simplified context (no variables with
// '$' in their names, for full context print needs to change the
// Interpreter printContext() method to use toString instead of
// toSimpleString
System.out.println(" DONE");
return res;
* checks if an array of names is in the context with the correct
* corresponding values associated to them
* @param names
* expected names in the context
* @param vals
* expected values for the names
* @return
* whether all the name/value pairs have been found correctly
public boolean isInContext(String[] names, BytecodeValue[] vals) {
BytecodeContext context = interperter.getCurrentContext();
for(int i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++) {
try {
BytecodeValue val = context.getValue(names[i]).dereference();
if(val instanceof BytecodeFunction) {
if(vals[i] instanceof BytecodeFunction) {
} else {
return false;
if(val instanceof BytecodeClass) {
if(vals[i] instanceof BytecodeClass) {
} else {
return false;
if(val instanceof BytecodeClassDef) {
if(vals[i] instanceof BytecodeClassDef) {
} else {
return false;
if(!val.equals(vals[i])) {
System.err.println("in context: " + val + " given: " + vals[i]);
return false;
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
return false;
return true;
private void setupList() {
if(List != "") {
List = "type IntNode \n"
+" def getNext() : IntNode \n"
+" def setNext(next : IntNode) : Unit \n"
+" def getValue() : Int \n"
+" def hasNext() : Bool \n"
+" \n"
+"class DummyNode \n"
+" implements IntNode \n"
+" \n"
+" class def create() : DummyNode \n"
+" new \n"
+" \n"
+" def getNext() : IntNode = this \n"
+" def setNext(nxt : IntNode) : Unit = () \n"
+" def getValue() : Int = 0 \n"
+" def hasNext() : Bool = false \n"
+" \n"
+"class Node \n"
+" implements IntNode \n"
+" \n"
+" var value : Int \n"
+" var nxt : IntNode \n"
+" \n"
+" class def create(value : Int, nxtNode : IntNode) : Node \n"
+" val n : Node = new \n"
+" n.value = value \n"
+" n.nxt = nxtNode \n"
+" n \n"
+" \n"
+" def getNext() : IntNode = this.nxt \n"
+" def setNext(nxt : IntNode) : Unit \n"
+" this.nxt = nxt \n"
+" def getValue() : Int = this.value \n"
+" def hasNext() : Bool = true \n"
+" \n"
+"class IntList \n"
+" \n"
+" var first : IntNode \n"
+" var size : Int \n"
+" \n"
+" class def create() : IntList \n"
+" val l : IntList = new \n"
+" l.first = DummyNode.create() \n"
+" l.size = 0 \n"
+" l \n"
+" \n"
+" def insert(value : Int, index : Int) : Bool \n"
+" if this.size < index || index < 0 \n"
+" then \n"
+" false \n"
+" else \n"
+" var cur : IntNode = this.first \n"
+" var prev : IntNode = this.first \n"
+" var curIndex : Int = 0 \n"
+" this.size = this.size + 1 \n"
+" var node : Node \n"
+" if index == 0 \n"
+" then \n"
+" node = Node.create(value,this.first) \n"
+" this.first = node \n"
+" else \n"
+" while curIndex < index \n"
+" curIndex = curIndex + 1 \n"
+" prev = cur \n"
+" cur = cur.getNext() \n"
+" node = Node.create(value,cur) \n"
+" prev.setNext(node) \n"
+" true \n"
+" \n"
+" def getSize() : Int \n"
+" this.size \n"
+" \n"
+" def get(index : Int) : Int \n"
+" if this.size < index || index < 0 \n"
+" then \n"
+" 0 \n"
+" else \n"
+" var curIndex : Int = 0 \n"
+" var cur : IntNode = this.first \n"
+" while curIndex < index \n"
+" curIndex = curIndex +1 \n"
+" cur = cur.getNext() \n"
+" cur.getValue() \n"
+" \n"
+" def remove(index : Int) \n"
+" if this.size < index || index < 0 \n"
+" then \n"
+" () \n"
+" else \n"
+" this.size = this.size - 1 \n"
+" if index == 0 \n"
+" then \n"
+" this.first = this.first.getNext() \n"
+" else \n"
+" var curIndex : Int = 0 \n"
+" var cur : IntNode = this.first \n"
+" var prev : IntNode = this.first \n"
+" while curIndex < index \n"
+" curIndex = curIndex +1 \n"
+" prev = cur \n"
+" cur = cur.getNext() \n"
+" prev.setNext(cur.getNext()) \n"
+" \n";