Package logformat.slog2

Source Code of logformat.slog2.LineIDMap

*  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory
*      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.

*  @author  Anthony Chan

package logformat.slog2;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import base.drawable.YCoordMap;
import base.drawable.Method;

    LineIDMap is the mapping between lineID and YaxisHierarchy.
    lineID is the basically the primitive Yaxis label integer
    YaxisHierarchy is the YaxisTreePath, i.e. list of YaxisTreeNode

    LineIDMap's key   is of type Integer
    LineIDMap's value is of type Integer[ num_treenodes ]
public class LineIDMap extends TreeMap
                       implements MixedDataIO
    private static final long  serialVersionUID = 500L;

    private int       num_treenodes;
    private String    title_label;
    private String[]  column_labels;
    private Method[]  methods;

    public LineIDMap()
        num_treenodes = 0;
        title_label   = null;
        column_labels = null;
        methods       = null;

    public LineIDMap( int Ntreenodes )
        num_treenodes = Ntreenodes;
        title_label   = null;
        column_labels = null;
        methods       = null;

    // Transform a YCoordMap to a LineIDMap.
    public LineIDMap( final YCoordMap  y_map )
        num_treenodes = y_map.getNumOfColumns() - 1;
        title_label   = y_map.getTitleName();
        column_labels = y_map.getColumnNames();
        methods       = y_map.getMethods();

        Integer    key;
        Integer[]  value;   // LineIDNodePath
        int        idx;
        int[]      map_elems;
        int        num_entries;
        int        irow, icol;
        if ( column_labels.length != num_treenodes ) {
            System.err.print( "LineIDMap: Warning!\n"
                            + "The input column_labels[] are " );
            for ( icol = 0; icol < column_labels.length; icol++ )
                System.err.print( column_labels[ icol ] + " " );
            System.err.println( "\tThe number of column labels is expected "
                              + "to be " + num_treenodes + "." );
        num_entries = y_map.getNumOfRows();
        map_elems   = y_map.getMapElems();
        if ( map_elems.length != num_entries * ( num_treenodes + 1 ) ) {
            System.err.println( "Warning: The input YCoordMap contains "
                              + map_elems.length + " elements.  "
                              + "But the number is expected to be "
                              + num_entries * ( num_treenodes + 1 ) + "." );
        idx = 0;
        for ( irow = 0; irow < num_entries; irow++ ) {
            key    = new Integer( map_elems[ idx++ ] );
            value  = new Integer[ num_treenodes ];
            for ( icol = 0; icol < num_treenodes; icol++ )
                value[ icol ] = new Integer( map_elems[ idx++ ] );
            super.put( key, value );

    // Transform a LineIDMap to a YCoordMap.
    // Reverse proces of LineIDMap( YCoordMap )
    public YCoordMap toYCoordMap()
        int        num_rows;
        int        num_columns;
        String     title_name;
        String[]   column_names;   /* of length num_columns - 1 */
        int[]      map_elems;      /* of length num_rows * num_columns */
        int[]      method_indexes;

        // Setup the size relationship between LindIDMap and YCoordMap.
        num_rows     = super.size();
        num_columns  = this.num_treenodes + 1;
        title_name   = this.title_label;
        column_names = this.column_labels;
        // Convert LineIDMap's TreeMap to map_elems[] stored in YCoordMap.
        Map.Entry  entry;
        Integer    key;
        Integer[]  value;   // LineIDNodePath;
        Iterator   entries;
        int        map_idx;
        int        idx;

        map_elems    = new int[ num_rows * num_columns ];

        map_idx = 0;
        entries = super.entrySet().iterator();
        while ( entries.hasNext() ) {
            entry = (Map.Entry);
            key   = (Integer) entry.getKey();
            value = (Integer[]) entry.getValue();
            map_elems[ map_idx++ ] = key.intValue();
            for ( idx = 0; idx < value.length; idx++ )
                map_elems[ map_idx++ ] = value[ idx ].intValue();
        if ( map_idx < map_elems.length )
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "LineIDMap's TreeMap contains less int than "
                      + "the expected " + map_elems.length + "." );

        // Convert LineIDMap's methods[] to YCoordMap's method_indexes[].
        if ( this.methods != null && this.methods.length > 0 ) {
            method_indexes = new int[ this.methods.length ];
            for ( idx = 0; idx < method_indexes.length; idx++ )
                 method_indexes[ idx ] = this.methods[ idx ].getMethodIndex();
            method_indexes = null;

        return new YCoordMap( num_rows, num_columns,
                              title_name, column_names,
                              map_elems, method_indexes );

    public Method[] getMethods()
        return methods;

    public void setTitle( String title_labelname )
        title_label = title_labelname;

    public String getTitle()
        return title_label;

    public void setColumnLabels( String[] col_labels )
        if ( col_labels.length != num_treenodes ) {
            System.err.print( "Warning: The input column_labels[] is " );
            for ( int idx = 0; idx < col_labels.length; idx++ )
                System.err.print( col_labels[ idx ] + " " );
            System.err.println( "The number of column labels is expected "
                              + "to be " + num_treenodes + "." );
        column_labels = col_labels;

    public String[] getColumnLabels()
        return column_labels;

    public void writeObject( MixedDataOutput outs )
        Map.Entry  entry;
        Integer    key;
        Integer[]  value;   // LineIDNodePath;
        int        idx;

        outs.writeString( title_label );
        outs.writeInt( num_treenodes );
        for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
            outs.writeString( column_labels[ idx ] );
        outs.writeInt( super.size() );
        Iterator entries = super.entrySet().iterator();
        while ( entries.hasNext() ) {
            entry = (Map.Entry);
            key   = (Integer)   entry.getKey();
            value = (Integer[]) entry.getValue();
            outs.writeInt( key.intValue() );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
                outs.writeInt( value[ idx ].intValue() );

        if ( methods != null && methods.length > 0 ) {
            outs.writeShort( (short) methods.length );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < methods.length; idx++ )
                methods[ idx ].writeObject( outs );
            outs.writeShort( 0 );

    public LineIDMap( MixedDataInput ins )
        this.readObject( ins );

    public void readObject( MixedDataInput ins )
        Integer    key;
        Integer[]  value;   // LineIDNodePath
        int        Nentries;
        int        idx, ientry;

        title_label    = ins.readString();
        num_treenodes  = ins.readInt();
        column_labels  = new String[ num_treenodes ];
        for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
            column_labels[ idx ] = ins.readString();
        Nentries   = ins.readInt();
        for ( ientry = 0; ientry < Nentries; ientry++ ) {
            key    = new Integer( ins.readInt() );
            value  = new Integer[ num_treenodes ];
            for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
                value[ idx ] = new Integer( ins.readInt() );
            super.put( key, value );

        Nentries = (int) ins.readShort();
        if ( Nentries > 0 ) {
            methods = new Method[ Nentries ];
            for ( idx = 0; idx < Nentries; idx++ )
                methods[ idx ]   = new Method( ins );
            methods   = null;

    public String toString()
        Map.Entry  entry;
        Integer    key;
        Integer[]  value;   // LineIDNodePath;
        int        ientry;
        int        idx;

        StringBuffer rep = new StringBuffer( "Title: " + title_label + "\n" );
        rep.append( "Column Labels: LineID -> " );
        for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
            rep.append( column_labels[ idx ] + " " );
        rep.append( "\n" );
        Iterator entries = super.entrySet().iterator();
        ientry = 0;
        while ( entries.hasNext() ) {
            entry = (Map.Entry);
            key   = (Integer) entry.getKey();
            value = (Integer[]) entry.getValue();
            rep.append( ientry + ", " + key + ":  " );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < num_treenodes; idx++ )
                rep.append( value[ idx ] + " " );
            rep.append( "\n" );
        if ( methods != null && methods.length > 0 ) {
            rep.append( "methods=< " );
            for ( idx = 0; idx < methods.length; idx++ )
                rep.append( methods[ idx ] + " " );
            rep.append( ">\n" );
        return rep.toString();

        Invoke like
        java LineIDMap write 3 2   for writing file
        java LineIDMap read        for reading file
    public final static void main( String[] args )
        final String  filename            = "tmp_LineIDMap.dat";

        String     io_str = args[ 0 ].trim();
        boolean    isWriting = io_str.equals( "write" );

        int        Nlevels, Nchilds;
        int[]      icfg;
        Integer[]  ocfg;
        List       cfglist = new ArrayList();
        Iterator   cfgs;
        LineIDMap  linemap = null;

        if ( isWriting ) {
            Nlevels = Integer.parseInt( args[ 1 ] );
            Nchilds = Integer.parseInt( args[ 2 ] );
            Enumeration perms = new Permutation( Nlevels, Nchilds );
            while ( perms.hasMoreElements() ) {
                icfg = (int[]) perms.nextElement();
                cfglist.add( icfg );
                cfglist.add( icfg.clone() );
            Collections.shuffle( cfglist );

            linemap = new LineIDMap( Nlevels );
            linemap.setTitle( "SLOG2 LineIDMap sample" );
            String[] col_names = new String[ Nlevels ];
            for ( int idx = 0; idx < Nlevels; idx++ )
                col_names[ idx ] = "column" + idx;
            linemap.setColumnLabels( col_names );
            cfgs = cfglist.iterator();
            for ( int cfg_idx = 1; cfgs.hasNext(); cfg_idx++ ) {
                icfg = (int[]);
                ocfg = new Integer[ icfg.length ];
                for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < ocfg.length; idx++ )
                     ocfg[ idx ] = new Integer( icfg[ idx ] );
                linemap.put( new Integer( 10000 + cfg_idx ), ocfg );
            System.out.println( "LineIDMap:\n" + linemap );

            try {
                FileOutputStream      fout = new FileOutputStream( filename );
                MixedDataOutputStream dout = new MixedDataOutputStream( fout );
                linemap.writeObject( dout );
            } catch ( ioerr ) {
                System.exit( 1 );
        else {
            try {
                FileInputStream      fin   = new FileInputStream( filename );
                MixedDataInputStream din   = new MixedDataInputStream( fin );
                linemap = new LineIDMap( din );
            } catch ( ioerr ) {
                System.exit( 1 );
            System.out.println( linemap );

Related Classes of logformat.slog2.LineIDMap

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