package crazypants.enderio.conduit.liquid;
import static crazypants.render.CubeRenderer.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import crazypants.enderio.EnderIO;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.ConnectionMode;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.IConduit;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.IConduitBundle;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.geom.CollidableComponent;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.render.ConduitBundleRenderer;
import crazypants.enderio.conduit.render.DefaultConduitRenderer;
import crazypants.render.BoundingBox;
import crazypants.render.RenderUtil;
import crazypants.util.ForgeDirectionOffsets;
import crazypants.vecmath.Vector2f;
import crazypants.vecmath.Vector3d;
import crazypants.vecmath.Vector3f;
import crazypants.vecmath.Vertex;
public class LiquidConduitRenderer extends DefaultConduitRenderer {
private float downRatio;
private float flatRatio;
private float upRatio;
public boolean isRendererForConduit(IConduit conduit) {
if(conduit instanceof LiquidConduit) {
return true;
return false;
public void renderEntity(ConduitBundleRenderer conduitBundleRenderer, IConduitBundle te, IConduit conduit, double x, double y, double z, float partialTick,
float worldLight) {
calculateRatios((LiquidConduit) conduit);
super.renderEntity(conduitBundleRenderer, te, conduit, x, y, z, partialTick, worldLight);
protected void renderConduit(IIcon tex, IConduit conduit, CollidableComponent component, float brightness) {
if(isNSEWUD(component.dir)) {
LiquidConduit lc = (LiquidConduit) conduit;
FluidStack fluid = lc.getFluidType();
if(fluid != null) {
renderFluidOutline(component, fluid);
BoundingBox[] cubes = toCubes(component.bound);
for (BoundingBox cube : cubes) {
drawSection(cube, tex.getMinU(), tex.getMaxU(), tex.getMinV(), tex.getMaxV(), component.dir, false);
} else {
drawSection(component.bound, tex.getMinU(), tex.getMaxU(), tex.getMinV(), tex.getMaxV(), component.dir, true);
if(conduit.getConnectionMode(component.dir) == ConnectionMode.DISABLED) {
tex = EnderIO.blockConduitBundle.getConnectorIcon();
List<Vertex> corners = component.bound.getCornersWithUvForFace(component.dir, tex.getMinU(), tex.getMaxU(), tex.getMinV(), tex.getMaxV());
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
for (Vertex c : corners) {
addVecWithUV(, c.uv.x, c.uv.y);
//back face
for (int i = corners.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Vertex c = corners.get(i);
addVecWithUV(, c.uv.x, c.uv.y);
public static void renderFluidOutline(CollidableComponent component, FluidStack fluid) {
renderFluidOutline(component, fluid, 1, 13f / 16f);
public static void renderFluidOutline(CollidableComponent component, FluidStack fluid, double scaleFactor, float outlineWidth) {
//TODO: Should cache these vertices as relatively heavy weight to calc each frame
IIcon texture = fluid.getFluid().getStillIcon();
if(texture == null) {
texture = fluid.getFluid().getIcon();
if(texture == null) {
BoundingBox bbb;
if(scaleFactor == 1) {
bbb = component.bound;
} else {
double xScale = Math.abs(component.dir.offsetX) == 1 ? 1 : scaleFactor;
double yScale = Math.abs(component.dir.offsetY) == 1 ? 1 : scaleFactor;
double zScale = Math.abs(component.dir.offsetZ) == 1 ? 1 : scaleFactor;
bbb = component.bound.scale(xScale, yScale, zScale);
for (ForgeDirection face : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
if(face != component.dir && face != component.dir.getOpposite()) {
Tessellator tes = Tessellator.instance;
tes.setNormal(face.offsetX, face.offsetY, face.offsetZ);
Vector3d offset = ForgeDirectionOffsets.offsetScaled(face, -0.005);
Vector2f uv = new Vector2f();
List<ForgeDirection> edges = RenderUtil.getEdgesForFace(face);
for (ForgeDirection edge : edges) {
if(edge != component.dir && edge != component.dir.getOpposite()) {
float xLen = 1 - Math.abs(edge.offsetX) * outlineWidth;
float yLen = 1 - Math.abs(edge.offsetY) * outlineWidth;
float zLen = 1 - Math.abs(edge.offsetZ) * outlineWidth;
BoundingBox bb = bbb.scale(xLen, yLen, zLen);
List<Vector3f> corners = bb.getCornersForFace(face);
for (Vector3f unitCorn : corners) {
Vector3d corner = new Vector3d(unitCorn);
corner.x += (float) (edge.offsetX * 0.5 * bbb.sizeX()) - (Math.signum(edge.offsetX) * xLen / 2f * bbb.sizeX()) * 2f;
corner.y += (float) (edge.offsetY * 0.5 * bbb.sizeY()) - (Math.signum(edge.offsetY) * yLen / 2f * bbb.sizeY()) * 2f;
corner.z += (float) (edge.offsetZ * 0.5 * bbb.sizeZ()) - (Math.signum(edge.offsetZ) * zLen / 2f * bbb.sizeZ()) * 2f;
RenderUtil.getUvForCorner(uv, corner, 0, 0, 0, face, texture);
tes.addVertexWithUV(corner.x, corner.y, corner.z, uv.x, uv.y);
protected void renderTransmission(IConduit con, IIcon tex, CollidableComponent component, float brightness) {
//done in the dynamic section
public boolean isDynamic() {
return true;
public void renderDynamicEntity(ConduitBundleRenderer conduitBundleRenderer, IConduitBundle te, IConduit conduit, double x, double y, double z,
float partialTick, float worldLight) {
if(((LiquidConduit) conduit).getTank().getFilledRatio() <= 0) {
Collection<CollidableComponent> components = conduit.getCollidableComponents();
Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance;
calculateRatios((LiquidConduit) conduit);
transmissionScaleFactor = conduit.getTransmitionGeometryScale();
IIcon tex;
for (CollidableComponent component : components) {
if(renderComponent(component)) {
float selfIllum = Math.max(worldLight, conduit.getSelfIlluminationForState(component));
if(isNSEWUD(component.dir) &&
conduit.getTransmitionTextureForState(component) != null) {
tessellator.setColorOpaque_F(1, 1, 1);
tex = conduit.getTransmitionTextureForState(component);
BoundingBox[] cubes = toCubes(component.bound);
for (BoundingBox cube : cubes) {
drawSection(cube, tex.getMinU(), tex.getMaxU(), tex.getMinV(), tex.getMaxV(), component.dir, true);
protected void setVerticesForTransmission(BoundingBox bound, ForgeDirection id) {
float yScale = getRatioForConnection(id);
float xs = id.offsetX == 0 ? 0.9f : 1;
float ys = id.offsetY == 0 ? Math.min(yScale, 0.9f) : yScale;
float zs = id.offsetZ == 0 ? 0.9f : 1;
float sizeY = bound.sizeY();
bound = bound.scale(xs, ys, zs);
float transY = (bound.sizeY() - sizeY) / 2;
Vector3d translation = new Vector3d(0, transY, 0);
private void calculateRatios(LiquidConduit conduit) {
ConduitTank tank = conduit.getTank();
int totalAmount = tank.getFluidAmount();
int upCapacity = 0;
if(conduit.containsConduitConnection(ForgeDirection.UP) || conduit.containsExternalConnection(ForgeDirection.UP)) {
upCapacity = LiquidConduit.VOLUME_PER_CONNECTION;
int downCapacity = 0;
if(conduit.containsConduitConnection(ForgeDirection.DOWN) || conduit.containsExternalConnection(ForgeDirection.DOWN)) {
downCapacity = LiquidConduit.VOLUME_PER_CONNECTION;
int flatCapacity = tank.getCapacity() - upCapacity - downCapacity;
int usedCapacity = 0;
if(downCapacity > 0) {
int inDown = Math.min(totalAmount, downCapacity);
usedCapacity += inDown;
downRatio = (float) inDown / downCapacity;
if(flatCapacity > 0 && usedCapacity < totalAmount) {
int inFlat = Math.min(flatCapacity, totalAmount - usedCapacity);
usedCapacity += inFlat;
flatRatio = (float) inFlat / flatCapacity;
} else {
flatRatio = 0;
if(upCapacity > 0 && usedCapacity < totalAmount) {
int inUp = Math.min(upCapacity, totalAmount - usedCapacity);
upRatio = (float) inUp / upCapacity;
} else {
upRatio = 0;
private float getRatioForConnection(ForgeDirection id) {
if(id == ForgeDirection.UP) {
return upRatio;
if(id == ForgeDirection.DOWN) {
return downRatio;
return flatRatio;