package xk.xact.gui;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import xk.xact.util.Utils;
import java.util.HashSet;
public abstract class ContainerXACT extends Container {
protected int dragState;
protected int dragButton;
protected HashSet<Slot> draggedSlots = new HashSet<Slot>(); // the IDs of the slots dragged.
protected abstract boolean isCraftingGridSlot(int slotID);
protected abstract void clearCraftingGrid();
protected abstract boolean isUpdateRequired();
protected boolean isGhostSlot(Slot slot) {
return isCraftingGridSlot( slot.slotNumber );
protected int determineSpecialCase(int slotID, int flag, int data) {
if( flag == 5 ) { // dragging stuff
return 5;
if( dragState != 0 )
if( isCraftingGridSlot( slotID ) ) { // crafting grid slots
if( flag == 0 || flag == 1 ) {
// regular clicking
return 1;
if( flag == 2 ) { // interacting with the hotkeys
return 2;
if( flag == 4 ) { // pressing the DROP key
return 4;
if( flag == 6 ) { // double clicking.
return 6;
return 0;
if( slotID >= 0 && getSlot( slotID ) instanceof SlotCraft ) {
if( flag == 0 ) {
if( data == 1 ) { // redirect the right click into a left click.
return 10; // because we don't want to split crafted stacks.
return 11; // regular click on an output slot.
if( flag == 2 ) { // hotkeys interaction.
return 12;
if( flag == 4 ) { // dropping from an output slot.
return 14;
return 0; // normal behavior.
public void handleDragging(int slotID, int data, InventoryPlayer playerInventory) {
int lastAction = this.dragState;
this.dragState = data & 3;
if( (lastAction != 1 || this.dragState != 2) && lastAction != this.dragState ) {
this.func_94533_d(); // clear everything.
} else if( playerInventory.getItemStack() == null ) {
} else if( this.dragState == 0 ) { // prepare everything.
this.dragButton = (data >> 2) & 3;
if( func_94528_d( this.dragButton ) ) { // checks if dragButton is 0 or 1
this.dragState = 1;
} else {
} else if( this.dragState == 1 ) { // add slot to the list.
Slot slot = (Slot) this.inventorySlots.get( slotID );
if( slot == null )
if( func_94527_a( slot, playerInventory.getItemStack(), true ) && slot.isItemValid( playerInventory.getItemStack() )
&& playerInventory.getItemStack().stackSize > this.draggedSlots.size() && this.canDragIntoSlot( slot ) ) {
this.draggedSlots.add( slot );
} else if( this.dragState == 2 ) {
if( !this.draggedSlots.isEmpty() ) {
ItemStack playerStack = playerInventory.getItemStack().copy();
int stackSize = playerInventory.getItemStack().stackSize;
int trimmedSize = getTrimmedStackSize( playerStack );
for( Slot slot : draggedSlots ) {
if( slot == null )
if( func_94527_a( slot, playerInventory.getItemStack(), true ) && slot.isItemValid( playerStack )
&& playerStack.stackSize >= this.draggedSlots.size() && this.canDragIntoSlot( slot ) ) {
ItemStack itemStack = playerStack.copy();
if( isGhostSlot( slot ) ) {
itemStack.stackSize = 1;
slot.putStack( itemStack );
int slotStackSize = slot.getHasStack() ? slot.getStack().stackSize : 0;
itemStack.stackSize = trimmedSize + slotStackSize;
int max = Math.min( itemStack.getMaxStackSize(), slot.getSlotStackLimit() );
if( itemStack.stackSize > max ) {
itemStack.stackSize = max;
stackSize -= itemStack.stackSize - slotStackSize;
slot.putStack( itemStack );
playerStack.stackSize = stackSize;
if( playerStack.stackSize <= 0 ) {
playerStack = null;
playerInventory.setItemStack( playerStack );
} else {
private int getTrimmedStackSize(ItemStack itemStack) {
int realSlots = 0;
for( Slot slot : draggedSlots ) {
if( !isGhostSlot( slot ) )
int size = 0;
if( dragButton == 0 ) { // left.
size = MathHelper.floor_float( (float) itemStack.stackSize / (float) realSlots );
} else if( dragButton == 1 ) { // right
size = 1;
return size;
public ItemStack slotClick(int slotID, int buttonPressed, int flag, EntityPlayer player) {
try {
int specialCase = determineSpecialCase( slotID, flag, buttonPressed );
if( specialCase == 0 )
return super.slotClick( slotID, buttonPressed, flag, player );
if( isUpdateRequired() )
Slot slot = slotID < 0 ? null : getSlot( slotID );
ItemStack stackInSlot;
ItemStack playerStack;
InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer = player.inventory;
switch( specialCase ) {
case 1: // clicking on the crafting grid slots:
if( flag == 1 ) { // clear on shift-clicking.
slot.putStack( null );
return null;
playerStack = inventoryPlayer.getItemStack();
if( buttonPressed == 0 || playerStack == null ) {
slot.putStack( null );
} else if( buttonPressed == 1 ) {
ItemStack copy = playerStack.copy();
copy.stackSize = 1;
slot.putStack( copy );
return null;
case 2: // interacting with the hotkeys:
ItemStack invStack = inventoryPlayer.getStackInSlot( buttonPressed );
if( invStack != null ) {
ItemStack copy = invStack.copy();
copy.stackSize = 1;
slot.putStack( copy );
return invStack;
case 4: // pressing the DROP key.
stackInSlot = slot.getStack();
slot.putStack( null );
return stackInSlot;
case 5: // placing the dragged stuff.
handleDragging( slotID, buttonPressed, player.inventory );
case 6: // double click (clears the crafting grid).
return null;
case 10: // redirect the right click into a left click.
return slotClick( slotID, 0, flag, player );
case 11: // regular clicking on an output slot.
if( !slot.getHasStack() || !slot.canTakeStack( player ) )
return null;
stackInSlot = ((SlotCraft) slot).getCraftedStack();
playerStack = inventoryPlayer.getItemStack();
if( playerStack == null ) { // Full extraction from slot.
inventoryPlayer.setItemStack( stackInSlot );
slot.onPickupFromSlot( player, inventoryPlayer.getItemStack() );
} else {
int sum = stackInSlot.stackSize + playerStack.stackSize;
// Merge into player's hand.
if( Utils.equalsStacks( stackInSlot, playerStack ) && sum <= stackInSlot.getMaxStackSize() ) {
playerStack.stackSize = sum;
slot.onPickupFromSlot( player, inventoryPlayer.getItemStack() );
return stackInSlot;
case 12: // interacting with the hotkeys
if( !slot.canTakeStack( player ) )
return null;
stackInSlot = ((SlotCraft) slot).getCraftedStack();
if( stackInSlot == null )
return null;
playerStack = inventoryPlayer.getStackInSlot( buttonPressed );
if( playerStack == null ) {
inventoryPlayer.setInventorySlotContents( buttonPressed, stackInSlot );
slot.onPickupFromSlot( player, stackInSlot );
} else {
int indx = inventoryPlayer.getFirstEmptyStack();
if( indx > -1 ) {
inventoryPlayer.setInventorySlotContents( buttonPressed, stackInSlot );
inventoryPlayer.addItemStackToInventory( playerStack );
slot.onPickupFromSlot( player, stackInSlot );
return stackInSlot;
case 14: // dropping from an output slot.
if( slot.getHasStack() && slot.canTakeStack( player ) ) {
ItemStack itemStack = ((SlotCraft) slot).getCraftedStack();
slot.onPickupFromSlot( player, itemStack );
player.dropPlayerItem( ((SlotCraft) slot).getCraftedStack() );
return itemStack;
return null;
return null;
} finally {
private int counter = 0;
private int counterMax = 128;
private ItemStack lastItemStack = null;
protected void retrySlotClick(int slotID, int mouseClick, boolean flag, EntityPlayer player) {
Slot slot = (Slot) this.inventorySlots.get( slotID );
if( slot instanceof SlotCraft ) {
if( mouseClick == 1 )
// Have to limit the amount of crafts that can be done in a single shit-click,
// to prevent StackOverflowException.
ItemStack stackInSlot = getSlot( slotID ).getStack();
if( lastItemStack == null || !lastItemStack.isItemEqual( stackInSlot ) ) {
counter = 0;
lastItemStack = stackInSlot;
if( ++counter < counterMax ) {
this.slotClick( slotID, mouseClick, 1, player );
} else {
counter = 0;
protected void func_94533_d() {
dragState = 0;
protected void onContentsChanged() { }
* Called from the GuiTickHandler on every PLAYER tick (both sides).
* This might be used to update the internal state.
* Of course, this is only called when this container is open.
* @param player the EntityPlayer ticking.
public void onTickUpdate(EntityPlayer player) { }