* Copyright 2010-2011 Research In Motion Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package blackberry.web.widget.impl;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.microedition.io.InputConnection;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import net.rim.device.api.browser.field2.BrowserField;
import net.rim.device.api.browser.field2.BrowserFieldConfig;
import net.rim.device.api.browser.field2.BrowserFieldController;
import net.rim.device.api.browser.field2.BrowserFieldRequest;
import net.rim.device.api.io.http.HttpHeaders;
import net.rim.device.api.system.CodeModuleManager;
import net.rim.device.api.system.KeyListener;
import net.rim.device.api.util.Comparator;
import net.rim.device.api.util.SimpleSortingVector;
import net.rim.device.api.web.WidgetAccess;
import net.rim.device.api.web.WidgetConfig;
import net.rim.device.api.web.WidgetExtension;
import net.rim.device.api.web.WidgetFeature;
import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import blackberry.core.IJSExtension;
import blackberry.web.widget.bf.BrowserFieldScreen;
import blackberry.web.widget.caching.WidgetCacheExtension;
import blackberry.web.widget.loadingScreen.TransitionConstants;
import blackberry.web.widget.util.WidgetUtil;
public abstract class WidgetConfigImpl implements WidgetConfig {
// Provided by WidgetConfigImpl file
// - parsed/populated by Web Component Pack generated file
protected Hashtable _accessList;
protected String _author;
protected String _authorURL;
protected String _authorEmail;
protected String _copyright;
protected String _configXML;
protected String _content;
protected String _contentCharset;
protected String _contentType;
protected HttpHeaders _customHeaders;
protected String _description;
protected String _icon;
protected String _iconHover;
protected String _id;
protected String _license;
protected String _licenseURL;
protected String _name;
// Key: name of the profile. Value: unique for registering the profile
protected Hashtable _notifications;
protected String _loadingScreenColor;
protected int[] _preferredTransports;
protected Integer _transportTimeout;
protected String _backButtonBehaviour;
protected boolean _hasMultiAccess;
protected boolean _widgetNavigationMode;
// private fields
protected Vector _widgetExtensions;
private Vector _keyListeners;
private Hashtable _featureTable;
private WidgetAccess[] _accessArray;
private Document _configXMLDoc;
private String _version;
// loading screen configuration
protected String _backgroundImage;
protected String _foregroundImage;
protected boolean _firstPageLoad;
protected boolean _remotePageLoad;
protected boolean _localPageLoad;
protected int _transitionType;
protected int _transitionDuration;
protected int _transitionDirection;
// orientation configuration
protected int _orientation;
protected boolean _orientationDefined;
// caches configuration
protected boolean _cacheEnabled;
protected boolean _aggressivelyCaching;
protected int _aggressiveCacheAge;
protected int _overrodeAge;
protected int _maxCacheable;
protected int _maxCacheSize;
// Key: file extension. Value: mime type
protected Hashtable _allowedUriTypes;
// Auto-Startup members
protected boolean _runOnStartup;
protected boolean _allowInvokeParams;
protected String _backgroundSource;
protected String _foregroundSource;
protected boolean _debugEnabled = false;
// JavaScript paths need to be injected.
protected SimpleSortingVector _jsInjectionPaths = new SimpleSortingVector();
protected SimpleSortingVector _sharedGlobalJSInjectionPaths = new SimpleSortingVector();
* Protected construtor.
protected WidgetConfigImpl() {
_customHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
_notifications = new Hashtable();
_accessList = new Hashtable();
_featureTable = new Hashtable();
_widgetExtensions = new Vector();
// Set defaults
_widgetExtensions.addElement( new WidgetCacheExtension() );
// Set default value of loading screen configuration
_backgroundImage = "";
_foregroundImage = "";
_firstPageLoad = false;
_remotePageLoad = false;
_localPageLoad = false;
_transitionType = TransitionConstants.TRANSITION_NONE;
_transitionDuration = TransitionConstants.DEFAULT_DURATION;
_transitionDirection = TransitionConstants.DIRECTION_LEFT;
// Set default orientation values
_orientationDefined = false;
_orientation = -1;
// Set default value of cache configuration
_cacheEnabled = true;
_aggressivelyCaching = true;
_aggressiveCacheAge = 2592000;
_overrodeAge = 0;
_maxCacheable = 131072;
_maxCacheSize = 1048576;
// If _allowedUriTypes is null, all Uri types are cacheable
_allowedUriTypes = null;
// Implementation - net.rim.device.api.web.WidgetConfig
public String getAuthor() {
return _author;
public String getAuthorEmail() {
return _authorEmail;
public String getAuthorURL() {
return _authorURL;
public String getCopyright() {
return _copyright;
public String getContent() {
return _content;
public String getContentCharset() {
return _contentCharset;
public String getContentType() {
return _contentType;
public HttpHeaders getCustomHeaders() {
return _customHeaders;
public String getDescription() {
return _description;
public Enumeration getExtensions() {
return _widgetExtensions.elements();
public WidgetExtension getExtensionForFeature( String featureID ) {
return (WidgetExtension) _featureTable.get( featureID );
public Object getExtensionObjectForFeature( String featureID ) {
return _featureTable.get( featureID );
public String getIcon() {
return _icon;
public String getIconHover() {
return _iconHover;
public String getID() {
return _id;
public String getLicense() {
return _license;
public String getLicenseURL() {
return _licenseURL;
public String getName() {
return _name;
public Hashtable getNotifications() {
return _notifications;
public String getVersion() {
return _version;
public String getLoadingScreenColor() {
return _loadingScreenColor;
public int[] getPreferredTransports() {
return _preferredTransports;
public Integer getTransportTimeout() {
return _transportTimeout;
public String getBackButtonBehaviour() {
return _backButtonBehaviour;
public boolean getNavigationMode() {
return _widgetNavigationMode;
// Getters of loading screen configuration
public String getBackgroundImage() {
return _backgroundImage;
public String getForegroundImage() {
return _foregroundImage;
public boolean getFirstPageLoad() {
return _firstPageLoad;
public boolean getRemotePageLoad() {
return _remotePageLoad;
public boolean getLocalPageLoad() {
return _localPageLoad;
public int getTransitionType() {
return _transitionType;
public int getTransitionDuration() {
return _transitionDuration;
public int getTransitionDirection() {
return _transitionDirection;
// Getters of orientation
public boolean isOrientationDefined() {
return _orientationDefined;
public int getOrientation() {
return _orientation;
// Getters of cache configuration
public boolean isCacheEnabled() {
return _cacheEnabled;
public boolean getAggressivelyCaching() {
return _aggressivelyCaching;
public int getAggressiveCacheAge() {
return _aggressiveCacheAge;
public int getOverrodeAge() {
return _overrodeAge;
public int getMaxCacheable() {
return _maxCacheable;
public int getMaxCacheSize() {
return _maxCacheSize;
public Hashtable getAllowedUriTypes() {
return _allowedUriTypes;
// Getters of Auto-startup
public boolean isStartupEnabled() {
return _runOnStartup;
public boolean allowInvokeParams() {
return _allowInvokeParams;
public String getBackgroundSource() {
return _backgroundSource;
public String getForegroundSource() {
return _foregroundSource;
public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return _debugEnabled;
* Checks all classes specified as WidgetExtension - determines if they also implement KeyListener. Then adds them to a
* KeyListener vector.
* @return a vector of KeyListener objects; an empty vector if no KeyListener objects are found.
public Vector getKeyListeners() {
if( _keyListeners == null ) {
_keyListeners = new Vector();
Object ext = null;
for( Enumeration e = _widgetExtensions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
ext = e.nextElement();
if( ext instanceof KeyListener ) {
_keyListeners.addElement( ext );
return _keyListeners;
public WidgetAccess[] getAccessList() {
if( _accessArray != null ) {
return _accessArray;
// 1-time parse
_accessArray = new WidgetAccess[ _accessList.size() ];
Enumeration accessEnum = _accessList.elements();
int index = 0;
while( accessEnum.hasMoreElements() ) {
_accessArray[ index++ ] = (WidgetAccess) accessEnum.nextElement();
return _accessArray;
public Document getConfigXML() {
// Parse only required on first-time request
if( _configXMLDoc == null ) {
if( _configXML == null || _configXML.length() == 0 ) {
return null;
try {
// Obtain the Browser field config
BrowserFieldConfig bfConfig = getBrowserFieldConfig();
// Create doc builder
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
// Parse
Object o = bfConfig.getProperty( BrowserFieldConfig.CONTROLLER );
if( o instanceof BrowserFieldController ) {
BrowserFieldController bfController = (BrowserFieldController) o;
// Create request for config.xml file
BrowserFieldRequest request = new BrowserFieldRequest( WidgetUtil.getLocalPath( _configXML ) );
InputConnection inputConn = bfController.handleResourceRequest( request );
// Create a Document object out of the config.xml
_configXMLDoc = docBuilder.parse( inputConn.openDataInputStream() );
} catch( Exception e ) {
return _configXMLDoc;
public Hashtable getFeatureTable() {
return _featureTable;
public boolean allowMultiAccess() {
return _hasMultiAccess;
* <description> Retrieve paths of shared global JavaScript files to be injected.
* @return Vector contains JavaScript paths.
public SimpleSortingVector getSharedGlobalJSInjectionPaths() {
return _sharedGlobalJSInjectionPaths;
* <description> Retrieve paths of extension JavaScript files to be injected.
* @return Vector contains JavaScript paths.
public SimpleSortingVector getJSInjectionPaths() {
return _jsInjectionPaths;
* <description> Obtains the BrowserFieldConfig object by accessing the Screen.
* @return <description>
private BrowserFieldConfig getBrowserFieldConfig() {
BrowserField bField = BrowserFieldScreen.getBrowserField();
return bField.getConfig();
* Version is retrieved based on the module itself - this should be set by tumbler when building the app. We don't want to
* retrieve
private void setVersion() {
int handle = CodeModuleManager.getModuleHandleForObject( this );
_version = CodeModuleManager.getModuleVersion( handle );
* Initializes hashtable of the features found in the config.xml mapped to the corresponding WebWorks Extensions that have the
* matching feature.
private void initFeatureTable() {
// Enumerate access elements, map feature elements to proper extension
// loop through <access>
int waSize = _accessArray.length;
for( int a = 0; a < waSize; a++ ) {
WidgetAccess wa = _accessArray[ a ];
WidgetFeature[] wfList = wa.getFeatures();
if( wfList == null ) {
// Loop through <feature>
int wfSize = wfList.length;
for( int b = 0; b < wfSize; b++ ) {
if( !_featureTable.containsKey( wfList[ b ].getID() ) ) {
// add to table
matchFeature( wfList[ b ].getID(), _featureTable );
private void matchFeature( String featureID, Hashtable featureTable ) {
Enumeration e = _widgetExtensions.elements();
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
Object we = e.nextElement();
String[] features;
if( we instanceof WidgetExtension ) {
features = ( (WidgetExtension) we ).getFeatureList();
} else {
features = ( (IJSExtension) we ).getFeatureList();
for( int a = 0; a < features.length; a++ ) {
if( features[ a ].equals( featureID ) ) {
featureTable.put( featureID, we );