package org.skife.gressil;
import jnr.ffi.Library;
import jnr.ffi.Pointer;
import jnr.ffi.byref.IntByReference;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
public class Daemon
private final List<String> programArgs;
private final File pidfile;
private final File out;
private final File err;
private final List<String> extraVmArgs;
private final List<String> extraProgramArgs;
private static final MicroC posix = Library.loadLibrary("c", MicroC.class);
public Daemon()
new File("/dev/null"),
new File("/dev/null"),
private Daemon(List<String> argv, File pidfile, File out, File err, List<String> extraVmArgs, List<String> extraProgramArgs)
this.programArgs = argv;
this.pidfile = pidfile;
this.out = out;
this.err = err;
this.extraVmArgs = extraVmArgs;
this.extraProgramArgs = extraProgramArgs;
* tl;dr pass the String[] received in your public static void main(String[] args) call here.
* <p/>
* This is the preferred way to get the program arguments. The argument here should be the same
* array of strings as was passed to main(String[] args).
* <p/>
* If the args are *not* passed here, we will attempt to figure out what they are by poking
* around the JVM, but the "poke around the JVM" method gets confused by whitespace in argument
* names (ie, quoted arguments) which in the real ARGV will be one element, but via the poke around
* the JVM method of figuring out program args the whitespace will lead to it being two arguments.
* This usually leads to undesired behavior.
public Daemon withMainArgs(String... args)
return withArgv(asList(args));
public Daemon withArgv(List<String> args)
return new Daemon(args, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withExtraJvmArgs(List<String> extraVmArgs)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withExtraJvmArgs(String... extraVmArgs)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, asList(extraVmArgs), extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withExtraMainArgs(List<String> extraProgramArgs)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withExtraMainArgs(String... extraProgramArgs)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, asList(extraProgramArgs));
public Daemon withPidFile(File pidfile)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withStdout(File out)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
public Daemon withStderr(File err)
return new Daemon(programArgs, pidfile, out, err, extraVmArgs, extraProgramArgs);
Status forkish() throws IOException
if (isDaemon()) {
OutputStream old_out = System.out;
OutputStream old_err = System.err;
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(out, true)));
System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(err, true)));
if (pidfile != null) {
FileOutputStream p_out = new FileOutputStream(pidfile);
return Status.child(posix.getpid());
String[] envp = getEnv(Daemon.class.getName() + "=daemon");
List<String> argv = buildARGV(posix);
jnr.ffi.Runtime runtime = jnr.ffi.Runtime.getSystemRuntime();
Pointer NULL = Pointer.wrap(runtime, 0L);
IntByReference child_pid = new IntByReference();
int rs = posix.posix_spawnp(child_pid, argv.get(0), NULL, NULL,
argv.toArray(new String[argv.size()]), envp);
if (rs != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(posix.strerror(rs));
return Status.parent(child_pid.getValue());
public void daemonize() throws IOException
if (forkish().isParent()) {
public static boolean isDaemon()
return "daemon".equals(System.getenv(Daemon.class.getName()));
public List<String> buildARGV(MicroC posix)
List<String> argv;
String os = System.getProperty("");
if (this.programArgs != null) {
// if we had args passed to us, don't mess around, just use them
argv = new JvmBasedArgvFinder(this.programArgs).getArgv();
else if ("Linux".equals(os)) {
argv = new LinuxArgvFinder(posix.getpid()).getArgv();
// else if ("Mac OS X".equals(os)) {
// argv = new MacARGVFinder().getArgv();
// if (!argv.get(0).endsWith("java")) {
// this works sometimes, not others, needs debugging. For now this heuristic seems to work
// argv = new JvmBasedArgvFinder(this.programArgs).getArgv();
// }
// }
argv = new JvmBasedArgvFinder(this.programArgs).getArgv();
if (this.extraVmArgs.size() > 0) {
List<String> new_argv = new ArrayList<String>(argv.size() + extraVmArgs.size());
new_argv.addAll(argv.subList(1, argv.size()));
argv = new_argv;
if (this.extraProgramArgs.size() > 0) {
return argv;
* Creates vm arguments for jdwp remote debugging, suspending the VM on startup
* @param port port to listen for remote debugger on
public static List<String> waitForRemoteDebugOnPort(int port)
return asList("-Xdebug", format("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=%d", port));
* Creates vm arguments for jdwp remote debugging, without suspending the VM on startup
* @param port port to listen for remote debugger on
public static List<String> remoteDebugOnPort(int port)
return asList("-Xdebug", format("-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=%d", port));
public static String[] getEnv(String... additions)
String[] envp = new String[System.getenv().size() + additions.length];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> pair : System.getenv().entrySet()) {
envp[i++] = new StringBuilder(pair.getKey()).append("=").append(pair.getValue()).toString();
System.arraycopy(additions, 0, envp, envp.length - 1, additions.length);
return envp;
* 0 program is running or service is OK
* 1 program is dead and /var/run pid file exists
* 2 program is dead and /var/lock lock file exists
* 3 program is not running
* 4 program or service status is unknown
* 5-99 reserved for future LSB use
* 100-149 reserved for distribution use
* 150-199 reserved for application use
* 200-254 reserved
public DaemonStatus checkStatus()
if (this.pidfile == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No pidfile specified, cannot check status!");
if (!pidfile.exists()) {
return DaemonStatus.STATUS_NOT_RUNNING;
final int pid;
byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(pidfile.toPath());
String s = new String(content, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).trim();
pid = Integer.parseInt(s);
catch (Exception e)
return DaemonStatus.STATUS_UNKNOWN;
int rs = posix.kill(pid, 0);
if (rs == 0) {
return DaemonStatus.STATUS_RUNNING;
return DaemonStatus.STATUS_DEAD;
public DaemonStatus stop()
1 generic or unspecified error (current practice)
2 invalid or excess argument(s)
3 unimplemented feature (for example, "reload")
4 user had insufficient privilege
5 program is not installed
6 program is not configured
7 program is not running
8-99 reserved for future LSB use
100-149 reserved for distribution use
150-199 reserved for application use
200-254 reserved
if (this.pidfile == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No pidfile specified, cannot stop!");
if (!pidfile.exists()) {
return DaemonStatus.STOP_NOT_RUNNING;
final int pid;
byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(pidfile.toPath());
String s = new String(content, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).trim();
pid = Integer.parseInt(s);
catch (Exception e)
return DaemonStatus.STOP_GENERAL_ERROR;
int rs = posix.kill(pid, 2);
if (rs == 0) {
return DaemonStatus.STOP_SUCCESS;
return DaemonStatus.STOP_GENERAL_ERROR;
public void execute(DaemonCommand cmd) throws IOException
final DaemonStatus status;
switch (cmd) {
case start:
case status:
status = checkStatus();
case stop:
status = stop();