* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Copyright 2013 Near Infinity Corporation.
package integrationtests.index;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.nearinfinity.honeycomb.mysql.QueryKey;
import com.nearinfinity.honeycomb.mysql.Row;
import com.nearinfinity.honeycomb.mysql.Util;
import com.nearinfinity.honeycomb.mysql.gen.QueryType;
import com.nearinfinity.honeycomb.mysql.schema.IndexSchema;
import integrationtests.HoneycombIntegrationTest;
import integrationtests.ITUtils;
import integrationtests.TestConstants;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
public class IndexOperationsIT extends HoneycombIntegrationTest {
private static final int ROW_COUNT = 1;
private static final int INDEX_COL_VALUE = 5;
private static final String NEW_INDEX_NAME = "i3";
public void testAddIndex() {
final IndexSchema indexSchema = new IndexSchema(NEW_INDEX_NAME, Lists.newArrayList(TestConstants.COLUMN1), false);
// Add data rows to index
ITUtils.insertData(proxy, ROW_COUNT, INDEX_COL_VALUE);
// Add the new index to the table
proxy.addIndex(NEW_INDEX_NAME, indexSchema.serialize());
// Perform a scan with the new index
final QueryKey key = new QueryKey(NEW_INDEX_NAME, QueryType.EXACT_KEY,
ImmutableMap.<String, ByteBuffer>of(TestConstants.COLUMN1, ITUtils.encodeValue(INDEX_COL_VALUE)));
ITUtils.assertReceivingDifferentRows(proxy, key, ROW_COUNT);
public void testAddCompoundIndex() {
// Create the compound index ordered as (col2, col1)
final IndexSchema indexSchema = new IndexSchema(NEW_INDEX_NAME, Lists.newArrayList(TestConstants.COLUMN2, TestConstants.COLUMN1), false);
final int column2Value = 0;
// Add data rows to index
ITUtils.insertData(proxy, ROW_COUNT, INDEX_COL_VALUE);
// Add the new index to the table
proxy.addIndex(NEW_INDEX_NAME, indexSchema.serialize());
// Perform a scan with the new index
final QueryKey key = new QueryKey(NEW_INDEX_NAME, QueryType.EXACT_KEY,
ImmutableMap.<String, ByteBuffer>of(TestConstants.COLUMN1, ITUtils.encodeValue(INDEX_COL_VALUE),
TestConstants.COLUMN2, ITUtils.encodeValue(column2Value)));
ITUtils.assertReceivingDifferentRows(proxy, key, ROW_COUNT);
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testDropIndex() {
final int keyValue = 7;
final QueryKey key = ITUtils.createKey(keyValue, QueryType.EXACT_KEY);
// Add data rows to index
ITUtils.insertData(proxy, ROW_COUNT, keyValue);
// Verify that we can get a row from the index scan
final Row row = Row.deserialize(proxy.getNextRow());
byte[] result = proxy.getRow(Util.UUIDToBytes(row.getUUID()));
assertEquals(Row.deserialize(result).getUUID(), row.getUUID());
// Drop the index from the table
// Verify that the data row is still available after the index has been removed
result = proxy.getRow(Util.UUIDToBytes(row.getUUID()));
assertEquals(Row.deserialize(result).getUUID(), row.getUUID());
// Verify that the scan is unable to execute