* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.utils;
import com.alee.extended.painter.AdaptivePainter;
import com.alee.extended.painter.Painter;
import com.alee.extended.painter.TexturePainter;
import com.alee.global.StyleConstants;
import com.alee.laf.WebLookAndFeel;
import com.alee.laf.label.WebLabel;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.laf.scroll.WebScrollBarUI;
import com.alee.laf.text.WebTextField;
import com.alee.managers.log.Log;
import com.alee.utils.laf.FocusType;
import com.alee.utils.laf.ShapeProvider;
import com.alee.utils.laf.Styleable;
import com.alee.utils.laf.WeblafBorder;
import com.alee.utils.ninepatch.NinePatchIcon;
import com.alee.utils.swing.BorderMethods;
import com.alee.utils.xml.ResourceFile;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.ScrollBarUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* This class provides a set of utilities for core WebLaF components.
* Created mostly for internal usage within WebLaF.
* @author Mikle Garin
public final class LafUtils
* Predefined transforms to move shapes or painting 1px l/r/u/d.
public static final AffineTransform moveLeft = new AffineTransform ()
translate ( -1, 0 );
public static final AffineTransform moveRight = new AffineTransform ()
translate ( 1, 0 );
public static final AffineTransform moveUp = new AffineTransform ()
translate ( 0, -1 );
public static final AffineTransform moveDown = new AffineTransform ()
translate ( 0, 1 );
* Creates border for web components.
public static Border createWebBorder ( final Insets insets )
return new WeblafBorder ( insets.top, insets.left, insets.bottom, insets.right );
public static Border createWebBorder ( final int top, final int left, final int bottom, final int right )
return new WeblafBorder ( top, left, bottom, right );
public static Border createWebBorder ( final int margin )
return new WeblafBorder ( margin, margin, margin, margin );
* Returns the specified painter if it can be assigned to proper painter type.
* Otherwise returns newly created adapter painter that wraps the specified painter.
* Used by component UIs to adapt general-type painters for their specific-type needs.
* @param painter processed painter
* @param properClass proper painter class
* @param adapterClass adapter painter class
* @param <T> proper painter type
* @return specified painter if it can be assigned to proper painter type, new painter adapter if it cannot be assigned
public static <T extends Painter> T getProperPainter ( final Painter painter, final Class properClass, final Class adapterClass )
return painter == null ? null : ReflectUtils.isAssignable ( properClass, painter.getClass () ) ? ( T ) painter :
( T ) ReflectUtils.createInstanceSafely ( adapterClass, painter );
* Returns either the specified painter if it is not an adapted painter or the adapted painter.
* Used by component UIs to retrieve painters adapted for their specific needs.
* @param painter painter to process
* @param <T> desired painter type
* @return either the specified painter if it is not an adapted painter or the adapted painter
public static <T extends Painter> T getAdaptedPainter ( final Painter painter )
return ( T ) ( painter != null && painter instanceof AdaptivePainter ? ( ( AdaptivePainter ) painter ).getPainter () : painter );
* Fires painter property change event.
* This is a workaround since {@code firePropertyChange()} method is protected and cannot be called w/o using reflection.
* @param component component to fire property change to
* @param oldPainter old painter
* @param newPainter new painter
public static void firePainterChanged ( final JComponent component, final Painter oldPainter, final Painter newPainter )
ReflectUtils.callMethod ( component, "firePropertyChange", WebLookAndFeel.PAINTER_PROPERTY, oldPainter, newPainter );
catch ( final NoSuchMethodException e )
Log.error ( LafUtils.class, e );
catch ( final InvocationTargetException e )
Log.error ( LafUtils.class, e );
catch ( final IllegalAccessException e )
Log.error ( LafUtils.class, e );
* Sets scroll pane bars style ID.
* @param scrollPane scroll pane to process
* @param styleId scroll pane bars style ID
public static void setScrollBarStyleId ( final JScrollPane scrollPane, final String styleId )
final JScrollBar vsb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar ();
if ( vsb != null )
final ScrollBarUI vui = vsb.getUI ();
if ( vui instanceof WebScrollBarUI )
final WebScrollBarUI ui = ( WebScrollBarUI ) vui;
ui.setStyleId ( styleId );
final JScrollBar hsb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar ();
if ( hsb != null )
final ScrollBarUI hui = hsb.getUI ();
if ( hui instanceof WebScrollBarUI )
final WebScrollBarUI ui = ( WebScrollBarUI ) hui;
ui.setStyleId ( styleId );
* Returns component UI or null if UI cannot be retreived.
* @param component component to retrieve UI from
* @param <T> UI class type
* @return component UI or null if UI cannot be retreived
public static <T extends ComponentUI> T getUI ( final Component component )
return ReflectUtils.callMethodSafely ( component, "getUI" );
* Updates component border using the specified margin
* @param component component which border needs to be updated
* @param margin component margin, or null if it doesn't have one
* @param painter component painter, or null if it doesn't have one
public static void updateBorder ( final JComponent component, final Insets margin, final Painter painter )
if ( component != null )
// Preserve old borders
if ( SwingUtils.isPreserveBorders ( component ) )
final boolean ltr = component.getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
final Insets m = new Insets ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Calculating margin borders
if ( margin != null )
m.top += margin.top;
m.left += ltr ? margin.left : margin.right;
m.bottom += margin.bottom;
m.right += ltr ? margin.right : margin.left;
// Calculating additional borders
if ( painter != null )
// Painter borders
final Insets pi = painter.getMargin ( component );
if ( pi != null )
m.top += pi.top;
m.left += ltr ? pi.left : pi.right;
m.bottom += pi.bottom;
m.right += ltr ? pi.right : pi.left;
// Installing border
component.setBorder ( LafUtils.createWebBorder ( m ) );
* Returns preferred size for component UI.
* @param component component to compute preferred size for
* @param painter component painter, or null if it doesn't have one
* @return preferred size
public static Dimension getPreferredSize ( final JComponent component, final Painter painter )
Dimension ps;
// Checking painter's preferred size
ps = painter != null ? painter.getPreferredSize ( component ) : new Dimension ( 0, 0 );
// Checking layout preferred size
final LayoutManager layout = component.getLayout ();
if ( layout != null )
ps = SwingUtils.max ( ps, layout.preferredLayoutSize ( component ) );
return ps;
* Fills either clipped or visible rect with component background color if its opaque
public static void fillVisibleBackground ( final Graphics g, final JComponent c )
if ( c.isOpaque () )
g.setColor ( c.getBackground () );
fillVisible ( g, c );
* Fills either clipped or visible rect
public static void fillVisible ( final Graphics g, final JComponent c )
final Shape clip = g.getClip ();
final Rectangle rect = clip != null ? clip.getBounds () : c.getVisibleRect ();
g.fillRect ( rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
* Nullifies button styles
public static void nullifyButtonUI ( final JButton button )
button.setUI ( new BasicButtonUI () );
button.setMargin ( new Insets ( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
button.setBorder ( null );
button.setBorderPainted ( false );
button.setContentAreaFilled ( false );
button.setFocusable ( false );
button.setOpaque ( false );
* Creates rounded shape based on its corner points
public static Shape createRoundedShape ( final int round, final int... points )
if ( points == null || points.length % 2 != 0 )
throw new RuntimeException ( "Incorrect x,y combinations amount" );
final Point[] fp = new Point[ points.length / 2 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2 )
fp[ i / 2 ] = new Point ( points[ i ], points[ i + 1 ] );
return createRoundedShape ( round, fp );
public static Shape createRoundedShape ( final int round, final Point... points )
return createRoundedShape ( round, points, null );
public static Shape createRoundedShape ( final int round, final Point[] points, final boolean[] rounded )
if ( points == null || points.length < 3 )
throw new RuntimeException ( "There should be atleast three points presented" );
if ( rounded != null && rounded.length != points.length )
throw new RuntimeException ( "Rouned marks array size should fit points array size" );
final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath ( GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD );
for ( int i = 0; i < points.length; i++ )
final Point p = points[ i ];
if ( i == 0 )
// Start part
final Point beforePoint = points[ points.length - 1 ];
if ( round == 0 || rounded != null && !rounded[ points.length - 1 ] )
gp.moveTo ( beforePoint.x, beforePoint.y );
final Point actualBeforePoint = getRoundSidePoint ( round, beforePoint, p );
gp.moveTo ( actualBeforePoint.x, actualBeforePoint.y );
if ( round == 0 || rounded != null && !rounded[ i ] )
gp.lineTo ( p.x, p.y );
final Point before = getRoundSidePoint ( round, p, beforePoint );
final Point after = getRoundSidePoint ( round, p, points[ i + 1 ] );
gp.lineTo ( before.x, before.y );
gp.quadTo ( p.x, p.y, after.x, after.y );
// Proceeding to next point
if ( round == 0 || rounded != null && !rounded[ i ] )
gp.lineTo ( p.x, p.y );
final Point before = getRoundSidePoint ( round, p, points[ i - 1 ] );
final Point after = getRoundSidePoint ( round, p, points[ i < points.length - 1 ? i + 1 : 0 ] );
gp.lineTo ( before.x, before.y );
gp.quadTo ( p.x, p.y, after.x, after.y );
return gp;
private static Point getRoundSidePoint ( final int round, final Point from, final Point to )
if ( from.y == to.y )
if ( from.x < to.x )
return new Point ( from.x + Math.min ( round, ( to.x - from.x ) / 2 ), from.y );
return new Point ( from.x - Math.min ( round, ( from.x - to.x ) / 2 ), from.y );
else if ( from.x == to.x )
if ( from.y < to.y )
return new Point ( from.x, from.y + Math.min ( round, ( to.y - from.y ) / 2 ) );
return new Point ( from.x, from.y - Math.min ( round, ( from.y - to.y ) / 2 ) );
// todo do for non-90-degree angles
return null;
* Draws alpha-background
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle rectangle )
drawAlphaLayer ( g2d, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height );
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height )
drawAlphaLayer ( g2d, x, y, width, height, StyleConstants.ALPHA_RECT_SIZE );
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle rectangle, final int size )
drawAlphaLayer ( g2d, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height, size );
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height, final int size )
drawAlphaLayer ( g2d, x, y, width, height, size, StyleConstants.LIGHT_ALPHA, StyleConstants.DARK_ALPHA );
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle rectangle, final int size, final Color light,
final Color dark )
drawAlphaLayer ( g2d, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height, size, light, dark );
public static void drawAlphaLayer ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height, final int size,
final Color light, final Color dark )
// todo Optimize paint by using generated texture image
final int xAmount = width / size + 1;
final int yAmount = height / size + 1;
boolean lightColor;
for ( int i = 0; i < xAmount; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < yAmount; j++ )
lightColor = ( i + j ) % 2 == 0;
final Color color = lightColor ? light : dark;
if ( color != null )
g2d.setPaint ( color );
final int w = ( x + i * size + size > x + width ) ? ( width - i * size ) : size;
final int h = ( y + j * size + size > y + height ) ? ( height - j * size ) : size;
g2d.fillRect ( x + i * size, y + j * size, w, h );
* Determines real text size
public static Rectangle getTextBounds ( final String text, final Graphics g, final Font font )
return getTextBounds ( text, ( Graphics2D ) g, font );
public static Rectangle getTextBounds ( final String text, final Graphics2D g2d, final Font font )
final FontRenderContext renderContext = g2d.getFontRenderContext ();
final GlyphVector glyphVector = font.createGlyphVector ( renderContext, text );
return glyphVector.getVisualBounds ().getBounds ();
* Paints web styled border within the component with shadow and background if needed
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, StyleConstants.shadeColor, StyleConstants.shadeWidth, StyleConstants.smallRound );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, true );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, false );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, webColored, StyleConstants.darkBorderColor,
StyleConstants.disabledBorderColor );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored, final float opacity )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, webColored, StyleConstants.darkBorderColor,
StyleConstants.disabledBorderColor, opacity );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored, final Color border )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, webColored, border, border );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored, final Color border,
final Color disabledBorder )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, webColored, border, disabledBorder, 1f );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored, final Color border,
final Color disabledBorder, final float opacity )
return drawWebStyle ( g2d, component, shadeColor, shadeWidth, round, fillBackground, webColored, border, disabledBorder,
component.getBackground (), opacity );
public static Shape drawWebStyle ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final boolean fillBackground, final boolean webColored, final Color border,
final Color disabledBorder, final Color background, final float opacity )
// todo Use simple drawRoundRect e.t.c. methods
// todo Add new class "ShapeInfo" that will contain a shape data and pass it instead of shapes
// Ignore incorrect or zero opacity
if ( opacity <= 0f || opacity > 1f )
return null;
// State settings
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Composite oc = GraphicsUtils.setupAlphaComposite ( g2d, opacity, opacity < 1f );
// Shapes
final Shape borderShape = getWebBorderShape ( component, shadeWidth, round );
// Outer shadow
if ( component.isEnabled () && shadeColor != null )
GraphicsUtils.drawShade ( g2d, borderShape, shadeColor, shadeWidth );
// Background
if ( fillBackground )
// Setup either cached gradient paint or single color paint
g2d.setPaint ( webColored ? getWebGradientPaint ( 0, shadeWidth, 0, component.getHeight () - shadeWidth ) : background );
// Fill background shape
if ( round > 0 )
g2d.fillRoundRect ( shadeWidth, shadeWidth, component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2, component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2,
round * 2 + 2, round * 2 + 2 );
g2d.fillRect ( shadeWidth, shadeWidth, component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2, component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2 );
// Border
if ( border != null )
g2d.setPaint ( component.isEnabled () ? border : disabledBorder );
g2d.draw ( borderShape );
// Restoring old values
GraphicsUtils.restoreComposite ( g2d, oc, opacity < 1f );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
return borderShape;
private static final Map<String, GradientPaint> gradientCache = new HashMap<String, GradientPaint> ();
public static GradientPaint getWebGradientPaint ( final Rectangle bounds )
return getWebGradientPaint ( bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height );
public static GradientPaint getWebGradientPaint ( final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2 )
final String key = x1 + ";" + y1 + ";" + x2 + ";" + y2;
if ( gradientCache.containsKey ( key ) )
return gradientCache.get ( key );
final GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint ( x1, y1, StyleConstants.topBgColor, x2, y2, StyleConstants.bottomBgColor );
gradientCache.put ( key, gp );
return gp;
public static Shape getWebBorderShape ( final JComponent component, final int shadeWidth, final int round )
if ( round > 0 )
return new RoundRectangle2D.Double ( shadeWidth, shadeWidth, component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2 - 1,
component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2 - 1, round * 2, round * 2 );
return new Rectangle2D.Double ( shadeWidth, shadeWidth, component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2 - 1,
component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2 - 1 );
* Paints custom shaped web styled border within the component with shadow and background
public static void drawCustomWebBorder ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Shape borderShape,
final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth, final boolean fillBackground,
final boolean webColored )
drawCustomWebBorder ( g2d, component, borderShape, shadeColor, shadeWidth, fillBackground, webColored, Color.GRAY,
public static void drawCustomWebBorder ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Shape borderShape,
final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth, final boolean fillBackground,
final boolean webColored, final Color border, final Color disabledBorder )
drawCustomWebBorder ( g2d, component, borderShape, shadeColor, shadeWidth, fillBackground, webColored, border, disabledBorder,
component.getBackground () );
public static void drawCustomWebBorder ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final Shape borderShape,
final Color shadeColor, final int shadeWidth, final boolean fillBackground,
final boolean webColored, final Color border, final Color disabledBorder,
final Color backgroundColor )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
// Outer shadow
if ( component.isEnabled () )
GraphicsUtils.drawShade ( g2d, borderShape, shadeColor, shadeWidth );
// Background
if ( fillBackground )
if ( webColored )
final Rectangle shapeBounds = borderShape.getBounds ();
g2d.setPaint ( new GradientPaint ( 0, shapeBounds.y, StyleConstants.topBgColor, 0, shapeBounds.y + shapeBounds.height,
StyleConstants.bottomBgColor ) );
g2d.fill ( borderShape );
g2d.setPaint ( backgroundColor );
g2d.fill ( borderShape );
// Border
if ( border != null )
g2d.setPaint ( component.isEnabled () ? border : disabledBorder );
g2d.draw ( borderShape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
* Paints web styled focus within the component
public static boolean drawWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth,
final int round )
return drawWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shadeWidth, round, null );
public static boolean drawWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final Boolean mouseover )
return drawWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shadeWidth, round, mouseover, null );
public static boolean drawWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final Boolean mouseover, final Boolean hasFocus )
return drawWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shadeWidth, round, mouseover, hasFocus,
focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) ? StyleConstants.focusColor : StyleConstants.fieldFocusColor );
public static boolean drawWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final Boolean mouseover, final Boolean hasFocus, final Color color )
return drawWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shadeWidth, round, mouseover, hasFocus, color,
focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) ? StyleConstants.focusStroke : StyleConstants.fieldFocusStroke );
public static boolean drawWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth,
final int round, final Boolean mouseover, Boolean hasFocus, final Color color,
final Stroke stroke )
hasFocus = hasFocus != null ? hasFocus : component.hasFocus () && component.isEnabled ();
if ( hasFocus && focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Stroke os = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, stroke );
g2d.setPaint ( color );
g2d.draw ( getWebFocusShape ( component, focusType, shadeWidth, round ) );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, os );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
return true;
else if ( focusType.equals ( FocusType.fieldFocus ) && ( hasFocus || mouseover != null && mouseover ) )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Stroke os = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, stroke );
// g2d.setPaint ( hasFocus ? StyleConstants.fieldFocusColor :
// StyleConstants.transparentFieldFocusColor );
g2d.setPaint ( color );
g2d.draw ( getWebFocusShape ( component, focusType, shadeWidth, round ) );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, os );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
return true;
return false;
public static Shape getWebFocusShape ( final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final int shadeWidth, int round )
// Focus side spacing
final int spacing = focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) ? 2 : 0;
// Corners rounding
round = focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) ? Math.max ( 0, round - 2 ) : round;
// Final focus shape
if ( round > 0 )
return new RoundRectangle2D.Double ( shadeWidth + spacing, shadeWidth + spacing,
component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2 - spacing * 2 - 1, component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2 - spacing * 2 - 1,
round * 2, round * 2 );
return new Rectangle2D.Double ( shadeWidth + spacing, shadeWidth + spacing,
component.getWidth () - shadeWidth * 2 - spacing * 2 - 1, component.getHeight () - shadeWidth * 2 - spacing * 2 - 1 );
* Draws custom shaped web styled focus within the component
public static void drawCustomWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final Shape shape )
drawCustomWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shape, null );
public static void drawCustomWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final Shape shape,
final Boolean mouseover )
drawCustomWebFocus ( g2d, component, focusType, shape, mouseover, null );
public static void drawCustomWebFocus ( final Graphics2D g2d, final JComponent component, final FocusType focusType, final Shape shape,
final Boolean mouseover, Boolean hasFocus )
hasFocus = hasFocus != null ? hasFocus : component.hasFocus () && component.isEnabled ();
if ( hasFocus && focusType.equals ( FocusType.componentFocus ) )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Stroke os = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, StyleConstants.focusStroke );
g2d.setPaint ( StyleConstants.focusColor );
g2d.draw ( shape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, os );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
else if ( focusType.equals ( FocusType.fieldFocus ) && ( hasFocus || mouseover != null && mouseover ) )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Stroke os = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, StyleConstants.fieldFocusStroke );
g2d.setPaint ( hasFocus ? StyleConstants.fieldFocusColor : StyleConstants.transparentFieldFocusColor );
g2d.draw ( shape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, os );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
* Draws web styled selection using shapes operations. This method is pretty slow and should not be used for multiply selections
* presentantion
public static int halfButton = 4;
public static int halfSelector = 2;
public static int halfLine = 1;
public static int shadeWidth = 2;
public static void drawWebSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Color color, final int x, final int y, final int width,
final int height, final boolean resizableLR, final boolean resizableUD,
final boolean drawConnectors )
drawWebSelection ( g2d, color, new Rectangle ( x, y, width, height ), resizableLR, resizableUD, drawConnectors );
public static void drawWebSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Color color, final int x, final int y, final int width,
final int height, final boolean resizableLR, final boolean resizableUD,
final boolean drawConnectors, final boolean drawSideControls )
drawWebSelection ( g2d, color, new Rectangle ( x, y, width, height ), resizableLR, resizableUD, drawConnectors, drawSideControls );
public static void drawWebSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Color color, final Rectangle selection, final boolean resizableLR,
final boolean resizableUD, final boolean drawConnectors )
drawWebSelection ( g2d, color, selection, resizableLR, resizableUD, drawConnectors, true );
public static void drawWebSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Color color, Rectangle selection, final boolean resizableLR,
final boolean resizableUD, final boolean drawConnectors, final boolean drawSideControls )
selection = GeometryUtils.validateRect ( selection );
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Area buttonsShape = new Area ();
// Top
if ( resizableUD )
if ( resizableLR )
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfButton, selection.y - halfButton, halfButton * 2, halfButton * 2 ) ) );
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfButton, selection.y - halfButton, halfButton * 2,
halfButton * 2 ) ) );
if ( drawSideControls )
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width / 2 - halfButton, selection.y - halfButton, halfButton * 2,
halfButton * 2 ) ) );
// Middle
if ( resizableLR && drawSideControls )
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfButton, selection.y + selection.height / 2 - halfButton, halfButton * 2,
halfButton * 2 ) ) );
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfButton, selection.y + selection.height / 2 - halfButton,
halfButton * 2, halfButton * 2 ) ) );
// Bottom
if ( resizableUD )
if ( resizableLR )
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfButton, selection.y + selection.height - halfButton, halfButton * 2,
halfButton * 2 ) ) );
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfButton, selection.y + selection.height - halfButton,
halfButton * 2, halfButton * 2 ) ) );
if ( drawSideControls )
buttonsShape.add ( new Area (
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width / 2 - halfButton, selection.y + selection.height - halfButton,
halfButton * 2, halfButton * 2 ) ) );
// Button connectors
if ( drawConnectors )
final Area selectionShape = new Area (
new RoundRectangle2D.Double ( selection.x - halfLine, selection.y - halfLine, selection.width + halfLine * 2,
selection.height + halfLine * 2, 5, 5 ) );
selectionShape.subtract ( new Area (
new RoundRectangle2D.Double ( selection.x + halfLine, selection.y + halfLine, selection.width - halfLine * 2,
selection.height - halfLine * 2, 3, 3 ) ) );
buttonsShape.add ( selectionShape );
// Shade
GraphicsUtils.drawShade ( g2d, buttonsShape, Color.GRAY, shadeWidth );
// Border
g2d.setPaint ( Color.GRAY );
g2d.draw ( buttonsShape );
// Background
g2d.setPaint ( color );
g2d.fill ( buttonsShape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
public static void drawWebSelector ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Color color, Rectangle selection, final int selector )
selection = GeometryUtils.validateRect ( selection );
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Ellipse2D buttonsShape;
if ( selector == SwingConstants.NORTH_WEST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfSelector, selection.y - halfSelector, halfSelector * 2, halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.NORTH )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width / 2 - halfSelector, selection.y - halfSelector, halfSelector * 2,
halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.NORTH_EAST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfSelector, selection.y - halfSelector, halfSelector * 2,
halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.WEST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfSelector, selection.y + selection.height / 2 - halfSelector, halfSelector * 2,
halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.EAST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfSelector, selection.y + selection.height / 2 - halfSelector,
halfSelector * 2, halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x - halfSelector, selection.y + selection.height - halfSelector, halfSelector * 2,
halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.SOUTH )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width / 2 - halfSelector, selection.y + selection.height - halfSelector,
halfSelector * 2, halfSelector * 2 );
else if ( selector == SwingConstants.SOUTH_EAST )
buttonsShape =
new Ellipse2D.Double ( selection.x + selection.width - halfSelector, selection.y + selection.height - halfSelector,
halfSelector * 2, halfSelector * 2 );
buttonsShape = null;
// Background
g2d.setPaint ( color );
g2d.fill ( buttonsShape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
* Draws web styled selection using predefined images set. This method is much faster than the one before but has less settings due to
* the predefined graphics
private static final NinePatchIcon conn = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/conn.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon lr_conn = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/lr_conn.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon ud_conn = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/ud_conn.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon corners_conn =
new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/corners_conn.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon full_conn = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/full_conn.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon lr = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/lr.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon ud = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/ud.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon corners = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/corners.9.png" ) );
private static final NinePatchIcon full = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/full.9.png" ) );
private static final ImageIcon gripper = new ImageIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/gripper.png" ) );
public static void drawWebIconedSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Rectangle selection, final boolean resizableLR,
final boolean resizableUD, final boolean drawConnectors )
drawWebIconedSelection ( g2d, selection, resizableLR, resizableUD, drawConnectors, true );
public static void drawWebIconedSelection ( final Graphics2D g2d, Rectangle selection, final boolean resizableLR,
final boolean resizableUD, final boolean drawConnectors, final boolean drawSideControls )
selection = GeometryUtils.validateRect ( selection );
// Calculating selection rect
final Rectangle rect = calculateIconedRect ( selection );
// Drawing selection
if ( drawConnectors )
if ( !resizableLR && !resizableUD )
conn.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
else if ( resizableLR && !resizableUD && drawSideControls )
lr_conn.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
else if ( !resizableLR && resizableUD && drawSideControls )
ud_conn.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
else if ( resizableLR && resizableUD )
if ( drawSideControls )
full_conn.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
corners_conn.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
if ( resizableLR && !resizableUD && drawSideControls )
lr.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
else if ( !resizableLR && resizableUD && drawSideControls )
ud.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
else if ( resizableLR && resizableUD )
if ( drawSideControls )
full.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
corners.paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
public static void drawWebIconedSelector ( final Graphics2D g2d, Rectangle selection, final int selector )
selection = GeometryUtils.validateRect ( selection );
// Calculating selector rect
final Rectangle rect = calculateIconedRect ( selection );
// Drawing selector
getSelectorIcon ( selector ).paintIcon ( g2d, rect );
public static void drawWebIconedGripper ( final Graphics2D g2d, final Point point )
drawWebIconedGripper ( g2d, point.x, point.y );
public static void drawWebIconedGripper ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x, final int y )
g2d.drawImage ( gripper.getImage (), x - gripper.getIconWidth () / 2, y - gripper.getIconHeight () / 2, null );
private static Rectangle calculateIconedRect ( final Rectangle selection )
// Recalculating coordinates to iconed view
return new Rectangle ( selection.x - halfButton - shadeWidth, selection.y - halfButton - shadeWidth,
selection.width + halfButton * 2 + shadeWidth * 2, selection.height + halfButton * 2 + shadeWidth * 2 );
private static final Map<Integer, NinePatchIcon> selectorCache = new HashMap<Integer, NinePatchIcon> ();
private static NinePatchIcon getSelectorIcon ( final int selector )
if ( selectorCache.containsKey ( selector ) )
return selectorCache.get ( selector );
final NinePatchIcon npi = new NinePatchIcon ( LafUtils.class.getResource ( "icons/selection/selector" + selector + ".9.png" ) );
selectorCache.put ( selector, npi );
return npi;
* Draws etched shape with specified background colors
public static void drawEtchedShape ( final Graphics2D g2d, final BufferedImage topBg, final BufferedImage bottomBg,
final Shape fullShape, final Shape bevelShape )
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Rectangle bounds = fullShape.getBounds ();
g2d.setPaint ( new TexturePaint ( topBg,
new Rectangle ( bounds.getLocation (), new Dimension ( topBg.getWidth (), topBg.getHeight () ) ) ) );
g2d.fill ( fullShape );
final Shape oldClip = g2d.getClip ();
final Area newClip = new Area ( oldClip );
newClip.intersect ( new Area ( bevelShape ) );
g2d.setClip ( newClip );
g2d.setPaint ( new TexturePaint ( bottomBg,
new Rectangle ( bounds.getLocation (), new Dimension ( bottomBg.getWidth (), bottomBg.getHeight () ) ) ) );
g2d.fill ( bevelShape );
GraphicsUtils.drawShade ( g2d, bevelShape, Color.BLACK, 4 );
g2d.setClip ( oldClip );
g2d.setPaint ( Color.DARK_GRAY );
g2d.draw ( bevelShape );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
* Draw a string with a drop shadow. The light angle is assumed to be 0 degrees, (i.e., window is illuminated from top) and the shadow
* size is 2, with a 1 pixel vertical displacement. The shadow is intended to be subtle to be usable in as many text components as
* possible. The shadow is generated with multiple calls to draw string. This method paints the text on coordinates 0, 1. If text
* should
* be painted elsewhere, a transform should be applied to the graphics before passing it.
public static void paintTextShadow ( final Graphics2D g2d, final String s )
paintTextShadow ( g2d, s, Color.LIGHT_GRAY );
* Draw a string with a drop shadow. The light angle is assumed to be 0 degrees, (i.e., window is illuminated from top) and the shadow
* size is 2, with a 1 pixel vertical displacement. The shadow is intended to be subtle to be usable in as many text components as
* possible. The shadow is generated with multiple calls to draw string. This method paints the text on coordinates 0, 1. If text
* should
* be painted elsewhere, a transform should be applied to the graphics before passing it.
public static void paintTextShadow ( final Graphics2D g2d, final String s, final Color c )
paintTextEffect ( g2d, s, ColorUtils.removeAlpha ( c ), TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, -TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, 1 - TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, true );
* Draw a string with a glow effect. Glow differs from a drop shadow in that it isn't offset in any direction (i.e., not affected by
* "lighting conditions").
public static void paintTextGlow ( final Graphics2D g2d, final String s, final Color glow )
paintTextEffect ( g2d, s, ColorUtils.removeAlpha ( glow ), TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, -TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, -TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE, false );
* Draw a string with a blur or shadow effect. The light angle is assumed to be 0 degrees, (i.e., window is illuminated from top). The
* effect is intended to be subtle to be usable in as many text components as possible. The effect is generated with multiple calls to
* draw string. This method paints the text on coordinates {@code tx}, {@code ty}. If text should be painted elsewhere, a
* transform should be applied to the graphics before passing it.
private static final int TEXT_SHADOW_SIZE = 2;
public static void paintTextEffect ( final Graphics2D g2d, final String s, final Color c, final int size, final double tx,
final double ty, final boolean isShadow )
// Effect "darkness"
final float opacity = 0.8f;
final Composite oldComposite = g2d.getComposite ();
final Color oldColor = g2d.getColor ();
// Use a alpha blend smaller than 1 to prevent the effect from becoming too dark when multiple paints occur on top of each other.
float preAlpha = 0.4f;
if ( oldComposite instanceof AlphaComposite && ( ( AlphaComposite ) oldComposite ).getRule () == AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER )
preAlpha = Math.min ( ( ( AlphaComposite ) oldComposite ).getAlpha (), preAlpha );
g2d.setColor ( c );
g2d.translate ( tx, ty );
// If the effect is a shadow it looks better to stop painting a bit earlier - shadow will look softer
final int maxSize = isShadow ? size - 1 : size;
for ( int i = -size; i <= maxSize; i++ )
for ( int j = -size; j <= maxSize; j++ )
final double distance = i * i + j * j;
float alpha = opacity;
if ( distance > 0.0d )
alpha = ( float ) ( 1.0f / ( distance * size * opacity ) );
alpha *= preAlpha;
if ( alpha > 1.0f )
alpha = 1.0f;
g2d.setComposite ( AlphaComposite.getInstance ( AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha ) );
g2d.drawString ( s, i + size, j + size );
// Restore graphics
g2d.translate ( -tx, -ty );
g2d.setComposite ( oldComposite );
g2d.setColor ( oldColor );
g2d.drawString ( s, 0, 0 );
// final Color oldColor = g2d.getColor ();
// g2d.setColor ( c );
// g2d.drawString ( s, 1, 1 );
// g2d.setColor ( oldColor );
// g2d.drawString ( s, 0, 0 );
* Draws dashed rectangle
public static void drawDashedRect ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2,
final int stripeLength, final int spaceLength )
drawDashedRect ( g2d, x1, y1, x2, y2, stripeLength, spaceLength, 0.0f );
public static void drawDashedRect ( final Graphics2D g2d, final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2,
final int stripeLength, final int spaceLength, final float stripeStart )
if ( x2 < x1 || y2 < y1 )
final float[] dash = { stripeLength, spaceLength };
final BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke ( 1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 10.0f, dash, stripeStart );
final Stroke oldStroke = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, stroke );
g2d.drawRect ( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, oldStroke );
* Returns custom rounded rectangle shape
public static GeneralPath createRoundedRectShape ( final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final int arcW, final int arcH )
final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath ( GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD );
gp.moveTo ( x, y + arcH );
gp.quadTo ( x, y, x + arcW, y );
gp.lineTo ( x + w - arcW, y );
gp.quadTo ( x + w, y, x + w, y + arcH );
gp.lineTo ( x + w, y + h - arcH );
gp.quadTo ( x + w, y + h, x + w - arcW, y + h );
gp.lineTo ( x + arcW, y + h );
gp.quadTo ( x, y + h, x, y + h - arcH );
gp.closePath ();
return gp;
* Returns shear to center text
public static Point getTextCenterShear ( final FontMetrics fm, final String text )
return new Point ( getTextCenterShearX ( fm, text ), getTextCenterShearY ( fm ) );
public static int getTextCenterShearX ( final FontMetrics fm, final String text )
return -fm.stringWidth ( text ) / 2;
public static int getTextCenterShearY ( final FontMetrics fm )
return ( fm.getAscent () - fm.getLeading () - fm.getDescent () ) / 2;
* Attempts to update component border if border methods are available for it.
* Returns whether attempt has succeed or not.
* @param component component which border should be updated
* @return true if attempt has succeed, false otherwise
public static boolean updateBorder ( final Component component )
final BorderMethods borderMethods = LafUtils.getBorderMethods ( component );
if ( borderMethods != null )
borderMethods.updateBorder ();
return true;
return false;
* Returns BorderMethods for the specified component or null if custom WebLaF border is not supported.
* @param component component to process
* @return BorderMethods for the specified component or null if custom WebLaF border is not supported
public static BorderMethods getBorderMethods ( final Component component )
if ( component instanceof BorderMethods )
return ( BorderMethods ) component;
final ComponentUI ui = getUI ( component );
if ( ui != null && ui instanceof BorderMethods )
return ( BorderMethods ) ui;
return null;
* Returns shape provider for the specified component or null if shape provider is not supported.
* This might be used to provide dynamic component shape to other components.
* @param component component to process
* @return shape provider for the specified component or null if shape provider is not supported
public static ShapeProvider getShapeProvider ( final Component component )
if ( component instanceof ShapeProvider )
return ( ShapeProvider ) component;
final ComponentUI ui = getUI ( component );
if ( ui != null && ui instanceof ShapeProvider )
return ( ShapeProvider ) ui;
return null;
* Returns Styleable for the specified component or null if component is not styleable.
* @param component component to process
* @return Styleable for the specified component or null if component is not styleable
public static Styleable getStyleable ( final Component component )
if ( component instanceof Styleable )
return ( Styleable ) component;
final ComponentUI ui = getUI ( component );
if ( ui != null && ui instanceof Styleable )
return ( Styleable ) ui;
return null;
* Returns bounds for editor display atop of the label.
* @param label edited label
* @param editor label editor field
* @return bounds for editor display atop of the label
public static Rectangle getLabelEditorBounds ( final WebLabel label, final WebTextField editor )
editor.setFieldMargin ( 0, label.getIcon () != null ? label.getIconTextGap () : 0, 0, 0 );
// Bounds
final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle ( 0, 0, label.getWidth (), label.getHeight () );
// Label settings
final Insets lm = label.getInsets ();
bounds.x += lm.left;
bounds.y += lm.top;
bounds.width -= lm.left + lm.right;
bounds.height -= lm.top + lm.bottom;
// Field settings
final Insets fm = editor.getMargin ();
final int dm = 1 + editor.getShadeWidth ();
bounds.x -= fm.left + dm;
bounds.y -= fm.top + dm;
bounds.width += fm.left + fm.right + dm * 2;
bounds.height += fm.top + fm.bottom + dm * 2;
// Additional pixel for field size
bounds.width += 1;
return bounds;
* Returns bounds for editor display atop of the label.
* @param label edited label
* @param editor label editor field
* @return bounds for editor display atop of the label
public static Rectangle getPanelEditorBounds ( final WebLabel label, final WebPanel editor )
// Bounds
final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle ( 0, 0, label.getWidth (), label.getHeight () );
// Label settings
final Insets lm = label.getInsets ();
bounds.x += lm.left;
bounds.y += lm.top;
bounds.width -= lm.left + lm.right;
bounds.height -= lm.top + lm.bottom;
// Field settings
final Insets fm = editor.getMargin ();
final int dm = 2 + editor.getShadeWidth ();
bounds.x -= fm.left + dm;
bounds.y -= fm.top + dm;
bounds.width += fm.left + fm.right + dm * 2;
bounds.height += fm.top + fm.bottom + dm * 2;
// Additional pixel for field size
bounds.width += 1;
return bounds;
* Returns TexturePainter which is read from the source.
* @param source one of possible sources: URL, String, File, Reader, InputStream
* @return TexturePainter
public static TexturePainter loadTexturePainter ( final Object source )
return loadTexturePainter ( XmlUtils.loadResourceFile ( source ) );
* Returns TexturePainter which is read from specified ResourceFile.
* @param resource file description
* @return TexturePainter
public static TexturePainter loadTexturePainter ( final ResourceFile resource )
return new TexturePainter ( XmlUtils.loadImageIcon ( resource ) );
* Installs specified L&F as current application's L&F.
* @param clazz L&F class
* @return true if L&F was installed successfully, false otherwise
public static boolean setupLookAndFeelSafely ( final Class<? extends LookAndFeel> clazz )
return setupLookAndFeelSafely ( clazz.getCanonicalName () );
* Installs specified L&F as current application's L&F.
* @param className L&F canonical class name
* @return true if L&F was installed successfully, false otherwise
public static boolean setupLookAndFeelSafely ( final String className )
UIManager.setLookAndFeel ( className );
return true;
catch ( final Throwable e )
Log.get ().error ( "Unable to initialize L&F for class name: " + className, e );
return false;