Package com.alee.managers.tooltip

Source Code of com.alee.managers.tooltip.TooltipManager

* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library.  If not, see <>.

package com.alee.managers.tooltip;

import com.alee.managers.glasspane.GlassPaneManager;
import com.alee.managers.glasspane.WebGlassPane;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.Hotkey;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyData;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyRunnable;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebTimer;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

* This manager allows you to set extended tooltips for any Swing component with any possible content (would it be simple text or some
* JComponent ancestor) or show one-time tooltips at custom location inside any window. Also this manager is integrated with HotkeyManager
* and provides an opportunity to automatically show components hotkeys on their tooltips set with this class.
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see GlassPaneManager
* @see HotkeyManager

public class TooltipManager
    // Default settings
    protected static int defaultDelay = 500;
    protected static boolean allowMultiplyTooltips = true;
    protected static boolean showHotkeysInTooltips = true;
    protected static boolean showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips = false;

    // Standart tooltips
    protected static final Map<Component, List<WebCustomTooltip>> webTooltips = new WeakHashMap<Component, List<WebCustomTooltip>> ();
    protected static final Map<Component, MouseAdapter> adapters = new WeakHashMap<Component, MouseAdapter> ();
    protected static final Map<Component, WebTimer> timers = new WeakHashMap<Component, WebTimer> ();

    // One-time tooltips
    protected static final List<WebCustomTooltip> oneTimeTooltips = new ArrayList<WebCustomTooltip> ();

    // Initialization mark
    protected static boolean initialized = false;

     * TooltipManager initialization

    public static synchronized void initialize ()
        if ( !initialized )
            initialized = true;

            // Tooltips hide listener
            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().addAWTEventListener ( new AWTEventListener ()
                public void eventDispatched ( final AWTEvent event )
                    if ( event instanceof MouseWheelEvent )
                        hideAllTooltips ();
            }, AWTEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK );

     * Hides all visible tooltips

    public static void hideAllTooltips ()
        // Hiding standart tooltips
        for ( final Component component : CollectionUtils.copy ( webTooltips.keySet () ) )
            // Stopping any timers
            final WebTimer timer = timers.get ( component );
            if ( timer != null )
                timer.stop ();

            // Closing tooltips
            final List<WebCustomTooltip> list = webTooltips.get ( component );
            if ( list != null && list.size () > 0 )
                for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : CollectionUtils.copy ( list ) )
                    tooltip.closeTooltip ();

        // Hiding one-time tooltips
        final List<WebCustomTooltip> clonedOneTimeTooltips = new ArrayList<WebCustomTooltip> ();
        clonedOneTimeTooltips.addAll ( oneTimeTooltips );
        for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : clonedOneTimeTooltips )
            tooltip.closeTooltip ();

     * Registers standart tooltip

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip )
        return setTooltip ( component, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip )
        return setTooltip ( component, icon, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return setTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip,
                                                final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return setTooltip ( component, icon, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay,
                                                final int delay )
        return setTooltip ( component, null, tooltip, tooltipWay, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip,
                                                final TooltipWay tooltipWay, final int delay )
        return setTooltip ( component, WebCustomTooltip.createDefaultComponent ( icon, tooltip ), tooltipWay, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip )
        return setTooltip ( component, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final int delay )
        return setTooltip ( component, tooltip, null, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return setTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip setTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay,
                                                final int delay )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, delay, true );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip )
        return addTooltip ( component, icon, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip,
                                                final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return addTooltip ( component, icon, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final String tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay,
                                                final int delay )
        return addTooltip ( component, null, tooltip, tooltipWay, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final Icon icon, final String tooltip,
                                                final TooltipWay tooltipWay, final int delay )
        return addTooltip ( component, WebCustomTooltip.createDefaultComponent ( icon, tooltip ), tooltipWay, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final int delay )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, null, delay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, defaultDelay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay,
                                                final int delay )
        final List<WebCustomTooltip> tooltips = webTooltips.get ( component );
        final boolean clear = tooltips != null && tooltips.size () > 0 && !allowMultiplyTooltips;
        return addTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, delay, clear );

    protected static WebCustomTooltip addTooltip ( final Component component, final JComponent tooltip, final TooltipWay tooltipWay,
                                                   final int delay, final boolean clear )
        // Erase old tooltip if more than one not allowed in this case
        if ( clear )
            removeTooltips ( component );

        // Create tooltips list if needed
        if ( webTooltips.get ( component ) == null )
            webTooltips.put ( component, new ArrayList<WebCustomTooltip> () );

        // Creating tooltip component
        final WebCustomTooltip customTooltip = new WebCustomTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, showHotkeysInTooltips );
        webTooltips.get ( component ).add ( customTooltip );

        // Creating listeners for component if they aren't created yet
        if ( !timers.containsKey ( component ) || !adapters.containsKey ( component ) )
            // Tooltip pop timer
            final WebTimer showTips = new WebTimer ( "TooltipManager.displayTimer", delay );
            showTips.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
                public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                    final Window wa = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component );
                    if ( wa != null && wa.isActive () )
                        showTooltips ( component, false );
            } );
            showTips.setRepeats ( false );
            timers.put ( component, showTips );

            // Show/hide listener
            final MouseAdapter mouseAdapter = new MouseAdapter ()
                public void mouseEntered ( final MouseEvent e )
                    // Component ancestor window
                    final Window window = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component );

                    // Starting show timer if needed
                    if ( window.isShowing () && window.isActive () )
                        showTips.start ();

                public void mouseExited ( final MouseEvent e )
                    cancelTooltips ();

                public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
                    cancelTooltips ();

                public void mouseReleased ( final MouseEvent e )
                    cancelTooltips ();

                private void cancelTooltips ()
                    // Hiding component tooltips
                    showTips.stop ();
                    hideTooltips ( component );
            component.addMouseListener ( mouseAdapter );
            adapters.put ( component, mouseAdapter );

        return customTooltip;

    protected static void hideTooltips ( final Component component )
        if ( webTooltips.get ( component ) != null )
            final List<WebCustomTooltip> tooltips = new ArrayList<WebCustomTooltip> ();
            tooltips.addAll ( webTooltips.get ( component ) );
            for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : tooltips )
                tooltip.closeTooltip ();

     * Displays component tooltips

    public static boolean showTooltips ( final Component component )
        return showTooltips ( component, false );

    public static boolean showTooltips ( final Component component, final boolean delayed )
        if ( webTooltips.containsKey ( component ) && component.isShowing () )
            if ( delayed )
                timers.get ( component ).restart ();
                final WebGlassPane webGlassPane = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( component );
                if ( webGlassPane != null )
                    final List<WebCustomTooltip> tooltips = new ArrayList<WebCustomTooltip> ();
                    tooltips.addAll ( webTooltips.get ( component ) );
                    for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : tooltips )
                        webGlassPane.showComponent ( tooltip );
            return true;
            return false;

     * Displays all tooltips for component's window

    public static void showAllTooltips ( final Component component )
        // Hiding all tooltips
        TooltipManager.hideAllTooltips ();

        // Displaying tooltips
        showAllTooltips ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component ) );

    protected static void showAllTooltips ( final Window window )
        if ( window.isShowing () )
            for ( final Component component : webTooltips.keySet () )
                if ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component ) == window && component.isShowing () )
                    for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : webTooltips.get ( component ) )
                        showOneTimeTooltip ( tooltip, false );

     * Displays all tooltips for all visible windows

    public static void showAllTooltips ()
        for ( final Component component : webTooltips.keySet () )
            if ( component.isShowing () )
                for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : webTooltips.get ( component ) )
                    showOneTimeTooltip ( tooltip, false );

     * Installs "show all hotkeys" action on window or component

    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JDialog dialog )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( dialog.getRootPane (), Hotkey.F1 );
    //    }
    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JDialog dialog, HotkeyData hotkeyData )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( dialog.getRootPane (), hotkeyData );
    //    }
    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JFrame frame )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( frame.getRootPane (), Hotkey.F1 );
    //    }
    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JFrame frame, HotkeyData hotkeyData )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( frame.getRootPane (), hotkeyData );
    //    }
    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JWindow window )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( window.getRootPane (), Hotkey.F1 );
    //    }
    //    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( JWindow window, HotkeyData hotkeyData )
    //    {
    //        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( window.getRootPane (), hotkeyData );
    //    }
    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( final Component topComponent )
        installShowAllTooltipsAction ( topComponent, Hotkey.F2 );

    public static void installShowAllTooltipsAction ( final Component topComponent, final HotkeyData hotkeyData )
        HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( topComponent, hotkeyData, new HotkeyRunnable ()
            public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
                showAllTooltips ( topComponent );
        }, true );

     * Removes component tooltips

    public static void removeTooltips ( final Component component )
        if ( webTooltips.get ( component ) != null )
            for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : CollectionUtils.copy ( webTooltips.get ( component ) ) )
                removeTooltip ( component, tooltip );

    public static void removeTooltips ( final Component component, final WebCustomTooltip... tooltips )
        for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : tooltips )
            removeTooltip ( component, tooltip );

    public static void removeTooltips ( final Component component, final List<WebCustomTooltip> tooltips )
        for ( final WebCustomTooltip tooltip : tooltips )
            removeTooltip ( component, tooltip );

    public static void removeTooltip ( final Component component, final WebCustomTooltip tooltip )
        final List<WebCustomTooltip> tooltips = webTooltips.get ( component );
        if ( tooltips != null && tooltips.contains ( tooltip ) )
            // Removing all listeners in case its last component tooltip
            if ( tooltips.size () <= 1 )
                // Removing mouse listeners
                component.removeMouseListener ( adapters.get ( component ) );
                adapters.remove ( component );

                // Clearing timers
                timers.get ( component ).stop ();
                timers.remove ( component );

            // Removing registered tooltip
            tooltips.remove ( tooltip );

            // Hiding and destroying tooltip
            tooltip.closeTooltip ();
            tooltip.destroyTooltip ();

            // Removing component from list if its last tooltip removed
            if ( tooltips.size () == 0 )
                webTooltips.remove ( component );

     * Shows one-time tooltip

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final String tooltip )
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( component, point, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final Icon icon,
                                                        final String tooltip )
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( component, point, icon, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final String tooltip,
                                                        final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( component, point, null, tooltip, tooltipWay );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final Icon icon, final String tooltip,
                                                        final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        final WebCustomTooltip customTooltip = new WebCustomTooltip ( component, icon, tooltip, tooltipWay, showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips );
        customTooltip.setDisplayLocation ( point );
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( customTooltip, true );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final JComponent tooltip )
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( component, point, tooltip, null );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final Component component, final Point point, final JComponent tooltip,
                                                        final TooltipWay tooltipWay )
        final WebCustomTooltip customTooltip = new WebCustomTooltip ( component, tooltip, tooltipWay, showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips );
        customTooltip.setDisplayLocation ( point );
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( customTooltip, true );

    public static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final WebCustomTooltip customTooltip )
        return showOneTimeTooltip ( customTooltip, true );

    protected static WebCustomTooltip showOneTimeTooltip ( final WebCustomTooltip customTooltip, final boolean destroyOnClose )
        // Checking if component is properly set and showing
        if ( customTooltip.getComponent () == null || !customTooltip.getComponent ().isShowing () )
            return null;

        // Checking if glass pane is available
        final Window window = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( customTooltip.getComponent () );
        final WebGlassPane webGlassPane = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( window );
        if ( webGlassPane == null )
            return null;

        // Adding relocate listener
        final ComponentAdapter componentAdapter = new ComponentAdapter ()
            public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
                customTooltip.updateLocation ();
        webGlassPane.addComponentListener ( componentAdapter );

        // Global mouse listener
        final AWTEventListener closeListener = customTooltip.isDefaultCloseBehavior () ? new AWTEventListener ()
            public void eventDispatched ( final AWTEvent event )
                if ( event instanceof MouseEvent && event.getID () == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED )
                    customTooltip.closeTooltip ();
        } : null;

        // Adding destroy sequence
        customTooltip.addTooltipListener ( new TooltipAdapter ()
            public void tooltipShowing ()
                if ( customTooltip.isDefaultCloseBehavior () )
                    // Mouse press listener to close one-time tooltip
                    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().addAWTEventListener ( closeListener, AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK );

            public void tooltipHidden ()
                // Removing tooltip listener
                customTooltip.removeTooltipListener ( this );

                if ( customTooltip.isDefaultCloseBehavior () )
                    // Removing press listener
                    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().removeAWTEventListener ( closeListener );

                // Removing tooltip from list
                oneTimeTooltips.remove ( customTooltip );

                // Removing relocation listener
                webGlassPane.removeComponentListener ( componentAdapter );

                if ( destroyOnClose )
                    // Destroying tooltip
                    customTooltip.destroyTooltip ();
        } );

        // Registering one-time tooltip
        oneTimeTooltips.add ( customTooltip );

        // Displaying one-time tooltip
        webGlassPane.showComponent ( customTooltip );

        return customTooltip;

     * Default tooltip show delay

    public static int getDefaultDelay ()
        return defaultDelay;

    public static void setDefaultDelay ( final int delay )
        defaultDelay = delay;

     * Allow more than one tooltip per component

    public static boolean isAllowMultiplyTooltips ()
        return allowMultiplyTooltips;

    public static void setAllowMultiplyTooltips ( final boolean allowMultiplyTooltips )
        TooltipManager.allowMultiplyTooltips = allowMultiplyTooltips;

     * Show hotkeys in tooltips by default

    public static boolean isShowHotkeysInTooltips ()
        return showHotkeysInTooltips;

    public static void setShowHotkeysInTooltips ( final boolean showHotkeysInTooltips )
        TooltipManager.showHotkeysInTooltips = showHotkeysInTooltips;

     * Show hotkeys in one-time tooltips by default

    public static boolean isShowHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips ()
        return showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips;

    public static void setShowHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips ( final boolean showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips )
        TooltipManager.showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips = showHotkeysInOneTimeTooltips;

Related Classes of com.alee.managers.tooltip.TooltipManager

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