* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.managers.notification;
import com.alee.extended.image.WebImage;
import com.alee.extended.layout.HorizontalFlowLayout;
import com.alee.extended.painter.Painter;
import com.alee.extended.panel.AlignPanel;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebButton;
import com.alee.laf.label.WebLabel;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.managers.popup.PopupAdapter;
import com.alee.managers.popup.PopupStyle;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebHeavyWeightPopup;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebTimer;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Custom popup used to display notifications in separate windows.
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see com.alee.managers.notification.NotificationManager
* @see com.alee.managers.notification.NotificationStyle
* @see com.alee.managers.notification.NotificationIcon
* @see com.alee.managers.notification.NotificationOption
* @see com.alee.utils.swing.WebHeavyWeightPopup
public class WebNotification extends WebHeavyWeightPopup
* Notification popup listeners.
protected List<NotificationListener> listeners = new ArrayList<NotificationListener> ( 1 );
* Whether notification can be closed by simple click on popup or not.
protected boolean clickToClose = true;
* Whether notification popup should be closed when some option is selected by user or not.
* You can disable this and provide your own behavior for options selection through NotificationListener.
protected boolean closeOnOptionSelection = true;
* Notification display duration.
* If set to zero notification will be visible until closed by user.
protected long displayTime = 0;
* Delayed hide timer.
protected WebTimer displayTimer;
* Whether notification is accepted or not.
protected boolean accepted;
* Notification icon.
protected Icon icon;
* Notification content.
protected Component content;
* Notification options.
protected List<NotificationOption> options;
* Notification visual components.
protected WebImage iconImage;
protected WebPanel contentPanel;
protected WebPanel optionsPanel;
protected AlignPanel westPanel;
protected AlignPanel centerPanel;
protected AlignPanel southPanel;
* Constructs new notification popup.
public WebNotification ()
this ( NotificationStyle.web );
* Constructs new notification popup with the specified notification style.
* @param notificationStyle notification style
public WebNotification ( final NotificationStyle notificationStyle )
this ( notificationStyle.getPainter () );
* Constructs new notification popup with the specified style.
* @param popupStyle popup style
public WebNotification ( final PopupStyle popupStyle )
this ( popupStyle.getPainter () );
* Constructs new notification popup with the specified painter.
* @param stylePainter popup style painter
public WebNotification ( final Painter stylePainter )
super ( stylePainter );
initializeNotificationPopup ();
* Constructs new notification popup with the specified style ID.
* @param styleId style ID
public WebNotification ( final String styleId )
super ( styleId );
initializeNotificationPopup ();
* Initializes various notification popup settings.
protected void initializeNotificationPopup ()
setAlwaysOnTop ( true );
setWindowOpaque ( false );
setCloseOnOuterAction ( false );
setLayout ( new BorderLayout ( 15, 5 ) );
iconImage = new WebImage ();
westPanel = new AlignPanel ( iconImage, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER );
updateIcon ();
contentPanel = new WebPanel ();
contentPanel.setOpaque ( false );
centerPanel = new AlignPanel ( contentPanel, SwingConstants.CENTER, SwingConstants.CENTER );
updateContent ();
optionsPanel = new WebPanel ( new HorizontalFlowLayout ( 4, false ) );
optionsPanel.setOpaque ( false );
southPanel = new AlignPanel ( optionsPanel, SwingConstants.RIGHT, SwingConstants.CENTER );
updateOptions ();
addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( clickToClose )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
acceptAndHide ();
hidePopup ();
} );
addPopupListener ( new PopupAdapter ()
public void popupWillBeOpened ()
accepted = false;
public void popupOpened ()
startDelayedClose ();
public void popupWillBeClosed ()
if ( accepted )
fireAccepted ();
fireClosed ();
} );
* Starts delayed close timer.
private void startDelayedClose ()
if ( displayTime > 0 && ( displayTimer == null || !displayTimer.isRunning () ) )
displayTimer = WebTimer.delay ( displayTime, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
hidePopup ();
} );
* Stops delayed close timer.
private void stopDelayedClose ()
if ( displayTimer != null && displayTimer.isRunning () )
displayTimer.stop ();
* Returns notification icon.
* @return notification icon
public Icon getIcon ()
return icon;
* Sets notification icon.
* @param icon new notification icon
public void setIcon ( final Icon icon )
this.icon = icon;
updateIcon ();
* Sets notification icon type.
* @param iconType new notification icon type
public void setIcon ( final NotificationIcon iconType )
setIcon ( iconType.getIcon () );
* Updates visible notification icon.
protected void updateIcon ()
iconImage.setIcon ( icon );
if ( icon != null )
if ( !contains ( westPanel ) )
add ( westPanel, BorderLayout.WEST );
if ( contains ( westPanel ) )
remove ( westPanel );
revalidate ();
* Returns notification content.
* @return notification content
public Component getContent ()
return content;
* Sets notification content.
* @param content new notification content
public void setContent ( final Component content )
this.content = content;
updateContent ();
* Sets notification text content.
* @param content new notification text content
public void setContent ( final String content )
setContent ( new WebLabel ( content ) );
* Updates visible notification content.
protected void updateContent ()
if ( content != null )
contentPanel.removeAll ();
contentPanel.add ( content );
if ( !contains ( centerPanel ) )
add ( centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
contentPanel.removeAll ();
if ( contains ( centerPanel ) )
remove ( centerPanel );
revalidate ();
* Returns notification options list.
* @return notification options list
public List<NotificationOption> getOptions ()
return options;
* Sets notification options.
* @param options new notification options
public void setOptions ( final NotificationOption... options )
setOptions ( Arrays.asList ( options ) );
* Sets notification options list.
* @param options new notification options list
public void setOptions ( final List<NotificationOption> options )
this.options = options;
updateOptions ();
* Updates visible notification options.
protected void updateOptions ()
if ( options != null && options.size () > 0 )
for ( final NotificationOption option : options )
final WebButton optionButton = new WebButton ( "" );
optionButton.setLanguage ( option.getLanguageKey () );
optionButton.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
fireOptionSelected ( option );
if ( closeOnOptionSelection )
acceptAndHide ();
} );
optionsPanel.add ( optionButton );
if ( !contains ( southPanel ) )
add ( southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
optionsPanel.removeAll ();
if ( contains ( southPanel ) )
remove ( southPanel );
revalidate ();
* Accepts notification and closes popup.
public void acceptAndHide ()
accepted = true;
hidePopup ();
* Returns whether notification can be closed by simple click on popup or not.
* @return true if notification can be closed by simple click on popup, false otherwise
public boolean isClickToClose ()
return clickToClose;
* Sets whether notification can be closed by simple click on popup or not.
* @param clickToClose whether notification can be closed by simple click on popup or not
public void setClickToClose ( final boolean clickToClose )
this.clickToClose = clickToClose;
* Whether notification popup should be closed when some option is selected by user or not.
* @return true if notification popup should be closed when some option is selected by user, false otherwise
public boolean isCloseOnOptionSelection ()
return closeOnOptionSelection;
* Returns whether notification popup should be closed when some option is selected by user or not.
* @param closeOnOptionSelection whether notification popup should be closed when some option is selected by user or not
public void setCloseOnOptionSelection ( final boolean closeOnOptionSelection )
this.closeOnOptionSelection = closeOnOptionSelection;
* Returns notification display time.
* @return notification display time
public long getDisplayTime ()
return displayTime;
* Sets notification display time.
* @param displayTime new notification display time
public void setDisplayTime ( final long displayTime )
this.displayTime = displayTime;
if ( isShowing () )
if ( displayTime > 0 )
startDelayedClose ();
stopDelayedClose ();
* Adds directory chooser listener.
* @param listener directory chooser listener to add
public void addNotificationListener ( final NotificationListener listener )
listeners.add ( listener );
* Removes directory chooser listener.
* @param listener directory chooser listener to remove
public void removeNotificationListener ( final NotificationListener listener )
listeners.remove ( listener );
* Fires when notification options is selected.
public void fireOptionSelected ( final NotificationOption option )
for ( final NotificationListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( listeners ) )
listener.optionSelected ( option );
* Fires when notification accepted and closed.
public void fireAccepted ()
for ( final NotificationListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( listeners ) )
listener.accepted ();
* Fires when notification simply closed.
public void fireClosed ()
for ( final NotificationListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( listeners ) )
listener.closed ();