* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.managers.highlight;
import com.alee.managers.glasspane.GlassPaneManager;
import com.alee.managers.glasspane.WebGlassPane;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This manager allows you to quickly highlight multiply visual Swing components in any window
* @author Mikle Garin
public class HighlightManager
* HighlightManager initialization
// public static void initialize ()
// {
// FocusManager.registerGlobalFocusListener ( new GlobalFocusListener ()
// {
// public void focusChanged ( Component oldFocus, Component newFocus )
// {
// Window oldWA = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( oldFocus );
// Window newWA = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( newFocus );
// if ( oldFocus != null & newFocus != null && oldWA == newWA )
// {
// WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( oldWA );
// if (wgp != null) {
// wgp
// }
// }
// }
// } );
// }
* Highlights components with specified text on window
public static List<Component> highlightComponentsWithText ( final String text, final Component highlightBase )
final List<Component> found = SwingUtils.findComponentsWithText ( text, highlightBase );
if ( found.size () > 0 )
setHiglightedComponents ( found, highlightBase );
clearHighlightedComponents ( highlightBase );
return found;
* Sets highlighted component for its ancestor window
public static void setHiglightedComponent ( final Component highlight )
setHiglightedComponent ( highlight, null );
public static void setHiglightedComponent ( final Component highlight, final Component highlightBase )
if ( highlight != null )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( highlight ) );
if ( wgp != null )
wgp.clearHighlights ();
wgp.setHighlightBase ( highlightBase != null ? highlightBase : wgp );
wgp.addHighlightedComponents ( highlight );
* Sets highlighted components for their ancestor windows
public static void setHiglightedComponents ( final List<Component> highlights )
setHiglightedComponents ( highlights, null );
public static void setHiglightedComponents ( final List<Component> highlights, final Component highlightBase )
if ( highlights != null && highlights.size () > 0 )
final List<String> clearedIds = new ArrayList<String> ();
for ( final Component component : highlights )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component ) );
if ( wgp != null )
if ( !clearedIds.contains ( wgp.getId () ) )
wgp.setHighlightBase ( highlightBase != null ? highlightBase : wgp );
wgp.clearHighlights ();
clearedIds.add ( wgp.getId () );
wgp.addHighlightedComponents ( component );
* Removes component highlight from its ancestor window
public static void removeHigligtedComponent ( final Component highlight )
if ( highlight != null )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( highlight ) );
if ( wgp != null )
wgp.removeHighlightedComponents ( highlight );
* Removes components highlight from their ancestor windows
public static void removeHiglightedComponents ( final List<Component> highlights )
if ( highlights != null && highlights.size () > 0 )
for ( final Component component : highlights )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component ) );
if ( wgp != null )
wgp.removeHighlightedComponents ( component );
* Removes all highlights from component ancestor window
public static void clearHighlightedComponents ( final Component component )
clearHighlightedComponents ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( component ) );
* Removes all highlights from window
public static void clearHighlightedComponents ( final Window window )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( window );
if ( wgp != null )
wgp.clearHighlights ();
* Sets component as higlight base for its window
public static void setHighlightBase ( final Component highlightBase )
setHighlightBase ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( highlightBase ), highlightBase );
* Sets highlight base for window
public static void setHighlightBase ( final Window window, final Component highlightBase )
final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( window );
if ( wgp != null )
wgp.setHighlightBase ( highlightBase );
* Circle zone highlight.
// private static final BufferedImage noise = ImageUtils.getBufferedImage ( HighlightManager.class.getResource ( "icons/noise.jpg" ) );
// public static void highlightZone ( final Window window, final Point point )
// {
// final BufferedImage img = ImageUtils.createCompatibleImage ( 400, 300, Transparency.TRANSLUCENT );
// final Graphics2D g2d = img.createGraphics ();
// GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
// final Area shape = new Area ( new Ellipse2D.Double ( 0, 0, 399, 299 ) );
// shape.exclusiveOr ( new Area ( new Ellipse2D.Double ( 10, 20, 380, 260 ) ) );
// g2d.setPaint ( new TexturePaint ( noise, new Rectangle ( 0, 0, 400, 300 ) ) );
// g2d.fill ( shape );
//// g2d.setPaint ( new Color ( 99, 47, 8 ) );
//// g2d.draw ( shape );
// g2d.dispose ();
// final WebGlassPane wgp = GlassPaneManager.getGlassPane ( window );
// wgp.setPaintedImage ( img, new Point ( point.x - 200, point.y - 150 ) );
// }
// public static void main ( final String[] args )
// {
// WebLookAndFeel.install ();
// final WebPanel panel = new WebPanel ();
// panel.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( 600, 600 ) );
// panel.onMousePress ( new MouseEventRunnable ()
// {
// @Override
// public void run ( final MouseEvent e )
// {
// highlightZone ( SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( panel ), e.getPoint () );
// }
// } );
// TestFrame.show ( panel );
// }