* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.laf.optionpane;
import com.alee.global.StyleConstants;
import com.alee.laf.WebLookAndFeel;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebButton;
import com.alee.managers.language.LM;
import com.alee.utils.LafUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicOptionPaneUI;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyListener;
* User: mgarin Date: 17.08.11 Time: 22:46
public class WebOptionPaneUI extends BasicOptionPaneUI
public static final ImageIcon INFORMATION_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebOptionPaneUI.class.getResource ( "icons/information.png" ) );
public static final ImageIcon WARNING_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebOptionPaneUI.class.getResource ( "icons/warning.png" ) );
public static final ImageIcon ERROR_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebOptionPaneUI.class.getResource ( "icons/error.png" ) );
public static final ImageIcon QUESTION_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebOptionPaneUI.class.getResource ( "icons/question.png" ) );
@SuppressWarnings ("UnusedParameters")
public static ComponentUI createUI ( final JComponent c )
return new WebOptionPaneUI ();
public void installUI ( final JComponent c )
super.installUI ( c );
// Default settings
SwingUtils.setOrientation ( optionPane );
LookAndFeel.installProperty ( optionPane, WebLookAndFeel.OPAQUE_PROPERTY, Boolean.FALSE );
optionPane.setBackground ( WebOptionPaneStyle.backgroundColor );
optionPane.setBorder ( LafUtils.createWebBorder ( 15, 15, 15, 15 ) );
protected Container createMessageArea ()
// todo Really bad workaround
final Container messageArea = super.createMessageArea ();
SwingUtils.setOpaqueRecursively ( messageArea, false );
return messageArea;
* Modified buttons creation method
protected void addButtonComponents ( final Container container, final Object[] buttons, final int initialIndex )
if ( container instanceof JComponent )
( ( JComponent ) container ).setOpaque ( false );
if ( buttons != null && buttons.length > 0 )
final boolean sizeButtonsToSame = getSizeButtonsToSameWidth ();
boolean createdAll = true;
final int numButtons = buttons.length;
JButton[] createdButtons = null;
int maxWidth = 0;
if ( sizeButtonsToSame )
createdButtons = new JButton[ numButtons ];
for ( int counter = 0; counter < numButtons; counter++ )
final Object button = buttons[ counter ];
final Component newComponent;
if ( button instanceof Component )
createdAll = false;
newComponent = ( Component ) button;
container.add ( newComponent );
hasCustomComponents = true;
final WebButton aButton;
if ( button instanceof Icon )
aButton = new WebButton ( ( Icon ) button );
final String text = button.toString ();
aButton = new WebButton ( text );
if ( LM.contains ( text ) )
aButton.setLanguage ( text );
aButton.setName ( "OptionPane.button" );
aButton.setMultiClickThreshhold ( UIManager.getInt ( "OptionPane.buttonClickThreshhold" ) );
configureButton ( aButton );
container.add ( aButton );
final ActionListener buttonListener = createButtonActionListener ( counter );
if ( buttonListener != null )
aButton.addActionListener ( buttonListener );
newComponent = aButton;
if ( sizeButtonsToSame && createdAll && newComponent instanceof JButton )
createdButtons[ counter ] = ( JButton ) newComponent;
maxWidth = Math.max ( maxWidth, newComponent.getMinimumSize ().width );
if ( counter == initialIndex )
initialFocusComponent = newComponent;
if ( initialFocusComponent instanceof JButton )
final JButton defaultB = ( JButton ) initialFocusComponent;
defaultB.addHierarchyListener ( new HierarchyListener ()
public void hierarchyChanged ( final HierarchyEvent e )
if ( ( e.getChangeFlags () & HierarchyEvent.PARENT_CHANGED ) != 0 )
final JButton defaultButton = ( JButton ) e.getComponent ();
final JRootPane root = SwingUtilities.getRootPane ( defaultButton );
if ( root != null )
root.setDefaultButton ( defaultButton );
} );
( ( ButtonAreaLayout ) container.getLayout () ).setSyncAllWidths ( ( sizeButtonsToSame && createdAll ) );
* Modified dialog buttons
protected Object[] getButtons ()
if ( optionPane != null )
final Object[] suppliedOptions = optionPane.getOptions ();
if ( suppliedOptions == null )
final WebButton[] defaultOptions;
final int type = optionPane.getOptionType ();
if ( type == JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION )
defaultOptions = new WebButton[ 2 ];
defaultOptions[ 0 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.greenHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.yes" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.redHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.no" );
else if ( type == JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION )
defaultOptions = new WebButton[ 3 ];
defaultOptions[ 0 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.greenHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.yes" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.redHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.no" );
defaultOptions[ 2 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 2 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.yellowHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 2 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.cancel" );
else if ( type == JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION )
defaultOptions = new WebButton[ 2 ];
defaultOptions[ 0 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.greenHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.ok" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.redHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 1 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.cancel" );
defaultOptions = new WebButton[ 1 ];
defaultOptions[ 0 ] = new WebButton ( "" );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setShineColor ( StyleConstants.greenHighlight );
defaultOptions[ 0 ].setLanguage ( "weblaf.optionpane.ok" );
int count = 0;
for ( final WebButton button : defaultOptions )
configureButton ( button );
button.addActionListener ( createButtonActionListener ( count ) );
return defaultOptions;
return suppliedOptions;
return null;
* Default option pane button settings
private void configureButton ( final WebButton button )
button.setLeftRightSpacing ( 10 );
button.setMinimumSize ( new Dimension ( 70, 0 ) );
button.setRolloverShine ( WebOptionPaneStyle.highlightControlButtons );
final Font buttonFont = UIManager.getFont ( "OptionPane.buttonFont" );
if ( buttonFont != null )
button.setFont ( buttonFont );
* Modified dialogs side icons
protected Icon getIconForType ( final int messageType )
return getTypeIcon ( messageType );
public static ImageIcon getTypeIcon ( final int messageType )
if ( messageType < 0 || messageType > 3 )
return null;
switch ( messageType )
case 0:
return ERROR_ICON;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return null;