* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.extended.window;
import com.alee.laf.WebLookAndFeel;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.laf.rootpane.WebDialog;
import com.alee.managers.style.StyleManager;
import com.alee.managers.style.skin.web.PopupStyle;
import com.alee.managers.style.skin.web.WebPopOverPainter;
import com.alee.managers.style.skin.web.WebPopupPainter;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.EventUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import com.alee.utils.laf.Styleable;
import com.alee.utils.swing.AncestorAdapter;
import com.alee.utils.swing.DataProvider;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WindowFollowAdapter;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Custom stylish pop-over dialog with a special corner that follows invoker component.
* It may also act as a simple dialog with custom styling if configured so.
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see WebDialog
* @see WebPopupPainter
* @see PopOverSourcePoint
* @see PopOverDirection
* @see PopOverAlignment
public class WebPopOver extends WebDialog implements Styleable, PopOverEventMethods
* todo 1. Fix directional WebPopOver location when dragged to/from secondary screen
* todo 2. Add "opened" listener event
* Whether WebPopOver should be movable or not.
protected boolean movable = WebPopOverStyle.movable;
* WebPopOver display source point.
protected PopOverSourcePoint popOverSourcePoint = WebPopOverStyle.popOverSourcePoint;
* WebPopOver components container.
protected WebPanel container;
* Whether WebPopOver is attached to invoker component or not.
protected boolean attached = false;
* Preferred direction in which WebPopOver should be displayed.
protected PopOverDirection preferredDirection = null;
* Current display direction.
protected PopOverDirection currentDirection = null;
* Preferred WebPopOver alignment relative to display source point.
protected PopOverAlignment preferredAlignment = null;
* WebPopOver state listeners.
protected List<PopOverListener> popOverListeners = new ArrayList<PopOverListener> ( 1 );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
public WebPopOver ()
super ();
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner frame
public WebPopOver ( final Frame owner )
super ( owner );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner frame
* @param title dialog title (might not be displayed depending on styling)
public WebPopOver ( final Frame owner, final String title )
super ( owner, title );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner dialog
public WebPopOver ( final Dialog owner )
super ( owner );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner dialog
* @param title dialog title (might not be displayed depending on styling)
public WebPopOver ( final Dialog owner, final String title )
super ( owner, title );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner component
public WebPopOver ( final Component owner )
super ( owner );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner component
* @param title dialog title (might not be displayed depending on styling)
public WebPopOver ( final Component owner, final String title )
super ( owner, title );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner window
public WebPopOver ( final Window owner )
super ( owner );
* Constructs new WebPopOver dialog.
* @param owner dialog owner window
* @param title dialog title (might not be displayed depending on styling)
public WebPopOver ( final Window owner, final String title )
super ( owner, title );
* WebPopOver settings initialization.
protected void initialize ()
super.initialize ();
getRootPane ().setWindowDecorationStyle ( JRootPane.NONE );
setUndecorated ( true );
setWindowOpaque ( false );
// todo Custom shade opacity when not focused
// painter = new WebPopupPainter<WebPanel> ()
// {
// @Override
// public float getShadeTransparency ()
// {
// final float actualShadeOpacity = super.getShadeTransparency ();
// return WebPopOver.this.isFocused () ? actualShadeOpacity : actualShadeOpacity * 0.7f;
// }
// };
// painter.setBorderColor ( WebPopOverStyle.borderColor );
// painter.setRound ( WebPopOverStyle.round );
// painter.setShadeWidth ( WebPopOverStyle.shadeWidth );
// painter.setShadeTransparency ( WebPopOverStyle.shadeTransparency );
// painter.setCornerWidth ( WebPopOverStyle.cornerWidth );
// painter.setTransparency ( WebPopOverStyle.transparency );
// painter.setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.simple );
container = new WebPanel ( /*painter*/ );
container.setStyleId ( "pop-over" );
setContentPane ( container );
final ComponentMoveAdapter moveAdapter = new ComponentMoveAdapter ()
protected Rectangle getDragStartBounds ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( movable )
final int sw = getShadeWidth ();
return new Rectangle ( sw, sw, container.getWidth () - sw * 2, container.getHeight () - sw * 2 );
return null;
public void mouseDragged ( final MouseEvent e )
// De-attach dialog
if ( dragging && attached )
attached = false;
preferredDirection = null;
setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.simple );
fireDetached ();
super.mouseDragged ( e );
container.addMouseListener ( moveAdapter );
container.addMouseMotionListener ( moveAdapter );
addWindowFocusListener ( new WindowFocusListener ()
public void windowGainedFocus ( final WindowEvent e )
setPopOverFocused ( true );
public void windowLostFocus ( final WindowEvent e )
setPopOverFocused ( false );
} );
// Removing all listeners on window close event
final PopOverCloseListener closeListener = new PopOverCloseListener ()
public void popOverClosed ()
fireClosed ();
addComponentListener ( closeListener );
addWindowListener ( closeListener );
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getStyleId ()
return container.getStyleId ();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setStyleId ( final String id )
container.setStyleId ( id );
* Sets WebPopOver content background color.
* @param color new content background color
public void setContentBackground ( final Color color )
container.setBackground ( color );
* Returns WebPopOver content background color.
* @return WebPopOver content background color
public Color getContentBackground ()
return container.getBackground ();
* Returns WebPopOver container margin.
* @return WebPopOver container margin
public Insets getMargin ()
return container.getMargin ();
* Sets WebPopOver container margin.
* @param margin margin insets
* @return WebPopOver
public WebPopOver setMargin ( final Insets margin )
container.setMargin ( margin );
return this;
* Sets WebPopOver container margin.
* @param top top margin
* @param left left margin
* @param bottom bottom margin
* @param right right margin
* @return WebPopOver
public WebPopOver setMargin ( final int top, final int left, final int bottom, final int right )
container.setMargin ( top, left, bottom, right );
return this;
* Sets WebPopOver container margin.
* @param margin sides margin
* @return WebPopOver
public WebPopOver setMargin ( final int margin )
container.setMargin ( margin );
return this;
* Returns base WebPopOver painter.
* @return base WebPopOver painter
public WebPopOverPainter getPainter ()
return ( WebPopOverPainter ) container.getPainter ();
* Sets base WebPopOver painter.
* @param painter base WebPopOver painter
public void setPainter ( final WebPopOverPainter painter )
container.setPainter ( painter );
* Returns whether this WebPopOver is movable or not.
* @return true if this WebPopOver is movable, false otherwise
public boolean isMovable ()
return movable;
* Sets whether this WebPopOver should be movable or not.
* @param movable whether this WebPopOver should be movable or not
public void setMovable ( final boolean movable )
this.movable = movable;
* Returns popup display source point.
* @return popup display source point
public PopOverSourcePoint getPopOverSourcePoint ()
return popOverSourcePoint;
* Sets popup display source point.
* @param popOverSourcePoint popup display source point
public void setPopOverSourcePoint ( final PopOverSourcePoint popOverSourcePoint )
this.popOverSourcePoint = popOverSourcePoint;
* Returns popup menu border color.
* @return popup menu border color
public Color getBorderColor ()
return getPainter ().getBorderColor ();
* Sets popup menu border color.
* @param color new popup menu border color
public void setBorderColor ( final Color color )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "borderColor", color );
* Returns popup menu border corners rounding.
* @return popup menu border corners rounding
public int getRound ()
return getPainter ().getRound ();
* Sets popup menu border corners rounding.
* @param round new popup menu border corners rounding
public void setRound ( final int round )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "round", round );
* Returns popup menu shade width.
* @return popup menu shade width
public int getShadeWidth ()
return getPainter ().getShadeWidth ();
* Sets popup menu shade width.
* @param width new popup menu shade width
public void setShadeWidth ( final int width )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "shadeWidth", width );
* Returns popup menu shade transparency.
* @return popup menu shade transparency
public float getShadeTransparency ()
return getPainter ().getShadeTransparency ();
* Sets popup menu shade transparency.
* @param transparency new popup menu shade transparency
public void setShadeTransparency ( final float transparency )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "shadeTransparency", transparency );
* Returns popup menu dropdown style corner width.
* @return popup menu dropdown style corner width
public int getCornerWidth ()
return getPainter ().getCornerWidth ();
* Sets popup menu dropdown style corner width.
* @param width popup menu dropdown style corner width
public void setCornerWidth ( final int width )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "cornerWidth", width );
* Returns popup menu background transparency.
* @return popup menu background transparency
public float getTransparency ()
return getPainter ().getTransparency ();
* Sets popup menu background transparency.
* @param transparency popup menu background transparency
public void setTransparency ( final float transparency )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "transparency", transparency );
* Returns popup style.
* This method is made protected because requesting style is necessary only within the WebPopOver.
* @return popup style
protected PopupStyle getPopupStyle ()
return getPainter ().getPopupStyle ();
* Sets popup style.
* This method is made protected because modifying style is necessary only within the WebPopOver.
* @param style new popup style
protected void setPopupStyle ( final PopupStyle style )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "popupStyle", style );
* Returns dropdown style corner side.
* @return dropdown style corner side
protected int getCornerSide ()
return getPainter ().getCornerSide ();
* Sets dropdown style corner side.
* @param cornerSide dropdown style corner side
protected void setCornerSide ( final int cornerSide )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "cornerSide", cornerSide );
* Returns relative dropdown corner position.
* @return relative dropdown corner position
protected int getRelativeCorner ()
return getPainter ().getRelativeCorner ();
* Sets relative dropdown corner position.
* @param relativeCorner relative dropdown corner position
protected void setRelativeCorner ( final int relativeCorner )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "relativeCorner", relativeCorner );
* Returns dropdown corner alignment.
* @return dropdown corner alignment
protected int getCornerAlignment ()
return getPainter ().getCornerAlignment ();
* Sets dropdown corner alignment.
* @param cornerAlignment dropdown corner alignment
protected void setCornerAlignment ( final int cornerAlignment )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "cornerAlignment", cornerAlignment );
* Returns whether this WebPopOver is focus owner or not.
* @return true if this WebPopOver is focus owner, false otherwise
public boolean isPopOverFocused ()
return getPainter ().isPopOverFocused ();
* Sets whether this WebPopOver is focus owner or not.
* @param focused whether this WebPopOver is focus owner or not
public void setPopOverFocused ( final boolean focused )
StyleManager.setCustomPainterProperty ( container, "popOverFocused", focused );
* Displays unattached WebPopOver at the specified screen location.
* @param location WebPopOver location on screen
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final PopOverLocation location )
// Updating WebPopOver variables
attached = false;
preferredDirection = null;
setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.simple );
// Updating dialog location on screen and size
final Dimension ss = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getScreenSize ();
pack ();
switch ( location )
case center:
setLocation ( ss.width / 2 - getWidth () / 2, ss.height / 2 - getHeight () / 2 );
case topLeft:
setLocation ( 0, 0 );
case topRight:
setLocation ( ss.width - getWidth (), 0 );
case bottomLeft:
setLocation ( 0, ss.height - getHeight () );
case bottomRight:
setLocation ( ss.width - getWidth (), ss.height - getHeight () );
case topCenter:
setLocation ( ss.width / 2 - getWidth () / 2, 0 );
case bottomCenter:
setLocation ( ss.width / 2 - getWidth () / 2, ss.height - getHeight () );
case leftCenter:
setLocation ( 0, ss.height / 2 - getHeight () / 2 );
case rightCenter:
setLocation ( ss.width - getWidth (), ss.height / 2 - getHeight () / 2 );
// Displaying dialog
setVisible ( true );
return this;
* Displays unattached WebPopOver at the specified location.
* @param location WebPopOver location
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Point location )
return show ( location.x, location.y );
* Displays unattached WebPopOver at the specified location.
* @param x WebPopOver X location
* @param y WebPopOver Y location
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final int x, final int y )
// Updating WebPopOver variables
attached = false;
preferredDirection = null;
setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.simple );
// Updating dialog location on screen and size
pack ();
setLocation ( x - getShadeWidth (), y - getShadeWidth () );
// Displaying dialog
setVisible ( true );
return this;
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component and faced to preferred direction.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker )
return show ( invoker, preferredDirection );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component and faced to specified direction.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final PopOverDirection direction )
return show ( invoker, direction, PopOverAlignment.centered );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @param alignment preferred display alignment
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final PopOverDirection direction, final PopOverAlignment alignment )
return show ( invoker, null, direction, alignment );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component coordinates and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y )
return show ( invoker, x, y, preferredDirection );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component coordinates and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y, final PopOverDirection direction )
return show ( invoker, x, y, direction, PopOverAlignment.centered );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component coordinates and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @param alignment preferred display alignment
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y, final PopOverDirection direction,
final PopOverAlignment alignment )
return show ( invoker, x, y, 0, 0, direction, alignment );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param w source area width
* @param h source area height
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h )
return show ( invoker, x, y, w, h, preferredDirection );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param w source area width
* @param h source area height
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final PopOverDirection direction )
return show ( invoker, x, y, w, h, direction, PopOverAlignment.centered );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param x source area X coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param y source area Y coordinate in invoker's component coordinate system
* @param w source area width
* @param h source area height
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @param alignment preferred display alignment
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final PopOverDirection direction,
final PopOverAlignment alignment )
final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle ( x, y, w, h );
return show ( invoker, new DataProvider<Rectangle> ()
public Rectangle provide ()
return bounds;
}, direction, alignment );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param boundsProvider source area provider
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final DataProvider<Rectangle> boundsProvider )
return show ( invoker, boundsProvider, preferredDirection );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param boundsProvider source area provider
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final DataProvider<Rectangle> boundsProvider, final PopOverDirection direction )
return show ( invoker, boundsProvider, direction, PopOverAlignment.centered );
* Displays WebPopOver attached to the invoker component area and faced to specified direction.
* It will also be aligned using the specified alignment type when possible.
* WebPopOver opened in this way will always auto-follow invoker's ancestor window.
* @param invoker invoker component
* @param boundsProvider source area provider
* @param direction preferred display direction
* @param alignment preferred display alignment
* @return displayed WebPopOver
public WebPopOver show ( final Component invoker, final DataProvider<Rectangle> boundsProvider, final PopOverDirection direction,
final PopOverAlignment alignment )
// Fire reopened event
// This event is fired before any show operation repeated
if ( isShowing () )
fireReopened ();
// Translating coordinates into screen coordinates system
final DataProvider<Rectangle> actualBoundsProvider = boundsProvider == null ? null : new DataProvider<Rectangle> ()
private Rectangle lastBounds = new Rectangle ();
public Rectangle provide ()
// Invoker might be hidden while WebPopOver is still visible
// This is why we should simply stop updating its position when that happens
// It is not the best workaround but at least it will keep us safe from exceptions
if ( invoker.isShowing () )
final Rectangle bounds = boundsProvider.provide ();
final Point los = invoker.getLocationOnScreen ();
lastBounds = new Rectangle ( los.x + bounds.x, los.y + bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height );
return lastBounds;
// Updating WebPopOver variables
attached = true;
preferredDirection = direction != null ? direction : PopOverDirection.down;
preferredAlignment = alignment;
// Updating dialog location on screen and size
pack ();
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, actualBoundsProvider );
installPopOverLocationUpdater ( invoker, actualBoundsProvider );
// Displaying dialog
setVisible ( true );
// Fire opened event
// Note that if this pop-over is modal this event will be fired only after it is closed
// Unfortunately there is no good way to provide this event after dialog is opened but before it is closed in that case
fireOpened ();
return this;
* Updates WebPopOver location on screen.
* @param invoker invoker component
protected void updatePopOverLocation ( final Component invoker, final DataProvider<Rectangle> invokerBoundsProvider )
if ( invokerBoundsProvider != null )
updatePopOverLocation ( invokerBoundsProvider.provide () );
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker );
* Updates WebPopOver location on screen.
* @param invoker invoker component
protected void updatePopOverLocation ( final Component invoker )
if ( invoker instanceof Window )
// Applying proper painter style
setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.simple );
// Determining final WebPopOver position
final Rectangle ib = invoker.getBounds ();
final Dimension size = getSize ();
// Updating current direction
currentDirection = null;
// Updating WebPopOver location
setLocation ( ib.x + ib.width / 2 - size.width / 2, ib.y + ib.height / 2 - size.height / 2 );
else if ( invoker.isShowing () )
// Updating WebPopOver location in a smarter way
updatePopOverLocation ( SwingUtils.getBoundsOnScreen ( invoker ) );
* Updates WebPopOver location on screen.
* @param invokerBounds invoker component bounds on screen
protected void updatePopOverLocation ( final Rectangle invokerBounds )
// Applying proper painter style
setPopupStyle ( PopupStyle.dropdown );
// WebPopOver preferred size without shade
final Dimension size = getSize ();
final int sw = getShadeWidth ();
final int round = getRound ();
final int cw = getCornerWidth ();
final Dimension ps = new Dimension ( size.width - sw * 2, size.height - sw * 2 );
final Rectangle screenBounds = getGraphicsConfiguration ().getBounds ();
final boolean ltr = getComponentOrientation ().isLeftToRight ();
// Determining actual direction
final PopOverDirection actualDirection = getActualDirection ( invokerBounds, ltr, cw, ps, screenBounds );
setCornerSide ( actualDirection.getCornerSide ( ltr ) );
currentDirection = actualDirection;
// Determining position according to alignment
final Point actualLocation = getActualLocation ( invokerBounds, ltr, round, cw, ps, screenBounds, actualDirection );
actualLocation.x -= sw;
actualLocation.y -= sw;
// Updating corner position
setCornerAlignment ( -1 );
setRelativeCorner ( getRelativeCorner ( invokerBounds, actualDirection, actualLocation ) );
// Updating WebPopOver location
setLocation ( actualLocation );
* Installs listeners to update WebPopOver location.
* @param invoker invoker component
protected void installPopOverLocationUpdater ( final Component invoker, final DataProvider<Rectangle> invokerBoundsProvider )
// Invoker component window
final Window invokerWindow = SwingUtils.getWindowAncestor ( invoker );
// Invoker window follow adapter
final WindowFollowAdapter windowFollowAdapter = new WindowFollowAdapter ( WebPopOver.this, invokerWindow )
public boolean isEnabled ()
return !attached;
invokerWindow.addComponentListener ( windowFollowAdapter );
// Invoker window adapter
final ComponentAdapter invokerWindowAdapter = new ComponentAdapter ()
public void componentMoved ( final ComponentEvent e )
if ( attached )
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, invokerBoundsProvider );
windowFollowAdapter.updateLastLocation ();
invokerWindow.addComponentListener ( invokerWindowAdapter );
// Invoker component adapter
final ComponentAdapter invokerAdapter = new ComponentAdapter ()
public void componentMoved ( final ComponentEvent e )
if ( attached )
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, invokerBoundsProvider );
windowFollowAdapter.updateLastLocation ();
public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
if ( attached )
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, invokerBoundsProvider );
windowFollowAdapter.updateLastLocation ();
invoker.addComponentListener ( invokerAdapter );
final AncestorAdapter ancestorAdapter;
if ( invoker instanceof JComponent )
ancestorAdapter = new AncestorAdapter ()
public void ancestorMoved ( final AncestorEvent event )
if ( attached )
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, invokerBoundsProvider );
windowFollowAdapter.updateLastLocation ();
// todo Probably hide WebPopOver in some cases here?
// @Override
// public void ancestorRemoved ( final AncestorEvent event )
// {
// super.ancestorRemoved ( event );
// }
( ( JComponent ) invoker ).addAncestorListener ( ancestorAdapter );
ancestorAdapter = null;
// WebPopOver orientation change listener
final PropertyChangeListener orientationListener = new PropertyChangeListener ()
public void propertyChange ( final PropertyChangeEvent evt )
updatePopOverLocation ( invoker, invokerBoundsProvider );
windowFollowAdapter.updateLastLocation ();
addPropertyChangeListener ( WebLookAndFeel.ORIENTATION_PROPERTY, orientationListener );
// Removing all listeners on window close event
addPopOverListener ( new PopOverAdapter ()
public void reopened ( final WebPopOver popOver )
destroy ();
public void closedWebPopOver ( final WebPopOver popOver )
destroy ();
protected void destroy ()
removePopOverListener ( this );
invokerWindow.removeComponentListener ( invokerWindowAdapter );
invokerWindow.removeComponentListener ( windowFollowAdapter );
invoker.removeComponentListener ( invokerAdapter );
if ( invoker instanceof JComponent )
( ( JComponent ) invoker ).removeAncestorListener ( ancestorAdapter );
removePropertyChangeListener ( WebLookAndFeel.ORIENTATION_PROPERTY, orientationListener );
} );
* Returns relative corner position.
* @param ib invoker component bounds on screen
* @param actualDirection actual WebPopOver direction
* @param actualLocation actual WebPopOver location
* @return relative corner position
protected int getRelativeCorner ( final Rectangle ib, final PopOverDirection actualDirection, final Point actualLocation )
switch ( actualDirection )
case up:
case down:
return ib.x + ib.width / 2 - actualLocation.x;
case left:
case right:
return ib.y + ib.height / 2 - actualLocation.y;
return -1;
* Returns actual WebPopOver location.
* Shade width is not yet taken into account within this location.
* @param ib invoker component bounds on screen
* @param ltr whether LTR orientation is active or not
* @param round corners round
* @param cw corner width
* @param ps WebPopOver size without shade widths
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @param actualDirection actual WebPopOver direction
* @return actual WebPopOver location
protected Point getActualLocation ( final Rectangle ib, final boolean ltr, final int round, final int cw, final Dimension ps,
final Rectangle screenBounds, final PopOverDirection actualDirection )
final Point sp = getActualSourcePoint ( ib, ltr, actualDirection );
if ( actualDirection == PopOverDirection.up )
if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.centered )
final Point location = new Point ( sp.x - ps.width / 2, sp.y - cw - ps.height );
return checkRightCollision ( checkLeftCollision ( location, screenBounds ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == ( ltr ? PopOverAlignment.leading : PopOverAlignment.trailing ) )
return checkLeftCollision ( new Point ( sp.x + cw * 2 + round - ps.width, sp.y - cw - ps.height ), screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == ( ltr ? PopOverAlignment.trailing : PopOverAlignment.leading ) )
return checkRightCollision ( new Point ( sp.x - cw * 2 - round, sp.y - cw - ps.height ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( actualDirection == PopOverDirection.down )
if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.centered )
final Point location = new Point ( sp.x - ps.width / 2, sp.y + cw );
return checkRightCollision ( checkLeftCollision ( location, screenBounds ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == ( ltr ? PopOverAlignment.leading : PopOverAlignment.trailing ) )
return checkLeftCollision ( new Point ( sp.x + cw * 2 + round - ps.width, sp.y + cw ), screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == ( ltr ? PopOverAlignment.trailing : PopOverAlignment.leading ) )
return checkRightCollision ( new Point ( sp.x - cw * 2 - round, sp.y + cw ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( actualDirection == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.left : PopOverDirection.right ) )
if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.centered )
final Point location = new Point ( sp.x - cw - ps.width, sp.y - ps.height / 2 );
return checkBottomCollision ( checkTopCollision ( location, screenBounds ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.leading )
return checkTopCollision ( new Point ( sp.x - cw - ps.width, sp.y + cw * 2 + round - ps.height ), screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.trailing )
return checkBottomCollision ( new Point ( sp.x - cw - ps.width, sp.y - cw * 2 - round ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( actualDirection == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.right : PopOverDirection.left ) )
if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.centered )
final Point location = new Point ( sp.x + cw, sp.y - ps.height / 2 );
return checkBottomCollision ( checkTopCollision ( location, screenBounds ), ps, screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.leading )
return checkTopCollision ( new Point ( sp.x + cw, sp.y + cw * 2 + round - ps.height ), screenBounds );
else if ( preferredAlignment == PopOverAlignment.trailing )
return checkBottomCollision ( new Point ( sp.x + cw, sp.y - cw * 2 - round ), ps, screenBounds );
return null;
* Checks whether WebPopOver will collide with top screen border and modifies location accordingly.
* @param location approximate WebPopOver location
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @return either modified or unmodified WebPopOver location
protected Point checkTopCollision ( final Point location, final Rectangle screenBounds )
if ( location.y < screenBounds.y )
location.y = screenBounds.y;
return location;
* Checks whether WebPopOver will collide with bottom screen border and modifies location accordingly.
* @param location approximate WebPopOver location
* @param ps WebPopOver size without shade widths
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @return either modified or unmodified WebPopOver location
protected Point checkBottomCollision ( final Point location, final Dimension ps, final Rectangle screenBounds )
if ( location.y + ps.height > screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height )
location.y = screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height - ps.height;
return location;
* Checks whether WebPopOver will collide with left screen border and modifies location accordingly.
* @param location approximate WebPopOver location
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @return either modified or unmodified WebPopOver location
protected Point checkLeftCollision ( final Point location, final Rectangle screenBounds )
if ( location.x < screenBounds.x )
location.x = screenBounds.x;
return location;
* Checks whether WebPopOver will collide with right screen border and modifies location accordingly.
* @param location approximate WebPopOver location
* @param ps WebPopOver size without shade widths
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @return either modified or unmodified WebPopOver location
protected Point checkRightCollision ( final Point location, final Dimension ps, final Rectangle screenBounds )
if ( location.x + ps.width > screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width )
location.x = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - ps.width;
return location;
* Returns actual direction depending on preferred WebPopOver direction, its sizes and source point.
* @param ib invoker component bounds on screen
* @param ltr whether LTR orientation is active or not
* @param cw corner with
* @param ps WebPopOver size without shade widths
* @param screenBounds screen bounds
* @return actual WebPopOver direction
protected PopOverDirection getActualDirection ( final Rectangle ib, final boolean ltr, final int cw, final Dimension ps,
final Rectangle screenBounds )
for ( final PopOverDirection checkedDirection : preferredDirection.getPriority () )
final Point sp = getActualSourcePoint ( ib, ltr, checkedDirection );
if ( checkedDirection == PopOverDirection.up )
if ( sp.y - cw - ps.height > screenBounds.y )
return checkedDirection;
else if ( checkedDirection == PopOverDirection.down )
if ( sp.y + cw + ps.height < screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height )
return checkedDirection;
else if ( checkedDirection == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.left : PopOverDirection.right ) )
if ( sp.x - cw - ps.width > screenBounds.x )
return checkedDirection;
else if ( checkedDirection == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.right : PopOverDirection.left ) )
if ( sp.x + cw + ps.width < screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width )
return checkedDirection;
return preferredDirection;
* Returns actual source point depending on WebPopOver direction and invoker component location on screen.
* @param ib invoker component bounds on screen
* @param ltr whether LTR orientation is active or not
* @param direction WebPopOver direction @return actual source point
protected Point getActualSourcePoint ( final Rectangle ib, final boolean ltr, final PopOverDirection direction )
if ( popOverSourcePoint == PopOverSourcePoint.componentCenter )
return new Point ( ib.x + ib.width / 2, ib.y + ib.height / 2 );
if ( direction == PopOverDirection.up )
return new Point ( ib.x + ib.width / 2, ib.y );
else if ( direction == PopOverDirection.down )
return new Point ( ib.x + ib.width / 2, ib.y + ib.height );
else if ( direction == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.left : PopOverDirection.right ) )
return new Point ( ib.x, ib.y + ib.height / 2 );
else if ( direction == ( ltr ? PopOverDirection.right : PopOverDirection.left ) )
return new Point ( ib.x + ib.width, ib.y + ib.height / 2 );
return null;
* Returns preferred direction in which WebPopOver should be displayed.
* @return preferred direction in which WebPopOver should be displayed
public PopOverDirection getPreferredDirection ()
return preferredDirection;
* Sets preferred direction in which WebPopOver should be displayed.
* @param direction preferred direction in which WebPopOver should be displayed
public void setPreferredDirection ( final PopOverDirection direction )
this.preferredDirection = direction;
* Returns current display direction.
* @return current display direction
public PopOverDirection getCurrentDirection ()
return currentDirection;
* Sets current display direction.
* @param direction current display direction
public void setCurrentDirection ( final PopOverDirection direction )
this.currentDirection = direction;
* Adds pop-over listener.
* @param listener pop-over listener
public void addPopOverListener ( final PopOverListener listener )
popOverListeners.add ( listener );
* Removes pop-over listener.
* @param listener pop-over listener
public void removePopOverListener ( final PopOverListener listener )
popOverListeners.remove ( listener );
* Informs that WebPopOver was opened.
public void fireOpened ()
for ( final PopOverListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( popOverListeners ) )
listener.opened ( this );
* Informs that WebPopOver.show was called while it was opened forcing it to update location.
public void fireReopened ()
for ( final PopOverListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( popOverListeners ) )
listener.reopened ( this );
* Informs that user dragged WebPopOver so that it became unattached from invoker component.
public void fireDetached ()
for ( final PopOverListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( popOverListeners ) )
listener.detached ( this );
* Informs that WebPopOver was closed due to losing focus or some other cause.
public void fireClosed ()
for ( final PopOverListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( popOverListeners ) )
listener.closedWebPopOver ( this );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PopOverAdapter onOpen ( final PopOverEventRunnable runnable )
return EventUtils.onOpen ( this, runnable );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PopOverAdapter onReopen ( final PopOverEventRunnable runnable )
return EventUtils.onReopen ( this, runnable );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PopOverAdapter onDetach ( final PopOverEventRunnable runnable )
return EventUtils.onDetach ( this, runnable );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PopOverAdapter onClose ( final PopOverEventRunnable runnable )
return EventUtils.onClose ( this, runnable );