* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.extended.tree;
import com.alee.extended.tree.sample.SampleAsyncDataProvider;
import com.alee.extended.tree.sample.SampleTreeCellEditor;
import com.alee.extended.tree.sample.SampleTreeCellRenderer;
import com.alee.laf.tree.WebTree;
import com.alee.laf.tree.WebTreeCellEditor;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.compare.Filter;
import com.alee.utils.swing.CellEditorAdapter;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellEditor;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* This class provides a custom tree with asynchronous childs loading.
* All you need is to provide a custom AsyncTreeDataProvider for the new WebAsyncTree instance.
* @param <E> tree nodes type
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see <a href="https://github.com/mgarin/weblaf/wiki/How-to-use-WebAsyncTree">How to use WebAsyncTree</a>
* @see com.alee.extended.tree.AsyncTreeModel
* @see com.alee.extended.tree.AsyncTreeDataProvider
public class WebAsyncTree<E extends AsyncUniqueNode> extends WebTree<E> implements AsyncTreeModelListener<E>
* todo 1. Allow adding async tree listener for specific node/nodeId listening
* General lock.
protected static final Object lock = new Object ();
* Asynchronous tree listeners lock object.
protected final Object listenersLock = new Object ();
* Asynchronous tree listeners.
protected List<AsyncTreeListener> asyncTreeListeners = new ArrayList<AsyncTreeListener> ( 1 );
* Sync loading methods and option lock.
protected final Object syncLoadingLock = new Object ();
* Whether to load childs asynchronously or not.
protected boolean asyncLoading = true;
* Tree nodes comparator.
protected Comparator<E> comparator;
* Tree nodes filter.
protected Filter<E> filter;
* Special cell editor listener.
* It updates filtering and sorting after editing has finished.
protected CellEditorAdapter cellEditorAdapter;
* Constructs sample asynchronous tree.
public WebAsyncTree ()
super ();
// Installing sample data provider
setDataProvider ( new SampleAsyncDataProvider () );
setAsyncLoading ( true );
// Tree cell renderer & editor
setCellRenderer ( new SampleTreeCellRenderer () );
setCellEditor ( new SampleTreeCellEditor () );
* Costructs asynchronous tree using data from the custom data provider.
* @param dataProvider custom data provider
public WebAsyncTree ( final AsyncTreeDataProvider dataProvider )
super ();
// Installing data provider
setDataProvider ( dataProvider );
// Tree cell renderer & editor
setCellRenderer ( new WebAsyncTreeCellRenderer () );
setCellEditor ( new WebTreeCellEditor () );
* Returns whether childs are loaded asynchronously or not.
* @return true if childs are loaded asynchronously, false otherwise
public boolean isAsyncLoading ()
return asyncLoading;
* Sets whether to load childs asynchronously or not.
* @param asyncLoading whether to load childs asynchronously or not
public void setAsyncLoading ( final boolean asyncLoading )
synchronized ( syncLoadingLock != null ? syncLoadingLock : lock )
this.asyncLoading = asyncLoading;
if ( isAsyncModel () )
getAsyncModel ().setAsyncLoading ( asyncLoading );
* Returns asynchronous tree data provider.
* @return data provider
public AsyncTreeDataProvider<E> getDataProvider ()
final TreeModel model = getModel ();
return model != null && model instanceof AsyncTreeModel ? getAsyncModel ().getDataProvider () : null;
* Changes data provider for this asynchronous tree.
* @param dataProvider new data provider
public void setDataProvider ( final AsyncTreeDataProvider dataProvider )
if ( dataProvider != null )
final AsyncTreeDataProvider<E> oldDataProvider = getDataProvider ();
setModel ( new AsyncTreeModel<E> ( this, dataProvider ) );
firePropertyChange ( TREE_DATA_PROVIDER_PROPERTY, oldDataProvider, dataProvider );
* Returns tree nodes comparator.
* @return tree nodes comparator
public Comparator<E> getComparator ()
return comparator;
* Sets tree nodes comparator.
* Comparator replacement will automatically update all loaded nodes sorting.
* @param comparator tree nodes comparator
public void setComparator ( final Comparator<E> comparator )
final Comparator<E> oldComparator = this.comparator;
this.comparator = comparator;
final AsyncTreeDataProvider dataProvider = getDataProvider ();
if ( dataProvider instanceof AbstractAsyncTreeDataProvider )
( ( AbstractAsyncTreeDataProvider ) dataProvider ).setChildsComparator ( comparator );
updateSortingAndFiltering ();
firePropertyChange ( TREE_COMPARATOR_PROPERTY, oldComparator, comparator );
* Removes any applied tree nodes comparator.
public void clearComparator ()
setComparator ( null );
* Returns tree nodes filter.
* @return tree nodes filter
public Filter<E> getFilter ()
return filter;
* Sets tree nodes filter.
* Comparator replacement will automatically re-filter all loaded nodes.
* @param filter tree nodes filter
public void setFilter ( final Filter<E> filter )
final Filter<E> oldFilter = this.filter;
this.filter = filter;
final AsyncTreeDataProvider dataProvider = getDataProvider ();
if ( dataProvider instanceof AbstractAsyncTreeDataProvider )
( ( AbstractAsyncTreeDataProvider ) dataProvider ).setChildsFilter ( filter );
updateSortingAndFiltering ();
firePropertyChange ( TREE_FILTER_PROPERTY, oldFilter, filter );
* Removes any applied tree nodes filter.
public void clearFilter ()
setFilter ( null );
* Updates nodes sorting and filtering for all loaded nodes.
public void updateSortingAndFiltering ()
getAsyncModel ().updateSortingAndFiltering ();
* Updates sorting and filtering for the specified node childs.
public void updateSortingAndFiltering ( final E node )
getAsyncModel ().updateSortingAndFiltering ( node );
* Sets the TreeModel that will provide the data.
* This method also adds async tree model listener in the provided model.
* @param newModel the TreeModel that is to provide the data
public void setModel ( final TreeModel newModel )
// Removing AsyncTreeModelListener from old model
if ( getModel () instanceof AsyncTreeModel )
getAsyncModel ().removeAsyncTreeModelListener ( this );
// Adding AsyncTreeModelListener into new model
if ( newModel instanceof AsyncTreeModel )
synchronized ( syncLoadingLock != null ? syncLoadingLock : lock )
final AsyncTreeModel model = ( AsyncTreeModel ) newModel;
model.setAsyncLoading ( asyncLoading );
model.addAsyncTreeModelListener ( this );
super.setModel ( newModel );
* Sets the cell editor for this tree.
* This method also adds cell editor listener in the provided model.
* @param cellEditor cell editor
public void setCellEditor ( final TreeCellEditor cellEditor )
// Removing cell editor listener from old cell editor
if ( this.cellEditor != null )
this.cellEditor.removeCellEditorListener ( cellEditorAdapter );
// Adding cell editor to the tree
super.setCellEditor ( cellEditor );
// Adding cell editor listener to new cell editor
if ( cellEditor != null )
cellEditorAdapter = new CellEditorAdapter ()
public void editingStopped ( final ChangeEvent e )
// Updating tree sorting and filtering for parent of the edited node
final E node = ( E ) cellEditor.getCellEditorValue ();
updateSortingAndFiltering ( ( E ) node.getParent () );
// // Performing data update in a proper separate thread as it might take some time
// if ( dataUpdater != null )
// {
// AsyncTreeQueue.execute ( WebAsyncTree.this, new Runnable ()
// {
// @Override
// public void run ()
// {
// dataUpdater.nodeRenamed ( node, new Runnable ()
// {
// @Override
// public void run ()
// {
// //
// }
// } );
// }
// } );
// }
cellEditor.addCellEditorListener ( cellEditorAdapter );
* Returns asynchronous tree model.
* @return asynchronous tree model
public AsyncTreeModel<E> getAsyncModel ()
return ( AsyncTreeModel<E> ) getModel ();
* Returns whether asynchronous tree model is installed or not.
* @return true if asynchronous tree model is installed, false otherwise
public boolean isAsyncModel ()
final TreeModel model = getModel ();
return model != null && model instanceof AsyncTreeModel;
* Sets maximum threads amount for this asynchronous tree.
* Separate threads are used for childs loading, data updates and other actions which should be performed asynchronously.
* @param amount new maximum threads amount
public void setMaximumThreadsAmount ( final int amount )
AsyncTreeQueue.setMaximumThreadsAmount ( this, amount );
* Sets child nodes for the specified node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* It will also cause node to change its state to loaded and it will not retrieve childs from data provider unless reload is called.
* @param parent node to process
* @param children new node children
public void setChildNodes ( final E parent, final List<E> children )
getAsyncModel ().setChildNodes ( parent, children );
* Adds child node for the specified node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* Be aware that added node will not be displayed if parent node is not yet loaded, this is a strict restriction for async tree.
* @param parent node to process
* @param child new node child
public void addChildNode ( final E parent, final E child )
getAsyncModel ().addChildNodes ( parent, Arrays.asList ( child ) );
* Adds child nodes for the specified node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* Be aware that added nodes will not be displayed if parent node is not yet loaded, this is a strict restriction for async tree.
* @param parent node to process
* @param children new node children
public void addChildNodes ( final E parent, final List<E> children )
getAsyncModel ().addChildNodes ( parent, children );
* Inserts a list of child nodes into parent node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* Be aware that added nodes will not be displayed if parent node is not yet loaded, this is a strict restriction for async tree.
* @param children list of new child nodes
* @param parent parent node
* @param index insert index
public void insertChildNodes ( final List<E> children, final E parent, final int index )
getAsyncModel ().insertNodesInto ( children, parent, index );
* Inserts an array of child nodes into parent node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* Be aware that added nodes will not be displayed if parent node is not yet loaded, this is a strict restriction for async tree.
* @param children array of new child nodes
* @param parent parent node
* @param index insert index
public void insertChildNodes ( final E[] children, final E parent, final int index )
getAsyncModel ().insertNodesInto ( children, parent, index );
* Inserts child node into parent node.
* This method might be used to manually change tree node childs without causing any structure corruptions.
* @param child new child node
* @param parent parent node
* @param index insert index
public void insertChildNode ( final E child, final E parent, final int index )
getAsyncModel ().insertNodeInto ( child, parent, index );
* Removes node with the specified ID from tree structure.
* This method will have effect only if node exists.
* @param nodeId ID of the node to remove
* @return true if tree structure was changed by the operation, false otherwise
public boolean removeNode ( final String nodeId )
return removeNode ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Removes node from tree structure.
* This method will have effect only if node exists.
* @param node node to remove
* @return true if tree structure was changed by the operation, false otherwise
public boolean removeNode ( final E node )
final boolean exists = node != null && node.getParent () != null;
if ( exists )
getAsyncModel ().removeNodeFromParent ( node );
return exists;
* Removes nodes from tree structure.
* This method will have effect only if nodes exist.
* @param nodes list of nodes to remove
public void removeNodes ( final List<E> nodes )
getAsyncModel ().removeNodesFromParent ( nodes );
* Removes nodes from tree structure.
* This method will have effect only if nodes exist.
* @param nodes array of nodes to remove
public void removeNodes ( final E[] nodes )
getAsyncModel ().removeNodesFromParent ( nodes );
* Returns whether childs for the specified node are already loaded or not.
* @param parent node to process
* @return true if childs for the specified node are already loaded, false otherwise
public boolean areChildsLoaded ( final E parent )
return getAsyncModel ().areChildsLoaded ( parent );
* Looks for the node with the specified ID in the tree model and returns it or null if it was not found.
* @param nodeId node ID
* @return node with the specified ID or null if it was not found
public E findNode ( final String nodeId )
return getAsyncModel ().findNode ( nodeId );
* Forces tree node with the specified ID to be updated.
* @param nodeId ID of the tree node to be updated
public void updateNode ( final String nodeId )
updateNode ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Forces tree node to be updated.
* @param node tree node to be updated
public void updateNode ( final E node )
getAsyncModel ().updateNode ( node );
// todo Should actually perform this here (but need to improve filter interface methods - add cache clear methods)
// updateSortingAndFiltering ( ( E ) node.getParent () );
* Forces tree node structure with the specified ID to be updated.
* @param nodeId ID of the tree node to be updated
public void updateNodeStructure ( final String nodeId )
updateNodeStructure ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Forces tree node structure with the specified ID to be updated.
* @param node tree node to be updated
public void updateNodeStructure ( final E node )
getAsyncModel ().updateNodeStructure ( node );
* Reloads selected node childs.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
public void reloadSelectedNodesSync ()
synchronized ( syncLoadingLock != null ? syncLoadingLock : lock )
final boolean async = isAsyncLoading ();
setAsyncLoading ( false );
reloadSelectedNodes ();
setAsyncLoading ( async );
* Reloads selected node childs.
public void reloadSelectedNodes ()
// Checking that selection is not empty
final TreePath[] paths = getSelectionPaths ();
if ( paths != null )
// Reloading all selected nodes
for ( final TreePath path : paths )
// Checking if node is not null and not busy yet
final E node = getNodeForPath ( path );
if ( node != null && !node.isLoading () )
// Reloading node childs
performReload ( node, path, false );
* Reloads node under the specified point.
* @param point point to look for node
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNodeUnderPoint ( final Point point )
return reloadNodeUnderPoint ( point.x, point.y );
* Reloads node under the specified point.
* @param x point X coordinate
* @param y point Y coordinate
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNodeUnderPoint ( final int x, final int y )
return reloadPath ( getPathForLocation ( x, y ) );
* Reloads node with the specified ID.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
* @param nodeId ID of the node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNodeSync ( final String nodeId )
return reloadNodeSync ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Reloads specified node childs.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
* @param node node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNodeSync ( final E node )
return reloadNodeSync ( node, false );
* Reloads specified node childs and selects it if requested.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
* @param node node to reload
* @param select whether select the node or not
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNodeSync ( final E node, final boolean select )
synchronized ( syncLoadingLock != null ? syncLoadingLock : lock )
final boolean async = isAsyncLoading ();
setAsyncLoading ( false );
reloadNode ( node, select );
setAsyncLoading ( async );
return node;
* Reloads root node childs.
* @return reloaded root node
public E reloadRootNode ()
return reloadNode ( getRootNode () );
* Reloads node with the specified ID.
* @param nodeId ID of the node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNode ( final String nodeId )
return reloadNode ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Reloads specified node childs.
* @param node node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNode ( final E node )
return reloadNode ( node, false );
* Reloads specified node childs and selects it if requested.
* @param node node to reload
* @param select whether select the node or not
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadNode ( final E node, final boolean select )
// Checking that node is not null
if ( node != null && !node.isLoading () )
// Reloading node childs
performReload ( node, getPathForNode ( node ), select );
return node;
return null;
* Reloads node childs at the specified path.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
* @param path path of the node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadPathSync ( final TreePath path )
return reloadPathSync ( path, false );
* Reloads node childs at the specified path and selects it if needed.
* Unlike asynchronous methods this one works in EDT and forces to wait until the nodes load finishes.
* @param path path of the node to reload
* @param select whether select the node or not
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadPathSync ( final TreePath path, final boolean select )
synchronized ( syncLoadingLock != null ? syncLoadingLock : lock )
final boolean async = isAsyncLoading ();
setAsyncLoading ( false );
final E node = reloadPath ( path, select );
setAsyncLoading ( async );
return node;
* Reloads node childs at the specified path.
* @param path path of the node to reload
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadPath ( final TreePath path )
return reloadPath ( path, false );
* Reloads node childs at the specified path and selects it if needed.
* @param path path of the node to reload
* @param select whether select the node or not
* @return reloaded node or null if none reloaded
public E reloadPath ( final TreePath path, final boolean select )
// Checking that path is not null
if ( path != null )
// Checking if node is not null and not busy yet
final E node = getNodeForPath ( path );
if ( node != null && !node.isLoading () )
// Reloading node childs
performReload ( node, path, select );
return node;
return null;
* Performs the actual reload call.
* @param node node to reload
* @param path path to node
* @param select whether select the node or not
protected void performReload ( final E node, final TreePath path, final boolean select )
// Select node under the mouse
if ( select && !isPathSelected ( path ) )
setSelectionPath ( path );
// Expand the selected node since the collapsed node will ignore reload call
// In case the node childs were not loaded yet this call will cause it to load childs
if ( !isExpanded ( path ) )
expandPath ( path );
// Reload selected node childs
// This won't be called if node was not loaded yet since expand would call load before
if ( node != null && !node.isLoading () )
getAsyncModel ().reload ( node );
* Expands node with the specified ID.
* @param nodeId ID of the node to expand
public void expandNode ( final String nodeId )
expandNode ( findNode ( nodeId ) );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds )
expandPath ( pathNodeIds, true, true, null );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
* @param listener async path expansion listener
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds, final AsyncPathExpansionListener listener )
expandPath ( pathNodeIds, true, true, listener );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds, final boolean expandLastNode )
expandPath ( pathNodeIds, expandLastNode, true, null );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
* @param listener async path expansion listener
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds, final boolean expandLastNode, final AsyncPathExpansionListener listener )
expandPath ( pathNodeIds, expandLastNode, true, listener );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
* @param selectLastNode whether should select last found path node or not
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds, final boolean expandLastNode, final boolean selectLastNode )
expandPath ( pathNodeIds, expandLastNode, selectLastNode, null );
* Expands path using the specified node path IDs.
* IDs are used to find real nodes within the expanded roots.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param pathNodeIds node path IDs
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
* @param selectLastNode whether should select last found path node or not
* @param listener async path expansion listener
public void expandPath ( final List<String> pathNodeIds, final boolean expandLastNode, final boolean selectLastNode,
final AsyncPathExpansionListener listener )
final List<String> ids = CollectionUtils.copy ( pathNodeIds );
for ( int initial = 0; initial < ids.size (); initial++ )
final E initialNode = findNode ( ids.get ( initial ) );
if ( initialNode != null )
for ( int i = 0; i <= initial; i++ )
ids.remove ( i );
if ( ids.size () > 0 )
expandPathImpl ( initialNode, ids, expandLastNode, selectLastNode, listener );
// Informing listener that path failed to expand
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathFailedToExpand ();
* Performs a single path node expansion.
* Be aware that operation might stop even before reaching the end of the path if something unexpected happened.
* @param currentNode last reached node
* @param leftToExpand node path IDs left for expansion
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
* @param selectLastNode whether should select last found path node or not
* @param listener async path expansion listener
protected void expandPathImpl ( final E currentNode, final List<String> leftToExpand, final boolean expandLastNode,
final boolean selectLastNode, final AsyncPathExpansionListener listener )
// There is still more to load
if ( leftToExpand.size () > 0 )
if ( currentNode.isLoaded () )
// Expanding already loaded node
expandNode ( currentNode );
// Informing listener that one of path nodes was just expanded
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathNodeExpanded ( currentNode );
// Retrieving next node
final E nextNode = findNode ( leftToExpand.get ( 0 ) );
leftToExpand.remove ( 0 );
// If node exists continue expanding path
if ( nextNode != null )
expandPathImpl ( nextNode, leftToExpand, expandLastNode, selectLastNode, listener );
expandPathEndImpl ( currentNode, expandLastNode, selectLastNode );
// Informing listener that path was expanded as much as it was possible
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathPartiallyExpanded ( currentNode );
// Adding node expansion listener
addAsyncTreeListener ( new AsyncTreeAdapter ()
public void childsLoadCompleted ( final AsyncUniqueNode parent, final List childs )
if ( parent.getId ().equals ( currentNode.getId () ) )
removeAsyncTreeListener ( this );
// Informing listener that one of path nodes was just expanded
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathNodeExpanded ( currentNode );
// Retrieving next node
final E nextNode = findNode ( leftToExpand.get ( 0 ) );
leftToExpand.remove ( 0 );
// If node exists continue expanding path
if ( nextNode != null )
expandPathImpl ( nextNode, leftToExpand, expandLastNode, selectLastNode, listener );
expandPathEndImpl ( currentNode, expandLastNode, selectLastNode );
// Informing listener that path was expanded as much as it was possible
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathPartiallyExpanded ( currentNode );
public void childsLoadFailed ( final AsyncUniqueNode parent, final Throwable cause )
if ( parent.getId ().equals ( currentNode.getId () ) )
removeAsyncTreeListener ( this );
expandPathEndImpl ( currentNode, expandLastNode, selectLastNode );
// Informing listener that path was expanded as much as it was possible
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathPartiallyExpanded ( currentNode );
} );
expandNode ( currentNode );
expandPathEndImpl ( currentNode, expandLastNode, selectLastNode );
// todo Maybe wait till last node expands?
// Informing listener that path was fully expanded
if ( listener != null )
listener.pathExpanded ( currentNode );
* Finishes async tree path expansion.
* @param lastFoundNode last found path node
* @param expandLastNode whether should expand last found path node or not
* @param selectLastNode whether should select last found path node or not
protected void expandPathEndImpl ( final E lastFoundNode, final boolean expandLastNode, final boolean selectLastNode )
if ( selectLastNode )
setSelectedNode ( lastFoundNode );
if ( expandLastNode )
expandNode ( lastFoundNode );
* Expands all visible tree rows in a single call.
* <p/>
* This method provides similar functionality to WebTree expandAll method and will actually expand all tree elements - even those which
* are not yet loaded from data provider. Make sure you know what you are doing before calling this method.
public final void expandAll ()
if ( isAsyncLoading () )
for ( int i = getRowCount () - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
final TreePath path = getPathForRow ( i );
if ( !getModel ().isLeaf ( getNodeForPath ( path ) ) )
performFullPathExpand ( path );
super.expandAll ();
* Expands path right away (if node childs were loaded atleast once before or not) or asynchronously.
* @param path path to expand
protected void performFullPathExpand ( final TreePath path )
if ( hasBeenExpanded ( path ) )
performFullSyncPathExpand ( path );
performFullAsyncPathExpand ( path );
* Expands path right away.
* @param path path to expand
protected void performFullSyncPathExpand ( final TreePath path )
// Expand path
expandPath ( path );
// Expand sub-paths
final E node = getNodeForPath ( path );
for ( int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount (); i++ )
performFullPathExpand ( getPathForNode ( ( E ) node.getChildAt ( i ) ) );
* Expands path asynchronously.
* @param path path to expand
protected void performFullAsyncPathExpand ( final TreePath path )
// Add path expand listener first to get notified when this path will be expanded
addAsyncTreeListener ( new AsyncTreeAdapter<E> ()
public void childsLoadCompleted ( final E parent, final List<E> childs )
if ( parent == getNodeForPath ( path ) )
for ( final E child : childs )
performFullPathExpand ( child.getTreePath () );
removeAsyncTreeListener ( this );
public void childsLoadFailed ( final E parent, final Throwable cause )
if ( parent == getNodeForPath ( path ) )
removeAsyncTreeListener ( this );
} );
// Force path to expand
expandPath ( path );
* Returns all available asynchronous tree listeners list.
* @return asynchronous tree listeners list
public List<AsyncTreeListener> getAsyncTreeListeners ()
synchronized ( listenersLock )
return CollectionUtils.copy ( asyncTreeListeners );
* Adds new asynchronous tree listener.
* @param listener asynchronous tree listener to add
public void addAsyncTreeListener ( final AsyncTreeListener listener )
synchronized ( listenersLock )
asyncTreeListeners.add ( listener );
* Removes asynchronous tree listener.
* @param listener asynchronous tree listener to remove
public void removeAsyncTreeListener ( final AsyncTreeListener listener )
synchronized ( listenersLock )
asyncTreeListeners.remove ( listener );
* Invoked when childs load operation starts.
* @param parent node which childs are being loaded
public void childsLoadStarted ( final E parent )
fireChildsLoadStarted ( parent );
* Fires childs load start event.
* @param parent node which childs are being loaded
protected void fireChildsLoadStarted ( final E parent )
final List<AsyncTreeListener> listeners;
synchronized ( listenersLock )
listeners = CollectionUtils.copy ( asyncTreeListeners );
for ( final AsyncTreeListener listener : listeners )
listener.childsLoadStarted ( parent );
* Invoked when childs load operation finishes.
* @param parent node which childs were loaded
* @param childs loaded child nodes
public void childsLoadCompleted ( final E parent, final List<E> childs )
fireChildsLoadCompleted ( parent, childs );
* Fires childs load complete event.
* @param parent node which childs were loaded
* @param childs loaded child nodes
protected void fireChildsLoadCompleted ( final E parent, final List<E> childs )
final List<AsyncTreeListener> listeners;
synchronized ( listenersLock )
listeners = CollectionUtils.copy ( asyncTreeListeners );
for ( final AsyncTreeListener listener : listeners )
listener.childsLoadCompleted ( parent, childs );
* Invoked when childs load operation fails.
* @param parent node which childs were loaded
* @param cause childs load failure cause
public void childsLoadFailed ( final E parent, final Throwable cause )
fireChildsLoadFailed ( parent, cause );
* Fires childs load complete event.
* @param parent node which childs were loaded
* @param cause childs load failure cause
protected void fireChildsLoadFailed ( final E parent, final Throwable cause )
final List<AsyncTreeListener> listeners;
synchronized ( listenersLock )
listeners = CollectionUtils.copy ( asyncTreeListeners );
for ( final AsyncTreeListener listener : listeners )
listener.childsLoadFailed ( parent, cause );