* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.extended.transition;
import com.alee.extended.layout.StackLayout;
import com.alee.extended.transition.effects.TransitionEffect;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* User: mgarin Date: 26.10.11 Time: 12:57
public class ComponentTransition extends WebPanel
// Transition listeners
protected List<TransitionListener> transitionListeners = new ArrayList<TransitionListener> ( 1 );
// Whether should restore focus after transition or not
protected boolean restoreFocus = true;
// Variables
protected boolean animating = false;
// Current transition
protected ImageTransition transition = null;
// Added effects
protected List<TransitionEffect> transitionEffects = null;
// Last component
protected Component lastContent;
public ComponentTransition ()
this ( ( Component ) null );
public ComponentTransition ( final Component content )
this ( content, null );
public ComponentTransition ( final TransitionEffect transitionEffect )
this ( null, transitionEffect );
public ComponentTransition ( final Component content, final TransitionEffect transitionEffect )
// Special layout allowing double content
super ( new StackLayout () );
setFocusable ( false );
// Transition effect
setTransitionEffect ( transitionEffect );
// Add initial content
lastContent = content;
if ( content != null )
add ( content );
public boolean isRestoreFocus ()
return restoreFocus;
public void setRestoreFocus ( final boolean restoreFocus )
this.restoreFocus = restoreFocus;
* Operations with content
public Component getContent ()
return getComponentCount () > 0 ? getComponent ( 0 ) : null;
public void setContent ( final Component content )
if ( !isAnimating () )
lastContent = content;
removeAll ();
add ( content );
revalidate ();
repaint ();
* Instant transition
public void performTransition ( final Component content )
SwingUtils.invokeLater ( new Runnable ()
public void run ()
performTransitionImpl ( content );
} );
* Delayed transition
public void delayTransition ( final long delay, final Component content )
SwingUtils.delayInvokeLater ( delay, new Runnable ()
public void run ()
performTransitionImpl ( content );
} );
* Transition call
protected void performTransitionImpl ( final Component content )
// Ignore repeated change or change to same content
if ( lastContent == content )
// Remember new content to which area is switched
lastContent = content;
// When animation disabled or component is not shown performing transition instantly
if ( !canAnimate () )
finishTransitionImpl ( content );
// Check for old transition
if ( transition != null )
if ( isAnimating () )
// Cancel old transition if it is already running
transition.cancelTransition ();
// Block transition if it has not yet started
transition.setBlocked ( true );
// Marking new transition start
animating = true;
// Width and height
final int width = getWidth ();
final int height = getHeight ();
// Current content image
final BufferedImage currentSnapshot;
if ( transition != null )
currentSnapshot = transition.getOtherImage ();
final Component currentContent = getComponentCount () > 0 ? getComponent ( 0 ) : null;
currentSnapshot = SwingUtils.createComponentSnapshot ( currentContent, width, height );
// Enabling focus for transition time so you can focus the panel
// It will transfer focus onto inner components (or next, if no focusable inner components available) when transition ends
setFocusable ( true );
// Passing the focus from subcomponents onto the transition panel
if ( restoreFocus && SwingUtils.hasFocusOwner ( ComponentTransition.this ) )
// Focus handler required to wait for focus change
// This is required to handle focus properly and have atleast one component focused withing window of calendar
// Otherwise focus will be lost and window may become "bugged" and may require additiona user actions in some cases
final FocusAdapter focusHandle = new FocusAdapter ()
public void focusGained ( final FocusEvent e )
removeFocusListener ( this );
continueTransitionImpl ( content, width, height, currentSnapshot );
addFocusListener ( focusHandle );
// Requesting focus into transition panel
if ( !ComponentTransition.this.requestFocusInWindow () )
// Request focus failed, continue without changing focus
removeFocusListener ( focusHandle );
continueTransitionImpl ( content, width, height, currentSnapshot );
continueTransitionImpl ( content, width, height, currentSnapshot );
protected boolean canAnimate ()
return getTransitionEffect () != null && isShowing ();
protected void continueTransitionImpl ( final Component content, final int width, final int height,
final BufferedImage currentSnapshot )
// New content image
removeAll ();
if ( content != null )
add ( content, StackLayout.HIDDEN );
// Creating snapshot before removing all components
final BufferedImage otherSnapshot = SwingUtils.createComponentSnapshot ( content, width, height );
// Transition panel
removeAll ();
transition = new ImageTransition ( currentSnapshot, otherSnapshot );
transition.setTransitionEffects ( transitionEffects );
add ( transition );
revalidate ();
repaint ();
// After-transition actions
transition.addTransitionListener ( new TransitionListener ()
public void transitionStarted ()
fireTransitionStarted ();
public void transitionFinished ()
finishTransitionImpl ( content );
} );
// Start transition
transition.performTransition ();
protected void finishTransitionImpl ( final Component content )
// Destroying all image links
this.removeAll ();
// Adding final content to area
if ( content != null )
this.add ( content );
this.revalidate ();
this.repaint ();
animating = false;
// Returning focus back into content and disabling focus
if ( isFocusOwner () )
transferFocus ();
setFocusable ( false );
// Cleaning collapse animation resourcs
if ( transition != null )
transition.destroy ();
transition = null;
// Informing listeners
fireTransitionFinished ();
public boolean isAnimating ()
return animating;
public List<TransitionEffect> getTransitionEffects ()
return transitionEffects;
public TransitionEffect getTransitionEffect ()
return transitionEffects != null && transitionEffects.size () > 0 ? transitionEffects.get ( 0 ) : null;
public void addTransitionEffect ( final TransitionEffect transitionEffect )
if ( transitionEffects == null )
transitionEffects = new ArrayList<TransitionEffect> ();
transitionEffects.add ( transitionEffect );
public void clearTransitionEffects ()
if ( transitionEffects != null )
transitionEffects = null;
public void removeTransitionEffect ( final TransitionEffect transitionEffect )
if ( transitionEffects != null )
transitionEffects.remove ( transitionEffect );
public void setTransitionEffect ( final TransitionEffect transitionEffect )
transitionEffects = transitionEffect != null ? CollectionUtils.copy ( transitionEffect ) : null;
public void setTransitionEffects ( final List<TransitionEffect> transitionEffects )
this.transitionEffects = transitionEffects;
public void setTransitionEffects ( final TransitionEffect... transitionEffects )
this.transitionEffects = transitionEffects != null ? CollectionUtils.copy ( transitionEffects ) : null;
public void addTransitionListener ( final TransitionListener listener )
transitionListeners.add ( listener );
public void removeTransitionListener ( final TransitionListener listener )
transitionListeners.remove ( listener );
public void fireTransitionStarted ()
for ( final TransitionListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( transitionListeners ) )
listener.transitionStarted ();
public void fireTransitionFinished ()
for ( final TransitionListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( transitionListeners ) )
listener.transitionFinished ();