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* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library.  If not, see <>.


import com.alee.laf.splitpane.WebSplitPane;
import com.alee.laf.tabbedpane.TabbedPaneStyle;
import com.alee.laf.tabbedpane.WebTabbedPane;
import com.alee.managers.focus.DefaultFocusTracker;
import com.alee.managers.focus.FocusManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.Hotkey;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyRunnable;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.SwingUtils;
import com.alee.utils.swing.Customizer;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* Data for single tabbed pane within document pane.
* It basically contains tabbed pane and opened documents list.
* @author Mikle Garin
* @see <a href="">How to use WebDocumentPane</a>
* @see

public final class PaneData<T extends DocumentData> implements StructureData<T>, SwingConstants
     * WebDocumentPane this PaneData belongs to.
     * Referenced to properly act when WebDocumentPane is required to retrieve customizers or perform any operation.
    protected WebDocumentPane<T> documentPane;

     * Actual tabbed pane component.
    protected final WebTabbedPane tabbedPane;

     * Pane focus tracker.
    protected final DefaultFocusTracker focusTracker;

     * Pane documents.
    protected List<T> data = new ArrayList<T> ();

     * Constructs new PaneData for the specified WebDocumentPane.
     * @param documentPane parent WebDocumentPane
    public PaneData ( final WebDocumentPane<T> documentPane )
        super ();

        // Parent document pane reference
        this.documentPane = documentPane;

        // Creating tabbed pane
        tabbedPane = new WebTabbedPane ( TabbedPaneStyle.attached );
        tabbedPane.putClientProperty ( WebDocumentPane.DATA_KEY, this );
        //        tabbedPane.setMinimumSize ( new Dimension ( 0, 0 ) );

        // Customizing tabbed pane
        updateTabbedPaneCustomizer ( documentPane );

        // Some hotkeys
        HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( tabbedPane, tabbedPane, Hotkey.CTRL_W, new HotkeyRunnable ()
            public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
                closeSelected ();
        } );

        // Tab drag
        DocumentDragHandler.install ( this );

        // Activating document pane on
        tabbedPane.addChangeListener ( new ChangeListener ()
            public void stateChanged ( final ChangeEvent e )
                checkSelection ();
        } );

        // Tab menu
        tabbedPane.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
            public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
                if ( SwingUtils.isMiddleMouseButton ( e ) )
                    if ( getDocumentPane ().isCloseable () )
                        final int index = tabbedPane.getTabAt ( e.getPoint () );
                        if ( index != -1 )
                            final T document = get ( index );
                            if ( document.isCloseable () )
                                close ( document );
                else if ( SwingUtils.isPopupTrigger ( e ) )
                    // Checking that menu is enabled
                    final WebDocumentPane documentPane = getDocumentPane ();
                    if ( !documentPane.isTabMenuEnabled () )

                    // Checking that user actually clicked on a tab
                    final int index = tabbedPane.getTabAt ( e.getPoint () );
                    if ( index == -1 )

                    // Variables
                    final T document = get ( index );
                    final boolean csb = documentPane.isCloseable () && document.isCloseable ();
                    final boolean ocsb = documentPane.isCloseable () && data.size () > 1;
                    final boolean spb = data.size () > 1 && documentPane.isSplitEnabled ();
                    final boolean spl = tabbedPane.getParent () instanceof WebSplitPane;
                    final boolean hor =
                            spl && ( ( WebSplitPane ) tabbedPane.getParent () ).getOrientation () == WebSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT;

                    // Creating popup menu
                    final PopupMenuGenerator pmg = new PopupMenuGenerator ( "document-pane-menu" );
                    pmg.setIconSettings ( PaneData.class, "icons/menu/", ".png" );
                    pmg.setLanguagePrefix ( "weblaf.ex.docpane" );
                    pmg.addItem ( "close", "close", Hotkey.CTRL_W, csb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            close ( get ( index ) );
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( "closeOthers", "closeOthers", ocsb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            closeOthers ( get ( index ) );
                    } );
                    pmg.addSeparator ();
                    pmg.addItem ( "left", "left", spb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            split ( document, LEFT );
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( "right", "right", spb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            split ( document, RIGHT );
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( "top", "top", spb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            split ( document, TOP );
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( "bottom", "bottom", spb, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            split ( document, BOTTOM );
                    } );
                    pmg.addSeparator ();
                    pmg.addItem ( "rotate", "rotate", spl, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            rotate ();
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( hor ? "swapHor" : "swapVer", "swap", spl, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            swap ();
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( hor ? "unsplitHor" : "unsplitVer", "unsplit", spl, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            merge ();
                    } );
                    pmg.addItem ( "unsplit", "unsplitall", spl, new ActionListener ()
                        public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
                            mergeAll ();
                    } );

                    // Displaying popup menu
                    final WebPopupMenu menu = pmg.getMenu ();
                    final Dimension mps = menu.getPreferredSize ();
                    final Rectangle bounds = tabbedPane.getBoundsAt ( index );
           ( tabbedPane, bounds.x + bounds.width / 2 - mps.width / 2,
                            bounds.y + bounds.height - menu.getShadeWidth () + 5 );
        } );

        // Adding focus tracker
        focusTracker = new DefaultFocusTracker ( true )
            public void focusChanged ( final boolean focused )
                if ( focused )
                    activate ();
                checkSelection ();
        FocusManager.addFocusTracker ( tabbedPane, focusTracker );

     * Checks document pane selection.
    public void checkSelection ()
        final WebDocumentPane documentPane = getDocumentPane ();
        if ( documentPane != null )
            documentPane.checkSelection ();

     * Updates tabbed pane customizer.
     * @param documentPane parent WebDocumentPane
    protected void updateTabbedPaneCustomizer ( final WebDocumentPane<T> documentPane )
        final Customizer<WebTabbedPane> customizer = documentPane.getTabbedPaneCustomizer ();
        if ( customizer != null )
            customizer.customize ( tabbedPane );

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Component getComponent ()
        return getTabbedPane ();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PaneData<T> findClosestPane ()
        return this;

     * Returns parent WebDocumentPane.
     * @return parent WebDocumentPane
    public WebDocumentPane getDocumentPane ()
        return documentPane;

     * Sets parent WebDocumentPane reference.
     * @param documentPane parent WebDocumentPane reference
    public void setDocumentPane ( final WebDocumentPane<T> documentPane )
        this.documentPane = documentPane;
        updateTabbedPaneCustomizer ( documentPane );
        updateTabTitleComponents ();

     * Returns actual tabbed pane component.
     * @return actual tabbed pane component
    public WebTabbedPane getTabbedPane ()
        return tabbedPane;

     * Returns pane documents.
     * @return pane documents
    public List<T> getData ()
        return data;

     * Returns pane document IDs.
     * @return pane document IDs
    public List<String> getDocumentIds ()
        final List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String> ( data.size () );
        for ( final T document : data )
            ids.add ( document.getId () );
        return ids;

     * Returns pane documents count.
     * @return pane documents count
    public int count ()
        return data.size ();

     * Returns whether specified document is in this pane or not.
     * @param document document to look for
     * @return true if specified document is in this pane, false otherwise
    public boolean contains ( final T document )
        return contains ( document.getId () );

     * Returns whether document with the specified ID is in this pane or not.
     * @param documentId ID of the document to look for
     * @return true if document with the specified ID is in this pane, false otherwise
    public boolean contains ( final String documentId )
        for ( final T document : data )
            if ( document.getId ().equals ( documentId ) )
                return true;
        return false;

     * Adds new document into this pane.
     * @param document document to add
    public void add ( final T document )
        add ( document, -1 );

     * Adds new document into this pane at the specified index.
     * @param document document to add
     * @param index    index to add at
    public void add ( final T document, final int index )
        final int i = index != -1 ? index : tabbedPane.getTabCount ();
        data.add ( i, document );
        tabbedPane.insertTab ( "", document.getIcon (), document.getComponent (), null, i );
        tabbedPane.setBackgroundAt ( i, document.getBackground () );
        tabbedPane.setTabComponentAt ( i, createTabComponent ( document ) );

        // Listening to document data changes
        document.addListener ( new PaneDataAdapter<T> ( this ) );

     * Returns new tab component.
     * @param document document to create tab component for
     * @return new tab component
    protected JComponent createTabComponent ( final T document )
        return getDocumentPane ().getTabTitleComponentProvider ().createTabTitleComponent ( this, document );

     * Updates all tab title components.
    public void updateTabTitleComponents ()
        for ( final T document : getData () )
            updateTabTitleComponent ( document );

     * Updates tab title component for the specified document.
     * @param document document to update tab title component for
    public void updateTabTitleComponent ( final T document )
        getTabbedPane ().setTabComponentAt ( indexOf ( document ), createTabComponent ( document ) );

     * Updates tab background for the specified document.
     * @param document document to update tab background for
    public void updateTabBackground ( final T document )
        getTabbedPane ().setBackgroundAt ( indexOf ( document ), document.getBackground () );

     * Updates tab view for the specified document.
     * @param document document to update tab view for
    public void updateTabComponent ( final T document )
        getTabbedPane ().setComponentAt ( indexOf ( document ), document.getComponent () );

     * Opens document in this pane.
     * Unlike add method this one informs listeners about opened document.
     * @param document document to open
    public void open ( final T document )
        // Opening document
        add ( document );

        // Informing listeners about document open event
        getDocumentPane ().fireDocumentOpened ( document, this, indexOf ( document ) );

     * Returns pane document at the specified index.
     * @param index document index
     * @return pane document at the specified index
    public T get ( final int index )
        return data.get ( index );

     * Returns pane document with the specified ID.
     * @param id document ID
     * @return pane document with the specified ID
    public T get ( final String id )
        for ( final T document : data )
            if ( document.getId ().equals ( id ) )
                return document;
        return null;

     * Returns pane's selected document.
     * @return pane's selected document
    public T getSelected ()
        final int index = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex ();
        return index != -1 ? data.get ( index ) : null;

     * Returns pane's selected document index.
     * @return pane's selected document index
    public int getSelectedIndex ()
        return tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex ();

     * Sets pane's selected document ID.
     * @param id ID of the document to select
    public void setSelected ( final String id )
        setSelected ( indexOf ( id ) );

     * Sets selected document.
     * @param document document to select
    public void setSelected ( final T document )
        setSelected ( indexOf ( document ) );

     * Sets selected document index.
     * @param index index of the document to select
    public void setSelected ( final int index )
        if ( 0 <= index && index < tabbedPane.getTabCount () )
            tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex ( index );
        else if ( tabbedPane.getTabCount () > 0 )
            tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );

     * Decrements selected document index inside the active pane.
    public void selectPrevious ()
        final int count = count ();
        if ( count > 1 )
            final int selected = getSelectedIndex () - 1;
            setSelected ( selected == -1 ? count - 1 : selected );

     * Increments selected document index inside the active pane.
    public void selectNext ()
        final int count = count ();
        if ( count > 1 )
            final int selected = getSelectedIndex () + 1;
            setSelected ( selected == count ? 0 : selected );

     * Returns index of the document with the specified ID.
     * @param id document ID
     * @return index of the document with the specified ID
    public int indexOf ( final String id )
        return indexOf ( get ( id ) );

     * Returns index of the specified document.
     * @param document document
     * @return index of the specified document
    public int indexOf ( final T document )
        return data.indexOf ( document );

     * Closes document at the specified index in the active pane.
     * @param index index of the document to close
    public boolean remove ( final int index )
        return remove ( get ( index ) );

     * Closes document with the specified ID.
     * @param id ID of the document to close
    public boolean remove ( final String id )
        return remove ( get ( id ) );

     * Closes the specified document.
     * @param document document to close
    public boolean remove ( final T document )
        if ( document != null )
            final int index = indexOf ( document );
            if ( index != -1 )
                document.removeListener ( findDocumentListener ( document ) );
                tabbedPane.remove ( index );
                data.remove ( document );
                return true;
        return false;

     * Returns document listener attached by this pane data class.
     * @param document listened document
     * @return document listener attached by this pane data class
    protected DocumentDataListener<T> findDocumentListener ( final T document )
        final List<DocumentDataListener<T>> listeners = document.getListeners ();
        for ( final DocumentDataListener<T> listener : listeners )
            if ( listener instanceof PaneDataAdapter )
                final PaneData paneData = ( ( PaneDataAdapter ) listener ).getPaneData ();
                if ( paneData == this )
                    return listener;
        return null;

     * Closes all document in this group.
    public void closeAll ()
        for ( final T document : CollectionUtils.copy ( data ) )
            close ( document );

     * Closes document at the specified index in the active pane.
     * @param index index of the document to close
    public boolean close ( final int index )
        return close ( get ( index ) );

     * Closes document with the specified ID.
     * @param id ID of the document to close
    public boolean close ( final String id )
        return close ( get ( id ) );

     * Closes the specified document.
     * @param document document to close
    public boolean close ( final T document )
        if ( document != null )
            final WebDocumentPane documentPane = getDocumentPane ();
            final int index = indexOf ( document );

            // Informing listeners about document closing event
            if ( documentPane.fireDocumentClosing ( document, this, index ) )
                // Closing document and fixing view
                final boolean removed = remove ( document );
                mergeIfEmpty ();

                // Informing listeners about document close event
                documentPane.fireDocumentClosed ( document, this, index );

                return removed;
                return false;
            return false;

     * Closes all documents except the specified one.
     * @param document document to keep opened
    public void closeOthers ( final T document )
        for ( final T doc : CollectionUtils.copy ( data ) )
            if ( doc != document && doc.isCloseable () )
                close ( doc );

     * Closes selected document.
    public void closeSelected ()
        final T selected = getSelected ();
        if ( selected != null )
            close ( selected );

     * Activates this pane within WebDocumentPane.
    public void activate ()
        final WebDocumentPane pane = getDocumentPane ();
        if ( pane != null )
            pane.activate ( PaneData.this );

     * Returns whether this pane is active one within WebDocumentPane or not.
     * @return true if this pane is active one within WebDocumentPane, false otherwise
    public boolean isActive ()
        return getDocumentPane ().getActivePane () == this;

     * Splits the specified document into a separate pane.
     * @param document  document to split
     * @param direction split direction
    public void split ( final T document, final int direction )
        final WebDocumentPane pane = getDocumentPane ();
        if ( pane != null )
            pane.split ( PaneData.this, document, direction );

     * Merges this pane with its neighbour if it is empty.
    public void mergeIfEmpty ()
        if ( count () == 0 )
            merge ();

     * Changes parent split orientation if this pane is located within a split.
    public void rotate ()
        final Container parent = tabbedPane.getParent ();
        if ( parent instanceof WebSplitPane )
            final SplitData<T> splitData = WebDocumentPane.getData ( ( WebSplitPane ) parent );
            splitData.changeOrientation ();

     * Changes parent split sides if this pane is located within a split.
    public void swap ()
        final Container parent = tabbedPane.getParent ();
        if ( parent instanceof WebSplitPane )
            final SplitData<T> splitData = WebDocumentPane.getData ( ( WebSplitPane ) parent );
            splitData.swapSides ();

     * Merges this pane with its neighbour.
    public void merge ()
        final WebDocumentPane documentPane = getDocumentPane ();
        if ( documentPane != null )
            documentPane.merge ( this );

     * Merges all panes within WebDocumentPane.
    public void mergeAll ()
        final WebDocumentPane pane = getDocumentPane ();
        if ( pane != null )
            pane.merge ( pane.getStructureRoot () );

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