* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.extended.filechooser;
import com.alee.extended.drag.FileDragAndDropHandler;
import com.alee.extended.layout.TableLayout;
import com.alee.global.StyleConstants;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebButton;
import com.alee.laf.label.WebLabel;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.utils.CollectionUtils;
import com.alee.utils.DragUtils;
import com.alee.utils.FileUtils;
import com.alee.utils.GraphicsUtils;
import com.alee.utils.swing.AncestorAdapter;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebTimer;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This is a custom panel that represents a single File within any container.
* It is basically used within WebFileDrop component to render selected files.
* @author Mikle Garin
public class WebFilePlate extends WebPanel
public static final ImageIcon CROSS_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebFilePlate.class.getResource ( "icons/cross.png" ) );
protected final List<ActionListener> closeListeners = new ArrayList<ActionListener> ( 1 );
protected boolean showRemoveButton = true;
protected boolean showFileExtensions = false;
protected final boolean animate = StyleConstants.animate;
private boolean dragEnabled = false;
private int dragAction = TransferHandler.MOVE;
protected final File file;
protected WebTimer animator = null;
protected float opacity = 0f;
protected final WebLabel fileName;
protected WebButton remove = null;
public WebFilePlate ( final File file )
this ( file, true );
public WebFilePlate ( final File file, final boolean decorated )
super ( decorated );
this.file = file;
// setPaintFocus ( true );
setMargin ( 0, 3, 0, 0 );
final TableLayout tableLayout =
new TableLayout ( new double[][]{ { TableLayout.FILL, TableLayout.PREFERRED }, { TableLayout.PREFERRED } } );
tableLayout.setHGap ( 0 );
tableLayout.setVGap ( 0 );
setLayout ( tableLayout );
// Displayed file name
fileName = new WebLabel ();
fileName.setMargin ( 0, 0, 0, showRemoveButton ? 1 : 0 );
add ( fileName, "0,0" );
// Updating current file name
updateFileName ();
// Adding remove button if needed
if ( showRemoveButton )
add ( getRemoveButton (), "1,0" );
// Adding appear listener
addAncestorListener ( new AncestorAdapter ()
public void ancestorAdded ( final AncestorEvent event )
if ( animator != null && animator.isRunning () )
animator.stop ();
if ( animate )
animator = new WebTimer ( "WebFilePlate.fadeInTimer", StyleConstants.animationDelay, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
opacity += 0.1f;
if ( opacity < 1f )
WebFilePlate.this.repaint ();
opacity = 1f;
WebFilePlate.this.repaint ();
animator.stop ();
} );
animator.start ();
opacity = 1f;
WebFilePlate.this.repaint ();
} );
// Custom file drag handler
final MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter ()
public boolean doDrag;
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
doDrag = true;
public void mouseDragged ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( doDrag )
final TransferHandler transferHandler = getTransferHandler ();
transferHandler.exportAsDrag ( WebFilePlate.this, e, transferHandler.getSourceActions ( WebFilePlate.this ) );
doDrag = false;
addMouseListener ( ma );
addMouseMotionListener ( ma );
setTransferHandler ( new FileDragAndDropHandler ( true, true )
public boolean isDragEnabled ()
final Container parent = WebFilePlate.this.getParent ();
if ( parent instanceof WebFileDrop )
return ( ( WebFileDrop ) parent ).isFilesDragEnabled ();
return WebFilePlate.this.isDragEnabled ();
public int getDragAction ()
final Container parent = WebFilePlate.this.getParent ();
if ( parent instanceof WebFileDrop )
return ( ( WebFileDrop ) parent ).getDragAction ();
return WebFilePlate.this.getDragAction ();
public File fileDragged ()
// Remove this plate from WebFileDrop if it is a move action
if ( getDragAction () == MOVE )
final Container parent = getParent ();
if ( parent instanceof WebFileDrop )
performPlateRemoval ( new ActionEvent ( WebFilePlate.this, 0, "File moved by drag" ), false );
// Pass this plate's file
return file;
public boolean importData ( final TransferSupport info )
// Special workaround to make this plate drop-transparent
return DragUtils.passDropAction ( WebFilePlate.this, info );
} );
public boolean isDragEnabled ()
return dragEnabled;
public void setDragEnabled ( final boolean dragEnabled )
this.dragEnabled = dragEnabled;
public int getDragAction ()
return dragAction;
public void setDragAction ( final int dragAction )
this.dragAction = dragAction;
protected void updateFileName ()
fileName.setIcon ( getDisplayIcon ( file ) );
fileName.setText ( getDisplayName ( file ) );
protected WebButton getRemoveButton ()
if ( remove == null )
remove = WebButton.createIconWebButton ( CROSS_ICON, StyleConstants.smallRound, 3, 1, true, false );
remove.setFocusable ( false );
remove.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent ae )
performPlateRemoval ( ae, animate );
} );
return remove;
protected void performPlateRemoval ( final ActionEvent ae, final boolean animate )
if ( animator != null && animator.isRunning () )
animator.stop ();
if ( animate )
animator = new WebTimer ( "WebFilePlate.fadeOutTimer", StyleConstants.animationDelay, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
opacity -= 0.1f;
if ( opacity > 0f )
WebFilePlate.this.repaint ();
// Remove file plate
removeFromParent ();
// Stopping animation
animator.stop ();
} );
animator.start ();
// Remove file plate
removeFromParent ();
// Firing close listeners
fireCloseActionPerformed ( ae );
protected void removeFromParent ()
// Change visibility option
opacity = 0f;
// Remove file
final Container container = this.getParent ();
if ( container != null && container instanceof JComponent )
final JComponent parent = ( JComponent ) container;
parent.remove ( this );
parent.revalidate ();
parent.repaint ();
protected ImageIcon getDisplayIcon ( final File file )
return FileUtils.getFileIcon ( file, false );
protected String getDisplayName ( final File file )
final String name = FileUtils.getDisplayFileName ( file );
return showFileExtensions || file.isDirectory () ? name : FileUtils.getFileNamePart ( name );
public boolean isShowRemoveButton ()
return showRemoveButton;
public void setShowRemoveButton ( final boolean showRemoveButton )
if ( this.showRemoveButton != showRemoveButton )
this.showRemoveButton = showRemoveButton;
if ( showRemoveButton )
add ( getRemoveButton (), "1,0" );
remove ( getRemoveButton () );
revalidate ();
public boolean isShowFileExtensions ()
return showFileExtensions;
public void setShowFileExtensions ( final boolean showFileExtensions )
this.showFileExtensions = showFileExtensions;
updateFileName ();
public File getFile ()
return file;
public void remove ()
remove.doClick ( 0 );
protected void paintComponent ( final Graphics g )
GraphicsUtils.setupAlphaComposite ( ( Graphics2D ) g, opacity, opacity < 1f );
super.paintComponent ( g );
public void addCloseListener ( final ActionListener actionListener )
closeListeners.add ( actionListener );
public void removeCloseListener ( final ActionListener actionListener )
closeListeners.remove ( actionListener );
protected void fireCloseActionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
for ( final ActionListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( closeListeners ) )
listener.actionPerformed ( e );