* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.extended.filechooser;
import com.alee.extended.drag.FileDragAndDropHandler;
import com.alee.extended.layout.WrapFlowLayout;
import com.alee.global.StyleConstants;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.managers.language.LanguageManager;
import com.alee.managers.language.LanguageMethods;
import com.alee.managers.language.updaters.LanguageUpdater;
import com.alee.utils.*;
import com.alee.utils.filefilter.AbstractFileFilter;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebTimer;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Custom component that acts as files container and allows drag & drop them.
* Separate WebFilePlate component is created for each added file to display it.
* @author Mikle Garin
public class WebFileDrop extends WebPanel implements LanguageMethods
* Remove file icon.
public static final ImageIcon CROSS_ICON = new ImageIcon ( WebFileDrop.class.getResource ( "icons/cross.png" ) );
protected static final BasicStroke dashStroke =
new BasicStroke ( 3, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 1f, new float[]{ 8f, 8f }, 0f );
protected int dashRound = StyleConstants.smallRound;
protected int dashSideSpacing = 10;
protected Color dropBackground = new Color ( 242, 242, 242 );
protected Color dropBorder = new Color ( 192, 192, 192 );
protected final List<FilesSelectionListener> listeners = new ArrayList<FilesSelectionListener> ( 1 );
protected boolean showRemoveButton = true;
protected boolean showFileExtensions = false;
protected boolean filesDragEnabled = false;
protected int dragAction = TransferHandler.MOVE;
protected boolean filesDropEnabled = true;
protected boolean allowSameFiles = false;
protected AbstractFileFilter fileFilter = null;
protected boolean showDropText = true;
protected float dropTextOpacity = 1f;
protected String dropText = null;
protected List<File> selectedFiles = new ArrayList<File> ();
public WebFileDrop ()
super ( "file-drop", new WrapFlowLayout ( true ) );
// Default visual settings
setFont ( SwingUtils.getDefaultLabelFont ().deriveFont ( Font.BOLD ).deriveFont ( 20f ) );
// Empty drop field text
setShowDefaultDropText ( true );
// Files TransferHandler
setTransferHandler ( new FileDragAndDropHandler ()
public boolean isDropEnabled ()
return filesDropEnabled;
public boolean filesDropped ( final List<File> files )
// Adding dragged files
addSelectedFiles ( files );
return true;
} );
// Focus "catcher"
addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
WebFileDrop.this.requestFocusInWindow ();
} );
// Background animation listener
addFileSelectionListener ( new FilesSelectionListener ()
private int filesCount = 0;
private WebTimer animator = null;
public void selectionChanged ( final List<File> selectedFiles )
if ( filesCount == 0 && selectedFiles.size () > 0 )
stopAnimator ();
filesCount = selectedFiles.size ();
animator = new WebTimer ( "WebFileDrop.textFadeOutTimer", StyleConstants.animationDelay, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
if ( dropTextOpacity > 0f )
dropTextOpacity -= 0.1f;
dropTextOpacity = Math.max ( dropTextOpacity, 0f );
WebFileDrop.this.repaint ();
if ( dropTextOpacity <= 0f )
animator.stop ();
} );
animator.start ();
else if ( filesCount > 0 && selectedFiles.size () == 0 )
stopAnimator ();
filesCount = selectedFiles.size ();
animator = new WebTimer ( "WebFileDrop.textFadeInTimer", StyleConstants.animationDelay, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
if ( dropTextOpacity < 1f )
dropTextOpacity += 0.1f;
dropTextOpacity = Math.min ( dropTextOpacity, 1f );
WebFileDrop.this.repaint ();
if ( dropTextOpacity >= 1f )
animator.stop ();
} );
animator.start ();
private void stopAnimator ()
if ( animator != null && animator.isRunning () )
animator.stop ();
} );
public boolean isShowDropText ()
return showDropText;
public void setShowDropText ( final boolean showDropText )
this.showDropText = showDropText;
WebFileDrop.this.repaint ();
public boolean isFilesDragEnabled ()
return filesDragEnabled;
public void setFilesDragEnabled ( final boolean filesDragEnabled )
this.filesDragEnabled = filesDragEnabled;
public int getDragAction ()
return dragAction;
public void setDragAction ( final int dragAction )
this.dragAction = dragAction;
public boolean isFilesDropEnabled ()
return filesDropEnabled;
public void setFilesDropEnabled ( final boolean filesDropEnabled )
this.filesDropEnabled = filesDropEnabled;
public List<File> getSelectedFiles ()
return CollectionUtils.copy ( selectedFiles );
public void setSelectedFiles ( final List<File> files )
removeAllSelectedFiles ();
addSelectedFiles ( files );
public void addSelectedFiles ( final List<File> files )
boolean changed = false;
for ( final File file : files )
changed = addSelectedFileImpl ( file ) || changed;
if ( changed )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
public void addSelectedFiles ( final File... files )
boolean changed = false;
for ( final File file : files )
changed = addSelectedFileImpl ( file ) || changed;
if ( changed )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
public void addSelectedFile ( final File file )
if ( addSelectedFileImpl ( file ) )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
protected boolean addSelectedFileImpl ( final File file )
if ( ( fileFilter == null || fileFilter.accept ( file ) ) &&
( allowSameFiles || !FileUtils.containtsFile ( selectedFiles, file ) ) )
add ( createFilePlate ( file ) );
selectedFiles.add ( file );
return true;
return false;
public void removeAllSelectedFiles ()
boolean changed = false;
for ( final File file : CollectionUtils.copy ( selectedFiles ) )
changed = removeSelectedFileImpl ( file, false ) || changed;
if ( changed )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
public void removeSelectedFiles ( final List<File> files )
boolean changed = false;
for ( final File file : files )
changed = removeSelectedFileImpl ( file, true ) || changed;
if ( changed )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
public void removeSelectedFiles ( final File... files )
boolean changed = false;
for ( final File file : files )
changed = removeSelectedFileImpl ( file, true ) || changed;
if ( changed )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
public void removeSelectedFile ( final File file )
if ( removeSelectedFileImpl ( file, true ) )
revalidate ();
fireSelectionChanged ();
protected boolean removeSelectedFileImpl ( final File file, final boolean animate )
if ( FileUtils.containtsFile ( selectedFiles, file ) )
for ( final WebFilePlate filePlate : getFilePlates ( file ) )
if ( animate )
filePlate.remove ();
remove ( filePlate );
selectedFiles.remove ( file );
return !animate;
return false;
public List<WebFilePlate> getFilePlates ( final File file )
final List<WebFilePlate> plates = new ArrayList<WebFilePlate> ( 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < getComponentCount (); i++ )
final Component component = getComponent ( i );
if ( component instanceof WebFilePlate )
final WebFilePlate filePlate = ( WebFilePlate ) component;
if ( file.getAbsolutePath ().equals ( filePlate.getFile ().getAbsolutePath () ) )
plates.add ( filePlate );
return plates;
public boolean isAllowSameFiles ()
return allowSameFiles;
public void setAllowSameFiles ( final boolean allowSameFiles )
this.allowSameFiles = allowSameFiles;
setSelectedFiles ( selectedFiles );
public AbstractFileFilter getFileFilter ()
return fileFilter;
public void setFileFilter ( final AbstractFileFilter fileFilter )
this.fileFilter = fileFilter;
setSelectedFiles ( selectedFiles );
public boolean isShowRemoveButton ()
return showRemoveButton;
public void setShowRemoveButton ( final boolean showRemoveButton )
this.showRemoveButton = showRemoveButton;
for ( int i = 0; i < getComponentCount (); i++ )
( ( WebFilePlate ) getComponent ( i ) ).setShowRemoveButton ( showRemoveButton );
public boolean isShowFileExtensions ()
return showFileExtensions;
public void setShowFileExtensions ( final boolean showFileExtensions )
this.showFileExtensions = showFileExtensions;
for ( int i = 0; i < getComponentCount (); i++ )
( ( WebFilePlate ) getComponent ( i ) ).setShowFileExtensions ( showFileExtensions );
public Color getDropBackground ()
return dropBackground;
public void setDropBackground ( final Color dropBackground )
this.dropBackground = dropBackground;
repaint ();
public Color getDropBorder ()
return dropBorder;
public void setDropBorder ( final Color dropBorder )
this.dropBorder = dropBorder;
repaint ();
public int getDashRound ()
return dashRound;
public void setDashRound ( final int dashRound )
this.dashRound = dashRound;
repaint ();
public int getDashSideSpacing ()
return dashSideSpacing;
public void setDashSideSpacing ( final int dashSideSpacing )
this.dashSideSpacing = dashSideSpacing;
repaint ();
public String getDropText ()
return dropText;
public void setDropText ( final String dropText )
this.dropText = dropText;
repaint ();
public void setShowDefaultDropText ( final boolean defaultDropText )
if ( defaultDropText )
setLanguage ( "weblaf.ex.filedrop.drop" );
removeLanguage ();
repaint ();
public boolean isDropTextVisible ()
return dropText != null && showDropText && dropTextOpacity > 0f;
protected WebFilePlate createFilePlate ( final File file )
final WebFilePlate filePlate = new WebFilePlate ( file );
filePlate.setShowFileExtensions ( showFileExtensions );
// To block parent container events
addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
requestFocusInWindow ();
} );
// Data change on removal
filePlate.addCloseListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
// Removing file from added files list
selectedFiles.remove ( file );
// Inform that selected files changed
fireSelectionChanged ();
} );
return filePlate;
protected void paintComponent ( final Graphics g )
super.paintComponent ( g );
if ( isDropTextVisible () )
final Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g;
final Composite old = GraphicsUtils.setupAlphaComposite ( g2d, dropTextOpacity );
final Object aa = GraphicsUtils.setupAntialias ( g2d );
final Insets bi = getInsets ();
final int hd = Math.round ( dashStroke.getLineWidth () / 2 );
final int hd2 = Math.round ( dashStroke.getLineWidth () );
final int dashX = dashSideSpacing + bi.left;
final int dashY = dashSideSpacing + bi.top;
final int dashWidth = getWidth () - dashSideSpacing * 2 - bi.left - bi.right;
final int dashHeight = getHeight () - dashSideSpacing * 2 - bi.top - bi.bottom;
g2d.setPaint ( dropBackground );
g2d.fillRoundRect ( dashX + hd, dashY + hd, dashWidth - hd2, dashHeight - hd2, dashRound * 2, dashRound * 2 );
final Stroke os = GraphicsUtils.setupStroke ( g2d, dashStroke );
g2d.setPaint ( dropBorder );
g2d.drawRoundRect ( dashX, dashY, dashWidth, dashHeight, dashRound * 2, dashRound * 2 );
GraphicsUtils.restoreStroke ( g2d, os );
GraphicsUtils.restoreAntialias ( g2d, aa );
final FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics ();
if ( dashWidth >= fm.stringWidth ( dropText ) && dashHeight > fm.getHeight () )
final Map hints = SwingUtils.setupTextAntialias ( g2d );
final Point ts = LafUtils.getTextCenterShear ( fm, dropText );
g2d.drawString ( dropText, dashX + dashWidth / 2 + ts.x, dashY + dashHeight / 2 + ts.y );
SwingUtils.restoreTextAntialias ( g2d, hints );
GraphicsUtils.restoreComposite ( g2d, old );
public void addFileSelectionListener ( final FilesSelectionListener listener )
listeners.add ( listener );
public void removeFileSelectionListener ( final FilesSelectionListener listener )
listeners.remove ( listener );
protected void fireSelectionChanged ()
for ( final FilesSelectionListener listener : CollectionUtils.copy ( listeners ) )
listener.selectionChanged ( CollectionUtils.copy ( selectedFiles ) );
* Language methods
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setLanguage ( final String key, final Object... data )
LanguageManager.registerComponent ( this, key, data );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updateLanguage ( final Object... data )
LanguageManager.updateComponent ( this, data );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updateLanguage ( final String key, final Object... data )
LanguageManager.updateComponent ( this, key, data );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removeLanguage ()
LanguageManager.unregisterComponent ( this );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isLanguageSet ()
return LanguageManager.isRegisteredComponent ( this );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setLanguageUpdater ( final LanguageUpdater updater )
LanguageManager.registerLanguageUpdater ( this, updater );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removeLanguageUpdater ()
LanguageManager.unregisterLanguageUpdater ( this );