* This file is part of WebLookAndFeel library.
* WebLookAndFeel library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WebLookAndFeel library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WebLookAndFeel library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.alee.examples.content;
import com.alee.examples.content.themes.EditorTheme;
import com.alee.extended.breadcrumb.WebBreadcrumb;
import com.alee.extended.breadcrumb.WebBreadcrumbButton;
import com.alee.extended.breadcrumb.WebBreadcrumbLabel;
import com.alee.extended.image.WebImage;
import com.alee.extended.layout.ToolbarLayout;
import com.alee.extended.layout.VerticalFlowLayout;
import com.alee.extended.panel.GroupPanel;
import com.alee.global.GlobalConstants;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebButton;
import com.alee.laf.button.WebToggleButton;
import com.alee.laf.combobox.WebComboBox;
import com.alee.laf.combobox.WebComboBoxCellRenderer;
import com.alee.laf.combobox.WebComboBoxElement;
import com.alee.laf.label.WebLabel;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebList;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebListCellRenderer;
import com.alee.laf.list.WebListElement;
import com.alee.laf.menu.WebMenuItem;
import com.alee.laf.menu.WebPopupMenu;
import com.alee.laf.panel.WebPanel;
import com.alee.laf.rootpane.WebWindow;
import com.alee.laf.scroll.WebScrollPane;
import com.alee.laf.scroll.WebScrollPaneUI;
import com.alee.laf.tabbedpane.TabbedPaneStyle;
import com.alee.laf.text.WebTextField;
import com.alee.managers.focus.FocusManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.Hotkey;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyManager;
import com.alee.managers.hotkey.HotkeyRunnable;
import com.alee.managers.log.Log;
import com.alee.managers.popup.PopupAdapter;
import com.alee.managers.popup.PopupWay;
import com.alee.managers.popup.WebButtonPopup;
import com.alee.managers.popup.WebPopup;
import com.alee.managers.tooltip.TooltipManager;
import com.alee.utils.*;
import com.alee.utils.compare.Filter;
import com.alee.utils.reflection.JarEntry;
import com.alee.utils.reflection.JarEntryType;
import com.alee.utils.reflection.JarStructure;
import com.alee.utils.swing.WebTimer;
import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.*;
import org.fife.ui.rtextarea.RTextScrollPane;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
* User: mgarin Date: 05.03.12 Time: 12:38
public class SourceViewer extends WebPanel
public static final ImageIcon browseIcon = new ImageIcon ( SourceViewer.class.getResource ( "icons/browse.png" ) );
public static final ImageIcon classSearchIcon = new ImageIcon ( SourceViewer.class.getResource ( "icons/classSearch.png" ) );
private static final String SETTINGS_PREFIX = "SourceViewer.";
private final JarStructure jarStructure;
private final WebPanel toolBar;
private final WebBreadcrumb classPath;
private final ViewTabbedPane viewTabbedPane;
private final ChangeListener viewChangeListener;
private final Object activeEditorsLock = new Object ();
private final Map<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> activeEditors = new HashMap<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> ();
private WebPopup classSearchPopup;
private WebTextField classSearchField;
private WebTimer classSearchHintsDelay;
private WebWindow classSearchHintsPopup;
private WebList classSearchHintsList;
private String lastSearchedText = null;
private Component lastFocusBeforeSearch = null;
private WebComboBox theme;
private WebToggleButton allowCodeFolding;
private WebToggleButton paintTabLines;
private WebToggleButton showWhitespaces;
private WebToggleButton showEol;
public SourceViewer ( final JarStructure jarStructure )
super ();
this.jarStructure = jarStructure;
toolBar = new WebPanel ( true, new ToolbarLayout () );
toolBar.setPaintSides ( false, false, true, false );
toolBar.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
add ( toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH );
classPath = new WebBreadcrumb ( false );
classPath.setEncloseLastElement ( true );
classPath.setElementMargin ( 4, 6, 4, 6 );
classPath.setOpaque ( false );
toolBar.add ( classPath, ToolbarLayout.FILL );
toolBar.add ( createClassSearch (), ToolbarLayout.END );
toolBar.add ( createSettings (), ToolbarLayout.END );
viewTabbedPane = new ViewTabbedPane ();
viewTabbedPane.setTabbedPaneStyle ( TabbedPaneStyle.attached );
viewChangeListener = new ChangeListener ()
public void stateChanged ( final ChangeEvent e )
updateClassPath ( viewTabbedPane.getSelectedEntry (), false );
viewTabbedPane.addChangeListener ( viewChangeListener );
viewTabbedPane.addViewListener ( new ViewListener ()
public void viewOpened ( final JarEntry entry )
public void viewClosed ( final JarEntry entry )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
// Removing opened editor
final RSyntaxTextArea removed = activeEditors.remove ( entry );
// If it was code editor - cleanup its resources
if ( removed != null )
( ( CodeLinkGenerator ) removed.getLinkGenerator () ).destroy ();
updateClassPath ( viewTabbedPane.getSelectedEntry (), false );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( viewTabbedPane, Hotkey.ALT_LEFT, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
final int tabCount = viewTabbedPane.getTabCount ();
if ( tabCount > 0 )
final int index = viewTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex ();
viewTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex ( index > 0 ? index - 1 : tabCount - 1 );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( viewTabbedPane, Hotkey.ALT_RIGHT, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
final int tabCount = viewTabbedPane.getTabCount ();
if ( tabCount > 0 )
final int index = viewTabbedPane.getSelectedIndex ();
viewTabbedPane.setSelectedIndex ( index < tabCount - 1 ? index + 1 : 0 );
} );
add ( viewTabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
updateClassPath ( null, false );
private WebButton createClassSearch ()
final WebButton classSearch = new WebButton ( classSearchIcon );
classSearch.setDrawFocus ( false );
classSearch.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
classSearch.addHotkey ( Hotkey.CTRL_N );
classSearch.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
showClassSearchPopup ();
} );
classSearchField = new WebTextField ( 20, false );
classSearchField.setHideInputPromptOnFocus ( false );
classSearchField.setInputPrompt ( "Enter class name here..." );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.ESCAPE, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
hideClassSearchPopup ();
} );
final WebImage leadingComponent = new WebImage ( classSearchIcon );
leadingComponent.setMargin ( 2 );
classSearchField.setLeadingComponent ( leadingComponent );
classSearchPopup = new WebPopup ();
classSearchPopup.setCloseOnFocusLoss ( true );
classSearchPopup.add ( classSearchField );
classSearchPopup.setDefaultFocusComponent ( classSearchField );
classSearchHintsPopup = new WebWindow ( classSearchPopup )
public Dimension getPreferredSize ()
final Dimension ps = super.getPreferredSize ();
ps.width = Math.max ( classSearchField.getWidth (), ps.width );
return ps;
classSearchHintsPopup.setFocusable ( false );
classSearchHintsPopup.setAlwaysOnTop ( true );
classSearchPopup.addFocusableChild ( classSearchHintsPopup );
classSearchHintsList = new WebList ( new DefaultListModel () );
classSearchHintsList.setFocusable ( false );
classSearchHintsList.setRolloverSelectionEnabled ( true );
classSearchHintsList.setSelectionMode ( ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION );
classSearchHintsList.setCellRenderer ( new WebListCellRenderer ()
public Component getListCellRendererComponent ( final JList list, final Object value, final int index, final boolean isSelected,
final boolean cellHasFocus )
final JarEntry entry = ( JarEntry ) value;
final WebListElement renderer =
( WebListElement ) super.getListCellRendererComponent ( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus );
renderer.setIcon ( entry.getIcon () );
renderer.setText ( entry.getName () );
return renderer;
} );
classSearchHintsList.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
openSelectedHint ();
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.HOME, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
if ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () > 0 )
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.UP, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
if ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () > 0 )
final int index = classSearchHintsList.getSelectedIndex ();
if ( index > 0 )
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( index - 1 );
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () - 1 );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.DOWN, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
if ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () > 0 )
final int index = classSearchHintsList.getSelectedIndex ();
if ( index < classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () - 1 )
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( index + 1 );
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( 0 );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.END, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
if ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () > 0 )
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( classSearchHintsList.getModelSize () - 1 );
} );
HotkeyManager.registerHotkey ( classSearchField, Hotkey.ENTER, new HotkeyRunnable ()
public void run ( final KeyEvent e )
openSelectedHint ();
} );
final WebScrollPane foundClassesScroll = new WebScrollPane ( classSearchHintsList );
foundClassesScroll.setShadeWidth ( 0 );
foundClassesScroll.setRound ( 0 );
classSearchHintsPopup.add ( foundClassesScroll );
classSearchPopup.addComponentListener ( new ComponentAdapter ()
public void componentMoved ( final ComponentEvent e )
updateHintsLocation ();
public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
updateHintsLocation ();
} );
classSearchPopup.addPopupListener ( new PopupAdapter ()
public void popupWillBeOpened ()
lastSearchedText = null;
lastFocusBeforeSearch = FocusManager.getFocusOwner ();
public void popupOpened ()
updateHints ();
public void popupClosed ()
hideHints ();
if ( lastFocusBeforeSearch != null )
lastFocusBeforeSearch.requestFocusInWindow ();
} );
classSearchField.addCaretListener ( new CaretListener ()
public void caretUpdate ( final CaretEvent e )
if ( classSearchHintsDelay == null )
classSearchHintsDelay = new WebTimer ( 500, new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
updateHints ();
} );
classSearchHintsDelay.setRepeats ( false );
if ( classSearchField.getText ().trim ().length () > 0 )
classSearchHintsDelay.restart ();
classSearchHintsDelay.stop ();
hideHints ();
} );
return classSearch;
private void openSelectedHint ()
if ( classSearchHintsList.getSelectedIndex () != -1 )
final JarEntry entry = ( JarEntry ) classSearchHintsList.getSelectedValue ();
hideClassSearchPopup ();
viewEntry ( entry );
private void updateHints ()
final String text = classSearchField.getText ().trim ();
// Ignore empty text
if ( text.trim ().length () == 0 )
hideHints ();
// Updating hints window if needed
if ( !CompareUtils.equals ( lastSearchedText, text ) )
// Saving old selection
final Object oldSelection = classSearchHintsList.getSelectedValue ();
// Clearing list
final DefaultListModel model = ( DefaultListModel ) classSearchHintsList.getModel ();
model.clear ();
// Look for classes
final List<JarEntry> found = jarStructure.findSimilarEntries ( text, new Filter<JarEntry> ()
public boolean accept ( final JarEntry object )
return object.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.javaEntry );
} );
if ( found.size () > 0 )
classSearchField.setForeground ( Color.BLACK );
// Filling list with results
for ( final JarEntry entry : found )
model.addElement ( entry );
// Updating visible rows
classSearchHintsList.setVisibleRowCount ( Math.min ( model.size (), 10 ) );
// Restoring selection if possible
final int index = oldSelection != null ? model.indexOf ( oldSelection ) : 0;
classSearchHintsList.setSelectedIndex ( index != -1 ? index : 0 );
// Packing popup
classSearchHintsPopup.pack ();
// Displaying hints window
if ( !classSearchHintsPopup.isVisible () )
classSearchHintsPopup.setVisible ( true );
classSearchField.setForeground ( Color.RED );
// Hiding hints window
if ( classSearchHintsPopup.isVisible () )
classSearchHintsPopup.setVisible ( false );
lastSearchedText = text;
private void updateHintsLocation ()
final Point p = classSearchField.getLocationOnScreen ();
classSearchHintsPopup.setLocation ( p.x, p.y + classSearchField.getHeight () + 2 );
private void hideHints ()
if ( classSearchHintsPopup != null )
classSearchHintsPopup.setVisible ( false );
private void showClassSearchPopup ()
if ( !classSearchPopup.isShowing () )
final Dimension size = getSize ();
final Dimension ps = classSearchPopup.getPreferredSize ();
classSearchPopup.showPopup ( this, size.width / 2 - ps.width / 2, size.height / 3 - ps.height / 2, ps.width, ps.height );
classSearchField.selectAll ();
private void hideClassSearchPopup ()
if ( classSearchPopup.isShowing () )
classSearchPopup.hidePopup ();
private WebButton createSettings ()
final WebButton settings = new WebButton ( new ImageIcon ( SourceViewer.class.getResource ( "icons/settings.png" ) ) );
settings.setDrawFocus ( false );
settings.setRolloverDecoratedOnly ( true );
final WebButtonPopup wbp = new WebButtonPopup ( settings, PopupWay.downLeft );
final WebPanel popupContent = new WebPanel ( new VerticalFlowLayout ( 5, 5 ) );
popupContent.setMargin ( 5 );
popupContent.setOpaque ( false );
wbp.setContent ( popupContent );
theme = new WebComboBox ( EditorTheme.values () );
theme.registerSettings ( SETTINGS_PREFIX + "theme", 0 );
theme.setRenderer ( new WebComboBoxCellRenderer ()
public Component getListCellRendererComponent ( final JList list, final Object value, final int index, final boolean isSelected,
final boolean cellHasFocus )
final EditorTheme editorTheme = ( EditorTheme ) value;
final WebComboBoxElement renderer =
( WebComboBoxElement ) super.getListCellRendererComponent ( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus );
renderer.setIcon ( editorTheme.getIcon () );
renderer.setText ( editorTheme.getName () );
return renderer;
} );
theme.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
final String themeName = theme.getSelectedItem ().toString ().toLowerCase ();
for ( final Map.Entry<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> entry : activeEditors.entrySet () )
loadTheme ( themeName, entry.getValue () );
} );
popupContent.add ( theme );
allowCodeFolding = new WebToggleButton ( loadEditorIcon ( "allowCodeFolding" ) );
allowCodeFolding.registerSettings ( SETTINGS_PREFIX + "allowCodeFolding", false );
allowCodeFolding.addItemListener ( new ItemListener ()
public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent e )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
for ( final Map.Entry<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> entry : activeEditors.entrySet () )
entry.getValue ().setCodeFoldingEnabled ( allowCodeFolding.isSelected () );
} );
final WebLabel allowCodeFoldingLabel = new WebLabel ( "Allow code folding" );
allowCodeFoldingLabel.setDrawShade ( true );
allowCodeFoldingLabel.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
allowCodeFolding.requestFocusInWindow ();
allowCodeFolding.doClick ();
} );
popupContent.add ( new GroupPanel ( 5, allowCodeFolding, allowCodeFoldingLabel ) );
paintTabLines = new WebToggleButton ( loadEditorIcon ( "paintTabLines" ) );
paintTabLines.registerSettings ( SETTINGS_PREFIX + "paintTabLines", false );
paintTabLines.addItemListener ( new ItemListener ()
public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent e )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
for ( final Map.Entry<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> entry : activeEditors.entrySet () )
entry.getValue ().setPaintTabLines ( paintTabLines.isSelected () );
} );
final WebLabel paintTabLinesLabel = new WebLabel ( "Paint tab lines" );
paintTabLinesLabel.setDrawShade ( true );
paintTabLinesLabel.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
paintTabLines.requestFocusInWindow ();
paintTabLines.doClick ();
} );
popupContent.add ( new GroupPanel ( 5, paintTabLines, paintTabLinesLabel ) );
showWhitespaces = new WebToggleButton ( loadEditorIcon ( "showWhitespaces" ) );
showWhitespaces.registerSettings ( SETTINGS_PREFIX + "showWhitespaces", false );
showWhitespaces.addItemListener ( new ItemListener ()
public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent e )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
for ( final Map.Entry<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> entry : activeEditors.entrySet () )
entry.getValue ().setWhitespaceVisible ( showWhitespaces.isSelected () );
} );
final WebLabel showWhitespacesLabel = new WebLabel ( "Show whitespaces" );
showWhitespacesLabel.setDrawShade ( true );
showWhitespacesLabel.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
showWhitespaces.requestFocusInWindow ();
showWhitespaces.doClick ();
} );
popupContent.add ( new GroupPanel ( 5, showWhitespaces, showWhitespacesLabel ) );
showEol = new WebToggleButton ( loadEditorIcon ( "showEol" ) );
showEol.registerSettings ( SETTINGS_PREFIX + "showEol", false );
showEol.addItemListener ( new ItemListener ()
public void itemStateChanged ( final ItemEvent e )
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
for ( final Map.Entry<JarEntry, RSyntaxTextArea> entry : activeEditors.entrySet () )
entry.getValue ().setEOLMarkersVisible ( showEol.isSelected () );
} );
final WebLabel showEolLabel = new WebLabel ( "Show end of line" );
showEolLabel.setDrawShade ( true );
showEolLabel.addMouseListener ( new MouseAdapter ()
public void mousePressed ( final MouseEvent e )
if ( SwingUtils.isLeftMouseButton ( e ) )
showEol.requestFocusInWindow ();
showEol.doClick ();
} );
popupContent.add ( new GroupPanel ( 5, showEol, showEolLabel ) );
return settings;
private ImageIcon loadEditorIcon ( final String name )
return new ImageIcon ( SourceViewer.class.getResource ( "icons/editor/" + name + ".png" ) );
public JarStructure getJarStructure ()
return jarStructure;
public void updateClassPath ( final Class classType )
updateClassPath ( jarStructure.getClassEntry ( classType ), true );
public void updateClassPath ( final JarEntry lastEntry, final boolean openInEditor )
classPath.removeAll ();
// Root element
final JarEntry root = jarStructure.getRoot ();
final WebBreadcrumbButton rootElement = new WebBreadcrumbButton ();
rootElement.setIcon ( root.getIcon () );
TooltipManager.setTooltip ( rootElement, root.getIcon (), jarStructure.getJarLocation () );
rootElement.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
final WebPopupMenu rootMenu = new WebPopupMenu ();
final WebMenuItem showInFS = new WebMenuItem ( "Show in folder", browseIcon );
showInFS.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
final File jarFile = new File ( jarStructure.getJarLocation () );
Desktop.getDesktop ().browse ( jarFile.getParentFile ().toURI () );
catch ( final Throwable ex )
Log.error ( this, ex );
} );
rootMenu.add ( showInFS );
final List<JarEntry> entries = jarStructure.getChildEntries ( root );
if ( entries.size () > 0 )
rootMenu.addSeparator ();
for ( final JarEntry entry : entries )
rootMenu.add ( createEntryMenuItem ( entry ) );
rootMenu.showBelowMiddle ( rootElement );
} );
classPath.add ( rootElement );
if ( lastEntry != null )
// All other elements
final List<JarEntry> path = lastEntry.getPath ();
for ( final JarEntry entry : path )
if ( entry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.packageEntry ) )
final WebBreadcrumbButton element = new WebBreadcrumbButton ();
element.setIcon ( entry.getIcon () );
element.setText ( entry.getName () );
element.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
final List<JarEntry> entries = jarStructure.getChildEntries ( entry );
if ( entries.size () > 0 )
final WebPopupMenu packageMenu = new WebPopupMenu ();
for ( final JarEntry menuEntry : entries )
packageMenu.add ( createEntryMenuItem ( menuEntry ) );
packageMenu.showBelowMiddle ( element );
} );
classPath.add ( element );
final WebBreadcrumbLabel element = new WebBreadcrumbLabel ();
element.setIcon ( entry.getIcon () );
element.setText ( entry.getName () );
classPath.add ( element );
if ( openInEditor && lastEntry != null )
if ( lastEntry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.jarEntry ) || lastEntry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.packageEntry ) )
// Queueing last element menu to let breadcrumb update element locations first
SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new Runnable ()
public void run ()
// Opening last element menu if it is a package
( ( WebBreadcrumbButton ) classPath.getLastComponent () ).doClick ();
} );
// Viewing last element if it is a file
viewTabbedPane.removeChangeListener ( viewChangeListener );
viewEntry ( lastEntry );
viewTabbedPane.addChangeListener ( viewChangeListener );
public void viewEntry ( final JarEntry entry )
if ( viewTabbedPane.isOpenedEntry ( entry ) )
viewTabbedPane.selectEntry ( entry );
viewTabbedPane.viewEntry ( entry, createEntryViewer ( entry ) );
viewTabbedPane.transferFocus ();
public void closeEntryView ( final JarEntry entry )
viewTabbedPane.closeEntry ( entry );
private Component createEntryViewer ( final JarEntry entry )
if ( entry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.classEntry ) || entry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.javaEntry ) ||
entry.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.fileEntry ) )
final String ext = FileUtils.getFileExtPart ( entry.getName (), false ).toLowerCase ();
if ( GlobalConstants.IMAGE_FORMATS.contains ( ext ) )
// todo A better image viewer (actually a new component - WebImageViewer)
// Image file viewer
final WebImage image = new WebImage ();
image.setIcon ( ImageUtils.loadImage ( getEntryInputStream ( entry ) ) );
// Image scroll
final WebScrollPane imageScroll = new WebScrollPane ( image, false );
imageScroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy ( WebScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
imageScroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy ( WebScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
return imageScroll;
// Source code viewer
final RSyntaxTextArea source = new RSyntaxTextArea ();
// Syntax style
boolean libraryCode = false;
if ( ext.equals ( "java" ) || ext.equals ( "class" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_JAVA );
libraryCode = true;
else if ( ext.equals ( "xml" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_XML );
else if ( ext.equals ( "html" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_HTML );
else if ( ext.equals ( "css" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_CSS );
else if ( ext.equals ( "js" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_JAVASCRIPT );
else if ( ext.equals ( "php" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_PHP );
else if ( ext.equals ( "sql" ) )
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_SQL );
source.setSyntaxEditingStyle ( SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_NONE );
// Settings
source.setEditable ( false );
source.setMargin ( new Insets ( 0, 5, 0, 0 ) );
source.setAntiAliasingEnabled ( true );
source.setUseFocusableTips ( true );
source.setTabSize ( 4 );
source.setCodeFoldingEnabled ( allowCodeFolding.isSelected () );
source.setPaintTabLines ( paintTabLines.isSelected () );
source.setWhitespaceVisible ( showWhitespaces.isSelected () );
source.setEOLMarkersVisible ( showEol.isSelected () );
( ( RSyntaxTextAreaHighlighter ) source.getHighlighter () ).setDrawsLayeredHighlights ( false );
// Source code
source.setText ( libraryCode ? loadSource ( entry ) : loadString ( entry ) );
source.setCaretPosition ( 0 );
// "Jump to source"-like action
source.setHyperlinksEnabled ( true );
source.setLinkGenerator ( new CodeLinkGenerator ( entry ) );
// Saving opened editor
synchronized ( activeEditorsLock )
activeEditors.put ( entry, source );
// Special code viewer scroll pane
final RTextScrollPane sourceScroll = new RTextScrollPane ( source );
sourceScroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy ( WebScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
( ( WebScrollPaneUI ) sourceScroll.getUI () ).setDrawBorder ( false );
// Source code viewer theme
loadTheme ( theme.getSelectedItem ().toString ().toLowerCase (), source );
return sourceScroll;
return new WebLabel ();
private static final Map<String, Theme> themesCache = new HashMap<String, Theme> ();
private void loadTheme ( final String themeName, final RSyntaxTextArea source )
if ( themesCache.containsKey ( themeName ) )
final Theme theme = themesCache.get ( themeName );
if ( theme != null )
theme.apply ( source );
final Theme theme = Theme.load ( SourceViewer.class.getResourceAsStream ( "themes/" + themeName + ".xml" ) );
theme.apply ( source );
themesCache.put ( themeName, theme );
catch ( final IOException e )
Log.error ( this, e );
themesCache.put ( themeName, null );
private static final String commentStart = "/*";
private static final String commentEnd = "*/\n\n";
private String loadSource ( final JarEntry lastEntry )
String source = loadString ( lastEntry );
// Removing space-eating license notice
if ( source.startsWith ( commentStart ) )
final int index = source.indexOf ( commentEnd );
if ( index != -1 )
source = source.substring ( index + commentEnd.length () );
return source;
private String loadString ( final JarEntry lastEntry )
return FileUtils.readToString ( getEntryInputStream ( lastEntry ) );
private InputStream getEntryInputStream ( final JarEntry entry )
return new ZipFile ( jarStructure.getJarLocation () ).getInputStream ( entry.getZipEntry () );
catch ( final IOException e )
Log.error ( this, e );
return null;
private WebMenuItem createEntryMenuItem ( final JarEntry entry )
final WebMenuItem entryItem = new WebMenuItem ( entry.getName (), entry.getIcon () );
entryItem.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed ( final ActionEvent e )
updateClassPath ( entry, true );
} );
return entryItem;
public void addViewListener ( final ViewListener listener )
this.viewTabbedPane.addViewListener ( listener );
public void removeViewListener ( final ViewListener listener )
this.viewTabbedPane.removeViewListener ( listener );
protected class CodeLinkGenerator implements LinkGenerator
* Cached link generation results.
protected Map<Dimension, LinkGeneratorResult> results = new HashMap<Dimension, LinkGeneratorResult> ();
* Entry displayed in the editor to which this link generator is attached.
protected JarEntry entry;
* Constructs new code link generator for the specified jar entry.
* @param entry jar entry
public CodeLinkGenerator ( final JarEntry entry )
super ();
this.entry = entry;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkGeneratorResult isLinkAtOffset ( final RSyntaxTextArea source, final int pos )
final String code = source.getText ();
final int wordStart = TextUtils.getWordStart ( code, pos );
final int wordEnd = TextUtils.getWordEnd ( code, pos );
final String word = code.substring ( wordStart, wordEnd );
final Dimension key = new Dimension ( wordStart, wordEnd );
final LinkGeneratorResult value;
if ( results.containsKey ( key ) )
value = results.get ( key );
if ( word != null )
final JarEntry classByName = jarStructure.findEntryByName ( word );
if ( classByName != null && ( classByName.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.classEntry ) ||
classByName.getType ().equals ( JarEntryType.javaEntry ) ) && classByName != entry )
value = new LinkGeneratorResult ()
public HyperlinkEvent execute ()
updateClassPath ( classByName, true );
return new HyperlinkEvent ( this, HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED, null );
public int getSourceOffset ()
return wordStart;
value = null;
value = null;
results.put ( key, value );
return value;
* Clears link search cache.
public void destroy ()
entry = null;
results.clear ();