// Copyright (c) 2011, David J. Pearce (djp@ecs.vuw.ac.nz)
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package wyautl.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import wyautl.core.Automaton.State;
import wyautl.util.BinaryMatrix;
* Contains various helper functions for working with automata.
* @author David J. Pearce
public class Automata {
* Extract all states reachable from a given state in an automaton and load
* them onto the states array, whilst retaining their original ordering.
* @param automaton
* @param root
* @param states
public static int extract(Automaton automaton, int root,
java.util.List<Automaton.State> states) {
if (root < 0) {
// nothing to extract
return root;
} else {
int start = states.size();
int[] marking = new int[automaton.nStates()];
traverse(automaton, root, marking);
for (int i = 0; i != marking.length; ++i) {
if (marking[i] > 0) {
marking[i] = states.size();
for (int i = start; i != states.size(); ++i) {
return marking[root];
* Visit all states reachable from a given starting state in the given
* automaton. In doing this, states which are visited are marked and,
* furthermore, those which are "headers" are additionally identified. A
* header state is one which is the target of a back-edge in the directed
* graph reachable from the start state.
* @param automaton
* --- automaton to traverse.
* @param start
* --- state to begin traversal from.
* @param marking
* --- initially, states are marked with '0' which subsequently
* turns positive to indicate they were visited. States assigned
* a final value of 1 were visited, but are not headers. States
* assigned a final value of 2 were visited and are (acyclic)
* headers. States assigned a final value of 3 were visited and
* are (cyclic) headers. States which have a final value of '0'
* were not visited. Finally, states which were initially marked
* with '-1' are not traversed (including their subtrees) and
* retain this value in the final marking.
* @return
public static void traverse(Automaton automaton, int start, int[] marking) {
if (start < 0) {
int header = marking[start];
if (header == 4) {
// We have reached a node which was already visited, and is
// currently on the stack. Therefore, this
// node is a cyclic header and should be marked as such.
marking[start] = 6; // (which reduces to 3 when removed from stack)
} else if (header == 1) {
// We have reached a node which was already visited, but is not
// currently on the stack. Therefore, this
// node is an acyclic header and should be marked as such.
marking[start] = 2;
return; // done
} else if (header > 1 || header == Automaton.K_VOID) {
return; // nothing to do, as either already marked as a header or
// initially indicated as not to traverse.
} else {
marking[start] = 4;
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(start);
if (state instanceof Automaton.Term) {
Automaton.Term term = (Automaton.Term) state;
if (term.contents != Automaton.K_VOID) {
traverse(automaton, term.contents, marking);
} else if (state instanceof Automaton.Collection) {
Automaton.Collection compound = (Automaton.Collection) state;
int[] children = compound.children;
for (int i = 0; i != compound.length; ++i) {
traverse(automaton, children[i], marking);
marking[start] -= 3;
* Visit all states reachable from a given starting state in the given
* automaton. This yields an ordering of the visited nodes (which is in
* <i>reverse post-order</i>).
* @param automaton
* --- automaton to traverse.
* @param start
* --- state to begin traversal from.
* @return
public static int[] topologicalSort(Automaton automaton, int start) {
BitSet visited = new BitSet(automaton.nStates());
IntStack stack = new IntStack(automaton.nStates());
topologicalSort(automaton, start, visited, stack);
int[] result = stack.items;
if (stack.size != result.length) {
result = Arrays.copyOf(result, stack.size);
return result;
private static void topologicalSort(Automaton automaton, int node,
BitSet visited, IntStack stack) {
if (node < 0) {
if (!visited.get(node)) {
// we've not visited this node before.
visited.set(node, true);
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(node);
if (state instanceof Automaton.Term) {
Automaton.Term term = (Automaton.Term) state;
if (term.contents != Automaton.K_VOID) {
topologicalSort(automaton, term.contents, visited, stack);
} else if (state instanceof Automaton.Collection) {
Automaton.Collection compound = (Automaton.Collection) state;
int[] children = compound.children;
for (int i = 0; i != compound.length; ++i) {
topologicalSort(automaton, children[i], visited, stack);
private final static class IntStack {
public final int[] items;
public int size;
public IntStack(int size) {
this.items = new int[size];
public void push(int item) {
items[size++] = item;
* Determine whether the subgraph reachable from a given node in this
* automaton is acyclic or not. It can be useful to know this, since some
* algorithms are more efficient on acyclic automata.
* @param automaton
* --- automaton to traverse.
* @param start
* --- state to begin traversal from.
* @return
public static boolean isAcyclic(Automaton automaton, int start) {
BitSet visited = new BitSet(automaton.nStates());
BitSet onStack = new BitSet(automaton.nStates());
return isAcyclic(start, onStack, visited, automaton);
* Helper algorithm. This is similar to the well-known algorithm for finding
* strongly connected components. The main difference is that it doesn't
* actually return the components. For reference, see this paper:
* <ul>
* <li><b>An Improved Algorithm for Finding the Strongly Connected
* Components of a Directed Graph</b>. David J. Pearce, Technical Report,
* 2005.</li>
* </ul>
* @param index
* --- current node being visited.
* @param onStack
* --- indicates which nodes are on the current path from the
* root.
* @param visited
* --- indicates which nodes have been visited (but may not be on
* the current path).
* @param automaton
* --- the automaton being traversed.
* @return --- true if the automaton is concrete.
private static boolean isAcyclic(int index, BitSet onStack, BitSet visited,
Automaton automaton) {
if (onStack.get(index)) {
return false; // found a cycle!
if (visited.get(index)) {
// Ok, we've traversed this node before and it checked out OK.
return true;
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(index);
if (state instanceof Automaton.Term) {
Automaton.Term term = (Automaton.Term) state;
if (term.contents != Automaton.K_VOID) {
if (!isAcyclic(term.contents, onStack, visited, automaton)) {
return false;
} else if (state instanceof Automaton.Collection) {
Automaton.Collection compound = (Automaton.Collection) state;
int[] children = compound.children;
for (int i = 0; i != compound.length; ++i) {
if (!isAcyclic(children[i], onStack, visited, automaton)) {
return false;
onStack.set(index, false);
return true;
* Check whether one state is reachable from another in a given automaton.
* This employs a standard depth-first traversal of the automaton from the
* given node. An array of temporary storage is used to record which nodes
* have been previously visited in order to protected against infinite
* recursion in the presence of cyclic automata.
* @param start
* --- index to begin the traversal from.
* @param storage
* --- temporary storage which must have at least
* <code>automaton.nStates()</code> elements. All states to be
* considered during the traversal must be marked with zero in
* this array. All states visited during the traversal will be
* marked with one afterwards.
* @return
public static boolean reachable(Automaton automaton, int start, int search,
int[] storage) {
if (start == search) {
return true;
} else if (start >= 0 && storage[start] == 0) {
// this root not yet visited.
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(start);
storage[start] = 1; // visited
if (state instanceof Automaton.Term) {
Automaton.Term term = (Automaton.Term) state;
if (term.contents != Automaton.K_VOID) {
if (reachable(automaton, term.contents, search, storage)) {
return true;
} else if (state instanceof Automaton.Collection) {
Automaton.Collection compound = (Automaton.Collection) state;
int[] children = compound.children;
for (int i = 0; i != compound.length; ++i) {
if (reachable(automaton, children[i], search, storage)) {
return true;
return false;
* Eliminate any states which are unreachable from a root state between the
* given start and end indices.
* @param automaton
* @param tmp
public final static int[] eliminateUnreachableStates(Automaton automaton,
int start, int end, int[] tmp) {
if (tmp.length < automaton.nStates()) {
tmp = new int[automaton.nStates() * 2];
} else {
Arrays.fill(tmp, 0);
// first, visit all nodes
for (int i = 0; i != automaton.nRoots(); ++i) {
int root = automaton.getRoot(i);
if (root >= 0) {
Automata.traverse(automaton, root, tmp);
for (int i = 0; i != automaton.nStates(); ++i) {
if (tmp[i] == 0 && i >= start && i < end) {
automaton.set(i, null);
return tmp;
* Given a relation identifying equivalence classes determine, for each, the
* mapping from states to their representatives. This function does not
* modify the automaton.
final static void determineRepresentativeStates(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs, int[] mapping) {
final int size = automaton.nStates();
for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
Automaton.State i_state = automaton.get(i);
if (i_state != null) {
int classRep = i;
// determine the unique representative for this equivalence
// class.
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
if (equivs.get(i, j)) {
classRep = j;
// map this state to the unique representative (which may be
// itself if it is the unique rep).
mapping[i] = classRep;
* Determine which states are equivalent using a binary matrix of size N*N,
* where N is the number of states in the given automaton. This method is
* part of the minimisation process.
* @param automaton
* --- The automaton being minimised.
* @param equivs
* --- Binary matrix comparing every state in automaton with
* every other state for equivalence.
final static void determineEquivalenceClasses(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs) {
boolean changed = true;
int size = automaton.nStates();
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; ++j) {
if (equivs.get(i, j)) {
// no need to explore nodes which are already known to
// be not equivalent.
boolean b = equivalent(automaton, equivs, i, j);
equivs.set(i, j, b);
equivs.set(j, i, b);
changed |= !b;
* Check whether two states are equivalent in a given automaton and current
* set of equivalences.
private final static boolean equivalent(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs, int i, int j) {
Automaton.State is = automaton.get(i);
Automaton.State js = automaton.get(j);
if (is == null || js == null) {
return false;
} else if (is.kind != js.kind) {
return false;
switch (is.kind) {
case Automaton.K_VOID: {
return true;
case Automaton.K_BOOL:
case Automaton.K_INT:
case Automaton.K_REAL:
case Automaton.K_STRING: {
Automaton.Constant<?> ic = (Automaton.Constant<?>) is;
Automaton.Constant<?> jc = (Automaton.Constant<?>) js;
return ic.value.equals(jc.value);
case Automaton.K_LIST: {
Automaton.List il = (Automaton.List) is;
Automaton.List jl = (Automaton.List) js;
return equivalent(automaton, equivs, il, jl);
case Automaton.K_SET: {
Automaton.Set il = (Automaton.Set) is;
Automaton.Set jl = (Automaton.Set) js;
return equivalent(automaton, equivs, il, jl);
case Automaton.K_BAG: {
Automaton.Bag il = (Automaton.Bag) is;
Automaton.Bag jl = (Automaton.Bag) js;
return equivalent(automaton, equivs, il, jl);
default: {
// All other kinds of state must be terms.
Automaton.Term it = (Automaton.Term) is;
Automaton.Term jt = (Automaton.Term) js;
int it_contents = it.contents;
int jt_contents = jt.contents;
if (it_contents < 0 || jt_contents < 0) {
return it_contents == jt_contents;
} else {
return equivs.get(it_contents, jt_contents);
* Determine whether two list states are equivalent. This is relatively
* straightforward. First, they must have the same number of elements.
* Secondly, respective elements must be equivalent to each other.
* @param automaton
* Automaton in which the two states reside
* @param equivs
* Binary equivalence matrix.
* @param l1
* First list state
* @param l2
* Second list state
* @return
private final static boolean equivalent(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs, Automaton.List il, Automaton.List jl) {
int il_size = il.size();
int jl_size = jl.size();
if (il_size != jl_size) {
// List have different sizes, so cannot be equivalent.
return false;
} else {
// Lists have the same size, so check each child is equivalent in
// sequence
int[] il_children = il.children;
int[] jl_children = jl.children;
for (int k = 0; k != il_size; ++k) {
int il_child = il_children[k];
int jl_child = jl_children[k];
if (il_child < 0 || jl_child < 0) {
// In this case, one or both of the child states are
// virtual. Thus, we cannot look them up in the equivs
// relation, and must compare directly (which is safe).
if (il_child != jl_child) {
// Children are not equivalent so fail
return false;
} else if (!equivs.get(il_child, jl_child)) {
// Children are not equivalent so fail
return false;
// All children must have been equivalent
return true;
* Determine whether two set states are equivalent. This is more challenging
* than for list states. We need to identify that every state in the first
* set has an equivalent state in the second set; likewise, that every state
* in the second state has an equivalent state in the first.
* @param automaton
* Automaton in which the two states reside
* @param equivs
* Binary equivalence matrix.
* @param ic
* First set state
* @param jc
* Second set state
* @return
private final static boolean equivalent(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs, Automaton.Set ic, Automaton.Set jc) {
int ic_size = ic.size();
int jc_size = jc.size();
// NOTE: the size of two equivalent sets may differ at this stage. This
// is because we may two states which are identical and which will
// subsequently reduced to a state. Thus, the current size of a set may
// not be its final size.
int[] ic_children = ic.children;
int[] jc_children = jc.children;
// First, check every node in s1 has equivalent in s2
for (int k = 0; k != ic_size; ++k) {
int ic_child = ic_children[k];
boolean matched = false;
for (int l = 0; l != jc_size; ++l) {
int jc_child = jc_children[l];
if (ic_child == jc_child
|| (ic_child >= 0 && jc_child >= 0 && equivs.get(
ic_child, jc_child))) {
matched = true;
if (!matched) {
return false;
// Second, check every node in s2 has equivalent in s1
for (int k = 0; k != jc_size; ++k) {
int jc_child = jc_children[k];
boolean matched = false;
for (int l = 0; l != ic_size; ++l) {
int ic_child = ic_children[l];
if (ic_child == jc_child
|| (ic_child >= 0 && jc_child >= 0 && equivs.get(
ic_child, jc_child))) {
matched = true;
if (!matched) {
return false;
return true;
* Determine whether two bag states are equivalent. This is more challenging
* than for either list or set states. As for sets we must identify that
* every state in the first set has an equivalent state in the second set;
* likewise, that every state in the second state has an equivalent state in
* the first. However, we must also count the occurrences of a particular
* state and its equivalents is the same in both as well.
* @param automaton
* Automaton in which the two states reside
* @param equivs
* Binary equivalence matrix.
* @param b1
* First bag state
* @param b2
* Second bag state
* @return
private final static boolean equivalent(Automaton automaton,
BinaryMatrix equivs, Automaton.Bag b1, Automaton.Bag b2) {
int b1_size = b1.size();
int b2_size = b2.size();
if (b1_size != b2_size) {
// Observe that, unlike a set, the size of a bag will never be
// changed by the identification of equivalent states. Therefore,
// the size of both collection must be identical, otherwise they can
// never be equivalent.
return false;
int[] b1_children = b1.children;
int[] b2_children = b2.children;
// For every state in s1
for (int k = 0; k != b1_size; ++k) {
int b1_child = b1_children[k];
int b1_count = 0;
// First, count the number of equivalent states to this state in b1.
// This is necessary so we can check the count is the same in b2.
for (int l = 0; l != b1_size; ++l) {
int b11_child = b1_children[l];
if (b1_child == b11_child
|| (b1_child >= 0 && b11_child >= 0 && equivs.get(
b1_child, b11_child))) {
// TODO: We could current iteration of outer loop early
// here, if first equivalent state is less than l. This
// would mean we'd already checked this equivalence class.
// Second, count the number of equivalent states to this in b2, such
// that we can ensure the count is the same in both b1 and b2.
int b2_count = 0;
for (int l = 0; l != b2_size; ++l) {
int b2_child = b2_children[l];
if (b1_child == b2_child
|| (b1_child >= 0 && b2_child >= 0 && equivs.get(
b1_child, b2_child))) {
// Check that the count matches.
if (b1_count != b2_count) {
return false;
// NOTE: unlike the case for Set, we don't need to perform the same
// calculation in the reverse direction. This is because the size of two
// bags must be identical and, hence, if the above loop passes we have
// checked all states in both directions already.
return true;
* <p>
* This algorithm extends all of the current morphisms by a single place.
* What this means, is that all of children of the state under consideration
* will be placed after this. In the case of non-deterministic states, this
* may give rise to a number of equivalent extensions to consider.
* <p>
* @param index
* --- index in morphism to extend. A state must already have
* been placed at its index, but some or all of its children will
* not be placed yet.
* @param free
* --- the first free available index in the morphism (note free
* > index).
* @param candidates
* --- this is the list of candidate morphisms currently being
* explored. An invariant of this algorithm is that all
* candidates are equivalent under the <code>lessThan()</code>
* relation.
* @param automaton
* --- the automaton being canonicalised
public static void extend(int index, ArrayList<Morphism> candidates,
Automaton automaton) {
// Please note, this algorithm is really not very efficient. There is
// quite a lot more pruning that could be done!
int size = candidates.size();
for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
Morphism candidate = candidates.get(i);
extend(index, candidate, candidates, automaton);
prune(candidates, automaton);
private static void extend(int index, Morphism candidate,
ArrayList<Morphism> candidates, Automaton automaton) {
State s = automaton.get(candidate.i2n[index]);
switch (s.kind) {
case Automaton.K_VOID:
case Automaton.K_BOOL:
case Automaton.K_INT:
case Automaton.K_REAL:
case Automaton.K_STRING: {
// can do nothing in these cases
case Automaton.K_LIST: {
// easy, deterministic collection case
Automaton.List l = (Automaton.List) s;
for (int child : l.children) {
if (!candidate.isAllocated(child)) {
case Automaton.K_BAG:
case Automaton.K_SET: {
// harder, non-deterministic collection case
Automaton.Collection l = (Automaton.Collection) s;
// This loop is why the algorithm has exponential running time.
ArrayList<int[]> permutations = permutations(l.children,
for (int i = 0; i != permutations.size(); ++i) {
Morphism ncandidate;
if ((i + 1) == permutations.size()) {
// last one, so overwrite original
ncandidate = candidate;
} else {
ncandidate = new Morphism(candidate);
int[] permutation = permutations.get(i);
for (int child : permutation) {
// GAH --- the following line is horrendously stupid. It's
// guaranteed to generate idendical candidates in the case
// of a child which is already allocated.
if (!ncandidate.isAllocated(child)) {
default: {
Automaton.Term t = (Automaton.Term) s;
if (!candidate.isAllocated(t.contents)) {
* The purpose of this method is to prune the candidate list. In otherwords,
* to remove any candidates which are above some other candidate.
* @param size
* @param candidates
* @param automaton
private static void prune(ArrayList<Morphism> candidates,
Automaton automaton) {
// this is really inefficient!
// at a minimum, we could avoid recomputing lessThan twice for each
// candidate.
Morphism least = candidates.get(0);
for (Morphism candidate : candidates) {
if (lessThan(candidate, least, automaton)) {
least = candidate;
int diff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != candidates.size(); ++i) {
Morphism candidate = candidates.get(i);
if (lessThan(least, candidate, automaton)) {
diff = diff + 1;
} else {
candidates.set(i - diff, candidate);
// now actually remove those bypassed.
int last = candidates.size();
while (diff > 0) {
diff = diff - 1;
* This function determines whether one morphism of a given automaton is
* <i>lexiographically</i> less than another. Starting from the root, we
* compare the states at each index in the morphisms. One state is below
* another if it has a lower kind, fewer children or its transitions are
* "below" those of the other.
* @param morph1
* --- Morphism to test if below or not.
* @param morph2
* --- Morphism to test if above or not.
* @param size
* --- don't consider states above this.
* @param automaton
* --- automaton being canonicalised.
* @return --- true if morph1 is less than morph2
private static boolean lessThan(Morphism morph1, Morphism morph2,
Automaton automaton) {
int size = Math.min(morph1.free, morph2.free);
for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
State s1 = automaton.get(morph1.i2n[i]);
State s2 = automaton.get(morph2.i2n[i]);
if (s1.kind < s2.kind) {
return true;
} else if (s1.kind > s2.kind) {
return false;
switch (s1.kind) {
case Automaton.K_VOID:
case Automaton.K_BOOL:
case Automaton.K_INT:
case Automaton.K_REAL:
case Automaton.K_STRING: {
Automaton.Constant c1 = (Automaton.Constant) s1;
Automaton.Constant c2 = (Automaton.Constant) s2;
Comparable o1 = (Comparable) c1.value;
Comparable o2 = (Comparable) c2.value;
int c = o1.compareTo(o2);
if (c != 0) {
return c < 0;
case Automaton.K_LIST: {
Automaton.Collection c1 = (Automaton.Collection) s1;
Automaton.Collection c2 = (Automaton.Collection) s2;
int[] s1children = c1.children;
int[] s2children = c2.children;
if (s1children.length < s2children.length) {
return true;
} else if (s1children.length > s2children.length) {
return false;
int length = s1children.length;
for (int j = 0; j != length; ++j) {
int s1child = s1children[j];
int s2child = s2children[j];
if (s1child >= 0 && s2child >= 0) {
// non-virtual nodes
s1child = morph1.n2i[s1child];
s2child = morph2.n2i[s2child];
if (s1child < s2child) {
return true;
} else if (s1child > s2child) {
return false;
case Automaton.K_BAG:
case Automaton.K_SET: {
// Ss usual, non-deterministic states are awkward
Automaton.Collection c1 = (Automaton.Collection) s1;
Automaton.Collection c2 = (Automaton.Collection) s2;
int[] s1children = c1.children;
int[] s2children = c2.children;
if (s1children.length < s2children.length) {
return true;
} else if (s1children.length > s2children.length) {
return false;
int length = s1children.length;
// First, we must precalculate the shift value to account
// for virtual nodes which have negative indices.
// Essentially, we're looking for the lowest valued index to
// use as the "shift".
int shift = 0;
for (int j = 0; j != length; ++j) {
shift = Math.min(shift, s1children[j]);
shift = Math.min(shift, s2children[j]);
// Second, we can now determine the "spectra" for these two
// non-deterministic nodes. Using this spectra we'll
// determine which is "less than" the other and, hence,
// which should be allocated next.
BitSet s1Visited = new BitSet(automaton.nStates() - shift);
BitSet s2Visited = new BitSet(automaton.nStates() - shift);
for (int j = 0; j != length; ++j) {
int s1child = s1children[j];
int s2child = s2children[j];
if (s1child >= 0) {
s1child = morph1.n2i[s1child];
if (s2child >= 0) {
s2child = morph2.n2i[s2child];
if (s1child != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
s1Visited.set(s1child - shift);
if (s2child != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
s2Visited.set(s2child - shift);
// Finally, check spectra to see which is least.
int s1cardinality = s1Visited.cardinality();
int s2cardinality = s2Visited.cardinality();
if (s1cardinality != s2cardinality) {
// greater cardinality means more allocated children.
return s1cardinality > s2cardinality;
// Same number of allocated children, so perform
// lexiographic check.
int s1i = s1Visited.nextSetBit(0);
int s2i = s2Visited.nextSetBit(0);
while (s1i == s2i && s1i >= 0) {
s1i = s1Visited.nextSetBit(s1i + 1);
s2i = s2Visited.nextSetBit(s2i + 1);
if (s1i != s2i) {
return s1i < s2i;
default: {
Automaton.Term t1 = (Automaton.Term) s1;
Automaton.Term t2 = (Automaton.Term) s2;
int t1child = t1.contents;
int t2child = t2.contents;
if (t1child >= 0 && t2child >= 0) {
// non-virtual nodes
t1child = morph1.n2i[t1child];
t2child = morph2.n2i[t2child];
if (t1child < t2child) {
return true;
} else if (t1child > t2child) {
return false;
// Ok, they're identical thus far!
return false;
* A morphism maintains a mapping form nodes in the canonical form (indices)
* to nodes in the original automaton.
* @author David J. Pearce
static final class Morphism {
final int[] i2n; // indices to nodes
final int[] n2i; // nodes to indices
int free; // first available index
public Morphism(int size, int root) {
i2n = new int[size];
n2i = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
i2n[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
n2i[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
free = 0;
public Morphism(Morphism morph) {
int size = morph.size();
i2n = Arrays.copyOf(morph.i2n, size);
n2i = Arrays.copyOf(morph.n2i, size);
free = morph.free;
public boolean isAllocated(int node) {
// We're assuming virtual nodes are always allocated.
return node < 0 || n2i[node] != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public void allocate(int node) {
i2n[free] = node;
n2i[node] = free++;
public int size() {
return i2n.length;
public String toString() {
String r = "[";
for (int i = 0; i != i2n.length; ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
r = r + ", ";
if (i >= free) {
r = r + "?";
} else {
r = r + i2n[i];
return r + "]";
* The following provides a brute-force way of determining the canonical
* form. It's really really slow, but useful for testing.
public static Automaton bruteForce(Automaton automaton) {
// remember, toplogical sort returns the reverse post order, so this
// means everything is "backwards".
int root = automaton.getRoot(0);
int[] rpo = topologicalSort(automaton, root);
Morphism winner = null;
ArrayList<int[]> permutations = permutations(rpo, rpo.length - 1);
for (int i = 0; i != permutations.size(); ++i) {
int[] permutation = permutations.get(i);
Morphism m = new Morphism(automaton.nStates(), root);
for (int j = permutation.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (winner == null || lessThan(m, winner, automaton)) {
winner = m;
return map(automaton, winner.n2i);
* <p>
* The following method produces every possible permutation of the give
* array. For example, if <code>children=[1,2,3]</code>, the returned list
* includes the following permutations:
* </p>
* <pre>
* [1,2,3]
* [2,1,3]
* [1,3,2]
* [3,2,1]
* [2,3,1]
* [3,1,2]
* </pre>
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> the number of possible permutations is factorial in the size
* of the input array. Therefore, <i>this can a very expensive
* operation</i>. Use with care!
* </p>
* @param children
* @return
public static ArrayList<int[]> permutations(int[] children, int end) {
ArrayList<int[]> permutations = new ArrayList();
permutations(0, children, end, permutations);
return permutations;
private static void permutations(int index, int[] permutation, int size,
ArrayList<int[]> permutations) {
if (index == size) {
permutations.add(Arrays.copyOf(permutation, size));
} else {
int t1 = permutation[index];
for (int i = index; i < size; ++i) {
int t2 = permutation[i];
permutation[index] = t2;
permutation[i] = t1;
permutations(index + 1, permutation, size, permutations);
permutation[index] = t1;
permutation[i] = t2;
* Reorder an automaton according to a given mapping, where nodes are
* relocated to positions given by the mapping. This is effectively an
* inplace map operation.
* @param automaton
* --- automaton, which is modified.
* @param mapping
* --- maps node indices in original ordering to those in the new
* ordering.
public static void reorder(Automaton automaton, int[] mapping) {
// now remap all the vertices according to giving binding
State[] states = new State[automaton.nStates()];
for (int i = 0; i != states.length; ++i) {
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(i);
states[mapping[i]] = state;
for (int i = 0; i != states.length; ++i) {
automaton.set(i, states[i]);
for (int i = 0; i != automaton.nRoots(); ++i) {
int root = automaton.getRoot(i);
if (root >= 0) {
automaton.setRoot(i, mapping[root]);
* Generate a new automaton from a given automaton which is isomorphic to
* the original, but where nodes in the first have been relocated to
* positions given by a mapping.
* @param automaton
* --- original automaton, which is left unchanged.
* @param mapping
* --- maps node indices in original automaton to those in
* resulting automaton.
public static Automaton map(Automaton automaton, int[] mapping) {
// now remap all the vertices according to giving binding
State[] states = new State[automaton.nStates()];
for (int i = 0; i != states.length; ++i) {
Automaton.State state = automaton.get(i).clone();
states[mapping[i]] = state;
Automaton r = new Automaton(states);
for (int i = 0; i != automaton.nRoots(); ++i) {
int root = automaton.getRoot(i);
if (root >= 0) {
r.setRoot(i, mapping[root]);
return r;