* Create a graphviz graph based on the classes in the specified java
* source files.
* (C) Copyright 2002-2005 Diomidis Spinellis
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* $Id: ClassGraph.java,v 1.85 2007/03/26 07:04:06 dds Exp $
package gr.spinellis.umlgraph.doclet;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ConstructorDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
import com.sun.javadoc.FieldDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.PackageDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Parameter;
import com.sun.javadoc.ParameterizedType;
import com.sun.javadoc.ProgramElementDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Tag;
import com.sun.javadoc.Type;
import com.sun.javadoc.TypeVariable;
import com.sun.javadoc.WildcardType;
* Class graph generation engine
* @depend - - - StringUtil
* @depend - - - Options
* @composed - - * ClassInfo
* @has - - - OptionProvider
* @version $Revision: 1.85 $
* @author <a href="http://www.spinellis.gr">Diomidis Spinellis</a>
class ClassGraph {
protected static final char FILE_SEPARATOR = '/';
enum Font {
enum Align {
public static Map<RelationType, String> associationMap = new HashMap<RelationType, String>();
static {
associationMap.put(RelationType.ASSOC, "arrowhead=none");
associationMap.put(RelationType.NAVASSOC, "arrowhead=open");
associationMap.put(RelationType.HAS, "arrowhead=none, arrowtail=ediamond");
associationMap.put(RelationType.COMPOSED, "arrowhead=none, arrowtail=diamond");
associationMap.put(RelationType.DEPEND, "arrowhead=open, style=dashed");
protected Map<String, ClassInfo> classnames = new HashMap<String, ClassInfo>();
protected Set<String> rootClasses;
protected OptionProvider optionProvider;
protected PrintWriter w;
protected ClassDoc collectionClassDoc;
protected ClassDoc mapClassDoc;
protected String linePostfix;
protected String linePrefix;
// used only when generating context class diagrams in UMLDoc, to generate the proper
// relative links to other classes in the image map
protected Doc contextDoc;
* Create a new ClassGraph. <p>The packages passed as an
* argument are the ones specified on the command line.</p>
* <p>Local URLs will be generated for these packages.</p>
* @param root The root of docs as provided by the javadoc API
* @param optionProvider The main option provider
* @param contextDoc The current context for generating relative links, may be a ClassDoc
* or a PackageDoc (used by UMLDoc)
public ClassGraph(RootDoc root, OptionProvider optionProvider, Doc contextDoc) {
this.optionProvider = optionProvider;
this.collectionClassDoc = root.classNamed("java.util.Collection");
this.mapClassDoc = root.classNamed("java.util.Map");
this.contextDoc = contextDoc;
// to gather the packages containing specified classes, loop thru them and gather
// package definitions. User root.specifiedPackages is not safe, since the user
// may specify just a list of classes (human users usually don't, but automated tools do)
rootClasses = new HashSet<String>();
for (ClassDoc classDoc : root.classes())
Options opt = optionProvider.getGlobalOptions();
if (opt.compact) {
linePrefix = "";
linePostfix = "";
} else {
linePrefix = "\t";
linePostfix = "\n";
/** Return the class's name, possibly by stripping the leading path */
private String qualifiedName(Options opt, String r) {
if (!opt.showQualified) {
// Create readable string by stripping leading path
for (;;) {
int dotpos = r.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotpos == -1) break; // Work done!
* Change all occurences of
* "p1.p2.myClass<S extends dummy.Otherclass>" into
* "myClass<S extends Otherclass>"
int start = dotpos;
while (start > 0 && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(r.charAt(start - 1)))
r = r.substring(0, start) + r.substring(dotpos + 1);
return r;
* Escape <, >, and & characters in the string with
* the corresponding HTML entity code.
private String escape(String s) {
final Pattern toEscape = Pattern.compile("[&<>]");
if (toEscape.matcher(s).find()) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
for (int i = 0; i < sb.length();) {
switch (sb.charAt(i)) {
case '&':
sb.replace(i, i + 1, "&");
i += "&".length();
case '<':
sb.replace(i, i + 1, "<");
i += "<".length();
case '>':
sb.replace(i, i + 1, ">");
i += ">".length();
return sb.toString();
} else
return s;
* Convert < and > characters in the string to the respective guillemot characters.
private String guillemize(Options opt, String s) {
StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(s);
for (int i = 0; i < r.length();)
switch (r.charAt(i)) {
case '<':
r.replace(i, i + 1, opt.guilOpen);
i += opt.guilOpen.length();
case '>':
r.replace(i, i + 1, opt.guilClose);
i += opt.guilClose.length();
return r.toString();
* Wraps a string in Guillemot (or an ASCII substitute) characters.
* @param str the <code>String</code> to be wrapped.
* @return the wrapped <code>String</code>.
private String guilWrap(Options opt, String str) {
return opt.guilOpen + str + opt.guilClose;
* Print the visibility adornment of element e prefixed by
* any stereotypes
private String visibility(Options opt, ProgramElementDoc e) {
if (!opt.showVisibility)
return " ";
if (e.isPrivate())
return "- ";
else if (e.isPublic())
return "+ ";
else if (e.isProtected())
return "# ";
else if (e.isPackagePrivate())
return "~ ";
return " ";
/** Print the method parameter p */
private String parameter(Options opt, Parameter p[]) {
String par = "";
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
par += p[i].name() + typeAnnotation(opt, p[i].type());
if (i + 1 < p.length)
par += ", ";
return par;
/** Print a a basic type t */
private String type(Options opt, Type t) {
String type = "";
if (opt.showQualified)
type = t.qualifiedTypeName();
type = t.typeName();
type += typeParameters(opt, t.asParameterizedType());
return type;
/** Print the parameters of the parameterized type t */
private String typeParameters(Options opt, ParameterizedType t) {
String tp = "";
if (t == null)
return tp;
Type args[] = t.typeArguments();
tp += "<";
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
tp += type(opt, args[i]);
if (i != args.length - 1)
tp += ", ";
tp += ">";
return tp;
/** Annotate an field/argument with its type t */
private String typeAnnotation(Options opt, Type t) {
String ta = "";
if (t.typeName().equals("void"))
return ta;
ta += " : ";
ta += type(opt, t);
ta += t.dimension();
return ta;
/** Print the class's attributes fd */
private void attributes(Options opt, FieldDoc fd[]) {
for (FieldDoc f : fd) {
if (hidden(f))
String att = "";
stereotype(opt, f, Align.LEFT);
att = visibility(opt, f) + f.name();
if (opt.showType)
att += typeAnnotation(opt, f.type());
tableLine(Align.LEFT, att);
tagvalue(opt, f);
* The following two methods look similar, but can't
* be refactored into one, because their common interface,
* ExecutableMemberDoc, doesn't support returnType for ctors.
/** Print the class's constructors m */
private boolean operations(Options opt, ConstructorDoc m[]) {
boolean printed = false;
for (ConstructorDoc cd : m) {
if (hidden(cd))
stereotype(opt, cd, Align.LEFT);
String cs = visibility(opt, cd) + cd.name();
if (opt.showType) {
cs += "(" + parameter(opt, cd.parameters()) + ")";
} else {
cs += "()";
tableLine(Align.LEFT, cs);
printed = true;
tagvalue(opt, cd);
return printed;
/** Print the class's operations m */
private boolean operations(Options opt, MethodDoc m[]) {
boolean printed = false;
for (MethodDoc md : m) {
if (hidden(md))
// Filter-out static initializer method
if (md.name().equals("<clinit>") && md.isStatic() && md.isPackagePrivate())
stereotype(opt, md, Align.LEFT);
String op = visibility(opt, md) + md.name();
if (opt.showType) {
op += "(" + parameter(opt, md.parameters()) + ")"
+ typeAnnotation(opt, md.returnType());
} else {
op += "()";
tableLine(Align.LEFT, op, opt, md.isAbstract() ? Font.ABSTRACT : Font.NORMAL);
printed = true;
tagvalue(opt, md);
return printed;
/** Print the common class node's properties */
private void nodeProperties(Options opt) {
w.print(", fontname=\"" + opt.nodeFontName + "\"");
w.print(", fontcolor=\"" + opt.nodeFontColor + "\"");
w.print(", fontsize=" + opt.nodeFontSize);
* Return as a string the tagged values associated with c
* @param opt the Options used to guess font names
* @param c the Doc entry to look for @tagvalue
* @param prevterm the termination string for the previous element
* @param term the termination character for each tagged value
private void tagvalue(Options opt, Doc c) {
Tag tags[] = c.tags("tagvalue");
if (tags.length == 0)
for (Tag tag : tags) {
String t[] = StringUtil.tokenize(tag.text());
if (t.length != 2) {
System.err.println("@tagvalue expects two fields: " + tag.text());
tableLine(Align.RIGHT, "{" + t[0] + " = " + t[1] + "}", opt, Font.TAG);
* Return as a string the stereotypes associated with c
* terminated by the escape character term
private void stereotype(Options opt, Doc c, Align align) {
for (Tag tag : c.tags("stereotype")) {
String t[] = StringUtil.tokenize(tag.text());
if (t.length != 1) {
System.err.println("@stereotype expects one field: " + tag.text());
tableLine(align, guilWrap(opt, t[0]));
/** Return true if c has a @hidden tag associated with it */
private boolean hidden(ProgramElementDoc c) {
Tag tags[] = c.tags("hidden");
if (tags.length > 0)
return true;
tags = c.tags("view");
if (tags.length > 0)
return true;
Options opt;
if(c instanceof ClassDoc)
opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor((ClassDoc) c);
opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c.containingClass());
return opt.matchesHideExpression(c.toString());
protected ClassInfo getClassInfo(String className) {
return classnames.get(removeTemplate(className));
private ClassInfo newClassInfo(String className, boolean printed, boolean hidden) {
ClassInfo ci = new ClassInfo(printed, hidden);
classnames.put(removeTemplate(className), ci);
return ci;
/** Return true if the class name is associated to an hidden class or matches a hide expression */
private boolean hidden(String s) {
ClassInfo ci = getClassInfo(s);
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(s);
if(ci != null)
return ci.hidden || opt.matchesHideExpression(s);
return opt.matchesHideExpression(s);
* Prints the class if needed.
* <p>
* A class is a rootClass if it's included among the classes returned by
* RootDoc.classes(), this information is used to properly compute
* relative links in diagrams for UMLDoc
public String printClass(ClassDoc c, boolean rootClass) {
ClassInfo ci;
boolean toPrint;
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c);
String className = c.toString();
if ((ci = getClassInfo(className)) != null)
toPrint = !ci.nodePrinted;
else {
toPrint = true;
ci = newClassInfo(className, true, hidden(c));
if (toPrint && !hidden(c) && (!c.isEnum() || opt.showEnumerations)) {
// Associate classname's alias
String r = className;
w.println("\t// " + r);
// Create label
w.print("\t" + ci.name + " [label=");
externalTableStart(opt, c.qualifiedName(), classToUrl(c, rootClass));
if (c.isInterface())
tableLine(Align.CENTER, guilWrap(opt, "interface"));
if (c.isEnum())
tableLine(Align.CENTER, guilWrap(opt, "enumeration"));
stereotype(opt, c, Align.CENTER);
Font font = c.isAbstract() && !c.isInterface() ? Font.CLASS_ABSTRACT : Font.CLASS;
String qualifiedName = qualifiedName(opt, r);
int startTemplate = qualifiedName.indexOf('<');
int idx = 0;
if(startTemplate < 0)
idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.', startTemplate);
if(opt.postfixPackage && idx > 0 && idx < (qualifiedName.length() - 1)) {
String packageName = qualifiedName.substring(0, idx);
String cn = className.substring(idx + 1);
tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(cn), opt, font);
tableLine(Align.CENTER, packageName, opt, Font.PACKAGE);
} else {
tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(qualifiedName), opt, font);
tagvalue(opt, c);
boolean showMembers =
(opt.showAttributes && c.fields().length > 0) ||
(c.isEnum() && opt.showEnumConstants && c.enumConstants().length > 0) ||
(opt.showOperations && c.methods().length > 0) ||
(opt.showConstructors && c.constructors().length > 0);
if (showMembers) {
if (opt.showAttributes) {
FieldDoc[] fields = c.fields();
// if there are no fields, print an empty line to generate proper HTML
if (fields.length == 0)
tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
attributes(opt, c.fields());
} else if(!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) {
// show an emtpy box if we don't show attributes but
// we show operations
tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
if (c.isEnum() && opt.showEnumConstants) {
FieldDoc[] ecs = c.enumConstants();
// if there are no constants, print an empty line to generate proper HTML
if (ecs.length == 0) {
tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
} else {
for (FieldDoc fd : c.enumConstants()) {
tableLine(Align.LEFT, fd.name());
if (!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) {
boolean printedLines = false;
if (opt.showConstructors)
printedLines |= operations(opt, c.constructors());
if (opt.showOperations)
printedLines |= operations(opt, c.methods());
if (!printedLines)
// if there are no operations nor constructors,
// print an empty line to generate proper HTML
tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
ci.nodePrinted = true;
return ci.name;
private String getNodeName(ClassDoc c) {
String className = c.toString();
ClassInfo ci = getClassInfo(className);
if (ci == null)
ci = newClassInfo(className, false, hidden(c));
return ci.name;
/** Return a class's internal name */
private String getNodeName(String c) {
ClassInfo ci = getClassInfo(c);
if (ci == null)
ci = newClassInfo(c, false, false);
return ci.name;
* Print all relations for a given's class's tag
* @param tagname the tag containing the given relation
* @param from the source class
* @param fromName the source class internal name
* @param edgetype the dot edge specification
private void relation(Options opt, RelationType rt, ClassDoc from, String fromName) {
String tagname = rt.toString().toLowerCase();
for (Tag tag : from.tags(tagname)) {
String t[] = StringUtil.tokenize(tag.text()); // l-src label l-dst target
if (t.length != 4) {
System.err.println("Error in " + from + "\n" + tagname + " expects four fields (l-src label l-dst target): " + tag.text());
String dest = t[3];
String destName = null;
ClassDoc to = from.findClass(t[3]);
if(to != null) {
dest = to.toString();
destName = getNodeName(dest);
} else {
destName = getNodeName(t[3]);
relation(opt, rt, from.toString(), fromName, dest, destName, t[0], t[1], t[2]);
private void relation(Options opt, RelationType rt, String from, String fromName,
String dest, String destName, String tailLabel, String label, String headLabel) {
// print relation
String edgetype = associationMap.get(rt);
w.println("\t// " + from + " " + rt.toString() + " " + dest);
w.println("\t" + fromName + ":p -> " + destName + ":p [" +
"taillabel=\"" + tailLabel + "\", " +
"label=\"" + guillemize(opt, label) + "\", " +
"headlabel=\"" + headLabel + "\", " +
"fontname=\"" + opt.edgeFontName + "\", " +
"fontcolor=\"" + opt.edgeFontColor + "\", " +
"fontsize=" + opt.edgeFontSize + ", " +
"color=\"" + opt.edgeColor + "\", " +
edgetype + "];"
// update relation info
RelationDirection d = RelationDirection.BOTH;
if(rt == RelationType.NAVASSOC || rt == RelationType.DEPEND)
d = RelationDirection.OUT;
getClassInfo(from).addRelation(dest, rt, d);
getClassInfo(dest).addRelation(from, rt, d.inverse());
/** Print a class's relations */
public void printRelations(ClassDoc c) {
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c);
if (hidden(c) || c.name().equals("")) // avoid phantom classes, they may pop up when the source uses annotations
String className = c.toString();
String cs = getNodeName(c);
// Print generalization (through the Java superclass)
Type s = c.superclassType();
if (s != null &&
!s.toString().equals("java.lang.Object") &&
!c.isEnum() &&
!hidden(s.asClassDoc())) {
ClassDoc sc = s.asClassDoc();
w.println("\t//" + c + " extends " + s + "\n" +
"\t" + getNodeName(sc) + ":p -> " + cs + ":p [dir=back,arrowtail=empty];");
getClassInfo(className).addRelation(sc.toString(), RelationType.EXTENDS, RelationDirection.OUT);
getClassInfo(sc.toString()).addRelation(className, RelationType.EXTENDS, RelationDirection.IN);
// Print generalizations (through @extends tags)
for (Tag tag : c.tags("extends"))
if (!hidden(tag.text())) {
w.println("\t//" + c + " extends " + tag.text() + "\n" +
"\t" + getNodeName(tag.text()) + ":p -> " + cs + ":p [dir=back,arrowtail=empty];");
getClassInfo(className).addRelation(tag.text(), RelationType.EXTENDS, RelationDirection.OUT);
getClassInfo(tag.text()).addRelation(className, RelationType.EXTENDS, RelationDirection.IN);
// Print realizations (Java interfaces)
for (Type iface : c.interfaceTypes()) {
ClassDoc ic = iface.asClassDoc();
if (!hidden(ic)) {
w.println("\t//" + c + " implements " + ic + "\n\t" + getNodeName(ic) + ":p -> " + cs + ":p [dir=back,arrowtail=empty,style=dashed];"
getClassInfo(className).addRelation(ic.toString(), RelationType.IMPLEMENTS, RelationDirection.OUT);
getClassInfo(ic.toString()).addRelation(className, RelationType.IMPLEMENTS, RelationDirection.IN);
// Print other associations
relation(opt, RelationType.ASSOC, c, cs);
relation(opt, RelationType.NAVASSOC, c, cs);
relation(opt, RelationType.HAS, c, cs);
relation(opt, RelationType.COMPOSED, c, cs);
relation(opt, RelationType.DEPEND, c, cs);
/** Print classes that were parts of relationships, but not parsed by javadoc */
public void printExtraClasses(RootDoc root) {
Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(classnames.keySet());
for(String className: names) {
ClassInfo info = getClassInfo(className);
if (!info.nodePrinted) {
ClassDoc c = root.classNamed(className);
if(c != null) {
printClass(c, false);
} else {
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(className);
w.println("\t// " + className);
w.print("\t" + info.name + "[label=");
externalTableStart(opt, className, classToUrl(className));
int idx = className.lastIndexOf(".");
if(opt.postfixPackage && idx > 0 && idx < (className.length() - 1)) {
String packageName = className.substring(0, idx);
String cn = className.substring(idx + 1);
tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(cn), opt, Font.CLASS);
tableLine(Align.CENTER, packageName, opt, Font.PACKAGE);
} else {
tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(className), opt, Font.CLASS);
* Prints associations recovered from the fields of a class. An association is inferred only
* if another relation between the two classes is not already in the graph.
* @param classes
public void printInferredRelations(ClassDoc[] classes) {
for (ClassDoc c : classes) {
* Prints associations recovered from the fields of a class. An association is inferred only
* if another relation between the two classes is not already in the graph.
* @param classes
public void printInferredRelations(ClassDoc c) {
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c);
// check if the source is excluded from inference
String sourceName = c.toString();
if (hidden(c))
for (FieldDoc field : c.fields(false)) {
// skip statics
// skip primitives
FieldRelationInfo fri = getFieldRelationInfo(field);
if (fri == null)
// check if the destination is excluded from inference
if (hidden(fri.cd))
String dest = fri.cd.toString();
String destAdornment = fri.multiple ? "*" : "";
relation(opt, opt.inferRelationshipType, sourceName, getNodeName(c), dest,
getNodeName(dest), "", "", destAdornment);
* Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A
* dependency is inferred only if another relation between the two
* classes is not already in the graph.
* @param classes
public void printInferredDependencies(ClassDoc[] classes) {
for (ClassDoc c : classes) {
* Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A
* dependency is inferred only if another relation between the two
* classes is not already in the graph.
* @param classes
public void printInferredDependencies(ClassDoc c) {
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c);
String sourceName = c.toString();
if (hidden(c))
Set<Type> types = new HashSet<Type>();
// harvest method return and parameter types
for (MethodDoc method : filterByVisibility(c.methods(false), opt.inferDependencyVisibility)) {
for (Parameter parameter : method.parameters()) {
// and the field types
if (!opt.inferRelationships) {
for (FieldDoc field : filterByVisibility(c.fields(false), opt.inferDependencyVisibility)) {
// see if there are some type parameters
if (c.asParameterizedType() != null) {
ParameterizedType pt = c.asParameterizedType();
// see if type parameters extend something
for(TypeVariable tv: c.typeParameters()) {
if(tv.bounds().length > 0 )
// and finally check for explicitly imported classes (this
// assumes there are no unused imports...)
if (opt.useImports)
// compute dependencies
for (Type type : types) {
// skip primitives and type variables, as well as dependencies
// on the source class
if (type.isPrimitive() || type instanceof WildcardType || type instanceof TypeVariable
|| c.toString().equals(type.asClassDoc().toString()))
// check if the destination is excluded from inference
ClassDoc fc = type.asClassDoc();
String destName = fc.toString();
if (hidden(fc))
// check if source and destination are in the same package and if we are allowed
// to infer dependencies between classes in the same package
if(!opt.inferDepInPackage && c.containingPackage().equals(fc.containingPackage()))
// if source and dest are not already linked, add a dependency
RelationPattern rp = getClassInfo(sourceName).getRelation(destName);
if (rp == null || rp.matchesOne(new RelationPattern(RelationDirection.OUT))) {
relation(opt, RelationType.DEPEND, sourceName, getNodeName(sourceName), destName,
getNodeName(destName), "", "", "");
* Returns all program element docs that have a visibility greater or
* equal than the specified level
private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> List<T> filterByVisibility(T[] docs, Visibility visibility) {
if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE)
return Arrays.asList(docs);
List<T> filtered = new ArrayList<T>();
for (T doc : docs) {
if (Visibility.get(doc).compareTo(visibility) > 0)
return filtered;
private FieldRelationInfo getFieldRelationInfo(FieldDoc field) {
Type type = field.type();
if(type.isPrimitive() || type instanceof WildcardType || type instanceof TypeVariable)
return null;
if (type.dimension().endsWith("[]")) {
return new FieldRelationInfo(type.asClassDoc(), true);
Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(type.asClassDoc());
if (opt.matchesCollPackageExpression(type.qualifiedTypeName())) {
Type[] argTypes = getInterfaceTypeArguments(collectionClassDoc, type);
if (argTypes != null && argTypes.length == 1) {
return new FieldRelationInfo(argTypes[0].asClassDoc(), true);
argTypes = getInterfaceTypeArguments(mapClassDoc, type);
if (argTypes != null && argTypes.length == 2) {
return new FieldRelationInfo(argTypes[1].asClassDoc(), true);
return new FieldRelationInfo(type.asClassDoc(), false);
private Type[] getInterfaceTypeArguments(ClassDoc iface, Type t) {
if (t instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) t;
if (iface.equals(t.asClassDoc())) {
return pt.typeArguments();
} else {
for (Type pti : pt.interfaceTypes()) {
Type[] result = getInterfaceTypeArguments(iface, pti);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (pt.superclassType() != null)
return getInterfaceTypeArguments(iface, pt.superclassType());
} else if (t instanceof ClassDoc) {
ClassDoc cd = (ClassDoc) t;
for (Type pti : cd.interfaceTypes()) {
Type[] result = getInterfaceTypeArguments(iface, pti);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (cd.superclassType() != null)
return getInterfaceTypeArguments(iface, cd.superclassType());
return null;
/** Removes the template specs from a class name. */
private String removeTemplate(String name) {
int openIdx = name.indexOf('<');
if(openIdx == -1)
return name;
return name.substring(0, openIdx);
/** Convert the class name into a corresponding URL */
public String classToUrl(ClassDoc cd, boolean rootClass) {
// building relative path for context and package diagrams
if(contextDoc != null && rootClass) {
// determine the context path, relative to the root
String packageName = null;
if (contextDoc instanceof ClassDoc) {
packageName = ((ClassDoc) contextDoc).containingPackage().name();
} else if (contextDoc instanceof PackageDoc) {
packageName = ((PackageDoc) contextDoc).name();
} else {
return classToUrl(cd.qualifiedName());
return buildRelativePath(packageName, cd.containingPackage().name()) + cd.name() + ".html";
} else {
return classToUrl(cd.qualifiedName());
protected static String buildRelativePath(String contextPackageName, String classPackageName) {
// path, relative to the root, of the destination class
String[] contextClassPath = contextPackageName.split("\\.");
String[] currClassPath = classPackageName.split("\\.");
// compute relative path between the context and the destination
// ... first, compute common part
int i = 0;
while (i < contextClassPath.length && i < currClassPath.length
&& contextClassPath[i].equals(currClassPath[i]))
// ... go up with ".." to reach the common root
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (i == contextClassPath.length) {
} else {
for (int j = i; j < contextClassPath.length; j++) {
// ... go down from the common root to the destination
for (int j = i; j < currClassPath.length; j++) {
return buf.toString();
/** Convert the class name into a corresponding URL */
public String classToUrl(String className) {
String docRoot = mapApiDocRoot(className);
if (docRoot != null) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(docRoot);
buf.append(className.replace('.', FILE_SEPARATOR));
return buf.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Returns the appropriate URL "root" for a given class name.
* The root will be used as the prefix of the URL used to link the class in
* the final diagram to the associated JavaDoc page.
private String mapApiDocRoot(String className) {
String root = null;
/* If no packages are specified, we use apiDocRoot for all of them. */
if (rootClasses.contains(className)) {
root = optionProvider.getGlobalOptions().apiDocRoot;
} else {
Options globalOptions = optionProvider.getGlobalOptions();
root = globalOptions.getApiDocRoot(className);
return root;
/** Dot prologue
* @throws IOException */
public void prologue() throws IOException {
Options opt = optionProvider.getGlobalOptions();
OutputStream os = null;
if (opt.outputFileName.equals("-"))
os = System.out;
else {
// prepare output file. Use the output file name as a full path unless the output
// directory is specified
File file = null;
if (opt.outputDirectory != null)
file = new File(opt.outputDirectory, opt.outputFileName);
file = new File(opt.outputFileName);
// make sure the output directory are there, otherwise create them
if (file.getParentFile() != null
&& !file.getParentFile().exists())
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
// print plologue
w = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(os), opt.outputEncoding));
"#!/usr/local/bin/dot\n" +
"#\n" +
"# Class diagram \n" +
"# Generated by UmlGraph version " +
Version.VERSION + " (http://www.spinellis.gr/sw/umlgraph)\n" +
"#\n\n" +
"digraph G {\n" +
"\tedge [fontname=\"" + opt.edgeFontName +
"\",fontsize=10,labelfontname=\"" + opt.edgeFontName +
"\",labelfontsize=10];\n" +
"\tnode [fontname=\"" + opt.nodeFontName +
if (opt.horizontal)
if (opt.bgColor != null)
w.println("\tbgcolor=\"" + opt.bgColor + "\";\n");
/** Dot epilogue */
public void epilogue() {
private void externalTableStart(Options opt, String name, String url) {
String bgcolor = "";
if (opt.nodeFillColor != null)
bgcolor = " bgcolor=\""+ opt.nodeFillColor + "\"";
String href = "";
if (url != null)
href = " href=\"" + url + "\"";
w.print("<<table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" "
+ "cellpadding=\"2\" port=\"p\"" + bgcolor + href + ">" + linePostfix);
private void externalTableEnd() {
w.print(linePrefix + linePrefix + "</table>>");
private void innerTableStart() {
w.print(linePrefix + linePrefix + "<tr><td><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" "
+ "cellpadding=\"1\">" + linePostfix);
private void innerTableEnd() {
w.print(linePrefix + linePrefix + "</table></td></tr>" + linePostfix);
private void tableLine(Align align, String text) {
tableLine(align, text, null, Font.NORMAL);
private void tableLine(Align align, String text, Options opt, Font font) {
String open;
String close = "</td></tr>";
String prefix = linePrefix + linePrefix + linePrefix;
if(align == Align.CENTER)
open = prefix + "<tr><td>";
else if(align == Align.LEFT)
open = prefix + "<tr><td align=\"left\">";
else if(align == Align.RIGHT)
open = prefix + "<tr><td align=\"right\">";
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown alignement type " + align);
text = fontWrap(" " + text + " ", opt, font);
w.print(open + text + close + linePostfix);
* Wraps the text with the appropriate font according to the specified font type
* @param opt
* @param text
* @param font
* @return
private String fontWrap(String text, Options opt, Font font) {
if(font == Font.ABSTRACT) {
return fontWrap(text, opt.nodeFontAbstractName, opt.nodeFontSize);
} else if(font == Font.CLASS) {
return fontWrap(text, opt.nodeFontClassName, opt.nodeFontClassSize);
} else if(font == Font.CLASS_ABSTRACT) {
String name;
if(opt.nodeFontClassAbstractName == null)
name = opt.nodeFontAbstractName;
name = opt.nodeFontClassAbstractName;
return fontWrap(text, name, opt.nodeFontClassSize);
} else if(font == Font.PACKAGE) {
return fontWrap(text, opt.nodeFontPackageName, opt.nodeFontPackageSize);
} else if(font == Font.TAG) {
return fontWrap(text, opt.nodeFontTagName, opt.nodeFontTagSize);
} else {
return text;
* Wraps the text with the appropriate font tags when the font name
* and size are not void
* @param text the text to be wrapped
* @param fontName considered void when it's null
* @param fontSize considered void when it's <= 0
private String fontWrap(String text, String fontName, double fontSize) {
if(fontName == null && fontSize == -1)
return text;
else if(fontName == null)
return "<font point-size=\"" + fontSize + "\">" + text + "</font>";
else if(fontSize <= 0)
return "<font face=\"" + fontName + "\">" + text + "</font>";
return "<font face=\"" + fontName + "\" point-size=\"" + fontSize + "\">" + text + "</font>";
private static class FieldRelationInfo {
ClassDoc cd;
boolean multiple;
public FieldRelationInfo(ClassDoc cd, boolean multiple) {
this.cd = cd;
this.multiple = multiple;