* Copyright 2011, Mysema Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mysema.query.sql;
import java.sql.Types;
import com.mysema.query.QueryMetadata;
import com.mysema.query.QueryModifiers;
import com.mysema.query.types.Ops;
* DerbyTemplates is an SQL dialect for Derby
* @author tiwe
public class DerbyTemplates extends SQLTemplates {
private String limitOffsetTemplate = "\noffset {1s} rows fetch next {0s} rows only";
private String limitTemplate = "\nfetch first {0s} rows only";
private String offsetTemplate = "\noffset {0s} rows";
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder() {
protected SQLTemplates build(char escape, boolean quote) {
return new DerbyTemplates(escape, quote);
public DerbyTemplates() {
public DerbyTemplates(boolean quote) {
public DerbyTemplates(char escape, boolean quote) {
super("\"", escape, quote);
setAutoIncrement(" generated always as identity");
setDefaultValues("\nvalues (default)");
add(Ops.CONCAT, "varchar({0} || {1})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_MONTH, "day({0})");
add(SQLOps.NEXTVAL, "next value for {0s}");
// case for eq
add(Ops.CASE_EQ, "case {1} end");
add(Ops.CASE_EQ_WHEN, "when {0} = {1} then {2} {3}");
add(Ops.CASE_EQ_ELSE, "else {0}");
add(Ops.MathOps.RANDOM, "random()");
add(Ops.MathOps.ROUND, "floor({0})"); // FIXME
add(Ops.MathOps.POWER, "exp({1} * log({0}))");
add(Ops.MathOps.LN, "log({0})");
add(Ops.MathOps.LOG, "(log({0}) / log({1}))");
add(Ops.MathOps.COTH, "(exp({0} * 2) + 1) / (exp({0} * 2) - 1)");
// overrides of the SQL standard functions
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.SECOND, "second({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.MINUTE, "minute({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.HOUR, "hour({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.WEEK, "week({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.MONTH, "month({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR, "year({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR_MONTH, "(year({0}) * 100 + month({0}))");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.YEAR_WEEK, "(year({0}) * 100 + week({0}))");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_WEEK, "dayofweek({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_MONTH, "day({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DAY_OF_YEAR, "dayofyear({0})");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_YEARS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_YEAR, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_MONTHS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MONTH, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_WEEKS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_WEEK, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_DAYS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_DAY, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_HOURS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_HOUR, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_MINUTES, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.ADD_SECONDS, "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_SECOND, {1}, {0})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_YEARS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_YEAR, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_MONTHS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_MONTH, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_WEEKS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_WEEK, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_DAYS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_HOURS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_HOUR, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_MINUTES, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, {0}, {1})}");
add(Ops.DateTimeOps.DIFF_SECONDS, "{fn timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND, {0}, {1})}");
// left via substr
add(Ops.StringOps.LEFT, "substr({0},1,{1})");
addTypeNameToCode("smallint", Types.TINYINT, true);
addTypeNameToCode("long varchar for bit data", Types.LONGVARBINARY);
addTypeNameToCode("varchar () for bit data", Types.VARBINARY);
addTypeNameToCode("char () for bit data", Types.BINARY);
addTypeNameToCode("long varchar", Types.LONGVARCHAR, true);
addTypeNameToCode("object", Types.JAVA_OBJECT, true);
addTypeNameToCode("xml", Types.SQLXML,true);
public String serialize(String literal, int jdbcType) {
if (jdbcType == Types.TIMESTAMP) {
return "{ts '" + literal + "'}";
} else if (jdbcType == Types.DATE) {
return "{d '" + literal + "'}";
} else if (jdbcType == Types.TIME) {
return "{t '" + literal + "'}";
} else {
return super.serialize(literal, jdbcType);
protected void serializeModifiers(QueryMetadata metadata, SQLSerializer context) {
QueryModifiers mod = metadata.getModifiers();
if (mod.getLimit() == null) {
context.handle(offsetTemplate, mod.getOffset());
} else if (mod.getOffset() == null) {
context.handle(limitTemplate, mod.getLimit());
} else {
context.handle(limitOffsetTemplate, mod.getLimit(), mod.getOffset());