* Copyright 2011, Mysema Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mysema.query.jpa;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.mysema.query.JoinFlag;
import com.mysema.query.QueryMetadata;
import com.mysema.query.support.*;
import com.mysema.query.types.*;
import com.mysema.query.types.path.CollectionPathBase;
* JPAQueryMixin extends {@link QueryMixin} to support JPQL join construction
* @author tiwe
* @param <T>
public class JPAQueryMixin<T> extends QueryMixin<T> {
private final Set<Path<?>> paths = Sets.newHashSet();
private final Map<Expression<?>, Path<?>> aliases = Maps.newHashMap();
private ReplaceVisitor replaceVisitor;
public static final JoinFlag FETCH = new JoinFlag("fetch ");
public static final JoinFlag FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES = new JoinFlag(" fetch all properties");
public JPAQueryMixin() {}
public JPAQueryMixin(QueryMetadata metadata) {
public JPAQueryMixin(T self, QueryMetadata metadata) {
super(self, metadata);
public T fetch() {
return getSelf();
public T fetchAll() {
return getSelf();
protected <D> Expression<D> createAlias(Expression<?> expr, Path<?> alias) {
aliases.put(expr, alias);
return super.createAlias(expr, alias);
private boolean isEntityPath(Path<?> path) {
if (path instanceof CollectionPathBase) {
return isEntityPath((Path<?>) ((CollectionPathBase)path).any());
} else {
return path instanceof EntityPath
|| path.getType().isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class);
private <T> Class<T> getElementTypeOrType(Path<T> path) {
if (path instanceof CollectionExpression) {
return ((CollectionExpression)path).getParameter(0);
} else {
return (Class<T>) path.getType();
private <T> Path<T> shorten(Path<T> path, List<Path<?>> paths) {
PathMetadata<?> metadata = path.getMetadata();
if (metadata.isRoot() || paths.contains(path)) {
return path;
} else if (aliases.containsKey(path)) {
return (Path<T>) aliases.get(path);
} else if (metadata.getPathType() == PathType.COLLECTION_ANY) {
return (Path<T>) shorten(metadata.getParent(), paths);
} else if (!isEntityPath(path)) {
Path<?> parent = shorten(metadata.getParent(), paths);
if (parent.equals(metadata.getParent())) {
return path;
} else {
return new PathImpl<T>(path.getType(),
new PathMetadata(parent, metadata.getElement(), metadata.getPathType()));
} else if (metadata.getParent().getMetadata().isRoot()) {
Class<T> type = getElementTypeOrType(path);
Path<T> newPath = new PathImpl<T>(type, path.toString().replace('.', '_'));
leftJoin(path, newPath);
return newPath;
} else {
Class<T> type = getElementTypeOrType(path);
Path<?> parent = shorten(metadata.getParent(), paths);
Path<T> oldPath = new PathImpl<T>(path.getType(),
new PathMetadata(parent, metadata.getElement(), metadata.getPathType()));
Path<T> newPath = new PathImpl<T>(type, oldPath.toString().replace('.', '_'));
leftJoin(oldPath, newPath);
return newPath;
private <T> Path<T> convertPathForOrder(Path<T> path) {
PathMetadata<?> metadata = path.getMetadata();
// at least three levels
if (metadata.getParent() != null && !metadata.getParent().getMetadata().isRoot()) {
Set<Expression<?>> exprs = Sets.newHashSet();
QueryMetadata md = getMetadata();
if (md.getWhere() != null) exprs.add(md.getWhere());
if (md.getHaving() != null) exprs.add(md.getHaving());
List<Path<?>> paths = Lists.newArrayList();
// extract paths
PathsExtractor.DEFAULT.visit(exprs, paths);
if (!paths.contains(path) && !paths.contains(metadata.getParent())) {
Path<?> shortened = shorten(metadata.getParent(), paths);
return new PathImpl<T>(path.getType(),
new PathMetadata(shortened, metadata.getElement(), metadata.getPathType()));
} else {
return path;
} else {
return path;
public <RT> Expression<RT> convert(Expression<RT> expr, boolean forOrder) {
if (forOrder) {
if (expr instanceof Path) {
expr = convertPathForOrder((Path)expr);
} else {
if (replaceVisitor == null) {
replaceVisitor = new ReplaceVisitor() {
public Expression<?> visit(Path<?> expr, Void context) {
return convertPathForOrder(expr);
expr = (Expression<RT>)expr.accept(replaceVisitor, null);
return Conversions.convert(super.convert(expr, forOrder));
protected Predicate normalize(Predicate predicate, boolean where) {
if (predicate != null) {
predicate = (Predicate) ExpressionUtils.extract(predicate);
if (predicate != null) {
// transform any usage
predicate = (Predicate) predicate.accept(JPACollectionAnyVisitor.DEFAULT, new Context());
// transform list access
Context context = new Context();
predicate = (Predicate) predicate.accept(ListAccessVisitor.DEFAULT, context);
for (int i = 0; i < context.paths.size(); i++) {
Path<?> path = context.paths.get(i);
if (!paths.contains(path)) {
addCondition(context, i, path, where);
return predicate;
} else {
return null;
private void addCondition(Context context, int i, Path<?> path, boolean where) {
EntityPath<?> alias = context.replacements.get(i);
leftJoin((Expression)path.getMetadata().getParent(), context.replacements.get(i));
Expression index = OperationImpl.create(Integer.class, JPQLOps.INDEX, alias);
Object element = path.getMetadata().getElement();
if (!(element instanceof Expression)) {
element = ConstantImpl.create(element);
Predicate condition = ExpressionUtils.eq(index, (Expression)element);
if (where) {
} else {