package restx.stats;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import restx.AppSettings;
import restx.RestxRequest;
import restx.RestxResponse;
import restx.common.UUIDGenerator;
import restx.common.UUIDGenerator.DefaultUUIDGenerator;
import restx.common.Version;
import restx.factory.AutoStartable;
import restx.factory.Component;
import restx.stats.RestxStats.RequestStats;
import javax.inject.Named;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* A collector of RestxStats.
* This class is responsible for collecting anonymous statistics on a restx server, save and share them.
* The stats collected are anonymized, have a look at RestxStats class to better see what information is sent,
* and look at this class source to see how it is collected.
* Stats are shared to to contribute these anonymous usage stats to the community. You can disable
* that with `restx.stats.share.enable=false`. You can also get rid of the restx stats plugin altogether and stats collection
* won't even be wired in your application.
* It tries to save stats to keep stats over time, but it needs a writable file system access for that. If writable
* file system access is not available, or if you disable it using ``, the collector
* will try to use to not only share but also as a way to store your stats between server runs.
public class RestxStatsCollector implements AutoStartable, AutoCloseable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestxStatsCollector.class);
/** uuid generator used to generate mahcine id */
private final UUIDGenerator uuidGenerator;
/** object mapper used to persist and load stats */
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
/** the stats collected by this collector */
private final RestxStats stats;
/** the rough startup time of this server */
private final long startupTime;
/** the total uptime collected during previous run */
private final long previousTotalUptime;
/** should stats be stored on disk to compute stats over multiple run */
private final boolean storageEnabled;
/** min period in ms between each storage */
private final long storagePeriod;
/** directory in which stats should be stored if enabled */
private final File storageStatsDir;
/** should stats be shared */
private final boolean shareEnabled;
/** min period in ms between each sharing */
private final long sharePeriod;
/** URL on which stats should be shared if enabled */
private final String shareURL;
/** the last time at which the stats have been touched */
private volatile long lastTouchTime;
/** the last time at which the stats have been stored */
private volatile long lastStorageTime;
/** the last time at which the stats have been shared */
private volatile long lastShareTime;
public RestxStatsCollector(
@Named("restx.appName") Optional<String> appName,
@Named("restx.server.type") Optional<String> serverType,
@Named("restx.server.port") Optional<String> serverPort,
AppSettings appSettings, RestxStatsSettings statsSettings,
ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
// we don't inject it, we don't want during tests to use the playback version, it could perturb
// tests since the number of calls to the generation depends on the presence of machine id
// in the file system, which may vary from one test to another
this.uuidGenerator = new DefaultUUIDGenerator();
// load settings in private fields
// this avoid accessing the settings through the underlying config object
storageEnabled = statsSettings.storageEnable();
storageStatsDir = new File(statsSettings.storageDir().or(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.restx/stats"));
storagePeriod = statsSettings.storagePeriod();
shareEnabled = statsSettings.shareEnable();
shareURL = statsSettings.shareURL();
sharePeriod = statsSettings.sharePeriod();
if (storageEnabled && !storageStatsDir.exists()) {
stats = loadPreviousStatsIfAvailable(
new RestxStats()
// we set what makes up the stats id, to be able to load previous one if any
.setAppNameHash(Hashing.md5().hashString(appName.or("DEFAULT"), Charsets.UTF_8).toString())
startupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
previousTotalUptime = stats.getTotalUptime();
.setRestxVersion(Version.getVersion("io.restx", "restx-core"))
* Get the current stats.
* This also updates the stats with latest heap size and uptime information.
* @return current stats.
public RestxStats getStats() {
return stats;
public void start() {
// making the collector auto startable ensure it is loaded only once even in DEV mode
// the actual initial gathering is done in the constructor to avoid storing some injected fields just between
// constructor and start() call
if (shareEnabled) {"collecting and sharing stats enabled - see for details.");
logger.debug("stats collection started - current stats {}", stats);
* This method is called by RestxStatsCollectionFilter, to collect stats about requests.
* @param req the incoming request
* @param resp the outgoing response
* @param stop a stopwatch which has measured the request / response handling time
final void notifyRequest(RestxRequest req, RestxResponse resp, Stopwatch stop) {
RequestStats requestStats = stats.getRequestStats().get(req.getHttpMethod());
if (requestStats != null) {
long duration = stop.elapsed(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
long minDuration;
while ((minDuration = requestStats.getMinDuration().get()) > duration) {
if (requestStats.getMinDuration().compareAndSet(minDuration, duration)) {
long maxDuration;
while ((maxDuration = requestStats.getMaxDuration().get()) < duration) {
if (requestStats.getMaxDuration().compareAndSet(maxDuration, duration)) {
* Touch is used to update the stats timestamp, and is also used to store and share the stats
* if they haven't been stored or shared for the period specified (if enabled).
* We don't use a cron for that, it would require a dedicated thread, so we prefer less accurate
* but also less impact on the application performance.
private void touch() {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now - lastTouchTime > 100) {
// we don't update timestamp too frequently to avoid creating new DateTime object too frequently
stats.setTimestamp(new DateTime(now));
lastTouchTime = now;
* Stores the stats if storage is enabled and if they haven't been stored for the specified period.
* It also updates the heap and uptime information before saving the stats.
* @param now current time
private void maybeStoreStats(long now) {
if (storageEnabled && now - lastStorageTime > storagePeriod) {
boolean shouldUpdate = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (now - lastStorageTime > storagePeriod) {
shouldUpdate = true;
lastStorageTime = now;
if (shouldUpdate) {
* Shares the stats if sharing is enabled and if they haven't been shared for the specified period.
* It also updates the heap and uptime information before sharing the stats.
* @param now current time
private void maybeShareStats(long now) {
if (shareEnabled && now - lastShareTime > sharePeriod) {
boolean shouldUpdate = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (now - lastShareTime > sharePeriod) {
shouldUpdate = true;
lastShareTime = now;
if (shouldUpdate) {
* Updates current and total uptime
private void updateUptime() {
long currentUptime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startupTime;
stats.setTotalUptime(previousTotalUptime + currentUptime);
private void updateHeapSize() {
* Stores the stats on disk. Must not be called if storage is disabled.
* storageEnabled check is not done to avoid double checking.
private synchronized void storeStats() {
File statsFile = getStatsFile(stats.getStatsId());
try {
objectMapper.writer().writeValue(statsFile, stats);
} catch (Exception e) {"saving stats to {} failed. Exception: {}", statsFile, e.getMessage());
* Share the stats to share URL. Must not be called if sharing is disabled.
* shareEnabled check is not done to avoid double checking.
private void shareStats() {
try {
int code =
if (code >= 400) {"sharing stats on {} failed. Response code: {}", shareURL, code);
} catch (Exception e) {"sharing stats on {} failed. Exception: {}", shareURL, e.getMessage());
* Loads previous stats from disk if available and storage is enabled.
* @param stats the stats with same id as the one to load.
* @return loaded stats if available, or given stats if not loaded.
private RestxStats loadPreviousStatsIfAvailable(RestxStats stats) {
if (!storageEnabled) {
return stats;
try {
File statsFile = getStatsFile(stats.getStatsId());
if (statsFile.exists()) {
stats = objectMapper.reader(RestxStats.class).readValue(statsFile);
lastStorageTime = statsFile.lastModified();
return stats;
} catch (Exception e) {
return stats;
private String guessDataAccessInfo() {
return "unknown";
private String getOs() {
return System.getProperty("") + ", " + System.getProperty("os.version") + ", " + System.getProperty("os.arch");
private String getJava() {
return "VM: " + System.getProperty("") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version")
+ "; Version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version");
* Returns an ID to identify this machine.
* Instead of making a guess based on MAC address and other related stuff, we only rely on a stored UUID to make
* it faster. It means that when storage is disabled, the machine id will be different at each run, preventing to
* consolidate information at machine level.
* @return the machine id, which may be different at each call.
private synchronized String getMachineId() {
if (!storageEnabled) {
return uuidGenerator.doGenerate();
File machineIdFile = new File(storageStatsDir, "machineId");
if (machineIdFile.exists()) {
try {
return Files.asCharSource(machineIdFile, Charsets.UTF_8).read();
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignored. we'll generate a new one
String machineId = uuidGenerator.doGenerate();
try {
Files.asCharSink(machineIdFile, Charsets.UTF_8).write(machineId);
} catch (Exception e) {
// we were not able to store the machine id file, it means we'll generate a new one each time
return machineId;
* Fill the structure of the map of RequestStat, so that we don't have to concurrently check for insertions
* when in use.
* Stats for HTTP methods which are not present in the map after this call won't be collected.
private void fillPerHttpMethodRequestStats() {
Map<String,RequestStats> requestStats = stats.getRequestStats();
for (String httpMethod : new String[]{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "CONNECT"}) {
if (!requestStats.containsKey(httpMethod)) {
requestStats.put(httpMethod, new RequestStats().setHttpMethod(httpMethod));
private File getStatsFile(String statsId) {
return new File(storageStatsDir, "restx-stats-" + statsId + ".json");
public void close() throws Exception {
if (storageEnabled) {
if (shareEnabled) {