package gml4u.utils;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import toxi.geom.AABB;
import toxi.geom.ReadonlyVec3D;
import toxi.geom.Vec2D;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
public class Vec3DUtils {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Vec3DUtils.class.getName());
* Returns the smallest axis' size (ie: 0.1f for Vec3D(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.1f))
* @param v - vector
* @return float
public static float getSmallestAxisSize(final Vec3D v) {
float coef = v.x < v.y ? (v.x < v.z ? v.x : v.z) : (v.y < v.z ? v.y : v.z);
return coef;
* Returns the longest axis' size (ie: 0.5f for Vec3D(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.1f))
* @param v - vector
* @return float
public static float getLongestAxisSize(final Vec3D v) {
float coef = v.x > v.y ? (v.x > v.z ? v.x : v.z) : (v.y > v.z ? v.y : v.z);
return coef;
* Returns a vector whose xyz values are equals to the longest axis
* of the provided vector
* @param v - vector
* @return vector which can be used to scale
public static Vec3D getScalingCoef(final Vec3D v) {
float coef = getLongestAxisSize(v);
Vec3D vCoef = new Vec3D(coef, coef, coef);
return vCoef;
* Checks if a vector is normalized (fits within 0 and 1 on every axis)
* with a tolerance of .0000001
* @param v - vector
* @return boolean
public static boolean isNormalized(Vec3D v) {
Vec3D min = new Vec3D(-0.0000001f, -0.0000001f, -0.0000001f);
Vec3D max = new Vec3D(1.0000001f, 1.0000001f, 1.0000001f);
if (v.isInAABB(AABB.fromMinMax(min, max)))
return true;
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, v+" doesn't fit in "+ min + "/" + max);
return false;
* Returns a normalizing vector to scale the provided vector
* to a max of 1 in either x, y or z axis
* @param v - vector
* @return vector normalizer
public static Vec3D getNormalizer(final Vec3D v) {
Vec3D vCoef = getScalingCoef(v).getReciprocal();
return vCoef;
* Returns a normalized vector to a max of 1 in either x, y or z axis
* @param v - vector
* @return normalized vector
public static Vec3D getNormalized(final Vec3D v) {
Vec3D normalized = v.scale(getNormalizer(v));
return normalized;
* Reorient a Vec3D to match the target up vector according to
* an original up vector and rotation axis
* @param v - vector
* @param centroid
* @param up - current up vector
* @param upTarget - target up vector
public static void reorient(Vec3D v, final Vec3D centroid, final Vec3D up, final Vec3D upTarget) {
if (!Vec3DUtils.isNormalized(v)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, v + " is not normalized. Might end up with incorrect rotation");
Vec3D translation = new Vec3D();
// X
if (Math.abs(up.x) == 1) {
// Change the centroid
translation.set(centroid.x, centroid.y, centroid.z);
// X = 1
if (up.x == 1) {
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.Z_AXIS, (float) -Math.PI/2);
// X = -1
else {
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.Z_AXIS, (float) Math.PI/2);
// Y
else if (Math.abs(up.y) == 1) {
translation.set(centroid.x, centroid.y, centroid.z);
// Y = 1
if (up.y == 1) {
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.Z_AXIS, (float) Math.PI);
// Y = -1
// Do nothing
// Z
else {
// Z = 1
if (up.z == 1) {
v.addSelf(new Vec3D(0, 0, -centroid.z*2));
translation.set(0, 0, 0f);
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.X_AXIS, (float) Math.PI/2);
//Z = -1
else {
translation.set(centroid.x, 0, centroid.z);
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.Y_AXIS, (float) Math.PI);
translation.set(0, 0, 0);
transpose(v, translation, Vec3D.X_AXIS, (float) Math.PI/2);
v.addSelf(0, 1f, 0);
* Reorient a Vec3D using a target up vector of 0, -1, 0
* and rotation around .5, .5, .5
* @param v - vector
* @param up - current up vector
public static void reorient(Vec3D v, final Vec3D up) {
Vec3D centroid = new Vec3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
Vec3D upTarget = new Vec3D(0, -1, 0);
reorient(v, centroid, up, upTarget);
* Transpose x,y,z using the given rotation around the given axis
* @param v - vector
* @param shift - vector (center of the rotation)
* @param xAxis
* @param rotation - rotation value
public static void transpose(Vec3D v, final Vec3D shift, final ReadonlyVec3D xAxis, final float rotation) {
v.rotateAroundAxis(xAxis, rotation);
* Swaps the axis according to up
* @param v vector
* @param up
public static void swap(Vec3D v, final Vec3D up) {
if (Math.abs(up.x) ==1) {
float tmp = v.x;
v.x = v.y;
v.y = tmp;
// y = up, nothing to do
// else if (Math.abs(up.y) == 1) {
// }
else if (Math.abs(up.z) == 1) {
float tmp = v.z;
v.z = v.y;
v.y = tmp;
* Returns the best graff scale, based on screen dimensions and ratio
* @param containerSize
* @param aspectRatio
* @param ratio
* @return vector
public static Vec3D getFitInside2DXY(final Vec3D containerSize, final Vec3D aspectRatio, final float ratio) {
float coef = 1;
Vec2D container2D = containerSize.to2DXY();
// Normalize for comparison
Vec2D containerAspectRatio2D = Vec2DUtils.getNormalized(container2D);
Vec2D aspectRatio2D = Vec2DUtils.getNormalized(aspectRatio.to2DXY());
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "container2D "+container2D);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "containerAspectRatio2D" +containerAspectRatio2D);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "aspectRatio2D" +aspectRatio2D);
// Portrait
if (Math.abs(containerAspectRatio2D.x - aspectRatio2D.x) <= .0000001f) {
if (containerAspectRatio2D.y >= aspectRatio2D.y) {
coef = containerSize.x;
else {
coef = containerSize.x * (containerAspectRatio2D.y / aspectRatio2D.y);
// Landscape
else if (Math.abs(containerAspectRatio2D.y - aspectRatio2D.y) <= .0000001f) {
if (containerAspectRatio2D.x >= aspectRatio2D.x) {
coef = containerSize.y;
else {
coef = containerSize.y * (containerAspectRatio2D.x / aspectRatio2D.x);
// Different orientation
// screen x && tag y == 1
else if (Math.abs(containerAspectRatio2D.x - aspectRatio2D.y) <= .0000001f) {
coef = containerSize.y;
// screen y && tag x == 1
else {
coef = containerSize.x;
coef *= ratio;
return aspectRatio.scale(coef);
// TODO getFitInside3D()