package gml4u.utils;
import gml4u.model.Gml;
import gml4u.model.GmlPoint;
import gml4u.model.GmlStroke;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import toxi.geom.AABB;
import toxi.geom.Vec2D;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
public class GmlUtils {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GmlUtils.class.getName());
* Check orientation consistency
* Returns true if the given vector complies with the up specs.
* It should have only two zeros and one 1 or -1
* @param up - Vec3D vector
* @return boolean
public static boolean isUpValid(Vec3D up) {
if (Math.abs(up.x) == 1 ^ Math.abs(up.y) == 1 ^ Math.abs(up.z) == 1) {
return true;
return false;
* Given a Gml object with a valid up vector
* Remaps all points to have a up vector of (0, -1, 0)
* @param gml - Gml
* @param force - boolean
public static void reorient(Gml gml, boolean force) {
Vec3D defaultUp = new Vec3D(0, -1, 0);
Vec3D up = null;
// Check from Gml
// TODO check if up is always set
// TODO if (!gml.environment.up.equals(null)) {
if (null != gml.environment.up) {
up = new Vec3D(gml.environment.up);
if (!isUpValid(up)) {
// Else force
else if (force) {
up = new Vec3D(defaultUp);
if (!up.equals(null)) {
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke: strokes) {
for(GmlPoint point: stroke.getPoints()) {
Vec3DUtils.reorient(point, up);
// Reorient all environment vectors
//Vec3DUtils.reorient(up, up);
if (null != gml.environment.origin) {
Vec3DUtils.reorient(gml.environment.origin, up);
if (null != gml.environment.offset) {
Vec3DUtils.reorient(gml.environment.offset, up);
// Reorient scaling vectors
Vec3DUtils.reorient(gml.environment.originalOriginShift, up);
Vec3DUtils.swap(gml.environment.originalAspectRatio, up);
Vec3DUtils.reorient(gml.environment.normalizedOriginShift, up);
Vec3DUtils.swap(gml.environment.normalizedAspectRatio, up);
if (null != gml.environment.realScale) {
Vec3DUtils.swap(gml.environment.realScale, up);
if (null != gml.environment.rotation) {
Vec3DUtils.swap(gml.environment.rotation, up);
if (null != gml.environment.screenBounds) {
Vec3DUtils.swap(gml.environment.screenBounds, up);
// No need to change anything inside brush as it seems
// to be relative to up.
* Returns the scaling coef to fit the tag within the screen based
* on their width/height ratios;
* @param screenRatio - Vec3D vector
* @param tagRatio - Vec3D vector
* @return Vec3D
public static Vec3D getScale(Vec3D screenRatio, Vec3D tagRatio) {
// Check if normalized
Vec3D scale = new Vec3D(1, 1, 1);
float coef;
if (screenRatio.to2DXY().magnitude() < tagRatio.to2DXY().magnitude()) {
coef = screenRatio.x * screenRatio.y;
else {
coef = tagRatio.x * tagRatio.y;
scale.set(coef, coef, coef);
return scale;
* Checks if the Gml striclty fits into the (0, 0, 0) (1, 1, 1) box
* @param gml - Gml
* @return boolean
public static boolean isNormalized(Gml gml) {
AABB refBox = AABB.fromMinMax(new Vec3D(0, 0, 0), new Vec3D(1, 1, 1));
AABB boundingBox = gml.getBoundingBox();
return boundingBox.equalsWithTolerance(refBox, 0.0000001f);
* Normalizes the Gml to fit within 0-1 for every axis
* without keeping the aspect ratio which is stored in
* a scaling Vec3D
* @param gml - Gml
public static void normalize(Gml gml) {
// TODO check that z is not too large
// Dustag exceeds 1 for z
// Remap all points to fit within a min of 0, 0, 0 and a max of 1, 1, 1
//<name>Graffiti Analysis 2.0: DustTag</name>
// Case by case normalization
//Rescale all Z for Graffiti Analysis 2.0: DustTag
// Get BoundingBox
AABB boundingBox = gml.getBoundingBox();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "bounding box before scaling"+ boundingBox.getMin() + " " + boundingBox.getMax());
// Get bounding box min for later substraction
Vec3D originShift = boundingBox.getMin();
// Original aspect ratio of the tag
Vec3D originalAspectRatio = boundingBox.getExtent().scale(2);
// Used to scale the tag to a max of 1 on the longest axis
Vec3D scaling = originalAspectRatio.getReciprocal();
// Remap all points to fit within a min of 0, 0, 0 and a max of 1, 1, 1
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
//for(GmlPoint point: points) {
// Fix NaN
//if (point.x != point.x) point.x = 0;
//if (point.y != point.y) point.y = 0;
//if (point.z != point.z) point.z = 0;
for(int i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
GmlPoint p = points.get(i);
// Fix NaN
if (p.x != p.x || p.y != p.y || p.z != p.z) {
else {
points.set(i, p);
// Normalize z axis
// Get max z
boundingBox = gml.getBoundingBox();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "bounding box after rescale"+ boundingBox.getMin() + " " + boundingBox.getMax());
float maxZ = boundingBox.getMax().z;
if(maxZ > 1) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Z axis too long. Rescaling to fit 0-1");
// Else remap between 0 and 1
for (GmlStroke strok : gml.getStrokes()) {
float nPoints = strok.getPoints().size();
for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
strok.getPoints().get(i).z = strok.getPoints().get(i).z/maxZ;
boundingBox = gml.getBoundingBox();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "bounding box after z axis correction"+ boundingBox.getMin() + " " + boundingBox.getMax());
// Store the aspect ratio and origin for reverse scaling
// Any point can then be rescaled to original value by doing:
// Normalize (max of 1 for the longest axis) both
// aspect ratio and origin shift
Vec3D normalizer = Vec3DUtils.getNormalizer(originalAspectRatio);
Vec3D normalizedOriginShift = originShift.scale(normalizer);
Vec3D normalizedAspectRatio = originalAspectRatio.scale(normalizer);
* Ensures there is a minimum/maximum number of points in a Stroke
* @param gml - Gml
* @param interval - float
// TODO lightWeight
public static void lightWeight(Gml gml, float interval) {
* Makes the Gml fit into a certain duration.<br>
* If the <i>keepRatio</i> parameter is true or if the original duration
* is zero, then time is split across all layers, strokes and points.<br/>
* If not forced and if the original duration is not zero, then the
* time is mapped by keeping the original interval ratio between each point.
* @param gml - Gml
* @param duration - float
* @param keepRatio - boolean
public static void timeBox(Gml gml, float duration, boolean keepRatio) {
float currentDuration = gml.getDuration();
// Force an equal interval of time between each point
if (!keepRatio || currentDuration == 0) {
int nbPoints = gml.totalPoints();
float step = duration/nbPoints;
float currentTime = step;
// Loop through all layers/strokes/points
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
point.time = currentTime;
currentTime += step;
// Do a mapping between the original duration and the new one
// by keeping the interval ratio between each point.
else if (currentDuration > 0) {
float startTime = gml.getStartTime();
// Loop through all layers/strokes/points
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
point.time =, startTime, currentDuration, 0.000000001f, duration);
if(point.time != point.time) {
point.time = 0;
* Returns true if the GML is landscape oriented (wider than high)
* Takes the GML orientation into account (the Z axis is not taken into account)
* @param gml
* @return boolean
public static boolean isLandscapeOriented(Gml gml) {
Vec3D up = new Vec3D(gml.environment.up);
Vec2D boundingRect = gml.getBoundingRect();
if (boundingRect.x > boundingRect.y) {
return Math.abs(up.y) == 1 ? true : false;
else {
return Math.abs(up.y) == 1 ? false : true;
// TODO stats() get all info about the drawing