package gml4u.utils;
import gml4u.model.Gml;
import gml4u.model.GmlPoint;
import gml4u.model.GmlStroke;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import toxi.geom.AABB;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;
public class GmlHomogenizer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GmlHomogenizer.class.getName());
private static final String CLIENT_GRAFANALYSIS = "Graffiti Analysis";
private static final String CLIENT_FATTAG = "Fat Tag";
private static final String CLIENT_MTAGGER_FIELD_REC = "mtaggerFieldRec";
* Fixes the coordinates issues identified in the various Gml recording apps
* or specific to previous Gml spec versions
* @param gml - Gml
public static void autoFix(Gml gml) {
/* Fix some Gml recorders issues
Fat Tag - Katsu Edition Version 1.0
-> 1 to 1
-> Scale back with screenBounds
String client = gml.client.getString("name");
if (CLIENT_FATTAG.equalsIgnoreCase(client)) {
// Do nothing
// Normalized to 1 - 1
// Scale with screenbounds
// Tag aspect ratio * screen aspect ratio
// Get a normalized screenBound and scale all points using this
Vec3D screenScale = Vec3DUtils.getNormalized(gml.environment.screenBounds);
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
Graffiti Analysis v2.0 DustTag
-> 1 to more
-> Already scaled
-> Except z is fucked
else if (client.indexOf(CLIENT_GRAFANALYSIS) > -1) {
// Reduce z
// Normalize
// Get max z from normalized screenBounds
Vec3D screenScale = Vec3DUtils.getNormalized(gml.environment.screenBounds);
AABB boundingBox = gml.getBoundingBox();
// Remap all points' z coords so they fit between 0 and 0.25
// Might not be super accurate but good enough
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
point.z =, boundingBox.getMin().z, boundingBox.getMax().z, 0, .25f);
if (point.z != point.z) point.z = 0;
} else if ( CLIENT_MTAGGER_FIELD_REC.equalsIgnoreCase(client)) {
// 8 bit processor can't normalize, too much floating point math
// so we fix it here
float minx = 10000, miny = 10000, maxx = -10000, maxy = -10000;
List<GmlStroke> strokes = (List<GmlStroke>) gml.getStrokes();
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
if(point.x > maxx) maxx = point.x;
if(point.y > maxy) maxy = point.y;
if(point.x < minx) minx = point.x;
if(point.y < miny) miny = point.y;
float yrange = maxy - miny;
float xrange = maxx - minx;
for (GmlStroke stroke : strokes) {
List<GmlPoint> points = stroke.getPoints();
for(GmlPoint point: points) {
point.x -= minx;
point.x /= xrange;
point.y -= miny;
point.y /= yrange;